



1、 5AUnit 1学习任务单一 基础知识部分:(要求:会读、会背、会默)1 单词(详见单词表上本单元单词)2 词组 in the forest 在森林里just right 正合适,正好beside the window 在窗旁边too soft 太柔软too hard 太硬be afraid 害怕in front of her 在她前面my uncle 我的叔叔in the fridge 在冰箱里put on your coats 穿上你的外套some soup on the table 在餐桌上的汤have some cakes 吃一些蛋糕in China 在中国in western co

2、untries 在西方国家in the kitchen 在厨房find their cousin 寻找他们的表哥between the trees 在树中间you two 你们俩3 句型 1. What a beautiful house! 多漂亮的房子啊!2. There is some soup on the table. 在桌子上有一些汤。 3. There are three beds in the room. 在房间里有三张床。4. There are three bears in front of her. 在她前面有三只熊。5. Who are you? Im Jack. 你是谁

3、?我是杰克。6. That soup is too hot. This soup is just right. 那种汤太烫(太辣)。这种汤正好。7. Theres a glass of milk on the table. 在桌上有一杯牛奶。8. My uncle has a cold, any my cousin too. 我叔叔感冒了,我表哥也是。9. Coffee is popular in Western countries. 在西方国家,咖啡很受欢迎。10. Tea is popular in China. 在中国,茶很受欢迎。11. Where are the cakes? The

4、yre in the fridge. 蛋糕在哪里?它们在冰箱里。12. There arent any cakes here. 这儿没有蛋糕。13. There is a chair between the table and the sofa. 桌子和沙发之间有一张椅子。14. She is tired, hungry and thirsty. 她又累、又饿、又口渴。15. The boy is afraid. 那个男孩害怕了。16. Do you remember these words ? 你们还记得这些单词吗?17. Bobby cannot see any cakes in the

5、fridge. 波比在冰箱里没有看到蛋糕。二 语法知识部分:(要求:理解运用)1 There be 句型 在英语中,如果要表示某地有或存在某物或某人时,常用句型There is /are +人/物+地点来表达。在这个句型中,is和are 的选用取决于后面的主语的单复数形式。 如:There is a house in the forest. There are three houses in the forest. There is a desk and some chairs in the classroom. (如果there be 后有多个主语,be 动词的选用取决与第一个名词,这叫做就

6、近原则) 2 there be 和have 在意义和用法上的区别there be 表示“存在”, 而have 则表示“拥有”。如:There is an English book on the desk. I have an English book. 3. Help! Help! 来人啊!救命啊! 当遇到紧急情况时,我们通常用Help!做呼救语。4. cannot=cant cannot是can的否定形式,主要用于书面语。在口语中一般用其紧缩形式cant. 如:Bobby cannot see any cakes in the fridge. 5. There be 的否定句there be

7、 结构的否定式是在动词be后面加not 构成。如:There isnt a chair in the living room. There arent any cakes here. 6. some和any 在用法上的区别some 和 any 都表示一些,可以修饰可数名词的复数或不可数名词some 多用于肯定句,any 多用于否定和疑问句。 三 拓展部分:(要求:根据老师要求,认真完成) Deep in the forest, lived three bears, Father Bear, Mother Bear and Baby Bear. One day, Mother Bear made

8、 some porridge (粥) for breakfast. “My porridge is too hot,” said Father Bear. “Mine(我的)too!” cried(cry的过去式,哭) Baby Bear. “It burnt(burn的过去式,烧伤) my mouth!”Mother Bear had an idea. “Lets go for a walk and wait for(等待) the porridge to cool down(冷却), ” she said. So, the three bears set off(出发) into the

9、woods. Someone else had decided(decide的过去式,决定) to go for a walk that day, too. A little girl named Goldilocks was skipping(跳跃) down the path(小路) towards the bears cottage(小屋). “How pretty,” she said. “I wonder who lives here?”Goldilocks peeped(peep的过去式,偷看) through the door and saw(see的过去式) three bow

10、ls on the table. “Porridge, I love porridge!” she cried. First , the little girl tried Father Bears porridge. “This is much too hot,” said Goldilocks. Then , she tried Mother Bears porridge. “This is too sweet,” she said. Baby bears porridge was just right, so the hungry girl gobbled (gobble的过去式,狼吞虎

11、咽)it all up! Goldilocks was now so full that she had to sit down!First, she tried Fathers Bears chair. “This is too hard.” she groaned(groan的过去式,抱怨). Then, she tried Mother Bears chair. “This is too soft,” she moaned. Finally, Goldilocks sat in Baby Bears tiny chair. “This one is just right!” she cr

12、ied, happily.Suddenly, the chair broke and she fell on the floor!Goldilocks was tired now, so she climbed the stairs(楼梯) to the bedroom. There, she found(find 的过去式)three cosy(舒适的) beds.Feeling sleepy, she climbed on to Father Bears bed.“This is too hard,” she said. Then, she tried Mother Bears bed.

13、“This is too soft!” she cried.Baby Bears little bed was a perfect fit and soon, Goldilocks was fast asleep. When the three bears returned(return 的过去式,返回) from their walk , they couldnt believe(相信) their eyes!“Whos been eating my porridge?” roared Father Bear.“Whos been eating my porridge?” cried Mot

14、her Bear. “And whos been eating my porridge and gobbled it all up?” howled(howl的过去式,嚎哭) Baby Bear. The three bears looked around (环顾四周)their house. “ Whos been sitting in my chair? ” growled Father Bear. “ Whos been sitting in my chair?” said Mother Bear. “ And whos been sitting in my chair and brok

15、en it into pieces?” sobbed(sob的过去式,呜咽) Baby Bear. The three bears went(go的过去式) up the stairs to their bedroom.“ Whos been sleeping in my bed?” said Father Bear. “Whos been sleeping in my bed? ” asked Mother Bear. “ And whos still sleeping in my bed?” cried Baby Bear. Suddenly, Goldilocks woke up!Father Bear and M


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