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1、人教版英语精品资料武威第十九中学集体备课教学设计武威第十九中学第 6单元(章)教材分析、单元教材分析本节课的主要话题是谈论历史上的发明物 、单元总体目标:1 .知识和技能目标:1)谈论历史上的发明物2)掌握本课单词和短语 be made of /be made in ; 了解一般过去时态被动语态的 结构和用法。2 .过程与方法目标:1)能运用所学知识练习被动语态的句式。2 )能用所学句型进行交际练习。3.情感、态度和价值观目标:培养学生的听说演等能力及合作学习的意识。三、单元重点:教学重点:熟练掌握be made of ; be made in 的运用。四、教学难点:被动语态的运用及构成。五、

2、单元教学方法:采用Concluding, Role playing和Comparing的学习策略,来展开课堂 pairwork问大 师的口语交际活动和讨论活动来谈论名人所采用的学习方法。词汇教学:情景操练,反复使用。口语教学;师生互动,生生互动,对话练习,交际活动。阅读教学:利用词典等工具书,根据上下文查寻词义。六、单元课时分配:6课时Period 1 Section A (1a-1c)Period 3 Section A (3a-3c)Period 5 Section B (1a-2e)语法教学:总结规律,模仿操练。Period 2 Section A (2a-2d)Period 4 Sec

3、tion A (Grammar Focus-4c)Period 6 Section B (3a-Self Check)九年级 英语学科全册第6_单元(章)单元(章) 名称、课题Unit 6 When was it invented?课时划分6课时教学课时第1课时 总备课数 第课时主备人备课组其他 成员集体备课内容二次备课内容三 维 教 学 目 标Knowledge Object: Talk about the history of inventions It was invented in 1876. What was it used for?It was used to talk to pe

4、ople in other towns.Master: be + pp.Ability Object.: 1)能运用所学知识练习被动语态的句式。2)能用所学句型进行交际练习。Emotion Object:培养学生的听说演等能力及合作学习的意识。教学 重点1. Key Vocabulary2 . Target Language . 3Train the students to talk about the history of inventions.教学 难点被动语态的运用及构成。教法,情景操练,反复使用,师生互动,生生互动。学法通过谈论历史上的发明物,充分掌握被动语态的用法 .教学 准备多媒体

5、课件 教科书 卡片 录音机 课前预习学案。教学过程Step 1. Warm-upShow some pictures and ask students to be familiar with the words below.Telephone calculator , car personal computer, TV setStep 2. PresentationI .1a Groupwork1. Point to the pictures and ask students to say what they are.2. Discuss in groups and number them 1

6、-5.3. Check the answers.n .1b1. Look at the pictures and the dates. Listen to a conversation between a girl and a woman, then match the inventions and the dates.2. Check the answers.m .1c Pair work1. Work in pairs. Look at 1b. Student A cover the dates. Student B, ask student A when the things in th

7、e picture were invented. Then change roles and practice again.2. Ask students to makesimilar dialogues using the things around them.IV .2a1. Show a slide with some inventions on it. Teach the vocabulary words. Read them again and again and try to grasp them.2.2a Show another slide. Look at the pictu

8、re. Here are the three inventions. Youwill hear a conversation between a girl and a boy. Listen and number the inventions in the order that you hear them.3. Listen carefully again and check up their answers.4. Ask a student to say out his / her answer.5. The teacher shows the correct answers.V . 2b1

9、. Show another slide. Look at the chart. It shows the people who invented these things and what they are used for. Listen to the recording again and match the items in column A, B and C.2. Play the tape again, then check the answers.VI .2c Pair work1. Ask the students to pay attention to the sample

10、conversation and ask two students to read it aloud.2. Role play the conversations using the information in the chart in 2b.Homework:1 . Copy grammar twice.2 .Ask the students to do the workbook and Recite words.本节课成功之处:本节课需改进的地方:九年级 英语学科全册第6_单元(章)单元(章) 名称、课题Unit 6 When was it invented?课时划分6课时教学课时第2课

11、时 总备课数 第课时主备人备课组其他 成员集体备课内容二次备课内容三 维 教 学 目 标Knowledge Object:hat are they used for? When was it invented?Who was it invented by?Master: be + pp.Ability Object.: 1)能运用所学知识练习被动语态的句式。2)能用所学句型进行交际练习。Emotion Object:培养学生的听说演等能力及合作学习的意识。教学 重点1. Talk about the helpful inventions and annoying inventions.2. G

12、uide the students to discuss their opinions on the inventions.教学 难点被动语态的运用及构成。教法,情景操练,反复使用,师生互动,生生互动。学法通过谈论历史上的发明物,充分掌握被动语态的用法 .教学 准备多媒体课件教科书录音机课前预习教学过程Step 1 RevisionShow some pictures about inventions such as computer, telephone, car, TV, calculator Ask the students to practice speaking.Step 2. Pr

13、esentationI .3a Pairwork1.Look at the pictures. There are some inventions (alarm clock, light club, microwave oven) . Ask students to readthem loudly.2. Ask students the following questions.Is the light club useful or annoying?3. Ask the students to make a list of five helpful inventions and five an

14、noying inventions on their own, move around the room to offer help as needed.4. Let the students who would like to share their answers to read to the class.n .3b1 .Ask the students to pay attention to the conversation.Ask two students to read the conversation.2 . Ask the students to discuss their op

15、inions in 3a with their partner.IV. Groupwork1.Show a picture. Imagine that you are alone on a tiny island. Choose five inventions you would like to have on the island with you.Choose five inventions you would like to have on the island with you.Tell the group what you choose and why, then discuss i

16、n a group.2 .Tell the group what you choose and why, use these sentences.I think the most helpful invention isI' d like to have a because I could It ' s used for I also want a because it 3 .Ask the students to discuss in a group.Step3:Summaryhomework:1 .Complete the short passage. 2.Tranlate

17、 some sentences.1.我们都知道全世界广泛的应用英语。2.食物在吃之前应该煮3.那条河被污染了。4.那本书昨天被借出去了。 5.明年我校还 要建一栋教学楼。本节课成功之处:本节课需改进的地方:九年级 英语学科全册第6_单元(章)单元(章) 名称、课题Unit 6 When was it invented?课时划分6课时教学课时第3课时总备课数第课时主备人备课组 其他成 员集体备课内容二次备课内容三 维 教 学 目 标Knowledge Object:1. Learn the new words: sweet, crispy, salty, sour, by mistake.2.

18、Learn to talk about the history of inventions.2. Master: be + pp.Ability Object. : 1)能运用所学知识练习被动语态的 句式02)能用所学句型进行交际练习。Emotion Object:培养学生的听说演等能力及合作学习的意识。教学 重点1Train the students' speaking and listening skills with the target language.2. Teach the students to use the new vocabulary correctly.教学 难

19、点被动语态的运用及构成。教法,情景操练,反复使用,师生互动,生生互动。学法通过谈论历史上的发明物,充分掌握被动语态的用法 .教学 准备多媒体课件教科书录音机课前预习教学过程Step 1 RevisionHave a free talk. Ask the students to practice talking toeach other。Step 2 PresentationI .1a1. Readthe four words and ask students to repeat them. Give them a minute to read and write the words. Then

20、 tell the students they are adjectives and they are used for describing things. For example: The apple is sweet and sour.2. Get the students to describe the things with the given adjectives. Some food have more than one word.3. Check the answers.n 1b Ask the students to describe how food taste and f

21、inish 1b.m.2a1. Let students describe howpotato chips taste and describe how helpful the potato chips.2.Ask the students to listen to a story about the invention of the potato chips and circle T or F.3. Check the answers.IV. 2b1 .Listen again and complete the sentences.2 . Check the answers.V .2c Pa

22、irworkThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Ask the students work in pairs. Role play the conversation about the invention of the potato chip. Use the information from 2a and 2b.Step 3. SummaryWork in pairs. Role play the conversation about the invention of the potato

23、 chip. Use the information from 2a and 2b.Homework:1. Learn the new words: sweet, crispy, salty, sour, by mistake.2. Learn to talk about the history of inventions本节课成功之处: 本节课需改进的地方:九年级 英语学科全册第6_单元(章)单元(章) 名称、课题Unit 6 When was it invented?课时划分6课时教学课时第4课时总备课数第课时十攵A备课组其他王备人成员集体备课内容二次备课内容三 维 教 学 目 标Know

24、ledge Object:1. Learn some new words:2. 2.Talk about the history of the basketball.Master:3. be + pp.Ability Object :1)能运用所学知识练习被动语态的句式。2) Be able to use the strategy( mind-mapping)to read a passage.Emotion Object:培养学生的听说演等能力及合作学习的意识。教学 重点Key vocabulary.2.Read the text to identify main idea.教学 难点Rea

25、d the text to understand words in context.教法,情景操练,反复使用,师生互动,生生互动。学法通过谈论历史上的发明物,充分掌握被动语态的用法 .教学 准备多媒体课件教科书录音机课前预习教学过程Stepl. RevisionAsk some students some questions about target language.Step 2 PresentationBefore you readI 1a 1. People like sports because it can keep them fit and make them relaxing.

26、Do you like doing sports?2 . How many kinds of sports do you know?3 .Look at somepictures. There are so manykinds of sports. Discuss in pairs. List eight sports played in China. And fill in the chart.n 1b1. Do you think which sport is the most popular?2. 2.which one do you think is less popular? 3.A

27、sk students to rank the sports they listed in the order of popularity.While you readI Show a picture of Yao Ming, and ask some questions.Do you know him?n Read this article and answer some questions.How was the basketball invented?After you readI .3a. Complete the mind-map with information from the

28、reading. First discuss in groups. Then check the answers. n .3b Without reading the article again, use what you remember from the mind-map to answer the following questions.1. Who invented basketball?2. Whywere the Berlin Olympics important for basketball?3. What is the aim of basketball?4. Name a p

29、rofessional basketball organization in America.m . 4. Go For It!I .Ask some questions first.(1)Do you like playing basketball?(2)Do you want to be a professional basketball player like Yao Ming? (3)would you like to play on China' snational basketball team one day? (4)Is it good to be a basketba

30、ll player? 2.Ask the students to discuss in groups to make a list of good things and difficult things about being a basketball players. Fill in the chart.3.Ask the students to tell their idea.Step 3 SummaryHomework:Review what we have learned this unit. Prepare for a test课后反思本节课成功之处:本节课需改进的地方:九年级 英语

31、学科全册第6_单元(章)单元(章) 名称、课题Unit 6 When was it invented?课时划分6课时教学课时第5课时总备课数第 课时十攵A备课组其他王备人成员集体备课内容二次备课内容三 维 教 学 目 标Knowledge Object:1Read the text to identify main idea.2Read the text to understand words in context.3be + pp.Ability Object :1)能运用所学知识练习被动语态的句式。2) Be able to use the strategy( mind-mapping)t

32、o read a passage.Emotion Object:培养学生的听说演等能力及合作学习的意识。教学 重点Key vocabulary.2.Read the text to identify main idea.教学 难点Be able to use the strategy( mind-mapping)to read a passage.教法,情景操练,反复使用,师生互动,生生互动。学法通过谈论历史上的发明物,充分掌握被动语态的用法 .教学 准备多媒体课件教科书录音机课前预习教学过程Language points1. Potato chips were invented by mis

33、take.by mistake 错误地;无息中e.g. Somebody took the my umbrella by mistake.有人错拿了我的伞。I picked up your bag by mistake.我错拿了 你的包。2. Dr. Naismith divided the men in his class into twoteams divide v. 分开;分散divide into 把分开;分散e.g. She divided the orange into quarters and each ate a piece. 她把橙子分成四份,每人吃一份。3. Today,

34、the popularity of basketball has risen around the world, with many young people dreaming of becoming famous players.1) today adv.修饰整个句子,表示当前的一段时间,如今;当今”。e.g. Today, only a few kinds of these beautiful animals still live on the earth.现今,这些美丽的动物只有少数几种还生活在地球上。2) with与在意义上有主谓关系的复合结构many young peopledrea

35、ming of构成短语,用作状语。4. Basketball has not only become a popular sport to play, but it has also become a popular sport to watch.not only , but also 不但而且 若连接两个成分作主语,谓语动词与靠近的主语保持一致。e.g. Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film.不仅学生们在欣赏这部影片,他们的老师也在欣赏这部影 片。5. The number of foreign p

36、layers, including Chinese players, in the NBA has increased.1) number表示数量。由于是单数形式,谓语动词需要与之相 配,为has increased这种主语和谓语在数上的匹配称作主谓一致”。当主语为复数概念是,谓语动词用复数形式与之 匹配;当主语为单数概念时,谓语动词则用单数形式。e.g. People there are very friendly. people 为复数概念。The United Nations is an international organization that tries to find peac

37、eful solutions to world problems. the United Nations是一个组织,为单数概念。2) the number of 的数量; 的数目”。作主语时,谓 语动词应用单数形式。a number of 若干的,一些”,修饰可数名词。作主语时, 谓语动词应用复数形式。e.g. The number of people killed in the accident hasn' bteen announced yet.这次事故中的死亡人数尚未公布。A number of people are unhappy with this decision.一些人对

38、这项决定并不满意6. Many young people look up to these basketball heroes and want to become like them.look up to钦佩;仰慕e.g. The artist is looked up to for his landscape paintings.这名画家以风景画受人仰慕。Work on 2e1. Ask Ss what they think of famous basketball players. Make a list of good and difficult things about being

39、a basketball player.2. Ss work in groups. Discuss them with their partners and make a list.3. Let some groups read their lists.HomeworkWrite a short passage about the development of basketball.课后反思本节课成功之处:本节课需改进的地方:武威第十九中学集体备课教学设计九年级 英语学科全册第6_单元(章)单元(章) 名称、课题Unit 6 When was it invented?课时划分6课时教学课时第6

40、课时总备课数第课时主备人1集体备课内容二次备课内容三 维 教 学 目 标1.The students can get some information from the reading and understand the text.2. Contents: From 3a to Self Check Master: be + pp.Ability Object. : 1)能运用所学知识练习被动语态的 句式02)能用所学句型进行交际练习。Emotion Object:培养学生的听说演等能力及合作学习的意识。教学 重点1. The reading passage about tea.2. Lots of new words.3. To help the students understand the reading passage.教学 难点To direct the students to write the article.教法,情景操练,反复使用,师生互动,生生互动。学法通过谈论历史上的发明物,充分掌握被动语态的用法 .教学 准备多媒体课件教科书录音机课前预习教学过程Step 1. Warm-upShowsomepictures of someinventions and ask the students to have a free talk about some inve


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