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1、学员姓名:学科教师:年 级:七年级辅导科目:英语授课日期时 间主 题期中综合复习学习目标复习上一阶段的重要语法:现在完成时,一般过去时,There be句型,一般疑问句,介 词,形容词副词比较级最高级。教学内容1、上次课后巩固作业复习;2、互动探索教学建议:1 .根据上节课预习思考的要求,以新闻播报的形式,让学生站起来把自己的调查结果报道出来。2 . 一个学生报道后可以另一个学生用英语进行提问。、作寸改便回快7e期中重点语法复习【知识梳理1修饰比较级的副词修饰形容词比较级的常用副词有:much, even, still, far, a little, a bitShe is much more

2、 beautiful than before.她比以前漂亮多 了。He looks still younger than his friends.他看上去仍然比他的朋友们年轻。Can you read it a bit louder?你能读得稍微响一些吗?【例题精讲】例1. Tom felt much better.汤姆感觉好多了例2.His face turns even rcdde匚他的脸变得更红了【巩固练习】1. 1. This kind of mango is than the others.A. expensiveB. much expensiveC. much moreD. muc

3、h more expensive2. His brother is very tall. He is than his brother.A. highB. even highC. much highD. even higher3. This one is a little. (cheap)4. She turns even.(beautiful)5.This result is far(satisfying).keys: DD cheaper more beautiful more satisfying【知识梳理2表示方位的介词和介词词组in, near, next to, on, in fr

4、ont of, opposite, betweenand.in表示“在之内”,强调在某事物的内部。Your clothes are in the suitcase.你的衣物在行李箱里°near表示“在附近There is a garden near our school building.我们教学楼附近有一个花园。©next t。表示“紧靠的旁边”The red building next to the coffee bar is a restaurant.咖啡馆旁边的红色楼房是一家餐厅。on表示“在之上”,强调在某事物的表面。There are a lot of book

5、s on the shelf.书架上有很多书。in front of表示“在前面”There is a park in front of our school.我们学校前而有一个花园 °© opposite表示“在的对面“The supermarket is opposite the hospital.超市在医院对而。betweenand表示“在中间”Mary sits between Tom and Mike.玛丽坐在汤姆和迈克的中间。【例题精讲】例 L There is a tree in front of iny house.在我家前面有一棵树。例2. The ban

6、k is opposite our school.银行在我们学校对面。【巩固练习】1.1 prefer a flat the countrywide.A. inB. ofC. onD. for2. Remember to put the chair to the table.A. in frontB. nearC. nextD. behind3. Shall I put the rug the sofa and the TV?A. amongB. inC. fromD. between4. She took a seat the childrenA. amongB. betweenC. aft

7、erD. in front5. 翻译:他家附近有一家剧院。Keys: LA 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. There is a theatre near his home.【知识梳理3】一般疑问句一般疑问句又称作“Yes/N。question”,常用来询问一件事情或一种情况是否属实。一般疑问句的结构是:bc/have +主语+其他成分Is he interested in sports? 他对体育感兴趣吗?Yes, he is.是的。Have you been to Japan yet? 你去过日本了吗? No, I haven't.不,我没有。助动词+主语+动词+其他成分Doe

8、s he wear a uniform at work?他工作时穿制服 吗?Yes, he does.是的,他穿制服的。【例题精讲】例 LDid the watch cost much?例 2.Do you need any help?【巩固练习】改为一般疑问句1. He is going to help him mum do the housework, he going to his mum do the housework?2. He can finish mopping the floor quickly.he mopping the floor quickly?3. Alice li

9、kes flying a kite ver>r much.Alice flying a kite very much?4. All of us realize the importance of keeping the air clean.all of us the importance of keeping the air clean?2. We need another hour to finish the operation.you another hour to finish the operation?Keys: 1. Is.help2. Can.finish3. Does.l

10、ike 4. Do.realize 5. Do .need【知识梳理4】一般现在时一般现在时表示经常、反复发生的动作,或一般情况下所存在的状态。它常和always, often, usually, every day, sometimes等时间状语连用。一般现在时的用法:表示经常、反复发生的动作,现在的习惯或状态. 常与 often, always, usually, every day, sometimes, never, once a day, seldom 等时间状语连用。He goes to work every day.他每天都上班。Mike is an American.迈克是一个

11、美国人*表示客观事实或普遍真理。The Earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。在连词 when, before, if. as soon as, until 等引导的 时间和条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时表示将 来的动作。I will call you as soon as I arrive.我一到就会给你打电话。【例题精讲】例 LTom usually gets up at six.例 2.We will have a sports meetmg if it doesn't ram.【巩固练习】用所给单词的适当形式填空。1 . The sun in th

12、e east. (rise)2 . Peter morning exercise every day. (do)3 .Danny(study) English.Chinese,Maths,Science and Art an school.4 .Mike sometimes(go) to the park with his sister.5 .At eight at night, she(watch) TV with his parentsKeys: 1. rises2. Does 3.studies 4. Goes 5. watches【知识梳理5现在完成时现在完成时涉及现在和过去两个时间,

13、其事情发生在过去,但对现在有影响。I have lived in Shanghai since I was born.自出生以来我就住在上海。Peter has been to Europe twice.彼得已去过欧洲两次°【例题精讲】例 l.Who has cleaned the room? It's clean.例 2.1 have seen the film twice.【巩固练习】请分别写出下列单词的过去式和过去分词1eatateeaten2do3have4go5plan6take7makeKeys: 2. did. done 3. had. had 4. went,

14、 gone 5. planned, planned 6. took, taken 7. made, made【知识梳理6】there be句型there be句型表示客观存在。需要就近原则。There are more than 5 bridges over this river.这条河上有不止五座桥。【例题精讲】例 1. There is only one student left in the classroom.教室里只剩下一名学生©例2.There is one box and two pens on the table.有一个箱子和两支笔在桌子上。【巩固练习】1. Ther

15、e are two nibbish bins in the corridor.(改成一般疑问句) two rubbish bins in the corridor?2. There are six people in my family.(就划线部分提问) people are there in your family?3. There some meat, some bread and some apples on the table.(be)4. There a picture and a clock on the wall.(be)5. There a volleyball match

16、in our school the day after tomorrow.(be)Keys: l.Are there 2. How many 3. Is 4. Is 5. Will be【知识梳理7】“too +形容词”表示“太The boy is too little.这个男孩太小了。I don't like the dish because it's too sweet.我不喜欢这道菜,因为它太甜 了。【注意】to。+形容词+ for sb.表示“对某人而言太了 too还能和to构成词组搭配tco.to表示“太而不能”,通常可以和sothat和not.enough to.作

17、句型转换。【例题精讲】例1. He walks too slowly to get there on time,他走得太慢,不能按时到达那儿.例 2. Fm too tired to think of anything now.我太累了,什么也不能想了.【巩固练习】按要求改写句子1 This room is so small that it can't hold 50 people.(保持句意不变)This room is small hold 50 people.This room is big hold 50 people.2 .翻译:这个房间太小了,容纳不了这么多人.3 .翻译:

18、这个房间足够容纳这么多人.4 .翻译:他们去得太晚了,没有赶上公共汽车.5 .翻译:这个问题难了,不好回答.Key: 1.too.to, not.enough to 2. This room is too small to hold so many pcople.3. This room is big enough to hold so many people.4. They got there too late to catch the bus.5. The question is too complicated(difficult)to answer.教学建议:此部分必须由班级学员合作完成

19、。1)在规定的时间内学员独立完成测试:2)老师给出答案,学员相互批改:3)在规定的时间内就错题学员间相互合作,讨论错题,保证每一位学员都懂:4)老师随机抽查,根据学生的整体表现给出此部分的班级得分(评分标准参考课堂激励评分标准)I. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(共15分))1. There is exhibition centre in our neighbourhood.A. aB. anC. someD. the()2. It'sto live in a big city.A. peacefulB. quietC. convenientD.

20、convenience()3.1 can see some fishof the lake.A. in the bottomB. at the bottomC. under the bottomD. under the water()4. do you usually go to school?I take a bus. Then I take the underground.A. HowB. WhatC. WhenD. Where)5. There is a hospital the police station.A. next toB. next ofC. near ofD. beside

21、s)6. Where do you want the bed? it opposite the sofa, please.A. TakeB. Put)7. Ifs a good habit to in class.A. take notesC. put down the notes)8. Mr. Brown bought a new schoolbagC. CarryD. GetB. write notesD. take down notesa lovely Mickey Mouse for his daughter.1/12D. forD. yourselfD. soD. intereste

22、dD. drinkingA. withB. ofC. in)9. Tom learns Japanese all by. He's really clever.A. himB. himselfC. herself)10.1 used to get up early I lived in the suburbs.A. whereB. whenC. because)11.1 like comedies, because they are very.A. interesting B. interestC. boring)12. Don*t forget to give my dog clea

23、n water.A. drinkB. to drinkC. to be drunk)13. The red dress is than the yellow one.A. expensiveB. much expensiveC. much more expensiveD. more much expensive()14. We usually have a big party the term.A. at the end B. in the endC. at the end of D. final()15. My English teacher is from. He can speak En

24、glish very well.A. America B. AmericanC. JapaneseD. AustralianIl.Complete the sentences with the given words ui their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句 子)(共5分)1. My brother works in an estate. He is busy every day. (agent)2. Both Mary and Tom in the same block of flats. (live)3. The T-shirt is too sm

25、all. I need a one. (big)4. Tom is a in that restaurant on Saturday. (help)5. My aunt types letters and answers phones in an office. She is a. (type)III. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共10分)1. Td like to visit the West Lake next month.(对划线部分提问) you like to visit n

26、ext month?2. Tom has got some gifts from his friends.(改为否定句)Tom got gifts from his friends.3. My sister likes English better than maths.(保持句意不变)My sister English maths.4.1 want to be a secretary because I like lo work with different people.(对划线部分提问)do you want to a secretaryr?5. Tom usually walks hi

27、s dog after supper.(改为一般疑问句)Tom usually his dog after supper?KeysI .1-5 BCBAA 6-10 BAABB 11-15 ABCCAII. 1. agency 2. live 3. bigger 4. helper 5. typistIII. 1. Where would 2. hasn't; any 3. prefers; to4.Why; be 5. Does; walk“我的总结”包含2个方面:1、老师引导学生针对达标检测错题进行反思和总结;2、老师引导学生对精讲提升相关知识进行总结,可采用表格、思维导图等形式呈

28、现。我的总结修饰比较级的副词有:much, even, still, far, a little, a bitThere be句型的谓语动词单复数原则是:就近原则一般疑问句的句型是:be/have +主语+其他成分。助动词+主语+动词+其他成分现在完成时的定义:过去发生并且已经完成的动作对现在造成影响或后果,过去某一时间开 始并一直持续到现在并且有可能还会持续的动作或状态.常见的地点介词和词组是:in, near, next to, on, in front of, opposite, between.andL Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案,用A, B, C

29、或D表示)1. Peter likes playing piano, but he doesn't like playing basketball.A. the./B. the.the C. /.the D. a.the2. People's Square is the centre of Shanghai.A. atB. ofC. inD. on3. Sorry, there is no fish meat on the table today.A. andB. and not C. orD. and any4. The boy has some Chinese stamps

30、 and the girl has some German.A. oneB. themC .stamp D. ones5. We should help old people cross the road.A. safetyB. safelyC. safe D. save6.1 visited Nanjing during this National Day. Look, this is a photo of my mother andA. mineB. myC. meD.I7. Nowadays many students rock music.A. enjoy listeningB. en

31、joy listening toC. enjoy to listen toD. enjoy listening to8.1 t takes us about to travel from Shanghai to Singapore.A. four and a half hoursB. four hours and a halfC. four hours and a halfD. four and a half hours9. Before moving to a new flat, I should buy furniture.A. a lot ofB. a little C. manyD.

32、a few10. 一What s your friends nationality?-She is.A. JapanB. ThailandC. CanadaD. Indian11.1 put my bookshelf to my bed.A. nearB. beside C. frontD. next12. Alice invited Tom to her birthday party last week.A. comeB. to come C. comesD. coming13. -a year do you visit your grandparents in Beijing?-Twice

33、.A. How oftenB. How long C. How far D. How many times14. Yesterday when I passed his office, I saw him a newspaper.A. readingB. readC. readsD. to read15. -Would you like to go to the movie tomorrow, Peter?A. Yes, I do.C. Yes, IdB. Yes, Td like to.D. Tliank you, I would like.II.用所给单词适当形式完成句子。16. If y

34、ou have an in something, you want to learn more about it .(interesting)17. I think Jack is to his classmates . That's not friendly, (kind)18. Please help to some fish everyone . (you)19. My father has gone to the office , because we want to buy a new flat. (agency)20.1 like the flat with two big

35、. (balcony)III.根据要求改写句子,每空一词21. The SPCA helps animals find new homes。改为否定句)The SPCA animals find new homes.22. He has already finished his homework.(改为一般疑问句) he finished his homework?23. What's wrong with you?(保持原句意思)What's with you?24. Fd like to live in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood.(

36、对划线部分提问) of neighborhood would you like to live in?25. Tins dress is very small. I can t wear it.(保持原句意思)This dress is not for me to wear.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词或短语完成短文)(10 分)The basenji(巴辛吉)is a central African hunting dog. It comes 1 a country 2 Chad, whi

37、ch is 3 the Central African Republic. The basenji was well-known as the H 4 dogM because for centuries nobasenjis have ever been known to bark. Then at a dog 5 in London in 1953, a basenji actually barked.As well as being clever, basenjis 6 their natural courage and are still popular hunting dogs in

38、 Africa. But in America people keep them mainly because they are gentle and full of fun. The basenji has an 7habititwashes itself all over 8 a cat. It is a middle-sized dog, 16 or 17 inches high from the shoulder. It weighs 920 pounds. A basenjfs coat is short and silky. It may be brown, white, or gold, or a 10 of these threecolors.()1.A. fromB.inC. forD. out()2. A. callB. calledC. nameD. names()3. A. north ofB. in n


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