1、人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit4 WhafS the best movie theater?SeCtiOII B(一)写出下列词创造的,创造性的表演者;执行者天赋;才能,才艺;常见的;共同的;普通的魔术师;术士美丽地;完美地;作用;角色获胜者奖品;奖金每人;人人例子;榜样可怜的;贫穷的严重地,严肃地给;赠予;送拥挤的有相同特征各种各样;各种类型是的职责;由决定发挥作用;有影响编造例如认真对待(二)写出下列短语才艺表演共同;共有世界各地:全世界越来越等等各种各样的是的职责;由决定并不是每个人编造(故事、谎言等)在方面发挥作用/有影响例如认真对待给某人某物(梦想、希望)实现;达到(三)写出下列句
2、子Can I ask you some?我能问你一些吗?HOW do you like?你认为怎么样?ThankS for doing sth.因做某事而感谢。What do you think of?你认为怎么样?much+ adj. /adv.的比较级 得多WatCh sb. do sth.观看某人做某事PIay a role in doing Sth发挥做某事是作用/在做某事方面扮演重要的角色One of+可数名词的复数 之一单元强化练习L根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。(10分)1 .Parents PIay a r m their childrens lives.2. Wc ShOUI
3、d take these PrObIemS S3. The SUPCrmarketTf) is always C On WeekendS4. The twins have One things in C5. Liu Qian is a POPUlar m from Taiwan.6. Bill Gates(比尔盖茨)often helps the P in AmeriCa.7. The WinnCr in the talent ShOW Will get a good P8. Usually ShC WatCheS TV in her C SOfa at night9. Please take
4、 the mcdicinc(药)before the In10. Tom is a bad WOrkenbUt Jim is even W than him.II用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)LHe is much better than OthCrS at (find) the most interesting roles.2.It,s always Hiteresting(WatCh) PCOPle (ShOW) their talents.3. Ho we ver ,not everybody enjoys (WatCh) these shows.4. Thc PeOPIC WhO
5、 WatCh the ShOW USUany Play a role in (decide) the Winne匚5. Hc finished (read) the novel yestcrday.6. WhiCh City is(beautiful), Beijingf Shanghai Or Hangzhou?Ill.句型转换LHiS home is OnIY five minutes b bs.(提问)is his home?2.Grccn WOrld Park is the most CrOWdCd PIaCe because almost everyone goes there to
6、 SCe the StreetDCrfoIamCrS(提 问)Green WOrId Park the most place?3Thc tall boy WinS the show.(同义句)Thethe ShOW is the boy.4.Michacl is taller than any Other StUdCnt in his CIaSS.(同义句)MiChael isin his class.V选择填空(25分)( )1 一 is it from your home? 10 minutes by bus.A. How IOng B.How far C.What time( )2.Th
7、e irl SingS A.beautifuLbeautifulB.bcautifully,bcautifully( )3.Sun Cinema is Center StreetA.onD.WhcnC.beautifuLbcautifully D.beautiffully.bcautifulB. inC.atD.of6( )4.China is One Of in the WOrIdC.thc IargeSt COUntrieSD.think hardDlargest COUntryA.larger COUntryB. larger COUntrieS()5.What do you this
8、new watch?A.think atB.think Of C.think OVer()6.We hope Iife Can get .A.best and bestB.better and betterC.good and good D.wcll and Well()7.We ShOUld StUdy hard to make OUr drcam .A.come OVerB.come backC.come true D.come UP()&You Can get a big Plate Of dumplings OnIy five yuan at DUmPIing House.A.
9、for B.on C.of D.about()9. EngliSh is my favorite subject, and I am goodit.A. for B. to C、at D. Of()1O.A11 these talent ShOWS have One thingCOmCmOnA. On B. in C. at D. for()1 LOur teacher asked US toa StOry about the mo on.A. make UP B. make Of C. make in D. make OUt()12.It's finthe talent show.A
10、. WatCh B. to WatCh C, WatChCd D. WatCheS()13.There are SChOOl things in the StOreA. a kind Of B. kind Of C. different kind Of D. all kinds Of()14.Do you enjoyEngIiSh stories?A. read B, to read C. reading D reads()15. HiS dog is lost. He isit A. IOOking for B. finding C. finding OUt D. IOOking at()1
11、6.The StUdCntS ShOUId take the examsA. SeriOUS B. SeriOUSly C. bad D. WOrSe()17.What a nice WatCh it is! Yes. It'sOne Of all.A. expensive B. more expensive C. the most expensive D.much more CXPenSiVe()18.Thcy make the IittIe boythe room every dayA. CICanS B. CIean C. to CICan D. CIeaning ( )19Pa
12、reIHS Play a role intheir children.A. teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teaching()20.Which SUbjeCt isOf all?A. the most interested B. the InOSt interestingC. the more interested D. the more interesting()21.The YelIOW RiVer is the SeCOnd in ChinaAOng B.longer C.longest D.longer and IOnger()22.He is bet
13、ter than the OtherSA.muchB.morc C.less D.very()23.is the book? nly One dollar.A.How muchB.How many C.How OftCn D.How farVl.完形填空(10分)It WaS the IaSt IeSSOn before holidays The StUdentS 2 VCry happy ThCir EngIiSh teacher WaS Very happy, 3 .The teacher 4 Played nice games With them HC Sang SOmC nice so
14、ngs, and then he WCnt to the blackboard and wrote “SMILES” 5 ItfThIS IS One Of the 6 WordS EngIISh笃he Sald to the class. ThC 7 ClaSS laughed, and then One girl 8 and said;tWliy IS It One Of the IOngeSt words m ElIgIlSh?”The teacher SaiCl 9 for a while. Then he SmlIed ad said;CBCCaUSe there is a mile
15、 between the 10 ICtter and the last.n()1. A. a2. A.is3. A.too4. A. a IittIe5. A.bcforcC. theC. WaSC. neitherC. anyC. inC. IOngCStC. allC. StOOd UPB. anB. arcB. eightB. IittIeB. On6. A.long B. IOnger7. A.wholeB. each8. A. Stand UP B. Sit down9. A. SOmething B. anything C. nothing10. A.oneB. firstC. t
16、woD. muchD. WereD. alsoD. alsoD. in front OfD. ShOrtD. bothD. Iay downD. CVCrylhingD.SeCOndVIL阅读理解(10分)A boy named JaCk IiVed in a Small Village OnC morning, his mother Sent him to his UnCle,s in town. HC had a Very good time thereBCfOre JaCk Ieft in the evening, his UnCIe gave him a Jar and SaIa &q
17、uot;There IS Some Candy it, YOU may PUt you* hand IntO It and take SOme WheD you Want to eat SOmethUg.nJaCk IOOkCd at the jar WhCn he WaS in the train. It had a IOng and Small neck. HC PUt his hand into the jar and took five PieCeS BUt he COUId not get his hand out. HC turned his hand this Way and that way, Stiil he COUId not get his hand out. HC turned his hand again. FinaIly he Iet go Of four pieces. ThCn he COUld PUll his hand OUt Of the jar. 根据短文判断正(T)误(F)()LOnc day Jack,s mother SCnt him to his mothers brothers house()2.Thc jar With SOme Candy in it had a Iarge neck()3.J
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