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1、 灵通英语第四册练习册 (下) 岭西小学Unit Four一. 补全单词。S_ft c_ld c_ddl_ k_g_r_ pl_t_p_s cr_c_d_le p_ng_n w_nd_二. 按要求填空。英汉互译。1.太冷了_ 2.一些树叶_3.一些草_ 4.一只鸭嘴兽_5.一些肉_ 6.让我们_7.a new tooth in June_8.Chew the stew in the pool._9.Play the blue flute. _10.dew on the boot_11.some shellfish _12. Why not?_三.按要求填空。1.some同义词_ 2.have

2、第三人称数_3.do 同上_4.did原形_5.leaves 原形_ 6.worm复数_7.doesnt 完全形式_ 8.crab复数_四.判断并改错。1.I have any grass.( )_2.Do you have any fish?( )_3.She have some leaves.( )_4.Do Pam have any worms?( )_5.Does Kim has any crabs?( )_6.He has some shellfish.( )_7.stew chew dew 的共同读音是ju:( )_8.tooth pool stool boot 的共同读音是u(

3、)_9.含有【u:】这个音的单词有flute tube blue( )_10.What did you see?是你看见什么了?( )_五.连词成句。1.some fish she has _2. have they leaves some_3. any does have Don grass_5. he not no does_6. you do shellfish any have _7. does Kim what have_8. dont winter like I_9. are soft they_10. Chip crabs some has_6. 选择1. Whats this?

4、Its_A. platypus B. a platypus C. a platypu2. Its _ Cold. A .too B.to c.two3. stew chew new dew 的共同读音是( ) A.ju: B. u: c.u4. 与tooth pool含有共同读音的单词是( ) A.food B.foot .c book5. She _ some fish . A have B.like C.has6. Pam and Chip _some crabs. A.have B.has C.does7. _you have _ Grass? A.Does any B.Do any C

5、.Do some8. We have _. A.some leaf B.any leaves C.some leaves9. She _like winter. A dont B.doesnt C is 10. _Kim _any worms?Yes,she_. A.Do have do B.Does have doesC.Does ,has does七.完型填空并判断.Chip:Look,Pam.I have _. fish here.Pam:Me too.Chip:_About Sandy?Does she have _Fish?Pam:No,she_ But she _some crab

6、s.Chip:_Chuck have _crabs?Pam:No,_ He has some shellfish.Chip:What _Kim have?Pam:She _ meat.Chip:Does Don _any meat?Pam:Yes,he_And he _Some worms,too.Chip:Look _Beth. _ she have _leaves?Pam:No,she she has some grass.Chip:Lets feed the kangaroo with her.Pam:OK.( )1.Sandy has some fish.( )2.Chuck has

7、some shellfish.( )3.Don has some meat.( )4.Kim has some crabs.( )5.Chip Pam and Beth feed the kangaroos together.Unit 5一. 组织单词:1.o p h i p 2.f i r g f a e _ _3.d r a o e l p 4.r i o n h_ _5.f n u 6.c a y r s_ _7n x g i e c t i 8 r e s p u - -二按要求填空.比较级1.big (比较级)_ 2.small (比较级 )_ 3.fast (比较级 )_ 4.sl

8、ow (比较级 )_ 5.tall (比较级 )_6.short (比较级 )_7.fat (比较级 )_8.thin (比较级 )_ 9.fat (反义词)_10.short (反义词)_11.slow (反义词)_12small(反义词)_三英汉互译1.一只大象_ 2.一只斑马_3一只袋鼠_ 4.两只鳄鱼_5.The boy has a coin ._6.Boil the oil._7.Eat oysters and a soy bean._8.Point to the toy._四搭配句子。 ( )1.What ? ( )2Look at that . ( )3.this is fun

9、, isn t it? ( )4.Is a giraffe shorter than a kangaroo? ( )5.How about a crocodile and a hippo? a.A crocodile is thinner than a hippo. b.Yeah . c.I see a hippo. d.Yes, you are right. e.Take a picture.5 选择填空:1. A rhino is _than a hippo . A. big B.bigger c.biger2. Look _that.A .at B.to c.in3. This is f

10、un ,_it? A.is B.arent c.isnt4.与coin oil boil point 含有共同读音的单词是_A. oysters B.out C. Short5. 与boy.toy .soy beans 含有共同读音的单词是_.A. slow B.point C.rhino6. A rhino _than a hippo.A. is faster B.is fastter C.faster7. A leopard is _than a crocodile.A. biger B.slowwer C.smaller8. Is an elephant _than a zebra ?A

11、. is fatter B.fatter C. Fater9 A hippo thinner than_ rhino.A. the B.a C.10. _a giraffe taller than a zebra ? No,it _.A. Is is B.Is isnt C.Are arent6. 译成汉语。1. 豹比河马小。_2. 鳄鱼比犀牛速度快。_3. 长颈鹿比袋鼠矮吗?不,不是的。 _4. 大象比斑马胖吗?_是的。_5. 这只斑马是瘦的。_6. 这只长颈鹿是高的。_7. 完成下面短文并回答问题。A:Look!_elephant is fatter than _.zebra.B:Yes!

12、And a zebra is_than an elephant.A:Is a rhino _.than a hippo?B:Yes,it is. And a hippo is smaller _. a rhino.A:_.a kangaroo shorter than a giraffe?B:No,it isnt. A kangaroo is_than a giraffe。A:Is a crocodile faster than a leopard?B:Yes,_.A:No,_ A crocodile is slower than a leopard.B:I see.A leopard is_

13、than a crocodile. A crocodile is_than a leopard.1. Is an elephant thinner than a zebra ? _2. Is a hippo smaller than a rhino? _3. Is a giraffe taller than a kangaroo?_4. How about a crocodile and a leopqrd? _8. 用四句话描述一头大象。_Unit 61. 完成下面的单词。sw_tsh_t dr_s_ sh_ts b_t_ ch_p_ p_zz_ f_sh fr_dch_ck_n fr_t2

14、. 写短语。1. 玩具店_ 2.药店_3. 邮局_ 4.商店_5. 游戏中心_6.书店_.7. 图书馆_ 8.面包店_3. 连词成句。1. were they store the toy in2. the he post was in office_3. is that fair not _4. buying he fish and chips is_5. yesterday you were where_6. morning where Don yesterday was _7 was game the in I center _4. 按要求填空。1. He(复数)_ 2.you(复数)_3

15、.I (复数)_ 4.was (复数)_5. is (过去时)_6.am(过去时)_7. am(过去时)_ 8.are (过去时)_9.Chucks lost_(译成汉语)10.The cowboy has brown boots.(译成汉语)_11.a hount on a cloud(译成汉语)_12.The clown has a big mouth(译成汉语)_13.an owl and a mouse(译成汉语)_五.选择正确答句。( )1.Where was he yesterday? a.I see a kangaroo.( )2.What is he wearing? b.I

16、was in the store.( )3.Hes buying fish and chips. c.Thats not fair.( )4.Where were you ? d.A blue sweater.( )5.What did you see? e.He was in the bakery .6. 判断并改错.1. This is shorts.( )_2. I were in the toy store.( )_3. You was in the museun.( )_4. Where was Don yesterday.( )_5. Clown brown cloud hound

17、 四个单词中含有共同读音.( )_6. She is buying pizza.( )_7. white boots 是白色的靴子。( )_8. 一件蓝色的连衣裙是a dress blue ( )_7. 选择( )1.I was in the post office _ A.yesterday B.tonight c.now( )2.Don and Chip_in the store.A was B.were C.did( )3.Lets _the dress. A.wear B.have C.put on( )4.What is she _ A.putting on B.wearing C.

18、wear( )5.They are my _A.dress B. boots C.a sweatshirt( )6_were you last Sunday?A. Where B.What c.Why( )7.Where _they ?A.are B.was C.is( )8.Where were Chip and Don ?_in the drugstore. A.He was B.They are C.They were8. 写句子1. 昨天他们在面包店。_2. 我昨天晚上在图书馆。_3. 你们昨天早晨在哪?_ 我们在书店。_9. 完成对话并回答问题。Joan:Hi,Ann.Where w

19、ere you yesterday?Ann:I _in the toy store . _ were you , Joan: I was in the bakery.Ann:_Chuck together with you?Joan;No,he wasnt . He was in the post office.Ann:_was Sandy?Joan:She was in the gane center.Sandy;Where _you,Chip and Don?Chip and Don:_were in the bookstore.Sandy:Where _Pam and Kim ?Chip

20、 and Don:They were in the museum.1. Where was Joan yesterday?_2. Was Chuck together with Joan?_3. Where was Sandy?_4. Where were Chip and Don?_Unit 7一.补全单词1 airs 2 L nd n 3 S d y 4 p ch 5 p r 6 t ng r ne 二.译一译.1 where are you from? Im from Paris._2 Whats this in English._3 Be careful ._4 Watch your

21、step ._5 flies on my light_6 a spy on my pie._7 Spies eat my pie._8 She likes pie at night._三. 译词组.1 go swimming_ 2去购物_ 3 吃早餐_ 4 去远足 _ 5 have lunch_6 play carels_ 7吃晚餐_ 8 去郊游_ 9去游泳_四 .完成句子.1 He wants to go swwimming.(否定句)_2 She wants to go shopping .(就划线提问,肯定回答)_3 Chip wants to have lunch .(一般疑问句,否定

22、回答)_五.完全形式与缩写 .1 there is = 2what is= 3 cloes not= 4 isnt= 5 they are= 六 改错1.pie , necktie,spies,flies 共同发音是eI ( )_2.night,light,sigh,thigh 共同发音是 ai ( )_3.my,sky,spy,fly共同发音是/ i / ( )_4.He wants go swimming . ( )_5 She wants to go hiking . ( )_hat do she wants to do ? ( )_I wants to have lunch . ( )

23、_8 She want to have dinner . ( )_9 What does you want to do ? ( )_10 I from london. ( )_Unit8一 .补全单词1_ str_n_t 2 f_r_f_hter 3 n_se 4 pl_ce _ffcer 5 st_m_ch_ 6 h_dche 7 t_thch_ 8c_ld 二.英汉互译1 The shark has a fork _2 The horse drives a car ._3 a short tree in the cart._4 The farm is in the north ._5一些花

24、生酱_6 一些葡萄_7一些土豆沙拉_8一些三明治_9一位宇航员_三.按要求填空1 cracker (复数)_ 2 grape(复数)_3 raisin(复数)_ 4 theres (完全形式)_ 5 have (第三人称单数)_ 6 some(同义词)_7 is(复数)_ 8 arent (完全形式)_四. 变一般疑问句.1 There is some bread on the plate._2There are some grapes on the plate._3 Theres some peanut buttler on the desk._4 There are some cracke

25、rs in the basket._五 .判断对错。1 Shark car cart farm 含有共同的读音( )2 Are there some cookies? ( ) 3 There is some grapes. ( )4 There are some juice . ( )5 I want be an astronant. ( )6 Lehy dont you sit down . ( ) 六.完成下列短文并回答问题。A: Look!Theres lomonade here.B: And there some cookies.A: there any juice?B:Yes,the

26、re .Here you are.A: Thank you . Lets eat!B: ok! Mum.Yummy!A: Is there bread?B: No,there .Theres some chicken.A: thats nice . there any sandwiches.B : Yes ,there .A: there any grapes?B: No, there . There are some raisins.A: Oh, a nice picnic!1 Are there any cookies?_2 Is there any juice?_3 Is there a

27、ny bread?_4 Are there any sandwiches?_Unit9一 补全单词1 tr p 2 m v 3 p cn c 4 b thd p ty 5 p st r 6 b m r ng 7 sp n 8 n ckt 二 按要求填空:1 ride (过去式) 2 speak (过去式) 3go(过去式) 4 write (过去式) 5eat (过去式) 6 sea (过去式) 7take (过去式) 8 buy(过去式) 9did (过去式) 10 I (复数) 11 you (过去式) 12 she(过去式) 13is (过去式) 14 are (过去式) 三 英汉互译1

28、The turtle ras a purple skirt._2 .a nurse in a fur shirt._3 a letter in winter ._ 4. My teacheer is thirty._5说法语 _ 6去博物馆_7 照相_ 8 买纪念品_9 写明信片_ 10看斑马_11在美国_ 12 在中国_四 对划线部分提问1. I rode a roller coaster in the u.s ._2. I spoke French in France._3. He went to a museum in England._4 . We wrote pocards in China ._5 . Sh


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