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1、The insurer should compensate the insured for the losses, if any, within the period of insurance cover against the insurance premium.The aim of insurance is to spread risks so that the losses, when incur, can be shared by all that are involved rather than taken by the suffered only.In marine cargo t

2、ransport insurance, perils fall into two categories, general perils of the sea and extraneous risks.All additional risks can not be covered independently because they should be underwritten depending on one of the basic risks.The consignor shall submit to the insurance company the notice of abandonm

3、ent when constructive total loss needs to be compensated.International Cargo International Cargo Transportation InsuranceTransportation Insurance国际货物运输保险国际货物运输保险Tessa LiaoSEIT2015.05.19Introduction1 1Contents2 2Marine Insurance of CIC3 3Insurance practice in China4 4Key words and expressionsKey word

4、s and expressionsperilaveragecover (coverage)policyindemnifyconsignmentcalamityfortuitous=risk 风险=loss 损失(v.) 保险,保到 (n.)保单(v.) 赔偿托运的货物灾害偶然的、意外的DefinitionParties to the insuranceBasic questionsInsurance is a practice whereby the insurance company undertakes, on the base of a premium paid, to indemnif

5、y the insured on loss from certain risks or perils to which the cargo insured may be exposed during the course of transport from the exporting country to the importing country.It is an indispensable (不可或缺的不可或缺的) part to the import and export practice. 2022-2-97InsurerInsurer/ /UnderwriterUnderwriter

6、 保险人保险人/ /承保人承保人 The party undertaking to indemnify the insurant against losses or damages (The insurance company)InsuredInsured/insurant /insurant 被保险人被保险人/ /投保人投保人 The party that buys insurance (exporter/importer)ClaimantClaimant 索赔人索赔人 The party who suffers will lodge a claim against the insuranc

7、e policy. The claimant may not necessarily be the insurant.What are the possible risks that may arise from the course of cargo transportation?What losses and expenses may incur due to the risks?What are the types of marine insurance in international trade according to China Insurance Clause?Who is r

8、esponsible for covering cargo transportation insurance?2022-2-99Perils of the sea 海上风险Marine average 海上损失Charges/expenses 费用Case study & exercisecaused by force majure (不可抗力)including heavy weather, lightening, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption恶劣气候(如飓风、大浪);雷电(如雷电引起的火灾);海啸(如巨大波浪);地震;火山爆发等人力不

9、可抗拒的灾害。 resulting from unexpected causes (非预料中的原因)including fire (失火), explosion (爆炸), vessel being stranded (搁浅), striking upon the rocks (触礁), missing (失踪), etc. 指被保险货物在运输途中由于遭受一般外来原因所造成的风险。pilferage偷窃, rain淡水雨淋, leakage渗漏, shortage短少, breakage破碎, heating受热, dampness受潮, taint by odor串味, hooking an

10、d rusting钩损和生锈, etc.指由于军事、政治、国家政策法令以及行政措施等特殊外来原因所造成的风险与损失。war, strike (罢工), etc.海上损失海上损失 全部损失全部损失 部分损失部分损失 实际全损实际全损 推定全损推定全损 单独海损单独海损 共同海损共同海损 指,按损失情况的不同,可分为和The complete loss of the insured cargo in value. 指被保险货物完全灭失或完全变质,或者货物实际上已不可能归还被保险人。Become an un-merchantable thing. 例:我公司出口稻谷一批,因保险事故被海水浸泡多时而丧

11、失其原有价值,无法修复,这种损失属于实际全损.When the subject matter is totally destroyed. 被保险货物的;When the subject matter is so damaged as to cease to be a thing of the kind insured 被保险货物已When the assured is irretrievably deprived thereof. 被保险货物指货物发生保险事故以后,实际全损已不可避免,或为避免发生实际全损所需支付的费用与继续将货物运抵目的地的费用之和超过保险价值。The insured sha

12、ll submit to the insurance company the notice of abandonment (委付通知). In this way, the insured passes all the title to the goods to the insurer willingly, and applies to the insurer for compensation according to the total loss.例:有一批出口服装,在海上运输途中,因船体触礁导致服装严重受浸,若将这批服装漂洗后运至原定目的港所花费的费用已超过服装的保险价值,这种损失属于推定全

13、损。指被保险货物的损失没有达到全部损失的程度,其包括和两种。when the whole ship was threatened by a peril of the sea or some other hazardin order to save the ship and some of the cargo, part of the cargo or vessel have to be sacrificedGeneral average contribution General average contribution 共同海损分摊:共同海损分摊: Those interests whose

14、property were saved must contribute proportionally to cover the losses of the one whose property was voluntarily sacrificed. A partial loss suffered by part of the cargo when a storm or fire damages part of the shippers cargo and no one elses cargo has to be sacrificed to save the voyage. 由承保责任范围内的风

15、险所直接导致的船舶或货物的部分损失该损失仅由各受损者单独负担。General average vs. Particular averageGeneral average vs. Particular average比较项目比较项目单独海损单独海损损失的损失的内容内容致损致损原因原因损失的损失的承担者承担者共同海损共同海损受损者自己承担受损者自己承担除保险标的外,还除保险标的外,还包括支出的特殊费用包括支出的特殊费用受益各方根据获救利受益各方根据获救利益的大小按比例分摊益的大小按比例分摊保险标的物保险标的物为解除或减轻风险,为解除或减轻风险,人为地有意识地造成人为地有意识地造成由所承保的风险直接

16、由所承保的风险直接导致船、货受损导致船、货受损海上损失海上损失 全部损失全部损失 部分损失部分损失 实际全损实际全损 推定全损推定全损 单独海损单独海损 共同海损共同海损 Insurance indemnifies not only , but also the expenses incurred for the rescue of insured cargo.其主要包括和两类。Extraordinary expenditures made in time of peril to avoid or minimize any loss of or damage to the goods insu

17、redCarried out by the insured or his agent, his employees.保险人对施救不论有无效果都赔偿。Expenses resulting from measures properly taken by a third party other than the insured, the employee or the agent.依据国际上有关法律,被救方应向救助的第三者支付的报酬。保险人对救助采取“No cure,no pay” (无效果,无报酬)原则。What is the marine insurance term for each of t

18、he following losses? Fill in only with three phrases: total lossparticular averagegeneral average.1. Accidental damage to part of cargo2. All goods lost when ship sank3. Cargo partially damaged in collision4. All goods thrown overboard5. Some goods thrown overboard to save ship6. 10% of Sugargum Co.

19、s cargo damaged by water in hold (在货舱内)7. 100% of fabric shipment lost in ship fire8. 30% of pottery broken when cartons were dropped9. 25% of sheet metal thrown overboard to lighten ship10. 2% of canned food damaged by the hook 一外贸公司出口货物,从新港驶往新加一外贸公司出口货物,从新港驶往新加坡,途中遇雷电起火,燃至船舱,引水扑坡,途中遇雷电起火,燃至船舱,引水扑灭

20、,轮船主机被烧坏,灭,轮船主机被烧坏,轮船被轮船被拖至近港修拖至近港修理,问以下损失和费用哪些是理,问以下损失和费用哪些是单独海损单独海损?哪些是哪些是共同海损共同海损? 10001000箱货被火烧;箱货被火烧;600600箱货被水渍;箱货被水渍; 主机以及部分甲板被烧坏;主机以及部分甲板被烧坏;拖船费;拖船费;额外支付的燃料、船员工资;额外支付的燃料、船员工资;修理费修理费Basic insurance coverage 基本险别Additional insurance coverage 附加险别W/W Clause 仓至仓条款 Under CIC, the marine insurance

21、 is mainly classified into basic coverage and .only provide coverage for total losses and general average emerging from the actual “marine perils”.其英文原意是:单独海损不负责赔偿,但实际是单纯由自然灾害造成的部分损失不负责赔偿,出现了名不符实。“1982年新协会货物条款”(ICC)对名称进行了修改,用英文字母C代替,即。 The scope of FPAThe scope of FPA1.被保险的货物在运输途中由于恶劣气候、雷电、地震、洪水等自然灾

22、害造成整批货物的全部损失或推定全损。2.由于运输工具遭到搁浅、触礁、沉没、互撞,与流冰或其他物体碰撞以及失火、爆炸等意外事故所造成的货物全部或部分损失。3.在运输工具已经发生搁浅、触礁、沉没、焚毁等意外事故的情况下,货物在此前后又在海上遭受恶劣气候、雷电、海啸等自然灾害所造成的部分损失。4.在装卸或转船时由于一件或数件甚至整批货物落海所造成的全部或部分损失。5.被保险人对遭受承保责任内的危险货物采取抢救、防止或减少货损的措施所支付的合理费用。Provide extensive cover against all loss or damage due to marine perils throu

23、ghout the duration of the policy, including partial loss or damage attributed to natural calamities.单独海损负责赔偿,其实其责任范围是:平安险+自然灾害造成的分损,同样是名不符实。“1982年新协会货物条款”将其名称改为。 responsible for all total or partial loss of, or damage to the goods insured either arising from sea perils or general external causes. 其责

24、任范围是:水渍险+11种一般附加险三种基本险中最广泛的一种,因而适宜于价值较多,可遭受损失因素较多的货物投保。“1982年新协会货物条款”将其名称改为。 (1) Risk of theft, pilferage and non-delivery (TPND). (2) Risk of fresh water and/or rain damage (3) Risk of clash and breakage (4) Risk of leakage (5) Risk of shortage (6) Risk of intermixture and contamination (7) Risk of

25、 taint of odor (8) Risk of sweating and heating (9) Risk of rust (10) Risk of breakage of packing 11) Hook damage (1) (1) War riskWar risk 仅限于水面危险 案例分析:某公司出口某货物,投保一切险加战争险,该船抵达目的港开始卸货时,当地发生武装冲突,部分船上货物及部分已卸到岸上的货物被毁。问:保险公司如何赔偿? (2) (2) Strike riskStrike risk 仅限于直接损失,对间接损失不负责如由于劳动力短缺或无法使用劳动力,致使堆放码头的货物遭到

26、雨淋日晒而受损、冷冻机因无燃料而中断造成的被保险货物的损失不负责赔偿。 (3) (3) Failure to delivery riskFailure to delivery risk 被保险货物从装上船开始,6个月仍不能运到原定目的地交货,则不论何种原因,保险公司均按全损赔付。 (4) (4) Import duty riskImport duty risk 承保货物已发生保险责任范围内的损失,但被保险人仍需按货物的完好状态完税而遭受的损失。 (5) On deck risk (6) Rejection risk (7) Aflatoxin risk (8) Fire risk extens

27、ion clause(FREC) 基本险基本险附加险附加险平安险平安险水渍险水渍险一切险一切险一般附加险一般附加险特殊附加险特殊附加险CIC海运险结构海运险结构货运基本险的保险期间?保险公司承担的保险责任,从被保险货物运离保单载明的起运港(地)发货人仓库开始,一直到货物到达保单载明的目的港(地)收货人仓库为止,一旦进入收货人仓库,保险责任即告终止。但是,当货物从目的港卸离海轮时起算满60天,不论保险货物有无进入收货人仓库,保险责任均告终止。 Failure to delivery riskFailure to delivery risk Export insuranceImport insur

28、anceInsurance documentsWho arrange for insurance?Who arrange for insurance?It usually depends on the insurance clause of the contract, and the related international usual customs and practices. Under CIF and CIP ? Under other trade terms?2022-2-950(Cost, Insurance and Freight) 到岸价(Carriage and Insur

29、ance Paid to) 运费和保险付至CIF CIF & & CIPCIP由出口企业向当地保险公司办理投保手续。在办理时,应根据出口合同或信用证规定,在备妥货物,并确定装运日期和运输工具后,按规定格式逐笔填制保险单,并向保险公司。FOBFOB、CFRCFR、CPTCPT,均由买方办理保险。为了简化投保手续和防止出现漏保或来不及办理投保等情况,我国进口货物一般采取的做法。各外贸公司同中国人民保险公司签订有海运、空运、邮运、陆运等不同运输方式的进口预约保险合同。按照预约保险合同的规定, Insurance policy 保险单保险单 (大保单大保单) The mostly used insurance document. Insurance certificate 保险凭证保险凭证 (小保单)(小保单) A simplified insurance document. The certifica


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