



1、写作技巧(学业水平考试)(掌握这些技巧,你就可以得高分)2009 年阅读下面的征友信。假定你是潇湘中学的李华,愿意与写信人交朋友。请根据以下要 求写一封回信,介绍个人的基本情况和学校生活。信的开头和结尾已给出。要求:1)介绍个人基本情况不少于 3条信息,如年龄、性格、爱好等;学校生活也不少 于3条信息,如作息时间、班级大小、学习课程等;2)词数:100左右;3)将回信写在答题卡上。Dear friend.Hi! My name is Jack. I am a high school student in the UK. I' m 17, an active andeasy-go ing

2、 boy. I like ball games and surfi ng the Internet very much. School here starts at 9 a.m. and ends at about 3:30 p.m. Our class is small, only 29 stude nts or so. We have to move to different classrooms for different classes. Besides the main subjects, we can choose other subjects like Woodwork and

3、German. Right now, I' m busy preparing myselffor the A-level exam.Please write and tell me about yourself and your school life if you are willing to be my pen friend.Best wishes,Jack2010 年下面是一位同学些的随笔,记述了她考完语文后的感受。作文这道题,本次英语考试即告结束,你应该也有一些感想。请参照一下汉语提示写一篇日记,把你此时的真实感受记录下来,字数100左右。试试看!日记开头部分已写在答题卡上。提

4、示:1 试卷难易如何?四道大题(Part 1 Listening. Part 2 Grammar and usage, Part 3Read in g,Part 4 Writi ng)中,哪一道题你觉得最难,哪道题容易?2你喜欢这套试卷吗(最)喜欢哪些内容?为什么?3今后你如何进一步学好英语?The Chinese test paper is very easy for me. Part 1 is the easiest, but the writing part is a little difficult. It took me quite a lot of time. Anyhow, I

5、think the paper is well prepared. And I like the reading part most. The passages are vivid and interesting. And I've learned a lot from them .In order to improve my Chin ese, I think i have to work still harder at it. I have to read more and write more from now on.评分标准:满分15分。其中内容占12分,形式占3分。按4档计分

6、。第一档15分文章内容完整,语言形式正确;第二档14-11分文章内容较完整,语言形式错误不多;第三档10-5分 文章内容不完整,语言形式错误较多;第四档4-0分写了个别词语或基本没有作答;记住:1字数要求要达到(100字左右)2卷面要求整洁,切忌潦草 (记住:相同的内容,整洁与潦草至少有3分之差)写作步骤:1阅读写作材料,写出要点。2找出参考文章里的对应的要点。3根据材料的要求把参考要点作相应的改动(如人称/时间/地点/科目等),不要全部照抄。4把要点变成完整的句子。(记住:不要写自己真实的姓名或学校等)5连句成文。(加上适当的连接词,使文章连贯,语义顺畅)要写的要点(中文)材料里的参考要点要

7、写的要点(英文)1112223334445556667771112223334445556667772009 年 参考范文:Dear Jack,Hi, I am Li Hua from China. I am very glad to be your pen friend. I study in Xiaoxiang High School. This year I' m 17, too. As a shy and quiet girl, I love reading and listening to music,especially classical music. In our sc

8、hool, class begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. Compared with yours, our classes are very big, generally up to 50 students each. Besides, we usually have different classes in the same classroom. At school, we study as many as13 subjects, and I am crazy about English. By the way, I am engaged in an E

9、nglish speech contest. Could you please give me some advice?Hope to hear from you soon!Best wishes,Li Hua2010 年 参考范文:June 12The English exam's coming to an end. So far I've found the whole paper is neither too hard nor too easy for me. Part 1 Listening is rather difficult ,especially the dic

10、tation. On the other hand, Part 3 Reading is a little easier than the other three.On the whole, I like the paper, of which I am really fond of the reading part. I've had a better understanding of the saying "Where there is a will, there is a way," after I finished the table "Chine

11、se Nobel Prize Winners." Of course, I like this writing part, too. I can write what I'm feeling about at this very moment. It seems to me that we're using English in our real life, not having an English exam, doesn't it?English, no doubt, is another way to enrich ourselves. From now

12、 on. I'm sure my English will become better and better in the future.Practice :假设你是李明,收到你美国笔友 Tom的一封信,请给你的美国笔友写一封e-mail,介绍你的语文老师 Miss Lee,要点如下:1年龄,家庭情况2性格,与学生相处情况3课堂情况,课后情况4爱好5写一至两点其他同学对他的看法字数100左右Dear Li Min g,How are you recen tly? Now ni tell you someth ing about my En glish teacher Mr.Johnson.Mr. Joh nson is forty years old. He has a happy family and has two sons. He's outgo ing and gets along well with us students. His classes are very interesting. After class, he often helps us with our En glish. He n ever smokes. He


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