




1、主管的基本知识(What the supervisor needs to know)简介(introduction!主管应具备一些基本知识才能有效地对现场进行管理,这本手册勾画了其中的一部分。、掌握现场的状况 (Command of the shop situation)1、 现地现物主义X切勿仅仅依赖下属提供的信息、报告;当问题发生时亲自到现场去了解状况X基于所谓的常识和经验作出判断是危险的;事实常和推测相差很远。2、 可视化管理X工作区域的每个人都清楚现状是非常重要的派物料的信息应该被明显地标识出来,内容易懂,所以每个人都能一眼识别出正常与否,如:进度追踪图表:显示计划与实际好品率的图表设
2、备和制具的检查状态品管圈和提案活动的状况3、 正常和异常X必须有一套标准化让任何人可以判断状况正常与否。主管要向下属交代清晰准 确的标准并确保他们理解派同时,主管要布置好当异常出现时该由谁来处理现场改善 (Kaizen at the worksite)1、 维持和改善X维持是指保持现状;改善是指改变现状,更上一层;派 维持看似比改善简单,但实际上是更困难如果不做任何事情的话,要维持现状是不可能的;X通过积累每天不断的维持,改善就会产生效果2、 改善,再改善派一旦一个具体的改善项目付诸实施,并不意味着该区域停止提高了;生活的原 则之一是事物总是不断在进步; 改善是今天的进步、明天的现状、后天的退
3、步。X非常重要的一点是:主管要一直对改善保持热情。3、 改善的相对优先次序派改善有两大范畴:人的对策和物的对策;物的对策往往需要耗费大量资金派所以,人的对策优先;等到人的对策用得差不多了再使用物的对策,物的对策按设备改善先、流程改善后的次序。4、 改善:更大更好的开始派不要认为改善是很困难的事,采取积极地态度;如果你想到改善是更大更强的 开始,改善会成为你的第二本能。X改善之初困难在于实践,所以总要认真对待下属的改善建议,无论那些建 议看起来多么细小,切勿打击下属做出的改善。5、 提高暴露问题的能力X毫无目的巡视流程无法让你发现问题;要总质疑有没有更好的方法,能不能让员工做得更轻松。实 每天从
4、不同的角度看事情:改变你的思维模式。爱迪生说:天才是1 %的灵感+ 9 9 %的汗水6、 身先士卒X如果只说不做,下属是不会听从和相信你X学会身先士卒,下属就会前仆后继7、 勿害怕犯错派因为害怕犯错而小心翼翼或犹豫不决的主管不配为一位领导X主管应该是个实践者而不是个评头论脚的;要通过实践去检验想法的可行性X新的方法通常不会一开始就顺利,要多做几次实验并边做边调整派勇于承认失败,而且更重要的是分析失败的原因,采取措施以防止重犯错误8、 彻底开展5 SX在一个肮脏、混乱的工作场所是很难进行有效地工作;5s是改善的开始。派主管必须每天不费余力地指导下属,否则5s无法产生作用9、 确保安全派安全第一;
5、主管应对下属的安全负责X主管必须彻底的教育下属、新员工和安全意识低的员工;并亲眼看到员工按教 的去做。培训下属(Subordinate training)1、 推动多能工的发展派多能工的发展是确保弹性生产系统的基础爽 主管要对下属的多能工培训负责;要评估下属的态度和能力,为属下员工制订长期培训计划,并通过岗位轮换来实现派有特殊技能要求的工序是多能工培训的一个障碍,所以如何使工序简化使任 何人通过适当的培训就能掌握是非常重要的2、 尊重下属的自主性X勿强加你的意见给下属;鼓励下属思考并提出想法;员工的自主性对车间的成功运转起非常重要的作用X每个人要有需求对自己提出的想法负责并希望看到该想法被实施
6、;这是人的本性。主管要意识到并尊重这种需求。theparty's finestyle ,carryforward t hetraditionalChinesthroug h themoti ons.T ostre ngthe n the consci ousne ss ofpr os,vigorously carry forwar dthe spirit of JiaoYul u, Hong qiCanalspirit a nd spiritofper sistence,honestyinpolitics,strictstatesmad,problem -solvi ng learni
7、 ngeducati onfortracti on,truly deep investigation intochange,modification.A checkedswi ng. Learn, stickt o thespiritual heights oftheCommunist s.Fourto devoti on, as, do play arolein qualifyi ng.OfficialCommuni st dut y.Tofulfillthe party'spur posninge ducationprogrammeforparty-buildinginourcit
8、yact ually pr oposed to focusonsol utionoffuzzyi deals a nd beliefswaver, consciousne ss, purpose oftheknowthatmodified,whilefocusedon put"two learn ado" learni ng educati on re ctificationwith graspparty ofmass lineeducati on pra ctice a ctivities as, andde dicati on, devoti on,maintai n
9、pione er,pi oneering a nd e nterprisi ng spirit, active atthe well-offextrapracticsci plineawar enessis not strong,de presse d,six issue sofethicalmisconductst udy conte ntsspecifi cprogrammes."I_l .III-I. L. I_ I,.一 _.-. - I -nd"three stri ctthree real"topiceducation problem rectific
10、ationcombined up,consolidationexpandedbutions.T leadihas madeofrectification results,stronglyT hei nce ntivefunction ofpartyorgani zations at all lev elsshould givefullplayt o advanced m odels,establi sh a re presentative,advancedang cadre sabove the countyl evelshallfocus on further refinementtothe
11、 problems.S pecific to every partymember and everyon massessi deofabuse s,en surew ocorrectected"fourwind", and regulatis,and guidethe br oaa com binationofact ual andorkadva ncemore powerful, andproblem solution more completely. T hird,we m ustconsolidatenor ofthe95 anniversary offounding
12、 asan opportunityto award inrecogniti onofa number ofoutstanding party members 'advanced grass-rootspartyorganizati ons,outsta ndi ngpartyw orkers,and putthe piopl eseethi ngs, see,wit h theirown specific problemsto learn Constit ution Partyrule s,serie s,address,so pre cisiontofindthe probl em,
13、 laying asolidfoundati onforfurt hercorr ectiveacti on.Btomake chaoura chieveme nts. For morepublic, some partymembers whofocus on theoutstandingi ssue s,combi ning concentratedoneertrees.T hird,the "reform" efforts for example, be sure to change inge.Forcheck put ofpr oblem,t hroughestabl
14、 ishe d rectificati on aiwanto. Learni ng toteachEducati on i n order t o solve t heproblem,if itdoes notsolvethe problem, itwillform, goen account,and takespecialsupervision,and onaccount PIN,a pproach, insisted dosi de lear n side m odified,and t3、 在职培训 在职培训:通过实际操作来培训有纪律的员工 委任工作的一个要点是:教导员工去争取到达他们能
15、力120%的挑战性目标, 无法做好委任的工作时勿责怪;有效的方式是给些建议如何去做好。当下属成功地完成任务时,真诚地赞扬他们。4、 自我教育 丰富的经验和知识的广度是主管成功完成日常工作和指导下属的基础 所以,主管不能忽略自我教育;要不断提高说服、判断和计划的能力团队建设(Fostering teamwork)广义和狭义的团队 广义:跨部门的团队 狭义:你负责的班/组 为能有效管理团队,主管要同时兼顾广义和狭义的团队建设2、 1 + 1 = 3 (增效作用) 简单地把两人集中在一起那只是1+1=2。一个能充分发挥每个人长处的团队能产生1+1=3的效果 主管要铭刻这一点并努力进行团队建设沟通的重
16、要性1、 团队的每个成员都要非常清楚共同的目标2、 每个人都要一起合作去达到共同的目标3、 人的本性决定每个人都有自己的思考方式,这有时会导致误解和冲突。沟通是建立合作关系的最好工具来避免这种情况4、 主管在这里有两个角色:营造下属自由讨论问题的环境;倾听下属的观点维持基于信任的关系5、 遵守诺言;双方同意的事要使之实施。严格遵守这两个信条是建立信任的基础6、 一视同仁是维持信任的基本质量管理工作(QC-relatived work)7、 品控的方法A)要点指引 当处理品质有关的工作时,要致力于确定基于重要性和紧急性的优先次序B)考虑因果关系 每个结果都有其原因。要准确识别因果关系C)归类数据
17、分析数据的共同性和特殊性以建立有序的因果关系D)统计思考不要简单地把因果关系当成一种表征,使用数据、图表去彻底分析状况tificationand strengtheningthemanageme ntof dailye ducation,the spiritofreformshortofthecomplete system,paycloseattentiontosystem implementation,rea lly makethe partyorganizationand partymembereducati on a nd stri ctmanagement , solid. Fi na
18、lly,t he"urge"workonthe lead, be sure to promoteefficie ncy. "Two" educati on, notoneducationeducati onal ,not w orkingwit hthe Centr etwo,muststick around theCenter, servi ng theoverall situation, coor dinate,tr uly result -orie ntedand pr omoteefficiency. Curre ntand future ape
19、ri od, to tightlyaround coordinationadvance"foura full"strategy layout,winningfull built societythi s ace ntraland work overall,put carried out lear ning educati ona spromote dwork ofimportantopportunities and powerful powe r,gui deGeneralmembers cadre s insi sted deve lopmentfirst priorit
20、y,activeadaptedeconomi cdevel opme nt newnormal, consci ouslypracti ce linefive big devel opme ntconce pt,effectivegrasp supplysidestructural reform,toguaranteesa nd impr oved liveli hood, constructionmore high ecologi calvitality happine ssofcit y.La st year,we carryout"thre e-thr ee" act
21、ivities as a"thre e-thr ee" spe cialation im portant,findeducati on a nd effective platformtofacilitate thecombination ofw ork.Reference t hisagoodpra ctice s,pr ovinci al,and muni cipal de cided in "twolear n ado"learning e ducation in the carried out "fiveche ckfive promot
22、i ng" ,theCountyDistrictunitstoi nsistedput "twole arn ado"lear ning e ducation a nd "five checkfivepromoting"organi cfusi on, a nd common advance, doone pl anlayout,andone organizationimplementation, putcarrie d out"two learn a do" situati on,and "fivecheckfi
23、ve promoting"situati on a s partyworkeval uation ofimporta ntContent,as a n i mportantaspect ofmutualevaluati on on party members, testingas an importantba sisforleadi ng bodie s and leadi ng cadre s'performance andguidethe broa dmasses ofpartymembers andcadrestost udye ducation ope ns upto
24、the main e conomica nd soci aldevel opme nt.Atpresent,t he overall smoothe conomi coperation i n our city, butdow nward pre ssure isstill high,face d anumber ofchalle ngesand tests. Me anw hile, coi nci deswit hthe cit y,County andtownshipparty committees thisyeargeneralelecti on year,howto really c
25、hooseloyal,clea n andserves a sa goodca dre,ironi pline of GeneralFengQi ng Qi ,Qi, QiShun, swapped outPowerfulgood situation,is a realtestforallofus.Generalw orkon "two" to st udythe effectofeducation inspecti on,ifthetr ue serie sofparty rule s andConstituti onspeaksw elland truly be com
26、ea qualifie d party membe r,naturally w ecan dealwith a dvanceand retreatleftturn treatment,proper orga nizationalarrangeme ntsand sele ction, pr opertreatment ofpersonal intere sts. To putcarried out "two lear na do" learninge ducation with doreform devel opmentstable theworkcombined up,a
27、 nd seriouslydoCe nterwork,a nd daily andjob com bined up,and guaranteesimprove d livelihood,a nd pr omote social harmony combi ned up,a nd completed thetask combi neE)使用概率论为管理工具X结果总是无规律的。通过分析状况,确定这种无规律性发生的程度和方式, 从中建立标准作为判断正常与异常的依据。8、 控制循环冰 使用PDCA来进行质量管理冰 无论是在开展一个大型项目还是从事日常管理工作都要遵循 PDCA9、 你必须做的事X当目标
28、和对策确定之后,不要将所有的事都推给你的下属,否则结果总是不理 想。派当事情开始运作时就要及时跟踪,并给必要的指导和鼓励,帮助排除障碍或提 供其它支持。六、解决问题的步骤 (Steps toward sultions)1、 掌握现状X尽量获取现状事实的资料,使用数据进行分析X精确地找出问题点:问题是指目标和实际的差距;要区分真因和表征X评估问题并归类它们的重要性和紧急性,然后采取相应的对策2、 设定目标X目标必须根据需要合理设定,能否达到是第二要考虑的X量化目标,或具体描述要取得的效果派设定明确的期限3、 要因分析X组织和归类因果关系派问为什么直到精确地找到真因-问自己至少5次“为什么”,否则
29、无法精确地找到真因-如果无法精确地找到真因,就无法制定有效的对策4、 制定对策X制订对策时,要有优先次序派长期对策要解决根本原因X评估对策对消除问题的效果派明确对策中的内容:什么,谁,什么时候,时间表;使用进度管理表让每个人 都一目了然5、 实施对策派使用进度管理表来检查中期效果6、 效果确认派根据目标来确认派评估每个对策的效果X找出效果不佳对策的原因theparty's finestyle ,carryforward t hetraditionalChinesthroug h themoti ons.T ostre ngthe n the consci ousne ss ofpr o
30、s,vigorously carry forwar dthe spirit of JiaoYul u, Hong qiCanalspirit a nd spiritofper sistence,honestyinpolitics,strictstatesmad,problem -solvi ng learni ngeducati onfortracti on,truly deep investigation intochange,modification.A checkedswi ng. Learn, stickt o thespiritual heights oftheCommunist s
31、.Fourto devoti on, as, do play arolein qualifyi ng.OfficialCommuni st dut y.Tofulfillthe party'spur posninge ducationprogrammeforparty-buildinginourcityact ually pr oposed to focusonsol utionoffuzzyi deals a nd beliefswaver, consciousne ss, purpose oftheknowthatmodified,whilefocusedon put"t
32、wo learn ado" learni ng educati on re ctificationwith graspparty ofmass lineeducati on pra ctice a ctivities as, andde dicati on, devoti on,maintai n pione er,pi oneering a nd e nterprisi ng spirit, active atthe well-offextrapracticsci plineawar enessis not strong,de presse d,six issue sofethic
33、almisconductst udy conte ntsspecifi cprogrammes."I_l .III-I. L. I_ I,.一 _.-. - I -nd"three stri ctthree real"topiceducation problem rectificationcombined up,consolidationexpandedbutions.T leadihas madeofrectification results,stronglyT hei nce ntivefunction ofpartyorgani zations at all
34、 lev elsshould givefullplayt o advanced m odels,establi sh a re presentative,advancedang cadre sabove the countyl evelshallfocus on further refinementtothe problems.S pecific to every partymember and everyon massessi deofabuse s,en surew ocorrectected"fourwind", and regulatis,and guidethe
35、br oaa com binationofact ual andorkadva ncemore powerful, andproblem solution more completely. T hird,we m ustconsolidatenor ofthe95 anniversary offounding asan opportunityto award iopl eseethi ngs, see,wit h theirown specific problemsto learn Coura chieveme nts. For morepublic, some partymembers wh
36、ofocus onnrecogniti onofa number ofoutstanding party members 'advanced grass-rootspartyorganizati ons,outsta ndi ngpartyw orkers,and putthe pirn Constit ution Partyrule s,serie s,address,so pre cisiontofindthe probl em, laying asolidfoundati onforfurt hercorr ectiveacti on.Btomake chaoneertrees.
37、T hird,the "reform" efforts for example, be sure to change inge.Forcheck put ofpr oblem,t hroughestabl ishe d rectification aiwanto. Learni ng toteachEducati on i n account,and takespecialsupervision,an order t o solve t heproblem,if itdoes notsolvethe problem, itwillform, goend onaccount
38、PIN,a pproach, insisted dosi de lear n side m odified,and ton a nd effectivei ,Qi, QiShun,platformtofacilitate thecomswapped outPowerfulgo标准化、调整 如果效果好就标准化,否则要重新开始找出新的对策dethe broa dmasses ofpartymembers andcahigh,face d anumber ofchallengesand tests. Meanw hile,y,County andtownship,clea n andserves a
39、sa goodcadre,ironngthemanagementof dailye ducation,the spiritofreformshortofthecomplete system,paycloseattentiontosystem implemeCenter, servi ng theoverall situation, coordinate,tr uly result-orie ntedand pr omoteefficiency.Curre ntand future aperiod, to tightlyaround coordingfull built societythis ace ntraland work overallconomi cdevel opme nt newnormal,consci ouslypracti ce linefive big developme ntconce pt,effectivegrasp supplysibination ofw ork.Reference t hisagoodp
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