



1、如何回复英文论文编辑部的修改意见Response to Editor and Reviewer这是我的英文修改稿回复信Dear Editor,RE: Manuscript IDWe would like to thank XXX (name of Journal) for giving us the opportunity to revise our manuscript.We thank the reviewers for their careful read and thoughtful comments on previous draft.We have carefully taken

2、their comments into consideration in preparing our revision, which has resulted in a paper that is clearer, more compelling, and broader. The following summarizes how we responded to reviewer comments.Below is our response to their comments.Thanks for all the help.Best wishes,Dr. XXXCorresponding Au

3、thor下面是如何对Reviewer 的意见进行point by point 回答:一些习惯用语如下:Revision authors responseReviewer #1:Major comments1. The referee correctly noted that our language about XXX was ambiguous.Therefore, we changed the text and the figures to emphasize that.To furthersupport the concept that, we have analyzed.As depi

4、cted in Supplementary Fig.S12. As suggested by the reviewer we have emphasized our observations of XXX in results and discussion sections. We have added new findings (see above point) in Supplementary Fig S. to support 3. As requested by the reviewer we have added a scheme (Supplementary Fig.) that

5、summarizes Minor comments1. We have removed the word SUFFICIENT from the title.2. We have added and improved the scale bars in the figure 1 and 2.3. We have added statistics to Fig 5C.4. We have corrected the typescript errors in the XXX paragraph.Reviewer #2:1. Because of the reviewer s request, we

6、 have performed new experiments to better clarify The new Fig. shows that This finding suggests that 2. As suggested by the reviewer we have added new data of XXX to clarify the pointthat 3. We agree with the reviewer that Because of the reviewer ' s request we have used XXX to confirm that The

7、new data are depicted in Supplementary Fig .4. Because of reviewer s request, we have analyzed the efficiency of RNAi by quantitative RT-PCR the efficiency of RNAi. We have now added the new panel in Supplementary Fig.Reviewer #3:1. Because of the referee s comment, we have moved the panel of Fig. 5

8、 into the new Figure 6 and we have added new experiments to address The new Fig. 6 shows that .2. In response to the reviewer ' s requests, we have studied .The new data are depicted in Suppplementary Fig.3. We agree with reviewer that .However, a recent paper has shown that.Wehave added this re

9、ference and mofied the sentence to underline4.5.6.We have changes Figure 1 with a picture that. The previous one was too weekand the green fluorescence was lost during the conversion in PDF format.Because of reviews request, we have changed as muocshsiabslepthemagnification in order to maintain the

10、same scale bar but also to preserve details. The difference between XXX and XXX is not statistically significant. In order to better clarify this issue we changed the graphics of our statistical analysis in Fig.另外一篇5分杂志的回复: 1nd Revision -authors ' responseReferee #1:We want to begin by thanking

11、Referee #1 for writing that“ the finding in our manuscriptis generally interesting and important in the field.” We also appreciated the constructivcriticism and suggestion. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer, as summarized below.1. According to the referee ' s suggestion, the exp

12、eriment demonstrating;in the newexperiment, this result is presented in the revised Fig.2. The referee suggests demonstrating that . This experiment was performed in XXX by comparing 3. The referee comments that it is unclear whether the effect of.is due to .1address the referee ' s comment, we

13、revised Fig. and demonstrated that r . To furthe confirm .Two new data have been added in the revised Fig. In summary, the results in Fig. demonstrate that4. Thanks to the referee s comment, the wrong figure numbers were corrected in the revised manuscript.Referee #2:We want to thank Referee #2 for

14、constructive and insightful criticism and advice. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer as summarized below.1. The referee recommends to show .We performed the experiment and its result is included in the revised Fig.2. According to the referee s suggestion, the experiments in Fig. were

15、 repeated several times and representative data are included in the revised Fig.3. Based on the referee s comment that, echoing comment #4 of Referee #1, above. As stated above, we have included new results, which include:4. All minor points raised by the reviewer were corrected accordingly.2nd Revi

16、sion -authors ' responseWe would like to thank the referees for their thoughtful review of our manuscript. We believe that the additional changes we have made in response to the reviewers comments have made this a significantly stronger manuscript. Below is our point-by-point response to the ref

17、eree s comments.Referee #1:Referee #1 request two minor editorial changes. Both changes have been made accordingly in the revised manuscript.Referee #2:We sincerely apologize to Referee #2 for not completely addressing all of the points raised in the previous response. We have done so below and added additional data in hopes that this reviewer will be supportive of publication.1. Referee #2 requests evidence that .According to the referee ' s suggestion, a XX assay was perf


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