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1、Module 4 Travel第七讲Unit 7 We will go by train一、单词回顾:乘,由_ 火车_ 离开_ 山谷_岛_ 出租汽车_ 激动地,兴奋的_二、重点短语:go travel 去旅游 plan for the holiday 假期计划 go by train 乘火车去Happy Valley 欢乐谷 Window of the World 世界之窗 come back home 回家三、重点句型:1. -How will you go there? -We will go by train. / By train.2. -What will you do in She

2、nzhen? -We are going to visit Window Of the World.3. -When will you come back home? -We will come back on October 4th.四、重点分析:1. 交通方式的表达:by+交通工具 / on foot I go to school by bus. = I take a bus to school. My uncle goes to walk by underground. My aunt hoes to walk on foot. = My aunt walks to school.【随堂

3、练习】一、根据汉语意思完成英语句子。1. My home is _(近的). I _(步行)to school.2. Li Lei _ (乘地铁) to school every day.3. His father often goes to Shanghai _ _(坐飞机).4. If you don't want to be late, you'd better _ a _(打的).5. _ _ _ (骑自行车) to work is good for our health, I think.6.你每天怎样去学校?_ _ you get to school every d

4、ay?二、小调查:根据表格,调查你的同学或朋友他们是怎样上学的。NameHow to go to school?模块练习(一)听力训练一、听句子,将句子的大写字母编号写在图中的括号里。 二、听句子,填写句子中所缺的单词。1. Anna is going to _ at 2 p.m. She cant wait.2. Visiting Disneyland is very _ to the children.3. I am going to _ _ with my classmates this Saturday.4. Tom will go to Hongkong on _ 10th.5. W

5、hat are you going to do _ the holiday?(二)笔试三、请找出划线部分读音不同的单词。(四、单项选择。( ) 1. How does he go to Hong Kong? _. A. Take the plane   B. Take plane C. By the plane       D. By foot( ) 2. I usually go to school _.A. ride the bike       B. on b

6、ike  C. on the bike       D. by my bike( ) 3. -How do you usually go to school? -_my mothers car.A. By    B. With      C. In      D. For( ) 4. Do you have any ideas _ for the holiday? A. in B. on C. o

7、f D. for( ) 5. -_ will you go back home. - At six. A. What B. What day C. When D. Whose( ) 6. We will go _ on June 21st. A. travelling B. travel C. travelled C. travels( ) 7. -_ will you go there? -By underground. A. How B. What C. How long C. When( ) 8. My sister _ the museum tomorrow. A. visits B.

8、 visiting C. will visits D. will visit五、看图和提示补全句子。 1. My uncle will _ to Beijing by _.2. The Lee family is going to _ during the holiday.3. My father is going to _ with his friends during the holiday.4. My English teacher is going to Nanjing by _ during the holiday.5. The children _.6. Xiaoling and

9、his parents _.六、根据实际情况回答问题。1. How will you go to school tomorrow? _2. Who will cook dinner in your home today? _3. What are you going to do after school? _4. Is your birthday on July? _5. Would you like to watch a football match? _七、读一读,补全对话。Eric: Hi, Bob. The holiday is coming. What will you do dur

10、ing the holiday? Bob: Oh, hi Eric. I will go and visit my uncle.Eric: 1_?Bob: I will go with my sister.Eric: 2_? Bob: We will go next Friday in the afternoon.Eric: 3_?Bob: No. We will go by train.Eric: 4_?Bob: We will go fishing with my uncle! Eric: Wow, sounds great.八、阅读理解, 按要求按完下列的题

11、目。My name is Sally White. I am a school girl. My school is far from my home. Every day it takes long time to get there. The road is not flat(平坦). So I cannot go to school by bike. I often go there by bus or on foot. It takes me thirty minutes to get there by bus and an hour on foot. I must get up ve

12、ry every morning. I have no time for breakfast at home. I often eat something for breakfast on the way. I dont want to be late for school.A、根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. The girl can go to school by bike.( ) 2. It takes her thirty minutes to get to school by bike.( ) 3. The girl gets up very early every

13、day.( ) 4. She often has breakfast at home.( ) 5. The school isnt near to her home.B、根据短文内容回答问题: 1. Where is your school?  _2. .How do you often go to school? _3. Do you have breakfast at home?  _九、阅读短文,选出正确的答案。Mr. Green: Good morning, Mr. Wu! How do you usually go to w

14、ork? Mr. Wu: I usually go to work by bike. But sometimes I go on foot. I like walking.  Mr. Green: Walking is good. Look at the sun. Its a fine day for walking today.  Mr. Wu: Thats right. And the air today is nice and clean. What about you? Do you often go to work by bike?&

15、#160;Mr. Green: Yes, but not today.Mr. Wu: Why not?  Mr. Green:  My bike is broken.  ( ) 1. Mr. Wu usually goes to work _.A. by bike   B. on foot. ( ) 2. Mr. Wu likes to_.      A. walk    B. run ( ) 3. The_ today is

16、 nice and clean.   A. fish     B. air ( ) 4. Mr. Green goes to work_ today.   A. on foot     B. by bike ( ) 5. Mr. Greens bike is _. A. good      B. bad  十、书面表达:下周星期天一整天,你与老师、同学一起去野炊。请根据提示写一篇小作文,要求内容完整,语言规

17、范。(提示:出发时间、地点、目地交通工具自定以及活动内容等)_第八讲Unit 8 Bens first trip to Beijing一、单词回顾:旅行_ 旅店_ 步行_ 宫殿_ 湖_ 地铁_大街,马路_ 围绕着_ 长城_ 颐和园_ 散步_二、重点短语:trip to Beijing 去北京旅行 by plane 乘飞机 fly back home 飞回家by underground 乘地铁 drive to the Great Wall 开车去长城have dinner together 一起吃晚饭 take some photos 拍照片 take a walk 散步on Friday m

18、orning 在星期五早上 in Wangfujing Stree 在王府井大街around the lake 围绕着湖边 the Summer Palace 颐和园 Chinese clothes 唐装三、重点句型:1. He came by plane this morning.2. Now he is going to Tiananmen.3. Tomorrow morning, they will drive to the Great Wall.四、重点分析:1. ones first trip to 某人第一次到某地,如: Its my first trip to London. T

19、his will be my second trip to Hainan.2. excited与exciting的区别:前者意思是“令人激动的,令人兴奋的”,后者的意思是“激动的,兴奋地”。如: Its an exciting story. The children were all very excited after they read it.【随堂练习】一、选用所给的介词填空。 in near around to by on1. A: Is this your first trip _ Australia, Xiaoling? B: Yes. Im so excited.2. He ca

20、me to the cinema _ underground.3. She runs _ the like for thirty minutes every morning.4. The library is _ our school. We can walk there.5. She usually does housework _ the morning.6. I will fly back home _ Friday afternoon.Im going to Shenzhen _ November 11th.二、按要求完成句子。1. He will go to Beijing duri

21、ng the summer holiday. (改为否定句) _2. Its sunny today. (划线部分提问) _3. Will you take a walk with me after dinner? _4. I like autumn best. (划线部分提问) _5. I will go camping next week. (划线部分提问) _模块练习(一)听力训练一、听句子,用英文大写字母给图片编号。 二、听对话,选择正确的答案。( ) 1. David is going to Beijing by _. A. plane B. train C. ship( ) 2.

22、David will stay in Beijing for _ days. A. two B. three C. four( ) 3. David will _ at the weekend when he is in Beijing. A. work B. see his friends C. stay in hotel( ) 4. David will leave Beijing on _ evening. A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday( ) 5. David will stay in hotel for _ days. A. two B. three

23、C. four(二)笔试三、找出画线部分发音不同单词的序号: ( ) 1. A. name  B. same  C. game  D. maths ( ) 2. A. come  B. old  C. go  D. home ( ) 3. A. like  B. sing  C. China  D. driver (

24、) 4. A. meat  B. speak  C. great  D. please ( ) 5. A. father  B. what  C. farm  D. dance 四、翻译下列词组。1. 去海南旅游_ 2. 假期计划_3. 乘地铁_ 4. 散步_5. 去旅行_ 6. 在星期一下午_7. 颐和园_ 8. 长城_9. 回家_ 10. 世界之窗_五、单项选择。( ) 1. It s my _ trip to

25、Shanghai. A. three B. two C. third D. four( ) 2. Yesterday I took _ in the park. A. photo B. photos C. photoes C. photoing( ) 3. Janet goes to school _ taxi. A. on B. in C. for D. by( ) 4. Sue will go to the Summer Palace next week, so she is very _. A. boring B. exciting C. excited D. boring( ) 5.

26、-How do you usually go to school? -_. A. by bus B. On bus C. By bike D. By foot( ) 6. -_ will you come back home? -I will come back home on May 5th. A. When B. What C. Why D. How( ) 7. My home is_ my school, so I can go to school on foot. A. long B. near C. far D. next( ) 8. What is Ben going _ toni

27、ght? A. does B. do C. doing D. to do六、看图补全句子中的单词。 1. The man goes to work on f_.2. My mother will go to the shopping center by u_.3. The young man is very e_ because he is a father now.4. Why is the dog running a_ the tree?5. The man is d_ to the drive.6. There is an old man on the b_.七、用括号内所给词的正确形式

28、填空。1. My father goes to school on _. (feet)2. Its my _ (two) trip to Hongkong.3. The bag is very old because it is _ (Jiamin) first bag.4. She will come back home on June _. (21)5. _ (do) Ben have any plans for the holiday?八、读一读,完成对话。Tom, Bob and Betty are going to the park 

29、this Sunday.Betty: We are going to the park this Sunday. Tom: Bob, _Bob: Im going there by underground. _? Tom: Ill go there by bus. What about you,Betty? Betty: My home is near. Im

30、0;going there by bike. Bob: _?Tom: Yes. I will go there by bus.Bob: _?Betty: We will get there at 10:00. Tom & Bob: Thats OK. 九、判断正(T)误(F)。Amy: Where are you going this summer holiday? John: Im going to Guilin.  Amy: Oh, I went there with my mom last summer holiday. John: Rea

31、lly? How did you get there?  Amy: I went to Gunlin by train, it was crowd on the train. John: Im going there by plane.  Amy: Good idea. Who are you going with? John: Im going with my parents.  Amy: Guilin is very beautiful, we were very happy on our trip. You will have a good time. Jo

32、hn: Thank you.   ( ) 1、John is going to Guilin with his father and mother this summer  holiday.  ( ) 2、Amy went there with her parents last year. ( ) 3、It was not comfortable to go there by train. ( ) 4、John is going there by plane. ( ) 5、Guilin is in north of China. 十、阅读对话。Funny HolidayBen: Hello, David. Tomorrow I am going to sunny Australia!Its so warm there. I can swim all day.David: But its winte


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