河南省某高中高中英语 Unit 22 Environmental Protection学案 北师大版选修8_第1页
河南省某高中高中英语 Unit 22 Environmental Protection学案 北师大版选修8_第2页
河南省某高中高中英语 Unit 22 Environmental Protection学案 北师大版选修8_第3页




1、河南省某高中高二英语学案:Unit 22 Environmental Protection(北师大版选修模块8)Words and expressions 1.amusementn. something that gives people fun or pleasure文娱活动 Big cities have theatres, films, basketball matches and many other amusements. 大城市有戏剧、电影、篮球比赛以及许多其他的娱乐活动。 n. smiling and laughing娱乐;消遣 His chief amusement is re

2、ading novels. 他的主要消遣是看小说。 2.coastern. 惯性运动装置3.roller coaster n.c (游乐场等的) 云霄飞车(=switchback英)4.bungee XbVndjI n. 蹦极;跳簧;橡皮筋bungee jumping 蹦极跳5.free-fall ride 自由落体车乘6.creekn.小河;小溪7.souvenirn. something that one buys or gives because it will bring memories纪念礼物;纪念品 He brought back a cowboy hat as a souven

3、ir of America.他带回一顶牛仔帽作为访问美国的纪念。 8.giantn. a man of very great size and strength 巨人 The great socialist China has towered like a giant in the East. 伟大的社会主义中国像巨人一般屹立在东方。 adj. very big 巨大的 There are two giant pandas in the zoo. 在动物园里有两只大熊猫。 9.dragonn. big, dangerous animal with fire in its mouth, whic

4、h lives only in stories龙 10.attraction n. something that makes you want to come nearer, look at it, etc.吸引;吸力;吸引物 The Tower of London is a great attraction to tourists. 伦敦塔对游客有很大的吸引力。 11.collectionn. number of things that have been gathered together收藏;收集物 He collects stamps and has a very good colle

5、ction. 他集邮,他收藏的邮票很精彩。 12.castlen. big, strong building that helped to keep the people inside safe from their enemies long ago 城堡;古城堡castle in the air (in Spain) 空中楼阁13.costumen.c clothes generally(某一时期/国家/民族/阶层的)衣裳;服装 She looks very pretty in her winter costume. 她穿着冬装看上去很美丽。 minorityn. small part of

6、 a group少数;少数民族 The Chinese nation includes more than 50 national minorities besides the Hans. 中华民族除汉族外,还有五十多种少数民族。 15.cartoon n. funny drawing, often of well known people 漫画 n. cinema film made with drawings, not with real people 卡通;动画片 a Mickey Mouse cartoon 米老鼠动画片16.thrilln.c 兴奋;激动 A thrill went

7、through her. 她感到一阵寒栗兴奋。 vt. (使)激动;(使)心惊胆战The audience was were thrilled with his performance. 观众为他的表演而激动。 17.entertainment n.an amusing or interesting public performance娱乐 The city offers many forms of entertainment. 这个城市提供各种娱乐。 n. the act of entertaining guests; the act of amusing people 款待;招待 They

8、 are giving an entertainment to their foreign guests. 他们在招待外宾。18.educatev. teach and train教育;培养 He was educated at a technical college. 他在技术学校受过教育。 19.conservationn.u (自然资源等的) 保存;管理20.marineadj. of, found in, produced by, or connected with the sea海的;海产的 Seals and whales are marine animals. 海豹和鲸鱼是海中的

9、动物。 21.coastaladj. 海岸的;沿海的22.dividevt. split something into parts; go into parts分;划分I divide the cake into four parts. 我把蛋糕分成四份。 vt. share something into parts分配;分享 Aunt divided the cake among the children. 姨妈把蛋糕分给孩子们。 23.sectionn. part of something 部分;区域You will find that book in the historical sec

10、tion of the library.你会在图书馆的历史书部分中找到那本书的。24.shuttleadj. 定期往返汽车;航天飞机 a shuttle bus train, plane 定期往返的 区间 公共汽车 火车,飞机 25.butterflyn. 蝴蝶26.riskvt. to have a chance of losing something or of something (bad) happening冒的危险 If you go out without a raincoat you risk getting wet, because it may rain. 如果你不带雨衣出去

11、,你就要冒淋湿的危险,因为可能下雨。 n.c the possibility of losing or being hurt危险;风险 He was ready for any risks. 他甘冒任何风险。 27.injuryn. (to the body)something causing pain, a wound 伤害;受伤处He fell off the ladder and had serious injuries. 他从梯子上摔下来受了重伤。 28.rocketn. 火箭29.helicoptern. 直升飞机30.carvev. cut wood or stone to mak

12、e a picture or shape刻;雕刻 Tony carved his name on a tree with a knife. 托尼用刀子把他的名字刻在树上。 31.achievement n. achieving, the successful finishing of something成就;功绩 He owes his achievement to hard work. 他的成绩来自辛勤的工作。 32.civilization n. system, stage of, social development文明;文化 Chinese civilization is one of

13、 the oldest in the world. 中国的文化是世界最古老的文化之一。 33.cut off remove by cutting 切去;剪掉;砍掉 I had my hair cut off and sold it. 我把头发剪掉卖了。 34. stop or interrupt while in communication 使中止通话;打断通话 Just when she had reached the most important point we were cut off. 她刚刚讲到最要紧的地方,我们的电话就被切断了。 35. stop the operation of, turn off; cease operating 使停止运转;切断 The floods have cut off our supplies. 洪水切断了我们的供应。 The village was cut off by the flood. 村子被洪水隔绝了。 36.preven


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