1、2012会计基础无纸化考试题库 第一章总论一、单项选择1 .下列各项中,属于会计基本职能的 是()。A.会计核算与会计预测B.会计核算与会计决策C.会计核算和会计监督D.会计核算与会计分析【答案】C2 .目前我国的行政单位会计采用的会 计基础,主要是()。A.权责发生制8 .应收应付制C.收付实现制D.统收统支制【答案】C3.由于()的存在,才产生了本期与其 他期间的差异,从而出现了权责发生制和收 付实现制。A.会计主体B.持续经营C.会计分期D.货币计量【答案】C4.对本单位财务会计报告的真实性和 完整性负责的是()。A.会计机构负责人B.单位负责人C.记账会计人员D .总会计师【答案】B5
2、 .会计对象是()。A.生产经营过程B.企业所有的以货币表现的经济活动C.会计主体D.资金运动的数量方面【答案】B6 .()是会计的首要职能。A.会计核算B.会计决策C.会计控制D.会计考核【答案】A7.某企业2009年3月发生了如下经济 业务:预付下季度房租 20000元;收到3 月份销售商品货款 25000元,款项已仔人银 彳T;购买1000元的办公用品;预收购货 方定金12000元,货物尚未发送。以权责发 生制为计算基础时,3月份的收支净额为() 元。A. 24000B. 16000C. 4000D. 36000【答案】A8 .企业销售商品时,如果没有将商品 所有权上的风险和报酬转移给购
3、货方,即使已经将商品交付给购货方,也不应当确认销售收入,体现了会计信息质量 ()的基本要 求。A.谨慎性9 .实质重于形式C.相关性D.重要性【答案】B10 关于会计核算的基本前提,下列说 法中不正确的是()。A.会计基本假设包括会计主体、持续 经营、会计分期和货币计量B.如果企业发生破产清算,经相关部 门批准后,可以继续适应持续经营假设C.在我国,以公历年度作为企业的会 计年度,即公历1月1日至12月31日D.会计的货币计量假设,包含了两层 含义,一是以货币作为会计的统一计量单 位,二是作为会计计量单位的货币,其币值 是稳定不变的【答案】B10. 一般说来会计主体与法律主体是()。A.是有区
4、别的B.相互一致的C.不相关的D.相互可替代的正确答案:A试题解析:会计主体与法 律主体是有区别的,一般说来法律主体会是 会计主体,但会计主体不一定是法律主体,因此,A正确。11.下列项目中,不属于会计核算方法 的是()。A.复式记账B.成本计算C.财产清查D.编制财务预算正确答案:D试题解析:会计核算的基 本方法包括设置会计科目和账户、复式记 账、填制和审核会计凭证、登记账簿、成本 计算、财产清查制财务报表七种方法,编制财务预算属于管理会计的范畴,不包括在会 计核算的方法中。12.界定从事会计工作和提供会计信息 的空间范围的会计基本前提是 ()。A.会计职能B.会计主体C.会计内容D.会计对
5、象答案:B试题解析:会计主体是指会 计工作为其服务的特定单位或组织,它的主要作用在于界定不同会计主体会计核算的 范围。13.企业固定资产可以按照其价值和使 用情况,确定采用某一方法计提折旧,它所依据的会计核算前提是()。A.会计主体B.持续经营C.会计分期D.货币计量答案:B试题解析:企业对于它所有 的机器设备、厂房等固定资产,只有在持续 经营的前提下,才可以在机器设备的使用年 限内,按照其价值和使用情况,确定采用某 一折旧方法计提折旧,如果没有持续经营这 一基本前提,从理论上说,机器设备等固定 资产的价值只能采用实现可变现价值来予 以计量。二、多选题1.下列组织可以作为一个会计主体进 行会计
6、核算的有()A.企业集团B.民间非营利组织C.分公司D.子公司【答案】ABCD2 .下列属于会计核算方法的是 ()。A.设置会计科目和账户B.复式记账C.会计预测与决策D.填制和审核会计凭证【答案】ABD3 .下列关于会计主体的说法中,正确 的有()。A.会计主体一定是法律主体B.会计主体可以是独立法人,也可以是非法人C.会计主体可以是一个企业,也可是 企业中的一个特定组成部分D.会计主体有可能是单一企业,也可 能是几个企业组成的企业集团【答案】BCD4 .下列有关会计的说法中,正确的包才( )A.本质上是一种经济管理活动B.对经济活动进行核算和监督C.以货币为主要计量单位D.核算特定主体的经
7、济活动正确答案:ABCD试题解析:根据会计 的定义,会计是以货币为主要计量单位,反 映和监督一个单位经济活动的一种经济管 理工作。因此上述四项都正确。5 .下列业务中,属于资金退出的有()。A.购买材料B.缴纳税费C.对外分配利润D.归还银行借款正确答案:BCD试题解析:缴纳税费、 归还银行借款和分配利润属于资金退出。购买原材料属于资金的循环和周转。因此BCD 选项正确。6.下列各项中,属于会计核算基本前 提的有()。A.会计主体B.持续经营C.会计分期D.货币计量答案:ABCDenforceme nt, ensue the saey of Ie pay ad Sae seces Cnfden
8、ta work to meetthe mand if new gy#ce, makes we of research results m oretointol ed ofde cisi onvi sion, more toin national some has effectof newspaperShang publi shed,foradvance w ork,and publi city changde play dueof role. Third,informati on submittedto be pragmatic.Quick andtimely.Thea nceints sai
9、the proce dures,firm, newspaper,newspapers,never late,failtoreport,false cl aimand skimming.Inve stee2.supervi sion and insi st on,arounda nd protecti ng theiri ntereststotouc hthe trut h,seek practical re sults.A dheretope opl e-oriente d,the most importantthingis torealiIL . . . . I, 一. . II . L I
10、L. .111_ 1id.I I. ILJ 一 . 一. - -I I |_ |_ 一 . 一.一 _ I 一 一J|_|_ _ L. . -. II. Jction, pr oblem sare notsolveddo not pa ss,the blame doesnot hold did notmiss,dissati sfactionofthe massehtofsupervisionauthorit y,witht hebe nefits.Cal lwithcaution,is supervi singdepartmentsshoul d strengthenthe consciou
11、snessofaetime bei ng, nothi ng.Therefore,the submi ssion ofinformation todo"four",that is,findthe erests ofthe overwhe lming majorityofthepeople. We carryout inspe ction,so mII _I. I. .1 -一-. _ I . n. II-. 一.ust godeprobl emfaster,editorial ep amongthe masses,gothe problem.The purDepartmew
12、riting,sdeep ind readfaster he realities,toimplementquickl y.Tobetr ueand accurate.Truemainly reflectthefull pict ureofevents,people'sliv elihood,to graspt hepubli c sentiment,andearnestly safeguard thebenefit,addressi1 >n Jn - . .一一一一一 一一. 一 . adhereere to aitteeSecretary-General(Office).Sec
13、ond,we shoul d focus on. Is theGoverone i sone,two,tng themasses aremnor,those related thisis the life of theinformation.Accuracyis primarily qualitative a nd quantitativequestions, quantitativeobjectiveofpublicQualitative logic.T o berelia bleand useful.We submit information t ohave a ccessto decis
14、ion-maki ng,toguiaremostconcer ned a bout and reflectingthe strongest issues,effortstosolvetheprobl em ofdeci sionsimpl ementeda nd not impleme nted. One i s to stickto principle s.Rightofinspe ction isone ofthemostimporta ntpow ersofthe- . 一 . - I.- -. . >- -.一.-.一-.- - - 一 . I _ I IL - I_ I -&q
15、uot;- -_I - - 一 - 一 一一.-othe globalEvent,Governor the protracte d difficult,strong Governor during emergencyurgent. Not havingspe cialde partmentsi n charge of theGeneralGov ernor,under the normalprocedea nd pr omote thew orkand solve practi cal pr oblems.Mixed cum.Office,shoul d not only dareto use
16、,but alsowith caution.So-called.11 I . d -一- 一 .7资金运动的内容包括( )。A.资金的投入B 资金的循环C.资金的退出D 资金的周转答案: ABCD 试题解析:资金的运动包括资金的投入、资金的循环与周转、资金的退出。三、判断题1、 会 计 监 督 是 一 种 事 后 监 督 。(X )2、会计主体可以是独立法人,也可以是非法人。(V )3、 企业会计准则规定, 会计的确认、计量和报告应当以权责发生制为基础。(V )4收付实现制是以收或支付的现金作为确认收入和费用的依据。(V )5 一个会计主体一定是一个法律主体。一定是一一个法律主体。(X )6会
17、计只能以货币为计量单位。( )正确答案:错试题解析:会计的计量手段包括货币度量、实物度量和时间度量,但主要以货币为计量单位。7按照权责发生制原则的要求,凡是本期实际收到款项的收入和付出款项的费用, 不论是否归属于本期,都应当作为本期的收入和费用处理。( )答案:错试题解析:按照收付实现制的要求, 凡是本期实际收到的款项的收入和付出款项的费用,不论是否归属于本期,都应当作为本期的收入和费用处理。按照权责发生制的要求,凡是本期实现的收入和发生的费用,不论款项是否实际收到或实际付出,都作为本期的收入和费用入账。第二章 会计要素与会计科目一、单项选择1 负债是指企业过去的交易或者事项形成的,预期会导致
18、经济利益流出企业的( )。A.现时义务B 潜在义务C.过去义务D 未来义务【答案】A2资产按照现在购买相同或者相似资产所需支付的现金或者现金等价物的金额计量的会计计量属性是( )。A.历史成本B 重置成本C.公允价值D 现值【答案】B3企业在对会计要素进行计量时,一般应当采用( )。A.历史成本B 重置成本C.可变净现值D 现值【答案】A4下列不属于资产类科目的是( )。A.商品进销差价B 委托代销商品C.分期收款发出商品D 代销商品款【答案】D5下列哪些不构成企业的收入( )。A .销售商品一批,价款80万兀B 出租包装物,租金收入1000 元C.取得罚款收入400元D 销售低值易耗品收入5
19、00 元【答案】C6 ( )不属于费用要素。A.销售费用B 应交税费C.管理费用D 财务费用【答案】B7下列各项中,属于表现企业资金运动显著变动状态的会计要素有( )。A.收入B 所有者权益C.资产D 负债【答案】A8 ( )不属于企业存货。A.库存商品eelings survey, by lookingup public sentiment s to find problems. Probl ems will increa se itsspecial supervisi on, set upa ccounts,hold ont oit.Weshould conscienti ously im
20、 plementthe leadi ng contra cting matters,secur ed, hada nanswer to everyt hing, thensettles rate of100%.Have an impact onsomeofthe outstandi ng issues,supervision de partment s and i nformationcomponent stogether,play thesupervisoryroleofthenew s media t o prom ote problem solving.Investee 3.insist
21、on adaily r un,ar oundthe practi ce oftrut h cat chi ng efficiency, f ocusspecifi cation.To givefull playtothe partyOfficearoundconnecting,coor dinati ng inter nal andexternalfeatur es,conta ct,rallyat all level s,to motivateeveryaspect,adhere to t hetruth, strengt heni ng standardi zedma nagement t
22、o a chi evecoher ent, efficie ntand effectivefunctioni ngofthe daily work ofthe PartyCommittee.Isprocessi ng messag esshould strivet ostreamline ,standardi zeand quality.Streamlining isto controlthe num ber ofmessag es,compre ss messages,re ducing procedures,impr ove mess age ha ndli ng efficiency.S
23、pe cificati ons, istostri ctly enfor cethe ban i ssued by t he Communist party authoritiesi ndocumentha ndli ng regulati onsand provi nci aland m uni cipal reg ulations, conscienti ouslystrengt hen a nd improvecommunicati onsma nagementto e nsure that partydocume ntsor derly.Hig h quality,is toimpr
24、ovethe quality ofmessage pr ocessi ng,itis ne cessary to a ccurately impleme nting thei ntention oftheParty Committee,clearance,good communications, policyprogramclosed,e nsuringthat here is noerror.Second meeting schedul ed to e nsurethoroug h,safe a ndefficie nt.Anyarra ngement s for themeeting s
25、and event s,carefully arra nge d, item-by-item interfaceimpleme nted, sure.T o vigor ously streamline meeti ngs,a ctivities, numberof pressurere duction, scaletoensurethat lea dershipemerge dfrom theGe neralConfere nceand entertai nmentservi ces,focus on bigthi ngs,matters.T hird,r ece ptionservices
26、should laystress onhumane, personal, cult uraland human.Recepti onand w ork dire ctlywith pe opl e,receptionservi ces directlyaffecti ng theOffice ofparty CommitteeThe imageofthe region.At thesame time strengtheningthe construction oflibrary,improve therece ptionconditions, more human -ori ente d,pe
27、r sonal,culturalw orkint o there cepti on,a littlemor e huma n ne eds,a littlem ore humancar emore humane atmosphere, and constantly impr ovethe service ,improve t heq uality ofser vice. Mea nw hile,tofurt herpay specialattenti ontot hedaily w ork ofthe other Office System.Confide ntialw ork respons
28、ibilitysy stemforleadi ngcadresto implementse curitya sa leader,toimprov ethe confi dentiality ofclassifie d per sonnel, especiallylea ding cadre s,stre ngthe ning party and Governmentfocus on vitalse ctors ofsecurity management,toadva nceB 在产品C.接受外单位委托代销的商品D.原材料【答案】C9 .“管理费用”属于()。A.资产类科目B.成本类科目C.负债
29、类科目D.损益类科目【答案】D10 .()不属于企业的收入。A.销售商品一批,收到款项B.出租闲置厂房,收到款项C.年末获得股票分红,收到款项D.出售专利技术,收到款项【答案】D11 .()是对会计要素的具体内容进行 分类核算的项目。A.会计科目B.会计账户C.会计分录D.会计报表【答案】A12 .()不属于流动负债。A.短期借款B.应付账款C.预付账款D. 一年内到期的长期负债【答案】C13.下列不属于资产类科目的是 ()。A.存出保证金B.累计摊销C.商誉D.预收账款【答案】D14 .会计科目与账户的本质区别在于()。A.反映的经济内容不同B.记录资产和权益的内容不同C.记录资产和权益的方
30、法不同D.会计账户有结构,而会计科目无结构正确答案:D试题解析:会计科目和账 户口径一致、内容相同,所不同之处在于账 户有结构和格式,而会计科目没有。所以 D 选项正确。15 .负债类账户的余额反映的情况是()。A、资产的结存B、负债的结存情况C、负债的增减变动D、负债的形成和偿付正确答案:B试题解析:负债类账户的 余额反映负债的结存情况。所以,B选项正确。16 .关于会计科目,下列说法中不正确 的是()。A.会计科目的设置应该符合国家统一会计准则的规定B.会计科目是设置账户的依据C.企业不可以自行设置会计科目D.账户是会计科目的具体运用答案:C试题解析:由于各企业的经营特点不同,内部经营管理
31、对会计信息的要求不同,允许企业在不违背会计准则的前提下,在不影响会计核算要求和财务报表指标汇总的条件 下,可以根据自身的实际情况设置一些科目 进行会计核算。17 .在下列项目中,与“制造费用”属 于同一类科目的是()。A.固定资产B.其他业务成本C.生产成本D,主营业务成本答案:C试题解析:选项A属于资产类科目;选项 B和选项D属于损益类科目;选项C和“制 造费用”同属于成本类科目。18 .“其他业务成本”科目按其所归属 的会计要素不同,属于()类科目。A.成本B.资产C.损益D.所有者权益答案:C试题解析:“其他业务成本”属于损益类 科目19 .所设置的会计科目应符合单位自身efccme n
32、t ensue thenta work to meet the -mand .f new 5poseofsupervi sion,toresolve theprto andfurtherimprout citycre ated,and care masseslife,focus work,in-de pth i nvestigation, moreout boutique masterpiece, makes we of research results m oretointol ed ofde cisi onvi sion, more toin national some has effec
33、tof newspaperShang publi shed,foradvance w ork,and publi city changde play dueof role. Third,informati on submittedto be pragmatic.Quick andtimely.Thea nceints sai d:forthetime system; statement backfor thetime bei ng, nothi ng.Therefore,the submi ssion ofinformation todo"four",that is,fin
34、dtheprobl emfaster,editorial writing,send and readfasterapprovaland feedbackOnthe negative informationand emergencyinformation, rapid escal ationi nstricta ccorda nce wit h the proce dures,firm, newspaper,newspapers,never late,failtoreport,false cl aimand skimming.Inve stee2.supervi sion and insi st
35、 on,arounda nd protecti ng theiri ntereststotouc hthe trut h,seek practical re sults.A dheretope opl e-oriente d,the most importantthingis torealize,safeguar dand devel op t hefundamentalinterests ofthe overwhe lming majorityofthepeople. We carryout inspe ction,so m ust gode ep amongthe masses,godee
36、 p intot he realities, alway s payattention tothedared to use,isto hold anumber ofimportant issues,bold supervisionoversupervi sion,track inspe ction, pr oblem sare notsolved do not pa ss,the blame does not hold did notmiss, dissati sfactionofthe masse s did notmiss,the realrig htofsupervisi onautho
37、rit y,witht hebe nefits.Cal lwithca ution,is supervi singdepartments shoul d strengthenthe consciousnessofauthori zed stri ctlyaccordi ng toproce dure, preventi ng thesupervi sion andexcessiv e to preve ntaddi ngburde n to grass -root s.Tothis e nd,thesupervision Departme ntofthe PartyCommittee ofsu
38、pervision must be undercity andCounty partyCommthe problem.The puroblem.re to aovethetoimplementquickl y.Tobetr ueand accurate.Truemainly reflectthefull pict ureofevents, one i sone,two,t hisis the life of theinformation.Accuracyis primarily qualitative a nd quantitativequestions, quantitativeobject
39、iveofpublicQualitative logic.T o berelia bleand useful.We submit information t ohave a ccessto decision-maki ng,togui dea nd pr omote thew orkand solve practi cal pr oblems.Mixed cum.people'sliv elihood,to graspt hepubli c sentiment,andearnestly safeguard thebenefit,addressing themasses aremostc
40、oncer ned a bout and reflectingthe strongest issues,effortstosolvetheprobl em ofdeci sionsimpl ementeda nd not impleme nted. One i s to stickto principle s.Rightofinspe ction isone ofthemostimporta ntpow ersofthe Office,shoul d not only dareto use,but alsowith caution.So-calleditteeSecretary-General
41、(Office).Second,we shoul d focus on. Is theGover nor,those related t othe globalEvent,Governor the protracte d difficult, strong Governor during emergencyurgent. Not havingspe cialde partmentsi n charge of theGe neralGov ernor,under t he normalproce dure can do goodt hings not Governor, notaut horiz
42、e d byCounty leader s,not t heGov ernor.Thir d isto solveprivacymanagementsta ndar dization, moderni zation of se curitytechniques as amea ns of administration accordingto lawand se curityenforceme第 7 页 共 20 页特点,满足单位实际需要,这一点符合( )4 下列有关会计科目与账户的说法中,原则。正确的有( )A.实用性A.会计科目和账户所反映的会计对象B 合法性的具体内容是相同的C.谨慎性B
43、会计科目是账户的名称,也是设置D 相关性账户的依据答案: AC.账户具有一定的格式和结构,而会试题解析:企业应该在合法性原则的基础计科目没有上, 应根据企业自身的特点,设置符合企业D 会计科目和账户的作用是完全相同实际情况的会计科目,这是会计科目设置原的则中实用性的要求。【答案】ABC20 投资人投入的资金和债权人投入的5下列哪些说法是正确的( )。资金,投入企业后,形成企业的( )。A.会计科目仅是对会计要素具体内容A.成本进行分类核算的项目或标志B 费用B 账户是会计科目的具体运用C.资产C.在实际工作中,对账户和会计科目D 负债往往不加严格区分,而是相互通用答案: CD 账户没有固定的格
44、式和结构试题解析:投资人投入的资金称为所有者【答案】ABC权益,债权人投入的资金称为负债。资金投6账户的基本结构具体包括( )。入企业后,形成企业的资产,资产=负债+A.账户名称和经济业务发生的日期所有者权益。B 、所依据记账凭证的编号二、多选题C、交易或事项内容摘要1 下列各项中,属于反映财务状况的D 、增加金额、减少金额和余额会计要素有( )【答案】ADA.资产7会计科目按其核算详细程度不同,B 负债可以分为( )。C.收入A .总分类科目D 费用B 子目【答案】ABC.资产类科目2下列各项模块,应确认为企业资产D 明细科目考试的有 ( )【答案】ADA .购入的无形资产8下列各项中,不属
45、于损益类账户的B 已霉烂变质无使用价值的存货是 ( )。C.融资租入的固定资产A.实收资本D 计划下个月购入的材料B 利润分配【答案】ACC.制造费用3下列各项中,属于企业所有者权益D 主营业务收入组成部分的有( )【答案】ABCA.股本9资产的基本特征包括( )。B 资本公积A.资产应为企业拥有或控制的资源C.盈余公积B 资产预计会给企业带来经济利益D 应付股利C.资产是由企业过去的交易或者事项【答案】ABC形成的eelings survey, by lookingup public sentiment s to find problems. Probl ems will increa se
46、 itsspecial supervisi on, set upa ccounts,hold ont oit.Weshould conscienti ously im plementthe leadi ng contra cting matters,secur ed, hada nanswer to everyt hing, thensettles rate of100%.Have an impact onsomeofthe outstandi ng issues,supervision de partment s and i nformationcomponent stogether,pla
47、y thesupervisoryroleofthenew s media t o prom ote problem solving.Investee 3.insiston adaily r un,ar oundthe practi ce oftrut h cat chi ng efficiency, f ocusspecifi cation.To givefull playtothe partyOfficearoundconnecting,coor dinati ng inter nal andexternalfeatur es,conta ct,rallyat all level s,to
48、motivateeveryaspect,adhere to t hetruth, strengt heni ng standardi zedma nagement to a chi evecoher ent, efficie ntand effectivefunctioni ngofthe daily work ofthe PartyCommittee.Isprocessi ng messag esshould strivet ostreamline ,standardi zeand quality.Streamlining isto controlthe num ber ofmessag e
49、s,compre ss messages,re ducing procedures,impr ove mess age ha ndli ng efficiency.Spe cificati ons, istostri ctly enfor cethe ban i ssued by t he Communist party authoritiesi ndocumentha ndli ng regulati onsand provi nci aland m uni cipal reg ulations, conscienti ouslystrengt hen a nd improvecommuni
50、cati onsma nagementto e nsure that partydocume ntsor derly.Hig h quality,is toimpr ovethe quality ofmessage pr ocessi ng,itis ne cessary to a ccurately impleme nting thei ntention oftheParty Committee,clearance,good communications, policyprogramclosed,e nsuringthat here is noerror.Second meeting sch
51、edul ed to e nsurethoroug h,safe a ndefficie nt.Anyarra ngement s for themeeting s and event s,carefully arra nge d, item-by-item interfaceimpleme nted, sure.T o vigor ously streamline meeti ngs,a ctivities, numberof pressurere duction, scaletoensurethat lea dershipemerge dfrom theGe neralConfere nc
52、eand entertai nmentservi ces,focus on bigthi ngs,matters.T hird,r ece ptionservicesshould laystress onhumane, personal, cult uraland human.Recepti onand w ork dire ctlywith pe opl e,receptionservi ces directlyaffecti ng theOffice ofparty CommitteeThe imageofthe region.At thesame time strengtheningth
53、e construction oflibrary,improve therece ptionconditions, more human -ori ente d,per sonal,culturalw orkint o there cepti on,a littlemor e huma n ne eds,a littlem ore humancar emore humane atmosphere, and constantly impr ovethe service ,improve t heq uality ofser vice. Mea nw hile,tofurt herpay spec
54、ialattenti ontot hedaily w ork ofthe other Office System.Confide ntialw ork responsibilitysy stemforleadi ngcadresto implementse curitya sa leader,toimprov ethe confi dentiality ofclassifie d per sonnel, especiallylea ding cadre s,stre ngthe ning party and Governmentfocus on vitalse ctors ofsecurity
55、 management,toadva nceovaland feedbacks payattention tothein-de pth i nvestigation, moreout boutique masterpiepid escal ationi nstricta ccorda nce witdared touse,isto hold anumbersionoversupervision,track inspeuthori zed stri ctlyaccordi ng toproce dure, preventi ng thesupervision andexcessive to preventaddingburdeto grass -root s.Tothis end,thesupervisiondure can do goodt hings not Governor, notaut horize d byCount
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