



1、Unit Four I OrganizingII ReviewIII Presentation Text A Run Like the Wind 1 Questions1) What are the two basic skills needed for running?Speed and endurance. 2) What is speed? And what is endurance?Speed is the measure of how fast a person can run. Endurance is the measure of how far a person can run

2、.3) How do athletes, football players, for example, use speed and endurance in sports?Athletes, football players, for example, use speed when making a play and endurance to be able to run up and down the field for an entire game.2 Language Points1). There are two basic skills needed for running: spe

3、ed and endurance. = There are two basic skills that / which are needed for running: speed and endurance. 2). Football players, for example, use speed when making a play and endurance to be able to run up and down the field for an entire game例如,足球运动员在做动作时要用速度,而要在整场比赛中能在球场上来回奔跑则需要耐力。句中when making a pl

4、ay实际上是一个省略了主语和助动词be的状语从句,即应为when they are making a play,表示时间。使用此结构,从句中被省略的主语就是主句的主语。课文中相似的例子还有第八段:When sprinting, the athlete uses only two parts, the pad and the toes.Para 6-10Language Points1To run fast, an athlete must use a special running technique known as sprinting. 句中known as sprinting为过去分词短

5、语作定语, 修饰technique。2 It may sound silly, but the arms actually do help us run faster. 这可能听上去很愚蠢,但双臂实际上的确能帮助我们跑得更快。“sound” 在该句中用作连系动词,意为“听起来,似乎”, 之后要跟表语。这一类可用作为连系动词的动词还有look “看起来”, smell “有的气味”等。 e.g. He looks awful. 他面色很难看。 The food smells good. 这食物闻起来很香句中 “do” 表示强调。“do”,“does”, “did” 皆可用来表示强调,意为 “的确

6、,确实”。e.g. I do feel sorry for Mary. 我真的为玛丽感到难过。He did find a regular job. 他确实找到了一份固定工作。3. It may take some time to perfect, but as with any other athletic skill, the more often one practices, the better one becomes! 要达到技术娴熟的水平可能要花费一些时间,但如同任何运动技术一样,练习越经常,技术越熟练!the more the more 相当于汉语中的“越越”,表示两个过程按比例同

7、时增或减。这种句型的前一个the more 结构是从句,后一个the more 结构是主句。Para 11-14Language Points1 The key to endurance running is to conserve energy. This means using as little energy as needed to move oneself forward. 耐力跑的要诀是保存能量。这意味着用所需的最小能量使自己向前移动。此句中第一个as为副词,第二个as为连接词,连接一个省略了it is的句子,即:This means using as little energy

8、as it is needed to move oneself forward.key to: the means to achieve a particular goal, or the explanation of sth., which has been a puzzle (解决问题或达到目的等的)关键, 要诀key后常接介词 to。 e.g. He has provided the key to the whole problem. 他为解决整个问题提供了办法。2 course: n. movement from one point to another in space or tim

9、e 过程;进程 e.g. the course of history 历史的进程 In the course of our journey, I told her everything. 在旅途中我把一切都告诉了她。3 First, the athlete leans forward just enough so that he has to keep stepping forward to keep from falling. 首先,运动员前倾的幅度不要太大,只要使他不停地向前跨步使自己不致摔倒即可。4. However, by running this way, the athlete u

10、ses the pull of gravity to move forward, rather than having to use his own energy to push himself forward. 然而,用这种方式跑,运动员就可以 运用重力的引力,而无须非凭借自身的体力向前跑。 Language Points1 The nice thing is that anybody can become a better athlete by studying and practicing these running techniques. The funny thing is that

11、 hardly anyone knows this! 令人高兴的是,任何人都可以通过学习和练习这些跑的技术成为一名更好的运动员。奇怪的是,几乎没有人知道这一点!Text B Exercise: What Can It Do for You?Language Points1 (keep) in shape: (keep) fit (保持)健康 e.g. She exercises every day to keep in shape. 她每天锻炼以保持身体健康。 Youll never be in shape unless you eat less and have more exercise.

12、 只有少吃多锻炼你才能健美。2 good for (sb./sth.): beneficial to (sb./sth.) 对有益的 e.g. Jogging is good for your health. 慢跑对你的健康有益。Sunshine is good for your plants. 阳光对你的花草有好处。3. lose weight: (of a person) become less heavy; slim(指人)减轻体重,变苗条 e.g. He has decided that he needs to lose weight. 他已决定他需要减肥。4. Americans o

13、f all ages are running, jumping, and lifting weights to keep in shape. Many people believe that exercise is good for the body and for the mind. 各种不同年龄的美国人都在跑步、跳跃和举重,以保持身体健康。很多人相信,运动对身心有好处。5 Some of these beliefs are fantasies: things that are impossible or untrue. Other beliefs are facts: things tha

14、t are true because people have proven them in studies. 这些信念中有些是幻想:不可能或不真实的东西。其他的信念则是事实:真实的东西,因为人们在研究中已经证实了它们。Para 2Language Points1 work out: train the body through heavy physical exercise 做大运动量的锻炼 e.g. She works out at the local health club. 她在当地的健身俱乐部锻炼身体。 Shes working out in the gym right now. 此刻

15、她正在健身房里锻炼身体。2 as a matter of fact: in reality; to tell the truth 事实上;说真的;其实 e.g. As a matter of fact, we were just talking about you when you came in. 实际上,在你进来的时候,我们正谈到你。3. not really: used to say “no” or “not completely” 事实上不是(或不会、没有) e.g. “Are you happy to be here?” “Well, no, not really.”“你乐意来这儿吗

16、?”“ 嗯,不,事实上我并不乐意。”4 use up: use (material, etc.) until no more is left 用尽(材料等) e.g. We have used up our sugar. 我们的糖用完了。 She used up all her money in six months. 她6个月就把所有的钱花光了。5. take in: absorb (sth.) into the body by breathing or swallowing it. 将(某物)吸入(或吞入)体内;摄取 e.g. Sharks take in water through th

17、e mouth. 鲨鱼用嘴巴喝水。The earth takes in heat and light from the sun. 地球从太阳那里吸收热和光。6 Exercise combined with dieting can help, but you probably wont look like Ms. Fonda unless you did before you started. 运动与节食相结合能有所帮助,但你大概不会看上去像方达女 士那样身段优美,除非你在开始运动前已经身材优美。 exercise combined with =exercise that is combined

18、 with dieting can help本句中的“combined with ” 是过去分词短语, 修饰 “exercise” 。 Language Points1. What about reducing stress by exercising? 我们可以用“what about” 来询问消息或提出建议。e.g. What about a cup of coffee?来一杯咖啡怎么样? “Peters coming.” “What about Mary?”“彼德要来。”“那么玛丽呢?”2.In fact, studies have shown that doing aerobic exercise (exercise that increases your heart rate) causes the brain to release endorphins, a chemical in your body that reduces pain and relaxes the body. 实际上,研究已经表明,做有氧运动(加快心率的运动)能促使脑释放内啡肽,这是你身体内的一种减轻痛苦、使身体放松的化学物质。“a chemical in your body that reduces pain and relaxes the body”是endo


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