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1、Period 7Writing如何写海报.写作策略探究海报的特点之一是有一个明确的标题,它一般是一个论述性的疑问句,如“Why should we learn English?”“Why should we do exercise?”接着列举理由,最后得出结论。海报其实就是议论性文体,首先提出问题,接着列举理由进行论述,最后在所列举的理由的基础上,自然地得出结论。注意列举的理由要与主题有关,且能支持自己的观点,否则降低了论述的力度,不能使人信服,自然就失去了效力。此外,要注意海报是应用文,应用一般现在时态来表述,因为它没有特定的时间范畴。再次,要注意语言措辞得当,是以建议性的语气而不是以命令性

2、的语气来表述。最后得出恰当的结论,使主题得以升华。 .写作题目要求昨天你们班就“Why should we learn English?”这一话题进行了一场激烈的讨论,结果如下表。请根据表格里的内容写一篇海报。Title Why should we learn English?Reasons 1.英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,大多数商业信件、书籍、杂志都是用英语书写。2.学好英语可使我们更好地向外国学习先进经验;可以更快、更好地学习现代科学和技术。3.学好英语能使我们更好地为祖国服务。4.学习英语有时也是一大趣事。整体设计教学重点 Develop the students writing ab

3、ility by making a brainstorming map and a poster.教学难点Get the students to learn to use connecting words or sentences properly to arrange sentences correctly.教学方法 Brainstorming and cooperative-learning教具准备 A projector and other normal teaching tools三维目标Knowledge aims:1. Get the students to learn the b

4、rainstorming way.2. Get the students to learn to make a poster.3. Get the students to learn some connecting words and sentences.Ability aims:1. Develop the students writing ability.2. Get the students to learn to collect useful ideas and sentences by using the brainstorming way or making a poster.3.

5、 Get the students to learn to arrange ideas and sentences collected properly into an essay or passage.Emotional aim:Enable the students to master writing skills and write excellent articles.教学过程设计方案(一)Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Get two pairs of students to make dialogues about

6、 asking directions using requests.Step 2 PresentationSummarize the brainstorming way of preparing oneself before writing.The teacher writes the topic question “Why should I learn English? ” on the blackboard.Student 1:I learn English to talk to native speakers.Student 2:To go to college, I learn Eng

7、lish hard.Student 3:I like reading. I learn English so as to read English novels.(Other answers may be as follows:to use for business, to read English books, to listen to English music and movies, to go abroad. )Teacher:Well, lets show your ideas on a brainstorming map.(Show the map on the screen. )

8、Teacher:We can see the ideas easily and clearly. This map can help you write an excellent composition. Now, do you know how you prepare yourself before writing?Students:Yes.Step 3 Making a brainstorming mapThe teacher writes down the topic question “How can learning English help China in the future?

9、 ” on the blackboard. Ask students to make a brainstorming map with a partner.Several minutes later, ask a student draws the map on the blackboard.Sample map: Step 4 Making a posterFirst ask the students to make guesses about how English can help some aspects of Chinese life, in particular its econo

10、my. Then, students work on their poster in pairs. Finally, ask several pairs to present their poster in class for assessment.Sample posterChinas Future Lies in Learning EnglishReasons for learning English:World trade is done in English;International organizations(such as the UN)use English;We need c

11、ontact with the developed Western world to build our country;The developed world uses English in its dealings.Why the Chinese language will not do?Very few people in the West speak Chinese;Chinese is a difficult language to learn;Most businessmen do not have time to learn new languages every time th

12、ey entera new international market.So Chinas Future Lies in Learning EnglishStep 5 Writing a short passage1. The title is “Should we learn English? ”2. Show the structure on how to write the passage.1)State your points of view.2)Show the supporting reasons.3)Get a conclusion3. Show the students conn

13、ecting words which can help them to join the sentences and paragraphs.Illustration:I think. . . , I believe. . . , In my opinion. . . , As far as I am concerned. . .Addition:firstly, secondly, then, besides, at last. . .Contrast:however, but, on the other hand. . .Summary:in short, in a word, theref

14、ore, so. . .Sample passage:Should we learn English?Many people all over the world speak English as their second language. It is not too much to say that it has become an international language. So I strongly think we should learn English.Firstly, learning English can make life fun. It enables you to

15、 watch American movies, read English books and listen to English songs. Moreover, as English is an international language, you will be able to communicate with foreigners when you are on a trip abroad. Traveling will be more interesting that way.Secondly, it is a good idea to make friends with forei

16、gners. In my opinion, it is the best way to improve your English. In addition, it will be fun and it will expand your view of the world. If you make friends with a native speaker, you can practice your spoken English more often and then you can communicate with people around the world. You can also

17、become familiar with the customs and habits of different cultures.However, there are some people who are afraid to make friends with foreigners because they are not confident of their English. However, many foreigners do not care about grammar. They will get your key words in the sentence and figure

18、 out the whole meanings. Therefore, it is unnecessary to be afraid to make friends with them; just go ahead!Learning English helps us meet different people and learn more about their culture, thus facilitating mutual understanding and harmony. Briefly said, English is so useful to us that we should

19、all learn it.Step 6 HomeworkWriting task on Page 53 in the workbook.设计方案(二)Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Get two pairs of students to make dialogues about asking directions using requests.Step 2 PresentationSummarize the brainstorming way of preparing oneself before writing.Step

20、3 Writing a short passage1. The title:Should we learn English?2. The structure on how to write the passage:1)State your points of view.2)Show the supporting reasons.3)Get a conclusion.3. Connecting words:Illustration:I think. . . I believe. . . In my opinion. . .Addition:firstlysecondlythenbesidesat

21、 last. . .Contrast:howeverbuton the other hand. . .Summary:in shortin a wordthereforeso. . .(一)用本单元所学词汇、句式及语法翻译下列句子1众所周知,在我们的日常生活中,英语正起着越来越重要 的作用。(play.a part in)_2目前,全中国的大多数学校都在学习英语。(at present)_3事实上,学习英语并不难。(actually)_答案:1As we all know,English is playing a more and more important part in our dail

22、y life.2At present,English is learned in most schools all over China.3Actually,it is not difficult to learn English. 4我认为,学习英语的最好方法是使用英语。(make use of)_5我们应该多与其他人交流,例如老师、同学、室友等。(such as)_6任何方法都建立在努力基础之上。(be based on)_7信不信由你,用这种方法学习一段时间后,你的英语就会 逐渐提高。(believe it or not,gradually)_ 答案: 4In my opinion,th

23、e best way to learn English is to make use of English.5We should communicate more with other people,such as teachers,classmates and roommates.6Any method is based on hard work.7Believe it or not,after you have learned it in this way for some time,your English will improve gradually. (二)通过合并句子或用适当的连词

24、将上述句子连成一篇短文_ 【参考范文】As we all know,English is playing a more and more important part in our life.At present,English is learned in most schools all over China.Actually,it is not difficult to learn English.In my opinion,the best way to learn English is to make use of English and we should communicate m

25、ore with other people,such as teachers,classmates and roommates.Of course,any method is based on hard work and believe it or not,after you have learned it in this way for some time,your English will improve gradually. Step 4 HomeworkWriting task on Page 53 in the workbook.板书设计Unit 2English around the worldWritingA brainstorming map:活动与探究 More and more people learn and speak English. Why? Hold a group discussion, and write


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