



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上人教新起点六年级英语上册练习题一、判断对错(每题2分)( )1.Zhengjiang is in the west of China. ( )2.Watermelon is very juicy and sweet. ( )3.Tiananmen Square is the biggest square in the world. ( )4.Hangzhou is famous for silk and grape.( )5.Weat lake is beautiful ,and we can row on the lake.二、根据中文意思和首字母提示填空(每题2分

2、)1.那儿的人们很友好,也勤劳。People there are ( ) and hard-working.2.他们擅长唱歌跳舞。Theyre good at singing and ( ).3.那儿有很多美丽的公园。Therere a lot of beautiful ( ) there.4.让我们去长城吧。( ) us go to the Great Wall.5.这是一张石林的照片。This is a ( ) of the Stone Forest.6.让我们选择一座著名的城市。Lets choose a ( ) city.7.我丢了我的字典。I lost my ( ).8.它在中国的西

3、部。Its in the ( ) of China.9.北京是中国的首都。Beijing is the ( ) of China.10.中国属于东亚。China is in ( ) Asia.三、根据描述写出相应的英文地名。(每题2分)( )1.Its the biggest city in Jiangsu Province. Its famous for the Ming Tomb.( )2.Its in Guangdong. Its the capital of Guangdong.( )3. Its the biggest city in Sichuan. But its not Che

4、ngdu.( )4.Its in the north-east of China. Its the capital of Heilongjiang Province.( )5.Its in the west of China. Its famous for the Potala Palace.( )6.It is a beautiful city in Zhejiang province. Its famous for West Lake and silk.( )7.Its one of the biggest cities in the world. There are a lot of b

5、eautiful parks there. You can go to the Great Wall, Beihai Park, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace.( )8.It is famous for grapes, watermelons and pears. People there are friendly and hardworking. They are very good at singing and dancing. 四、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,用“错”和“对”表示。(每题2分)( )1.north doctor(

6、)2.China school( )3.food room( )4.south think ( )5.station collection ( )6.know key 五、选择正确的答案填入括号内(每题3分)( )1. China is in the of Asia.A. west B. north C. east ( )2. China the largest population in the world.A. has B.have C.had( )3. Most people in China are Chinese.A. Han B.Bai C.Dai( )4. The Dai peo

7、ple live Yunnan Province.A. at B.in C.on ( )5. Beijing is famous its culture and food.A. with B.to C.for( )6. is in the north of China.A. Beijing B.Yunnan C.Lhasa( )7. China is the third biggest in the world.A. country B.city C.town ( )8. The Dai people their Water Festival every year.A. celebrate B

8、. celebrates C. celebrated( )9. Beijing duck is most famous food .A. / B. the C. a( )10. - did you go to the Stone Forest. -Last summer.A. How B. Where C. When( )11. city do you live in ?A. Which B. Where C. What( )12. -What are you doing now?-Im .A. writing B. wrote C. write( )13. The of China is B

9、eijing.A. capital B.center C. city( )14. You can on the lake.A. walk B. ride C. row( )15. This is photo of the Stone Forest.A. an B. a C. the D./( )16. That is a photo West Lake.A. of B. about C. with( )17. Its one of the cities in the world.A. big B. biggest C. bigger( )18. I was born May 16,1987. A. on B. In C. At D.On ( )19. They are usually much than other place


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