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1、精品文档2021.年高中英语Unitl Festivals around the world练习题新人教版必修3一.单词1. It' s impossible to satisfy that hunger for more, because our culture i s not satisfied with what we have, but i s geared to want i ng more (sat i sfy) 2. The mother who is dressed in black today is dressing her baby, (dress)3. 我钦佩她的

2、勇敢。I admire her for her bravery.4. On one hand I admi re your ab i I i ty, but on the other (hand) I d i strust your judgment5. I apo Iog i ze to everyone (who) has to go through thi s6. 提西旻她明早来早点IL。Remind her to e earlier tomorrow morning7. 以防我忘了,请提醒我我的承诺。In case I forget, please remind me of my pr

3、omise8. I'll never forgive you for what you said to me Iast night9. Can you forgive me for forgetting your bi rthday?二.短语:1发生2为了纪念3打扮4犒恶作剧5期盼6日以继夜7好像8玩得开心9履行诺言10屏住呼吸11出发12提醒13使祖先满意14获奖15出现16宗教信仰17获得独立18跟结婚19对有危害20春节21对感到骄傲22饿死23停车场24听说25下班以后26未经许可11.翻译句子:1 .下周五有演唱会。(take p I ace )The concert tak

4、es pI aces next Fr i day.2 .我们为参加婚礼而盛装打扮。(dress up)We dressed up for the wedd i ng.3 .我一直盼望着见到你。(look forward to )I' ve been Iooking forward to see i ng you.4 .深呼吸使人放松。(take a deep breath)Tak i ng a deep breath makes peopIe re I ax.三.句型:学好英语很重要,不管是现在还是将来。人的一生中肯定有很多的梦想,你要么 努力成功,要么失败。但是无论如何,努力使必须的

5、。11 i s i mportant that learni ng Eng I i sh we I I, not on I y at present, but a I so i n the future. There are many dreams in one' s I ife, you can e ither v/ork hard or Iose. But it is necessary to work hard anyhow.Test for goalsPeopIe 1 ( I i ve) in different countr ies made different kinds

6、of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred 2 in the worId. Each contains many thousands of words. A very Iarge dictionary, for example, contains four 3five hundred thousand words. But we donot need 4these. To read short stor i es you need to know on I yabout two thousand words. 5you leave schoo

7、l, you will I earn on I yone thousand or more.The words you know are cal led your vocabu I ary. You shou I d try to make your vocabu I ary 6 (big) . Read as many books as we can. There实用文档精品文档are a lot of books 7 (wr ite) in easy Engl ish. You wi I I enjoy them. When you meet 8 new word, look it 9 i

8、n yourdictionary. Your dictionary is your 10 (much) usefuI book.参考答案:短语1. take p I ace, 2. i n memory of, 3. dress up, 4. play a trick on, 5. look实用文档forward to, 6. day & night, 7. as if, 8. havea good time,9.keepone' sword, 10. hold one' s breath, 11. set off, 12.remind of,13. satisfyth

9、e ancestors, 14. win an award, 15. turn up, 16. rel igious be I i ef s, 17. ga i n the i ndependence, 18. get/be mar r i ed to , 19.doharm to/ beharmful to , 20. the Spr ing Festival, 21.be proudof,22.starveto death, 23. a parki ng Iot, 24. hear about / hear of 25. after work, 26. without permission

10、,句型情态动词 1. would, 2. who, 3. shouId, 4. will, 5. might, 6. could, 7. that, what, 8. so, 9. on, on, of, there.目标检测1. living vTng作后置定语,I ive与people是主动关系2. Ianguages实词的考查,根据语境可知世界上有大约一千五百多种语言3. or/to or表选择,在这两者中,to表从。到。那么多,二者皆可 4. all指我们并不需要所有这些语言,all "所有的”5. Before 介词的考查,在你离开学校之前,。Before指时间的先后顺序6. bigger 指你应该让你的词汇量“更加大”7. written -ed分词作后置定语,修饰books实用文档精品文档8. a a new word,“一个新单词”,v/ord是可数名词,而这里用


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