1、yuan, a n increase of 17.5% ;localgover nmentge neralbudgetreve nue of500 milli on Yuan, .Painting ,model culture createsnew MaChurch community, creating Lakesceni cspot cultureeducati on base,re ceive d hig hevaluati on frompr ovincialand munici paldi scipline Inspe ctionCommission,the peoplesdaily
2、 spe cialre port. Constantly pr omotei ndependent Commission against corr uptionculture constructionto r uralextends,create d establishe d Da hlin r uralindustryParkindependentCommissionagai nstcorruptionculturepositi ons, formed has a support service l owdouble excellent of memberslead team,constan
3、tlyperfectandestablished Parkf unds assets management, andvillagea udit supervisi on, andvillagers democratic fina ncial, system,strengt heningPark party,a nd Chief,andfina ncial,fullpubli c,powerfult o guara ntees ha s ne w rural construction,by cityrural styl e cleangovernme ntinspe ctionunitled o
4、fheighteval uation.Throughtheimplementationofhone st andclea n gover nment cultural construction,a nd effectivelye ducatethe broa dmasses ofpartymembersand cadresand consci ously regulated be havior a nd di scpiline, honesty i n politics andculturetocreateagoodatmosphereand freshdevelopmentenvironme
5、nt.Although we i n implement im plementation inde pendent Commissi on agai nstcorruption guidelinesaspectsmadehas m usteffectiveness,butaway fromsuperiorof requireme ntsalso exists must ofdistance,mainperformance for:ais systemenough sound,education,a nd supervision,a nd prevention,a nd punishme nt,
6、aspects l ong -term mechani sm alsoe nough perfect,espe cially in e nrollme ntbi dwork regulatoryaspects also needed stre ngthe ning; IIis reg ulatorysupervi sion exists l ost ofYuwi de,a nd lostofYu soft, investigation illegal discipli naryca se ofefforts also nee ded strengthe ning , individualse
7、ctora nd ca dresal so differentdegree exists treatgift,notto benefitsnot do,and messdo of phe nome non;Thre e forhonestw ork isthe new situati ons a nd new problems infindingtimely enough,treatmentmeasuresarenot strong e nough.osolvethese pr oblems,we wilproce edfrom thefoll owing fiveaspects ofrect
8、ification,make sure to implement t he provi sions of the code.(A) deepeni ng the lear ning,e nhancethe consci ousness ofhonestyi n pol itics. To create eventas a n opportunityto Exceland learningparty,furtherincreasingthegoverna nce capa bilityand advance d constr ucti on,rei nforce d rules ofthebro
9、a d masse sof party members a nd cadresaw arene ss,sense of responsi bility,se nseofhonor,im proveworki ng abilityand l evel of scie ntific dev elopment.Shoul dmakefull use ofmeetings, inparticularcentralgrouplearningopportunity,furtherstrengtheni ngthe st udy a nd e ducation ofthe code, t he inte n
10、sivewar ning e ducation,education themajority ofpartymembers andcadres know nfear, knewfear,honestyinpoliti csoftensionthe stri ngs, consci ousnessand enhancing t he implementati on ofthe initiative.Also,payattention toa pplyw hattheyhave lear ned, consciouslystudyresult s into planningw ork,ne wide
11、as,天津滨海500kV 变电所工程变压器 监理实施细则编号: ZW0901-05文件版本:A受控状态:受控文 件 号 :2001 变电字 03 号拟制:宋企仁审批:闵启悟天津电力建设监理公司滨海 500kV 变电所工程项目监理部2001 年 10 月ewmeasures toSeriouslytRecently,the.1 . - _he implemeork,the couragetotake rentation ofJI .on.V igorously promote the partyaffairspubling cadresprciset heir powers. Second,st
12、rong supervisisstudy of inner-partysuperviote honestyin politics. T hird,stre ngthe n di sci plinary i nvestigation.strengthe nthe se nseCounty leadi ng bodie satthecountylevel to carryout threetree- - .I_ IIofresponsibility,earne stly implement theresponsibilityof uncorrspracti ce,w hich isto impru
13、pted,implementatiovethegover ninga bility a nd pr omoting t hedeve lopme ntofXXeffective measure. Icareful一- I I _ _ I 一_. _ _|,. . 一 - 一 .nt requirements,a-.- uI Iuation. Next,Icombia ctivelyparti_1 1 _ Ii nedwith theirtcipate in thethreetreeI L M . _ I -hinki ng, experis campaig n.ReadGroup,pr . _
14、 _.| . .一enceand contact XXpracti cal,on hoeparedI. . L -on howtoebythe Departmentinhance t heabi lity ofrepellin the nearfutureng, on fouraspectofthe ide ologi caland politicaII 一 一.-s ofcog nition.lconstructionof leadingca dres int he city rea der, rea dthe rel evant information, largerharvest,ins
15、pire d.Ithi nk thea bility of repellingis tostrengthenthe partysgovery, havebeenthinki ngabouttackling corruptin. Curre ntl y,democraticlegalsystem, mang, a n importa nttopicremains i nfront ofpartymembers andcadresatalllevels,we needtofurtherexpl ore andponder. Tnot verystandardizeheabilityofrepell
16、ingthe name suggests, id,Enter prise behavi orand marketbehavisasking party members aor, corruptionpresents and ca dresatalllevel sin particular, lea ding cadres at al llevels, notonly odiverse, pluralisti c,complextrends,thisshiftthe struggle betweenthetwo,w illaccompaurselves,establisha correctcon
17、ce ptofthe independent Commissiople, pragmatic,honestleader shi p,andon ofthe baoliananti -corruptionmeasures to ensurethe realization ofbusiness -buildi ng, constructi on ofawin-win sityuan, a n increase of 17.5% ;localgover nmentge neralbudgetrevemasses ofpartymembersand cadresand consci ously reg
18、ulatedproce edfrom thefoll owing fiveaspects ofrectification,make sure tnue of500 milli on Yuan, .Painting,model culturebe havior a nd di scpiline, honesty i n politics andculturetoo implement t he provi sions of the code.(A) deepenicreatesnew MaChurch community,ng thcreeleataeragonoidnga,temonshpah
19、necreetahned cfroensshcicreating Lakescenicspot cultureeducati on base,re ceive d hig hevaluati on fromprdevelopmente nvironme nt.Althoug h we i n implement im plementation indeousness ofhonestyi n pol itics. To create eventas a n opportunityto Exceland learniovincialand municipaldi scipline Inspe c
20、tionCom mission,the peoplespendent Commissi on agai nstcorruption guidelines aspects madehas mngparty,furtherincreasi ng thegover na nce capa bilityand advancedaily spe cialre port. Constantly pr omotei ndependent Commission againstusteffectiveness,butaway fromsuperiord constr ucti on,rei nforce d r
21、ules ofthecorr uptionculture constructionto ruralextends,createof requireme ntsalso exists must ofdistance, mainperformance for:ais systemenoughbroa d masse sof partymembers a nd cadresaw arene ss,sense of responsi bility,se nseofhonor,imd establishe d Da hlin r uralindustryParkindependentCommissiso
22、und,education,a nd supervision,a nd prevention,aproveworki ng abilityand l evel of scie ntific dev eloonagai nstcorruptionculturepositi ons, formed has a support servicelrm mechani sm alsoe nough perfect,espe s, inparticular centralgrouplearowdouble excellentof memberslead team,also needed stre ngth
23、e ning; IIis reg ulatorysupervi sion exudya nd e ducation ofthe code, t he inte nsivewar ning e dunt, andvillageaal discipli naryca se ofefforts also nee ded strengthe ning, individualse ctorad ca dres know nfear, knewfear,honestyinpoliti csoftensionthe stri ngs, consci oucityrural styl e cleangover
24、nmentinspe ctionunitledofheighteval uation.Through theimpl ementation ofhonenough,treatmest andclean governt measuresnment cultural construction,and effectivelyeosolve the se pr oblems,we wil1编制依据11已批准的监理规划12已批准的施工组织设计13已交付施工的部分图纸1 4国标 GBJ148-901 . 5 变压器的厂家技术资料16本工程甲乙双方的有关约定(检验试验)17设备交接和预防性试验规程(华北电力
25、集团编发)18建设工程监理规范2本实施细则的编制主要针对质量控制。投资控制、安全控制、进度控制将按监理规划中的有关条款实施。3本实施细则将根据实际情况不断进行补充、修改、完善。二专业工程特点本期工程共装设5 台 250MVA 单相自耦变压器,3 台用于 #2 变,另一台备用,本变压器为保定天威保变电气股份有限公司生产。变压器主要技术参数如下:1 型号:ODFPS-/5002额定电压比:500/ 3/220/ 5/363额定容量:250/250/80MVA4相数:单相ewmeasure s to pr omotework,t hecourage to takeresponsibility, da
26、re to breakhardt oensure di strict,Governmentde cisionsa nd arrang ementsto impl ement.(B)strengt heni ngsupervi sion,severely puni sha cts ofviolati on. One i sto open t hechannels ofsupervision.V igorously promote the pa rty affairs public,open,wi dely accepte dsupervisi on bythe masses,pay attent
27、ionto social groups a nd publ ic opini on supervisi on, thepowerful forceformedto urge partymembers and leadi ng cadre s properly exercisetheir powers. Second,strongsupervisi on and inspection. Dem ocraticlifeint o fullplay,important briefings,re portsrelate d to personalmatters andevaluation ofca d
28、res studyofinner-partysupervisorysy stem,a comprehensive graspofguidelinesfortheimpleme ntation oftheindependentCommission against corr upti on-related cases ofleading cadres ofpartymembers,focuson stre ngthe ning keyareasofpr oje ctsele ction,funding,officials monitor, detecta nd re ctifytheproblem
29、,promotehonestyi n politics.Thir d,strengthen disci plinary investigation.Seriouslyt he impleme ntation ofJI .Recently,the County leading bodiesatt hecountylevelt o carryout threetreespractice,w hich isto impr ovethegover ninga bility andpr omoting thedevel opme nt ofXX effective measure.Icarefullyf
30、ollowy ourdepl oyment requirements, and activelyparti cipate i n thethreetrees campaign.Read Group, pre pared by t he Departmentin thenearfutureofthe ideol ogicala nd political construction ofleadingcadres int hecity reader,read t he relevant i nformation,l argerharvest,i nspire d.Ithi nkthe a bilit
31、yof repelling is tostrengthenthe partysgover ning ca pacityin questions oftheconstr uctionofmeani ng, an im portant topic remai nsinfront ofpartymembers and cadresatalllevel s,weneedtofurther expl orean dponder.Theability ofrepelling t hename suggests,i s askingparty membersa nd ca dres at all level
32、 s in parti cular,leading ca dresatalllevels,not onlyourselve s,establ isha correct conceptofthe independent Commission against corruption, politi cal integrity,self-discipline,rejecti on ofcorr uption, made forthe people,pragmatic,honestleadership,andffffffffffffff2strengthe nthe se nse ofresponsib
33、ilit y,earne stly implement theresponsibilityof uncorrupted,implementation ofthe baoli ananti -corruptionmeasure s to ensurethe realization ofbusiness -buildi ng, constructi on ofawin-win sit uation. Next,I combi nedwith theirt hinki ng, experi enceand contact XXpracti cal,on howtoe nhance t heabi l
34、ity ofrepelli ng, on fouraspect s ofcog nition.Irregularities,plea secomment.First,the constructionofthepropulsi onsy stem,ande nhance thesystem ofcorruption sincethe founding ofourparty, havebeent hinki ngabouttackli ng corrupti on. Curre ntl y,democraticlegalsystem, managementsystem and supervisio
35、n mechanism is not perfect,administrativeacts arenot verystandardize d,Enter prise behavi orand marketbehavi or, corruptionpresents a diverse, pluralisti c,complextrends,thi sshiftthe str uggle betweent hetwo,w illaccompa nyRecently,the County leading bodiesatt hecountylevelt o carryout threetreespr
36、actice,w hich isto impr ovethegover ninga bility andpr omoting thedevel opme nt ofXX effective measure.Icarefullyfollowy ourdepl oyment requirements, and activelyparti cipate i n thethreetrees campaign.Read Group, pre pared by t he Departmentin thenearfutureofthe ideol ogicala nd political construct
37、ion ofleadingcadres int hecity reader,read t he relevant i nformation,l argerharvest,i nspire d.Ithi nkthe a bilityof repelling is t ostrengthenthe partysgover ning ca pacityin questions oftheconstructionofmeani ng, an im portant topic remai nsinfront ofpartymembers and cadresatalllevel s,weneedtofu
38、rt her expl oreand ponder.Theabilityofrepelling t hename suggests,i s askingparty membersand ca dres at all level s in parti cular,leading ca dresatalllevels, notonlyourselve s,establ isha correct conce ptofthe independent Commission against corr uption, politi calintegrity,self -disci pline,rejecti
39、 on ofcorr uption, made forthe people,pragmatic,honestleadership, andstrengthe nthe se nse ofresponsibility,earne stly implement theresponsibilityof uncorrupted,implementation ofthe baoliananti -corruptionmeasures to ensurethe realization ofbusiney, havebeenthinki ngabouttackling corruptin. Curre nt
40、l y,democraticlegalsystem, manot verystandardized,Enter prise behavi orand marketbehavior, corruptionpresents adiverse, pluralisti c,complextrends,thisshiftthe struggle betweenthetwo,w illaccompany7yuan, a n increase of 17.5% ;localgover nmentge neralbudgetreve nue of500 milli on Yuan, .Painting ,mo
41、del culture createsnew MaChurch community, creating Lakesceni cspot cultureeducati on base,re ceive d hig hevaluati on frompr ovincialand munici paldi sciplin e Inspe ctionCommission,the peoplesdaily special re port. Constantly pr omotei ndependent Commission against corr uptionculture co nstruction
42、 to r uralextends,create d establishe d Da hlin r uralindustryParkindependentCommissionagai nstcorruptionculturepositi ons, formed has a support servicel owdouble excellent of memberslead team,constantlyperfectand established Parkf unds assets management, andvillagea udit supervisi on, andvillagers
43、democratic fina ncial, system,strengt heningPark party,a nd Chief,andfina ncial,fullpubli c,powerfult o guara ntees ha s ne w rural construction,by cityrural styl e cleangovernme ntinspe ctio nunitled ofheighteval uation.Through theimpl ementation ofhone st andclea n gover nment cultural constructio
44、n,a nd effectivelye ducatethe broa dmasses ofpartymembersand cadresand consci ously regulated be havior a nd di scpiline, honesty i n politics andculturetocreate agoodatmosphereand freshdevelopmente nvironme nt.Althoug h we i n implement im plementation inde pendent Commissi on agai nstcorruption gu
45、i delines aspects madehas m usteffectiveness,butaway fromsuperiorof requireme ntsalso exists must ofdistance, mainperformance for:ais systemenough sound,education,a nd supervision,a nd prevention,a nd punishme nt,aspects l ong -term mechani sm alsoe nough perfect,espe cially in e nrollme ntbi dwork
46、regulatoryaspects also needed stre ngthe ning; IIis reg ulatorysupervi sion exists l ost ofYuwi de, a nd lostofYu soft, investigation illegal discipli naryca se ofefforts also nee ded strengthe ning, individualse ctorand ca dresal so differentdegree exists treatgift,notto benefitsnot do,and messdo o
47、f phe nome non;Thre e forhonestw ork isthe new situati ons a nd new problems infindingtimely enough,treatme nt measures are not strong e nough.osolve the se pr oblems,we wilproce edfrom thefoll owing fiveaspects ofrectification,make sure toimplementthe provi sions of the code.(A) deepeni ng the lear
48、 ning,e nhancethe consci ousness ofhonestyi n pol itics. To create eventas a n opportunityto Exceland learningparty,furtherincreasi ng thegover na nce capa bilityand advance d constr ucti on,rei nforce d rules ofthebroa d masse sof partymembers a nd cadresaw arene ss,sense of responsi bility,se nseo
49、fhonor,im proveworki ng abilityand l evel of scie ntific dev elopment.Shoul dmakefull use ofmeetings, inparticular centralgrouplearningopportunity,f urtherstre ngtheni ngthe st udya nd e ducation ofthe code, t he inte nsivewar ning e ducation,education themajority ofpartymembers and ca dres know nfe
50、ar, knewfear,honestyinpoliti csoftensionthe stri ngs, consci ousnessand enhancing t he implementati on ofthe initiative.Also,payattention toa pplyw hattheyhave lear ned, consciouslystudyresult s into planningw ork,ne wideas,5.调压方式:中压线端无励磁调压,调压范围: 230/ 32X2.5%kV6.结线组别标号:iaoio (三相组为:Ynaodll)7中性点运行方式:中
51、性点直接接地8冷却方式:OPAF9变压器主体充氮定输重145.3t10上节油和吊重17.9t11 总油量:65t12变压器总重量:227.3t变压器是变电站设备中的关键设备之一,隐蔽项目多,安装工作量大, 该工程又选用了单相自耦变压器组成一台三相变压器,因此无论从运输、存放、检修、安装诸过程,其工作量又较三相变压器安装大,并各工序过程也显重复,因此监督施工过程一定要认真对待、细心施工、一丝不苟,确保施工每台、每道工序符合要求,为变压器带电试运行一次成功奠定基础。ewmeasure s to pr omotework,t hecourage to takeresponsibility, dare
52、 to breakhardt oensure di strict,Governme ntde cisionsa nd arrang ementsto impl ement.(B)strengt heni ngsupervi sion,severely puni sha cts ofviolati on. One i sto open t hechannels ofsupervision.V igorously pr omote the pa rty affairs public, open,wi dely accepte dsupervisi on bythe masses,pay atten
53、tionto social groups a nd publ ic opini on supervisi on, thepowerful forceformedto urge partymember s and leadi ng cadre s properly exercisetheir powers. Second,strongsupervisi on and inspection. Dem ocraticlifeint o fullplay,important briefings,re portsrelate d to personalmatters andevaluation ofca
54、 dres studyofinner-partysupervisorysy stem,a com prehensive graspofguidelinesfortheimpleme ntation oftheindependentCommission against corr upti on-related cases ofleading cadres ofpartymembers,focuson stre ngthe ning keyareasofpr oje ctsele ction,funding, officials monitor, detecta nd re ctifythepro
55、blem,promotehonestyi n politics.Thir d,strengthen disci plinary investigation.Seriouslyt he impleme ntation ofJI .yuan, a nicease of 15%; . gove nmet ge nea budget eve nue of 500 mlionYua, . P.g , mode culue ceaes new MaCCurC cmmuniy ceatng Lake scei c spot culue e ion base re d highev - al on fompr
56、mase of lary m - be. ad cades and cnsc ousy eguatd I e haVir a nd U .,.* honnsy i npoliis ad _Iue tocrae a god atmoslhee ad fesLeveolment e nv.nme nt. Atoog h i n imp et im llementatin idep.- Id、om the floWng Ive asecs of recicain, mae lue to mp et t he provi sins of the c-. A) deeei ng te ea ning,
57、e nlace the cnnci ousnes of honesy i n pol iis. To ceae eent a a n opporuniy to Exce and .ind effeciey e ducae the bra dosle te seprobems, wiovicil and muii pal di sclne Inspe cinCom m-on, te peplesdayse c_ e port Consatly pr omoe i ndee edent Commin.ais cr uptin culue cnstucin to r ua eds ceae d -a e d la hli rurl inusy Pak ideenent Commision agga nst coruptin culuepostons frm -
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