2、N透平公司产品。其驱动电动机为ABB公司三相交流同步电动机。电动机参数:Pe=13500kW Ue=10 000V Ie=882A Ne=1500r/min Mq/Me=0.96GD2= 10272N.m2。由于2x28000万Nm3/h空分设备计算负荷为58620kW,直接从1#总降站供10kV电压电源已经不能满足2x28000万Nm3/h空分设备用电要求和13500kW同步电动启动要求。因此需在氧气厂建35 kV变电所,专为2×28000Nm3/h空分设备供电。目前,电动机启动形式有三种:一是变频软启动;二是全压启动;三是降压启动。对于大容量变频软启动电气设备需要进口,费用很高,
5、5kV母线系统电抗:X*M=Sj/Smax=0.1613最小方式35kV母线系统电抗:X*m=Sj/Smin=0.24096电缆电抗:X*L=X2×L2×Sj/U D2=0.12×1×100/372=0.0088变压器电抗:Pe=135000kW氧气厂35kV站35kV10kVBS m ax=620MVAS m in=415MVAL=1000mQ=63000kVAUk%=121#总降站35kVXsXLXb29X*b=Uk%/100×Sj/Q=12/100×100/63=0.19最大方式总电抗值:X*=0.1613+0.0088+0.1
6、9=0.360576最小方式总电抗值:X*m=0.24096+0.0088+0.19=0.439762.1.3短路电流及短路容量最大方式I=Ij×1/X*=15.249kASmax=1/X*M×Sj=277.33MVA最小方式Im=Ij×1/X*m=12.503kASmin=1/X*m×Sj=227.396MVA13500kW同步电动机10kV母线最大短路容量277.33MVA。最小短路容量227.396MVA。2.2全压启动计算Kjq×Se(Sd+Q fh母线允许85%电压时6×13.5<0.175(227.4+4.28(U*
7、m=0.85=1/0.85-1=0.1758140.544母线允许70%电压时6×13.5<0.429(227.4+4.28(U*m=0.7=1/0.7-1=0.42981<99.39式中:Kjq额定电压,电动机启动电流倍数。Se电动机额定容量,MVA。Q fh母线上负荷的无功功率,Mvar。Sde供电系统短路容量,MVA。U*m母线允许电压标幺指。3串电液变阻启动仿真3.1仿真基本数据电动机额定电压:10kV电动机额定容量:13500kW电动机额定电流:882A电动机额定转速:1500r/min电动机堵转电流与额定电流比:设为3.28电动机额定电压下空载定子电流:0.2
8、×Ie=176A电动机额定电压下最大转矩与额定值比:1.67电动机全压启动时电磁转矩与额定值比:0.96电网额定电压:10.5kV转动惯量:10272N.m2仿真时间:50s电液箱电阻特性转折时刻:35s对应每一时刻电阻值:(2.6,1.8,0$电动机允许堵转时间:10s3.2计算结果电液最后温升度数:5.699最大电流:1549A(约为1.8倍额定电流最大电网压降:990.166V(约为9.4%启动时间:27s电液变阻一次接线图见图2。图24结论4.1通过计算,13500kW同步电动机全压启动时,10 kV母线压降超过85%,达到70%以上。这在空分工艺上是不允许的,所以全压启动方
9、式不可行。4.213500kW同步电动机采取电液变阻启动方式, 10kV母线压降90.6%,符合空分工艺。投资省(电液变阻成套电气设备约40万,并且有不产生谐波、调试方便和易于维护等优点。4.2我公司2×28000Nm3/h万空分装置的空压机同步电动机启动方式采取电液变阻启动方式是首选方式。(收稿2006-7-20责编崔建华作者简介李志慧,男,1980年8月毕业于天津冶金工业学校自动化专业,工程师,现在天津钢铁有限公司设计部从事电气工程设计工作。10kV1DL2DL1QK RSABSTRACTSTIANJIN METALLURGY Aug.2006No.4Total No.135In
10、novation Creates the Landmark of Tianjin Iron&Steel IndustryReport of Tiangang Moving Eastwards ProjectDiscussion of Technique Problems for SWRH82B Steel in SmeltingWang YongranAbstract:By analyzing the technique data of SWRH82B steel making at Tianjin Iron&Steel Co.Ltd,some improving measur
11、ements on how to realize the high carbon and low phos-phor of the smelting end and optimize the procedure for con-verter have been put out.Key words:smelting;converter;composition;dephosphor; techniquePractice of Development of Grade N80Non-quenching& Tempering Casing Steel for ConverterGao Shur
12、ong Wang YongranAbstract:The technical characteristics and technological flow of grade N80non-quenching&tempering casing steel produced by Tianjin Iron&Steel Co.,Ltd are introduced.The practice shows the chemical composition and mechanical prop-erty reach the standard and make the users sati
13、sfactory.Key words:converter;non-quenching&tempering steel; casing;refined melting;chemical composition;technique;devel-opmentPractice of Intensified Smelting of2000m3BF at Tian-gangSu QingjieAbstract:The course of intensified smelting of2000m3BF at Tiangang is analyzed and summarized.With incre
14、ment of furnace intensity,the measurements have been taken,such as charging beneficiated burden,optimizing air blast system,dis-tributing rationally gas flow and injecting oxygen-rich pulver-ized coal blast to raise coke ratio and coal ratio up to375kg/t. Fe and149kg/t.Fe respectively and BF utiliza
15、tion ratio up to 2.51.High and stable production is ensured and the intensified smelting is smoothly carried out.Key words:BF;burden;blast volumn;blast temperature;coal injection;practiceCause Analysis and Improving Measurement of Low Temperature Storage Flow during Common Carbon Steel for Billet an
16、d Round Billet Continuous CastingWang Baoming Wang Wenhui Zhang Yuhai Abstract:By analyzing the storage flow at the beginning pro-duction of the steel making plant of Tianjin Iron and Steel Co. Ltd,the temperature drop and influencing factors are found out and the improving measurement is put forth
17、leading to reduc-tion of out-casting from low temperature storage flow and age flow;temperature drop;continuous casting heatsAnalysis and Treatment of Synchronous Hydraulic up and down Troubles of Intermediate Tundish Carriage for Billet CasterCui YidongAbstract:The cause of synchronous hydraulic up
18、 and down troubles of intermediate tundish carriage for billet caster is an-alyzed.The trouble is found by means of exclusive method and the resolving method is put forward.Key words:caster;intermediate tundish carriage;hydraulic cylinder;hydraulic motor;over flow valve;troubleTrial Rolling of Hot-r
19、olled65Mn Narrow Strip Steel Cui XiaohangAbstract:A new strip steel developed in Strip Steel Plant of Tianjin Iron&Steel Co.,Ltd i.e.quality carbon strip steel rolled from65Mn spring steel strip steel and the rolling tech-nology are introduced.The existing problem during the trial rolling is sum
20、marized and the improving measurement is put forward.Key words:rolling;narrow strip steel;spring steel;techno-logical flowDiscussion of the BF Keeper Tapping Machine Modifica-tionZhang XiaomingAbstract:The cause of abnormal BF production pre-keeper tapping machine modification of2000m3BF at Tianjin
21、Iron& Steel Co.Ltd is discussed.By modifying the rotating borer de-vice,pneumatic change valve,air tubes and aerial fog cooling system of drill rod,the trouble rate of keeper tapping machine is greatly reduced and the good economic benefit gained.Key words:tapping machine;striking machine;impact
22、 power; rotating borer power;aerial fog cooling system;filteringAC-DC-AC Frequency Controlled Speed Regulating Sys-tem of Screwdown Motor of Plate Roughing Mill in Tian-gang GroupYuan ShuningAbstract:The screwdown system of four-roll reversing roughing mill in Tiangang Group requires high control pr
23、eci-sion,the speed control of screwdown motor is the key factor. The technological requirement and technical parameter of screwdown motor and AC-DC-AC frequency controlled speed regulating system are introduced.The system can meet the con-trol requirement of screwdown motor of roughing mill.Key word
24、s:roughing mill;screwdown device;motor;frequency controlled speed regulating system;vector control Calculation and Analysis of Starting Mode of Sychronous32006年第4期总第135期Li ZhihuiAbstract:The drive motor of air compressor in2×28000 Nm3/h oxygenerator in Tiangang Group is three-phase AC motor wit
25、h three starting modes.By calculating and analyzing,the starting mode of13500kW synchronous motor adopts electro-hydraulic rheostat and results in90.6percent of the voltage drop of10kV bus,that meets requirement of air seperation technology,and advantages,such as no harmonic wave and easy readjustin
26、g and maintaining.Key words:air compressor;motor;starting;short-circuit vol-ume;bus voltage drop;calculationAnalysis of Short-Circuit Accident of Transformer for 10kV BF Converting StationChu AiqiuAbstract:In view of the three-phase short circuit accident resulted from mouse entering the transformer
27、 room,several rea-sons are analyzed.The short circuit current calculation shows the rated thermal stability current of former current mutual in-ductor is too small.Using the new type current mutual inductor and enhancing the insulated protection of bus removes the trouble hidden and ensures the powe
28、r running safety.Key words:tranformer;BF;short circuit current;heat effi-ciency;accident;analysisChecking and Calculating of Gear Intensity of Speed In-creasing Box for810DA3Air CompressorDai JunAbstract:According to the frequent oscillation of high-speed axle of speed increasing box,the gear streng
29、th is checked.The result shows that gear of speed increasing box can meet the re-quirement of contact strength and bend strength providing the reliable theoretic basis for the removal of trouble hidden.Key words:air compressor;speed increasing box;gear; strength;checkingDiscussion on Application of
30、the High Speed Steel Roll Ring and RollWei YixiangAbstract:The application of high speed steel roll ring in the High Speed Wire Rods Plant of Tiangang Group is introduced. By comparison of merits and demerits of tungsten carbide roll ring with high speed steel one,the utilization possibility of high
31、 speed steel roll ring and roll in steel-rolling factories is put forth.Key words:mill;high speed steel;hard alloy;roll ring;rolling; applicationImplementation of Automatic Control Procedure for Full Fuel Industrial Steam BoilerYang ZhirongAbstract:Combined with the computerized control system of 14
32、t/h boiler in Tianjin Iron&Steel Corporation,its working principle,the important control circuits and implementation methods for each control key are discussed.Key words:industrial steam boiler;negative pressure of hearth;steam pressure;flux;frequency change control;computer matic Control System
33、 of Gas CleaningBing Jinwen Miao Zhijun Zhao YonggangAbstract:The structure of CITECT monitoring software and the realization of control functions of automatic control system of gas cleaning are introduced.After putting into operation,the system runs steadily with good effect.Key words:gas;cleaning;
34、automatic control;monitoring soft-ware;functionStudy on Determination of Vanadium and Titanium Ele-ment in Vanadium Titano-magnetite with ICP-MES MethodYan Xuehui Zhang QianlinAbstract:The testing condition of vanadium and titanium ele-ment in vanadium titano-magnetite with ICP-MES method is studied
35、 during experiment.The sample is dissolved with the sealed high pressure resolution method and elements deter-mined by selecting the optimum analysis spectrum line and suitable apparatus.The result shows very small interference a-mong the co-existing elements and error less than2%to the standard and
36、95%105%mark recovery rate.The method is rapid and simple with accurate analysis result.Key words:spectrograph;vanadium titano-magnetite;ele-ment;test;sample;analysis;studyProblems to Be Paid Attention in the Analysis of Suspen-sion of Metallurgical Waste WaterBian Lihuai Zhai RulingAbstract:The problems of representativity of water sample, constant
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