1、Unit 2 feelings and opinionsLead-inAsk and answer Could you say something about happiness and sadness in your life? When you are happy , what do you like to do?When you are sad , what do you prefer to do?Lesson1 I am really happy!New words生词New wordsopinion pinjn 看法,意见看法,意见1. in ones opinion 在在看看来来;
2、认为认为In my opinion, we should study hard. 依我之依我之见见,我,我们应该们应该努力努力学习学习。opinion pinjn 看法,意见看法,意见周立波Monday = 忙 dayTuesday = 求死 dayFriday = 福来 dayWednesday = 未死 daySaturday = 洒脱 dayThursday = 受死 daySunday = 伤 day1. in ones opinion 在在看看来来;认为认为 In Zhou Libo s opinion ,everyone is very busy on Monday.opinion
3、 pinjn 看法,意见看法,意见 In 周立波周立波 s opinion ,everyone is very busy on Monday.2. A: Whats your opinion? 你认为你认为呢?呢? B: I agree with him. A: because “Great minds think alike.” B: I dont agree with him. In my opinion, Monday is the best day in a week .opinion about/on sth 关于的意见或看法New wordsknowledge nlid 知识、见闻
4、、了解知识、见闻、了解1. common knowledge 大家都知道的事大家都知道的事 = = 常识常识2.have knowledge of 在在的知的知识识It is common knowledge that Chinese people are very polite and friendly.I have little knowledge of Africa.Young people should have more knowledge of computers.New wordscontrol kntrul 克制,控制克制,控制1. vt. control + n2. n. t
5、ake control of 控制控制How do you control you anger?I cant take control of my feelings.我控制不住自己的感情。我控制不住自己的感情。2. n. in control of in control of in the control of in the control of 由由.控制控制, , 由由.管理管理, , 由由.负责负责控制控制, ,管理管理, ,负责负责主语是人主语是人主语是物主语是物I am in control of my life.My life is in the control of myself
6、.New wordsforget fet 忘记,忽略忘记,忽略 forget to do forget to do 忘了要去做忘了要去做 forget doing forget doing做了但是忘了做了但是忘了I forgot to do homework.I forgot doing homework.过过去式去式forgot过过去分去分词词forgottenNew wordsunderstand ndstnd 理解;了解理解;了解过过去式去式understood过过去分去分词词understoodeg. My parents dont understand me.Long live th
7、e understanding!理解万岁理解万岁! !New wordsupset pset 心烦的心烦的,苦恼的苦恼的 eg.1.What makes you so upset? 是什是什么让你么让你那么那么心烦意乱心烦意乱啊?啊? make sb upset 2.I am sorry to hear that you are so upset. 听说你心情不好,我很难过听说你心情不好,我很难过。 be upset New wordsdisappointed ,dspntd 失望的失望的,沮丧的沮丧的 e.g.:1.She was disappointed to learn that she
8、 had failed the course. 她她沮沮丧丧地得地得知那知那门课没门课没有考及格。有考及格。 2.We were disappointed at the results. 我我们对结们对结果感到失望。果感到失望。 be disappointed disappoint vt.disappoint vt. 使失望,使沮丧使失望,使沮丧disappointdisappointment ment n. n. 失望失望; ;扫兴扫兴, ,沮丧沮丧 to doto doat +n.at +n.New words stressed strest紧张的紧张的,感到有压力的感到有压力的 e.g.
9、:I am stressed because there will be an exam tomorrow.我很我很紧张紧张因因为为明天有明天有场场考考试试。 New words valuable vljubl 贵贵重的重的 有价有价值值的的 e.g.:1.He bought me a valuable diamond ring as a birthday present. 他他给给我我买买了一只了一只贵贵重的重的钻钻戒作生日戒作生日礼礼物。物。 2.Only time can understand how valuable love is.只有只有时间时间才知道才知道爱爱的可的可贵贵。 Ne
10、w words nervous n:vs 紧张紧张不安的不安的 e.g.:1. She looks a little nervous. 她看起来有点紧张。她看起来有点紧张。2. He always makes me nervous. 他老是使我紧张。他老是使我紧张。 make sb nervous3. He is a nervous man. 他是个神经质的人。他是个神经质的人。 Task 2 Sentence patterns 1.Im +adj. (glad. sad. disappointed. stressed)2.You look+ adj.( happy. worried. ang
11、ry)3.She feels + adj.( nervous. upset )4.I like/enjoy/hatehappy/glad.upset.stressed.disappointed.sad.angry.nervous.How do you feel today?I am/feelTask 3 SubstituteSubstitute1.A:How do you feel today? B:I feel _.I will have a test tomorrow.2.A: In my _, we should express our feelings to him. B:I agre
12、e with you.3.A: Do you like the film? B: Yes. Its moving. I cant _my feelings.4.A: What do you think about happiness? B:I think happiness is more_than other feelings.5.A: What makes you so _? B:I just lost the game.opinion disappointed control valuable nervous考试考试表达我们表达我们的感情的感情感动的感动的原形:lose:丢失I lost
13、 my watch、迷路Im lost.、输了比赛lose the game.等opinioncontroldisappointednervousvaluableTask 4 Complete and practiceReview Review In my o , we should study hard.Young people should have more k of computers.The company is (控制控制) my boss.I am sorry I forger ( bring) your MP4.今天今天你你感感觉怎么样觉怎么样? How do you feel
14、 today?/How are you feeling today?pinionnowledgein the control of to bringLesson 2 How do you feel today? Task2 Read and AnswerTom 明天要进行重要的考试,明天要进行重要的考试,Mike 询问他现在的感觉。询问他现在的感觉。M: Hi, Tom.T: Hey, Mike. Hows it going?M: Great! How do you feel?T: Im stressed.M: Yeah? Whats wrong?T: Oh, Ill have an impo
15、rtant test tomorrow.M: Well, are you nervous?T: Yeah, kind of.M: Come on. Lets have a cup of coffee.T: Okay, it sounds good.Task 4 Choose and completeTom said that he would have an important test. He felt ( stressed/ happy).2. Mike asked Tom if he was nervous. Tom was (kind/little) of nervous.3. My
16、friend told me he was going to travel. He looked (excited/worried).Task 5 Say and actTask 5 Say and actsaysayactNo hate. Lets love each other.Dont be sad. Lets get happy.If you are stressed, pleased get relaxed. Dont be nervous. Just take it easy.Dont be upset. Please cheer up!If you are tired, just
17、 stop working and stretch yourself.Shake hands with your partner.Show your pleasant smile.Breathe deeply.Make faces.Say “come on” loudly.Stretch yourself.Lesson 3 Only time can understand how valuable love is.Words you can use to describe your feelingsLead-ina good feelinga bad feelinghappy, pleased
18、 happy, pleased glad, joyful, merry glad, joyful, merry excited, excited, satisfied, satisfied, sad, upset,sad, upset,unhappy,unhappy,disappointed,disappointed,stressed,stressed,Describe the following pictures:How does he/she feel ?Lead-inhappyhappyangryangrysadsad LOVETIME曾有一份真诚的爱情摆在我的面前,但是我没有珍惜。 O
19、nce there was a truest love to be put before my eyes but I didnt cherish it.等到了失去的时候才后悔莫及。尘世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。Only after losing it I found myself to regret. No pain in the world comes near this.如果上天可以给我一个机会再来一次的话,我会对那个女孩子说:我爱你!If God could give me another chance, I would say to the girl, I love you.如果非要把这份
20、爱加上一个期限,我希望是一 . 万.年.”If there had to be a limit of time before the love, I hope it would be ten thousand years.Western JourneyOnly time can understand how valuable love is.Q: Who didnt gowithLove?Richness Vanity Sadness Happiness1.What would happen on the island? The island would sink.2.Did Love mak
21、e a boat and leave? Why? No, she didnt. Because she wanted to stay until the last moment.3.What did Sadness say to Love? Sadness said to Love that she was so sad that she need to be by herself.4.Did Happiness go with Love? Why? No, she didnt. Because she was so happy and she did not even hear Love c
22、alling her.5.Who help Love? Why?Only time can understand how valuable love is. Read and fill in the blankHappinessHappinessOnce upon a time, there was an island where all the feelingslived: , . , . , and so on. One day it was told to the feelings that the island would . , so they all . and left exce
23、pt for Love. Love was the only one who stayed. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to . .Love said to Richness that if Richness can take her. Richnessanswered that she cant. There is a lot of in her boat. There is. here for Love.SadnessSadnessKnowledgKnowledge eLoveLoveask for helpask for
24、help gold and silvergold and silver no placeno place make boatsmake boats sink sinkLove decided to ask Vanity if Vanity can help her. Vanity Love decided to ask Vanity if Vanity can help her. Vanity answered that she cant help Love. Love is all answered that she cant help Love. Love is all . . and a
25、nd might dirty her boat.might dirty her boat.Love asked Sadness if Sadness let her go ,but SadnessLove asked Sadness if Sadness let her go ,but Sadnesswas so sad that she need to be was so sad that she need to be . . ! !Happiness Happiness . . Love, too, but she was Love, too, but she was . . happ h
26、appy y . . she did not even hear when Love called her. she did not even hear when Love called her.wetwet by herselfby herself passed bypassed by soso thatthat Suddenly, there was an elder said to Love that she would Suddenly, there was an elder said to Love that she would take Love. Love was so happ
27、y that she even take Love. Love was so happy that she even a ask sk the elder where they were going. When they the elder where they were going. When they dr dry y land, the elder went her own way.land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how kind the elder was, Love asked KnowledgeRealizing how ki
28、nd the elder was, Love asked Knowledge helped her. Knowledge answered that it was Time. helped her. Knowledge answered that it was Time. Then Love asked Then Love asked Time helped her. Knowledge smile Time helped her. Knowledge smiled dand said because only Time can understand how and said because
29、only Time can understand how .Love is.Love is.forgot toforgot to arrived atarrived at whowho whywhy valuablevaluableRead again找出含有宾语从句的三个句找出含有宾语从句的三个句子,写在横线上子,写在横线上 1._ 2._ 3._Grammar in focus 将将where , if , that填在下面的空格填在下面的空格上上 A boy shouted, A wolf is coming. ”The boy shouted _a wolf was coming.“I
30、s the boy joking again?” The villagers wonderedThe villagersasked ,“Where is the wolf ? ”The villagers asked_the wolf was.The villagers wondered _ the boy was joking again.1.What is love2. Many kinds of love around usMany kinds of love around us Love never leave us aloneLove styleSisters and brother
31、sFamily Friends Parents and childrenClassmatesSweet heart 语法-宾语从句英语句子的种类英语句子的种类简单句简单句 (simple sentence)并列句并列句 (compound sentence)复合句复合句 (complex sentence)英语句子概论简单句的五种简单句的五种基本基本句型句型The weather is cold.主语主语+连系动词连系动词+表语表语He laughed.主语主语+谓语(谓语(vi.)I like Chinese food.主语主语+谓语谓语(vt.)+宾语宾语She taught them p
32、hysics.主语主语+谓语谓语(vt.)+间接宾语间接宾语+直接宾语直接宾语We must keep the room warm. 主语主语+谓语谓语(vt.) +宾语宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语 He gave me a book.(他给我一本书)他给我一本书) 在这个句子中,在这个句子中,me作间接宾语,作间接宾语,a book作直接宾语。作直接宾语。 如果一个句子中的某一个动词接了两个宾语,那么,指如果一个句子中的某一个动词接了两个宾语,那么,指“人人”的是间接宾语,指的是间接宾语,指“物物”的为直接宾语的为直接宾语。而且,这两个。而且,这两个宾语宾语不能形成逻辑上的主谓关系不能形成逻辑
33、上的主谓关系,如,你不能说如,你不能说 I am a book. 如果一个动词后所接的两个宾语能够形成逻辑上的主谓如果一个动词后所接的两个宾语能够形成逻辑上的主谓关系,则是宾语和宾补的关系。关系,则是宾语和宾补的关系。例:例:He asked us to do the work. 在这个句子中,在这个句子中,he作主语,作主语,asked作谓语,作谓语,us为宾格,作为宾格,作宾语,宾语,to do the work作宾语的补足语,而且,此句的宾语作宾语的补足语,而且,此句的宾语us可以和后面的不定式构成逻辑上的主谓关系,可以和后面的不定式构成逻辑上的主谓关系,即:即:We do the wo
34、rk. 并列句并列句 把两个或几个简单句用把两个或几个简单句用并列连词并列连词连接起来。连接起来。 I turned on the TV. My sister and I watched it. I turned on the TV and my sister and I watched it. I bought my sister a present. She didnt like it. I bought my sister a present,but she didnt like it. 并列句并列句并列句并列句常用并列连词常用并列连词: 平行平行并列连词并列连词: 转折转折并列连词:并
35、列连词: 因果因果并列连词并列连词: 选择选择并列连词并列连词:and, bothand, not only but also, but, however, or, eitherorfor, so复合句复合句:主句主句+从句从句 名词名词性从句性从句 定语从句定语从句 状语从句状语从句1.The boy who is standing over there is Tom.2.Because it is raining ,we have to stay at home. 定语从句定语从句 状语从句状语从句3.I know (that)he is from America.(宾语从句)宾语从句)名
36、词名词性从句性从句-Noun Clauses(名词性从句名词性从句)Subject Clause (主语从句主语从句)Appositive Clause(同位语从句)(同位语从句)Object Clause(宾语从句)(宾语从句)Predicative Clause(表语从句)(表语从句)名词性从句在功能上相当于名词名词性从句在功能上相当于名词, 在复合句在复合句中能担任中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语主语、宾语、表语、同位语等。等。主语主语 His job is important.What he does is important.表语表语This is his job.This is w
37、hat he does every day. 宾语宾语I dont like his job.I dont like what he does every day.同位语同位语I dont know about the man, Mr. White.I dont know about the fact that he is a teacher.Who will win the match is still unknown. I want to know what he has told you. The fact is that we have lost the game. The news
38、that we won the game is exciting. 主语从句主语从句宾语从句宾语从句表语从句表语从句 名词性从句名词性从句的作用相当于名词,因此主语从句、的作用相当于名词,因此主语从句、表语从句表语从句 、宾语从句和同位语从句分别作主句的主、宾语从句和同位语从句分别作主句的主语、表语、宾语和同位语。语、表语、宾语和同位语。同位语从句同位语从句宾语从句的定义宾语从句的定义置于置于动词、介词动词、介词等词性后面起宾语作用的从句叫宾语等词性后面起宾语作用的从句叫宾语从句。从句。宾语从句的语序必须是宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序陈述语序。谓语动词、介词、。谓语动词、介词、动词不定式,动词
39、不定式,v.-ing形式后面都能带宾语从句。形式后面都能带宾语从句。有些形容词(有些形容词(afraid,sure,glad等)之后也可以带等)之后也可以带宾语从句。宾语从句。宾语从句中引导词的用法宾语从句中引导词的用法在复合句中作主句的宾语,在复合句中作主句的宾语,引导词引导词有:有:连词:连词:that (that 常可省略常可省略),whether(or not), if代词:代词:who, whose, what ,which副词:副词:when ,where, how, why 等。等。 I know him . 2. I know who he is . 主语主语谓语谓语宾语宾语(
40、简单句)(简单句)主语主语谓语谓语宾宾 语语 从从 句句连词连词从句主语从句主语 从句谓语从句谓语 主主 句句(复合句)(复合句)宾语从句的概念:宾语从句的概念:宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语宾语。句子结构:句子结构:主句主句 + +连词(引导词)连词(引导词)+ + 宾语从句宾语从句引导词种类I wonder who will teach us.Mr. Wang asked whose book it was.You can take whatever you like.引导词种类注:注:能用能用whether不能有不能有if的情况的情况1.whether经常和经常
41、和or not连用,连用,if则不能。则不能。2.Whether 可以置于句首,可以置于句首,if不能。不能。3. 在介词之后用在介词之后用whether。引导词种类He didnt tell me when we should meet again.Could you please tell me how you use the new telephone?Can you tell me where Carrefour Supermarket is?1. Can you tell me_? A where does Tom live B. where Tom lived C. Tom lives where D. where Tom
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