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1、Warming up: How is the weather 1Hows the weather in _ today?2Shanghaicloudy3Beijingsunny4TorontoTorontorainy5BostonBostonwindy6DIFFERENT CITIES,DIFFERENT WEATHERHarbinShanghaiHangzhouBeijingKunmingLatitude(纬度纬度)What causes the different weather in different places?7英国属海洋性气候,具有冬暖夏凉的特点英国属海洋性气候,具有冬暖夏凉的

2、特点,冬夏没有很大差别,这主要是由于它是一个岛屿国家。冬夏没有很大差别,这主要是由于它是一个岛屿国家。(冬天冬天,海洋比陆地温度高,海风将热量带到陆地,导致陆地温度升高,夏天那么相反海洋比陆地温度高,海风将热量带到陆地,导致陆地温度升高,夏天那么相反.西风经西风经常吹过英国大陆,致使年年有雨常吹过英国大陆,致使年年有雨. 8Lesson 38Everything except the weatherBy : Una9【New words and expressions】1 except iksept prep.1 except iksept prep.除了除了2 Mediterraneanme

3、ditreinin 2 Mediterraneanmeditreinin n.(the n.(the) )地中海地中海3 complain kmplein v.3 complain kmplein v.埋怨埋怨4 continually kntinjuli ad.4 continually kntinjuli ad.不断地不断地5 bitterly5 bitterlybitli ad.bitli ad.刺骨地刺骨地6 sunshine snain n.6 sunshine snain n.阳光阳光10except iksept prep.except iksept prep.除了除了We ha

4、ve an English lesson every day except Sunday. 除星期天外,我们每天都有一堂英语课。(except后接名词) I looked everywhere except in the kitchen. 除了厨房外,我四处都找遍了。(except后接介词短语)My mother usually goes to work by bike except when it rains. 除下雨天外,我妈妈通常骑自行车上班。(except后接从句)11“除了 小结except & except for & apart from“除了.之外不包括在内之意

5、。besides“除了.之外还包括之意。12地中海被北面的欧洲大陆,南面的非洲大陆和东面的亚洲大陆包围着,东西共长约4000千米,南北最宽处大约为1800千米,面积约为2,512,000平方公里(970,000平方英里),是世界最大的陆间海。Mediterranean meditreinin Mediterranean meditreinin n.(the n.(the) )地中海地中海13complain v.1)常做贬义埋怨,赞扬,发牢骚complain to sb about/at sth 对某人埋怨某事You are always complaining about your fate

6、! 他总是埋怨命运!2)正式地赞扬We complained to the police about the noise .我们向警方赞扬噪音问题。14continually adv. 频繁地,屡次地,反复地频繁地,屡次地,反复地I am continually losing things 我一再地遗遗失东西He was continually late for work 他一再地迟到They chattered continuously for an hour.他们整整聊了一小时了。continuously adv.延续不断地,不延续地15Page 16bitterly adv. 刺骨地,

7、严寒地,苦苦地,惨痛地bitter adj.a.苦楚的,令人悲伤的She has a bitter memory 她有一段苦楚的回想。b.苦的The medicine tasted bitter.那药尝起来是苦的。c.严寒的a bitter winter冰冷的冬天课文中bitterly cold是“副词描画词的用法,同样是表示“非常冷、令人不温馨的冷、刺骨的冷的意思。bitterly disappointed 彻底的绝望Page 17sunshine n.1)阳光阳光Cats like lying down in the sunshine在阳光下下晒太阳在阳光下下晒太阳2)晴天,好天气晴天,好

8、天气After rain comes sunshine 谚雨过天晴,苦尽甘来谚雨过天晴,苦尽甘来3)快活,开朗快活,开朗Her presence always gives sunshine to all of us.她的出现总是让我们很开心。她的出现总是让我们很开心。1.Where had Harrison spent many years before he returned to England?2.What did he complain about after he bought a house?3.What did he do in England?18My old friend,

9、Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before he returned to England. He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country. He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there. Almost immediately he began to complain about the

10、 weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. After so many years of sunshine, Harrison got a shock. He acted as if he had never lived in England before. In the end, it was more than he could bear. He had hardly had time to settle down when he s

11、old the house and left the country. The dream he had had for so many years ended there. Harrison had thought of everything except the weather.Page 201. My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before he returned to England.和“过去完成时连用的一些介词:after,as soon as,notuntil 本课语法重点

12、也是“过去完成时。在这个句子中,我们运用了before来和“过去完成时连用,表达“过去的过去概念。 “he returned to England曾经是“过去了那么before这个“过去的话,就是“过去的过去了。Page 212. He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country.dream of sth / doing sth 梦想做某事梦想做某事settle down “定居、定居、“安排安排【country & countryside】 a) coun

13、try用作可数名词时,表示用作可数名词时,表示“国家;国家; country用作不可数名词时,表示用作不可数名词时,表示“城镇周围的土地,即城镇周围的土地,即“乡间、乡下,乡间、乡下, 经常用于经常用于in the country的短语中:的短语中: China is a large country. / He had planned to settle down in the country. b) 在表示在表示“乡村,乡下的意思时,乡村,乡下的意思时,countryside与与country一样,但一样,但countryside强调风强调风光;另外,假设没有明确的上下文,选用光;另外,假设

14、没有明确的上下文,选用 countryside更稳妥:更稳妥: The countryside around London is very beautiful.Page 22 3. He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there.no sooner.than. 一一就就 as soon as 一一就就 hardlywhen 几乎来不及几乎来不及就就I had no sooner arrived home than it began to rain.Hardly had we begun when w

15、e were told to stop.Page 234. Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold.for “由于不能用于句首even though引导退让状语从句,相当于even if,意思为 “即使Even though he worked hard, he failed in the exam.即使她学习很努力,但考试还是没及格。 P

16、age 245. After so many years of sunshine, Harrison got a shock.get a shock / surprise / fright 大吃一惊Page 256.He acted as if he had never lived in England before. 虚拟语气虚拟语气表示所说的话只是一种客观的愿望,假想和建议等。虚拟语气的动词根本方式中,表示所说的话只是一种客观的愿望,假想和建议等。虚拟语气的动词根本方式中,had+过去分词表示与过去现实相反的假想。过去分词表示与过去现实相反的假想。We would were have ta

17、ken a taxi if Bill hadnt offered us a ride home.假假设比尔不说要驾车送我们回家,我们就会叫出租车了假假设比尔不说要驾车送我们回家,我们就会叫出租车了If we had left earlier, we wouldnt have missed the train.假假设我们早点动身的话,我们是不会错过火车的。假假设我们早点动身的话,我们是不会错过火车的。所以,课文中“as if he had never lived in England before用的就是虚拟式,所以运用了“have never lived的过去式“had never lived。表示Harrison其实以前是住在英国的。1.dream of doing sth. / make a dream2.settle down in the country / in the countryside3.no soonerthan / hardly when4plain to sb. about sth.5.for, because, since, as, so6.even though, though, but, altho


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