已阅读5页,还剩37页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Where is it?This is our playground.Is this our playground?No ,it isnt.Is that our playground?Yes ,it is.第1页/共42页Where is it?Do you have a library?Do you have a canteen?第2页/共42页Where is it?Is this our library?No ,it isnt.Is that our library?No ,it isnt.Is this our garden?Yes ,it is.第3页/共42页Is this ca

2、nteen ?Where is it?No ,it isnt.This is TV room.Is that gym ?No ,it isnt.Is that art room ?Yes ,it is.第4页/共42页Where is it?Is this garden ?No ,it isnt.Its music room.Is that TV room ?No ,it isnt.Its computer room.第5页/共42页Where is it?Its wash room.washroom第6页/共42页Is this canteen ?No ,it isnt.Is that gy

3、m ?Yes ,it is.Yes ,it is.No ,it isnt.单词:句子:第7页/共42页第8页/共42页What time is it now?Its time for breakfastIts time to go to school.Its time to get up.第9页/共42页9121What time is it now?Its twelve oclock.Its time for lunch.第10页/共42页What time is it now?Its seven oclockIts time for dinner.Its time to go home.第

4、11页/共42页912110What time is it now?Its ten oclock.Its time to go to bed.第12页/共42页小结:go to bed. go to school. go home. get up. What time is it now?Its oclockbreakfastIts time to Its time for 第13页/共42页第14页/共42页No, its not. Whats this?Is this a dress?Yes, it is. Is this a jacket?Is that a T-shirt?No, it

5、s not. Is that a skirt?Yes, it is. This is a blue dress.This is a green skirt第15页/共42页This is a white sweater.This is a brown jacket.This is a red shirt.This is a yellow T-shirt.第16页/共42页What are they?They are pants.(these)These are jeans.(they)第17页/共42页What are these (they)?Are these pants?No ,they

6、 arent.These are socks.Are these boots?No ,they arent.These are shoes.(sandals)第18页/共42页What are these (they)?Are these pants?No ,they arent.Are these jeans?No ,they arent.These are shorts.第19页/共42页小结:What are these (they)?These(they) are .Is this(that) .?No, its not. Yes, it is. pants socks jeans s

7、hoes shortsjacket shirt skirt dress T-shirt sweater第20页/共42页第21页/共42页第22页/共42页第23页/共42页第24页/共42页第25页/共42页rainysunnywindysnowycoldwarmcoolhotweather第26页/共42页rainysunnywindysnowycoldwarmcoolhotweather第27页/共42页rainysunnywindysnowycloudycoldwarmcoolhot第28页/共42页第29页/共42页第30页/共42页3030元元6060元元120120元元6060元

8、元How much is it?How much is it?第31页/共42页How much is it?Itsyuan.第32页/共42页How much is it?3030元元6262元元1515元元4545元元Its yuan.第33页/共42页Assistant: Can I help you?Mom: Yes,please . I want a sweater.Assistant: What size?Mom : Its size five.Assistant: How about this pair?Mom : Yes. Theyre nice.Assistant: Here you are.Mom: How much is it?Assistant: Its sixty-two yuan.第34页/共42页第35页/共42页What are they?They are 第36页/共42页Are


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