Unit--4 课文a gift from my grandpa_第1页
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1、Unit 4 A Gift from GrandpaReading阅读一一.重点句子,知识点讲解重点句子,知识点讲解Paragraph-11.One day, my father said to me ,“Your grandpa is coming tomorrow by plane to see us. Will you please get to the airport at nine thirty in the morning to meet your grandpa on time?1). is coming 现在进行时表现在进行时表将来将来.表示计表示计划、安排做某事划、安排做某事

2、,常和表示将来的时间常和表示将来的时间状语连用;还表示不久将要发生的动状语连用;还表示不久将要发生的动作(动词多是表位置移动的动词)作(动词多是表位置移动的动词)I am coming.He is going to Shanghai tomorrow.He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow.2). by plane 乘飞机乘飞机 by + 交通工具交通工具 “乘坐乘坐.交通工具交通工具 ” 中间不加冠词(中间不加冠词(a/an) by bus = take a bus / on a bus by car = take a car/ in a car by trai

3、n = take a train / on a train by bike = take a bike / on a bike by taxi = take a taxi / in a taxi on footWill/Would you please +动词原形用于客气的请求用于客气的请求它它的意思是:可以麻烦你的意思是:可以麻烦你/可以请可以请您您?后面要加动词原形。后面要加动词原形。-Will you please give me that book?可以麻烦你把那本书给我吗?-of course, pleasure.Can/Could you please用法相同。用法相同。但是用但是

4、用Would和和Could更礼貌和委婉更礼貌和委婉否定:否定:Will you please + not doWill you please + not do 4). get to the airport 到达机场到达机场v He got to the hotel at 9:00.v Please get here on time .v He got home at 9:00. (在这里在这里home为地为地 v 点副词)点副词) arrive at (到达小地方)(到达小地方) arrive in (达到大地方)(达到大地方) 到达到达 reach+宾语宾语 get to5). on tim

5、e 按时,准时按时,准时 in time 及时及时v Please come to the classroom on time .vLily goes to school on time every day.vThey saved the baby in time. Pargraph-1 2. I was very glad to hear this because I was looking forward to seeing my grandpa. “OK no problem.” I answered. I will get to the airport before 9:30. Don

6、t worry1). be glad to do sth. 很高兴做某很高兴做某事事 be delighted to do sth I am very glad to see you here. I am glad to tell you that I am now a student of Pingan Vocational School.2). hear. 听见,有时是偶然的,强调听见,有时是偶然的,强调听的结果,通常不用于进行时态。听的结果,通常不用于进行时态。 listen 听,不及物动词,与听,不及物动词,与to连用。连用。强调听的过程,可以有进行时态。强调听的过程,可以有进行时态。

7、 hear of/about: 听人说起听人说起Hear from:收到:收到消息消息/来信来信3). because + 句子句子 because of + n.短语短语 / v-ing / pron. I like English because it is very interesting.He failed the exam because he was careless.He failed the exam because of his carelessness.4). look forward to . 渴望渴望.,期期盼盼.I am looking forward to hear

8、ing from you.I am looking forward to seeing you.I am looking forward to having a long holiday.economic problem 经济问题经济问题environmental problem 环境问题环境问题math problem 数学题数学题 Pargraph-1answer the telephone 接电话接电话no answer 无应答无应答 Pargraph-1 1. The next morning, I got up very early. I had enough time to do

9、something before leaving for the airport.Pargraph-2The next morning & next morningnext morning- 明天上午。肯定要和一明天上午。肯定要和一般将来时态(般将来时态(will, is/are going to)连连用;用; 而而the next morning 第二天的早晨。则第二天的早晨。则是一个相对的时间,假如你是前天说的是一个相对的时间,假如你是前天说的the next morning,那么它就是指的昨那么它就是指的昨天早晨天早晨/上午,因此上午,因此the next morning通通常应

10、该和过去时态连用。类似的有:常应该和过去时态连用。类似的有:next week, the next week等。等。1). enough time 足够的时间足够的时间 have enough time to do sth. 有足够的时间做有足够的时间做.I have enough time to do that work.Lily has enough money to buy a car.Pargraph-2 注意注意enough的位置的位置 enough + n. adj + enough enough money enough time old enough big enough 考题

11、示例考题示例:The room is _ to hold 3000 people. A. big enough B. small enough C.enough big D. too big A2). leave for 动身前往动身前往 leave. for . “离开离开.到到.”He left for Beijing yesterday.Li Ming is leaving Shijiazhuang for home next Sunday.He left Shijiazhuang for New York last Friday.Pargraph-2 paragraph-2 2. So

12、 I played a computer game online with my e-pal. When we were playing in great joy, I suddenly remembered my grandpa.1) play with 和和.玩儿玩儿Lily is playing with Lucy.Lily is playing basketball with Lucy.Lily often plays computer games online with Lucy. 2). online 在线上,在网上在线上,在网上 = on the InternetDo you l

13、ike going shopping online?Lilys QQ is online.I often chat with my friends online.3). e-pal 网友网友= key pal pen pal 笔友笔友4). in great joy “兴致勃勃兴致勃勃, 玩的玩的正正 高兴高兴”When I was playing games in great joy, the headmaster came in and took my phone away.to ones joy: 使某人高兴的是使某人高兴的是to ones surprise:使某人惊讶的是:使某人惊讶的

14、是5). suddenly 突然突然6). remember to do 记着去做某事记着去做某事 remember doing 记得做过某事记得做过某事 Please remember to shut the window when you leave. I remember seeing you somewhere.paragraph-23. My God! It was already 10olock. How terrible it was! I hurried to the airport, but I was two hours late. Where to find my gra

15、ndpa?复习:感叹句复习:感叹句paragraph-2一、由 what 引导的感叹句1. 1. “ What + a/an What + a/an 形容词可数名词单数主语谓语!形容词可数名词单数主语谓语!” What an interesting book it is! 它是一本多么有趣的书啊!2. 2. “ What What 形容词可数名词复数形容词可数名词复数/ /不可数名词不可数名词主语谓主语谓语!语!”What beautiful flowers they are! 多么漂亮的花啊! What important news it is! 多重要的新闻啊! 二、由 how 引导的感叹

16、句1. 1. How How 形容词形容词 / / 副词主语谓语!副词主语谓语!”。How beautiful she is! 她多么细心啊!2. 2. How How 形容词形容词 a/an a/an 可数名词单数主语谓语!可数名词单数主语谓语!“How beautiful a girl she is! 她是个多么漂亮的姑娘啊!1). hurry to . 急忙前往急忙前往. 匆忙赶往匆忙赶往.“He hurried to the station only to find the train had left.I get up too late , so I hurry to the cla

17、ssroom to have class. 2. was two hours late 迟到了两个小时迟到了两个小时 be +时间长度时间长度+ late 迟到了迟到了.时间时间I was ten minutes late for class this morning.Li Ming was 20 minutes late for the meeting.Paragraph-3:1. It was after lunch when I got home. I found my grandpa was talking with my parents at home.Paragraph-3 tal

18、k with sb. “和和 . 谈话谈话” talk about sth. “谈论关于谈论关于.” They are talking about the sports meeting. Lily is talking with her father now.paragraph-32. My grandpa was delighted to see me and said, Hi, my dear grandson! I know you are busy with your work and study.So I took a taxi to come here from the airpo

19、rt. I was too ashamed to say a word. My father looked very angry. 1). be busy with. “忙于忙于.” be busy doing . Lily is busy with her homework. Lily is busy doing her homework. We are busy preparing our mid-term examination. We are busy with our mid-term examination.2). too. to . “太太.而不能而不能.” This quest

20、ion is too difficult to answer. This room is too small to hold 3000 people. The boy is too young to go to school. 感官系动词:感官系动词:+ adj.look 看起来看起来smell 闻起来闻起来taste 尝起来尝起来 sound 听起来听起来feel 摸起来,感觉摸起来,感觉4)angry adj. 生气的生气的 angrily adv 生气地生气地 anger n. 气愤,生气气愤,生气生某人的气生某人的气be angry with sb对对气愤气愤be angry at/a

21、bout sthMy teacher was angry my answer Dont be angry meThe boy kicked the door and then left atwithangrily Paragraph-34. My grandpa asked me to sit next to him. “Here is a small gift for you,” he gave his old watch to me and said, “ It can tell you what the time is”. ask sb to do sth. 要求某人做某事要求某人做某事

22、昨天我们英语老师要求我们读单昨天我们英语老师要求我们读单词词. Yesterday,our English teacher asked us to read the words. sit-sat-sat-sittingsit down: 坐下坐下 sit up:熬夜:熬夜be seated=sit oneself=sit down 宾语从句宾语从句宾语从句语序宾语宾语从句的语序是陈述句语序即从句的语序是陈述句语序即:连接连接代词代词/ /副词副词+ +主语主语+ +谓语谓语+ +其他成分。其他成分。即:连接代词即:连接代词/ /副词副词+ +陈述句语序陈述句语序。I dont know wha

23、t they are looking for.Could you tell me when the train will leave?Can you imagine what kind of man he is? Here is . for you.当面交给某人某物时的常用语当面交给某人某物时的常用语 Here is a watch for you. Here you are. Paragraph-4: People usually say time is money. But this watch tells me more than that. No matter what to do,

24、just do it on time. Yes I will remember. “Thank you, Grandpa.”请看:请看:page 35,关于时间的谚语,关于时间的谚语一、morethan的用法1.morethan1.morethan后面跟名词,意为后面跟名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅是不只是,不仅仅是”。Katewasmorethanateacher.Sheisawritertoo凯特不仅仅是位教师,她还是个作家。2.morethan2.morethan与数词连用,意思是与数词连用,意思是“多于,大于,超过多于,大于,超过Ihaveknownhimformorethantwentyyears.我认识他已超过二十年了。3 3. . more thanmore than后跟动词、形容词、副词、或介词,后跟动词、形容词、副词、或介词,相当于相当于“十分十分、非常、很、非常、很、更加等更加等 Im more than glad to hear the good news. 听到这个好消息,我非常高兴。 。 more than的否定用法1. no more than意思是意思是“仅仅,不过,只是仅仅,不过,只是”Their new house has no more than 60 square meters. 他们的新居只有60平方米。 2


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