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1、2017-2018学年第一学期番禺区期末考试卷一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连累的要求,从115各题所给的A、B、 C和D项中选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When I was 18 year old, one morning, my father told me 1 him into a town, about 40 miles away. I had just learned to drive, so I agreed with pleasure. When we came to the town,something 2

2、with the car. Then I took the car to a nearby garage to have it 3 and promised to pick Dad up at 4 pm. Because I had a few hours. I decided to go to the cinema.However, I became 5 interested in the film that I forgot the time. When the last film finished,it was 6 o'clock.I was afraid Dad would b

3、e angry and never let me 6 again, so I drove back 7 to meet Dad and _8 an excuse 9 my being late. I'll never forget the cry he gave me: "I'm disappointed that I feel you have to tell a 10 to me, Jack. I'm angry, not_11 you, but will myself. I have failed because Ive brought up a son

4、 12 cannot even tell the 13 to his own father. I'm going to work at home now and think seriously about 14 all these years Dad began walking along the road. I begged all the way, telling him how I drove behind him for 40 miles. at a speed of 5 miles an hour. It was 15 most unforgettable lesson. I

5、 remember it every time when I want to find an excuse for my wrong doings.1.A.to driveB.driveC.droveD.driving2.A.goes wronglyB.went wronglyC.goes wrongD.went wrong3.A.repairedB.repairC.repairingD.to repair4.A.spendsB.spendC.spendingD.to spend5.A.quiteB.veryC.muchD.so6.A.driveB.drivingC.droveD.to dri

6、ve7.A.quicklyB.quickC.quickerD.more quick8.A.madeB.makesC.makingD.have made9.A.inB.forC.atD.on10.A.lieB.lyingC.layD.lied11.A.withoutB.forC.to D.with12.A.whoB.whichC.whereD.when13.A.trueB.truthC.trulyD.trust14.A.where had I done wrongB.where have I done wrongC.where have I done wrongD.where I had don

7、e wrong15.A.anB.theC.a D./2017-2018学年第一学期海珠区期末考试卷一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连累的要求,从115各题所给的A、B、 C和D项中选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A long time ago. some farmers lived in a small village. And there was farmer(1)had four sons.The farmer raised the four boys on his own.He hoped that his sons cou

8、ld learn not(2)opinions about things too quickly. So he gave his four sons(3)question in turn asking them to go to see a pear tree at a distance in different seasons. The sons promised they would not let their father( 4).The first son (5)out in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in the

9、summer,and the youngest in the autumn.One year passed. When all of them returned home, the farmer called them together to describe they had seen. The first son said the tree was(7)bent and distorted. It wasnt worth seeing at all. And it seemed that it wouldnt bear any fruit, (8).The second son said

10、it was not like that, but the tree was covered(9)green buds and made people feel full of hopeThe third son disagreed, saying that is was full of flowers which smelled so sweet and(10)so beautiful. And he had never seen such beautiful scene that everyone would love it.The last son disagreed with all

11、of them, saying that it(11)with fruit. full of life and content. People would be satisfied with it.At last, the four sons' eyes were fixed(12) their father The father smiled, Then he told his four sons that(13)they were all correct, they only saw the tree in one season. He told his sons that(14)

12、 could not judge a tree or a person only by one season, and that the essence of a person could only be measured when all the seasons(15) over.If you just give up in winter, you will miss the hope of spring, the beauty of summer and the harvest of autumn in your life.1. A.who B.whatC.which D./2. A.gi

13、ve B.gave C giving D. to give3.A.aB.anC. the D./4.A.up B.on C off D.down5. A.set B.sets C.has set D.have set6.A. howB.whatC.thatD.why7.A.awfulB.more awfulC.awfully D.more awfully8.A. also B. tooC.either D.neither9.A.in B on C.of D.with10.A.look B.looks C.looked D.was looking11.A fills B. filled C.is

14、 filled D.was filled12.A. to B up C.on D.with13.A.ifB. so C.but D. although14.A.he B him C they D them15.A.is B are C. wasD.were2017-2018学年黄埔区初三英语第一学期期末考试一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连累的要求,从115各题所给的A、B、 C和D项中选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When my father was dying, I traveled a thousand miles fro

15、m home to be with him in his last days. It was (1) more heartbreaking(伤心的) than I' d expected,one of(2) and painful times in my life. (3) he passed away, I stayed alone in his apartment. There were so many things to deal with. It all seemed (4) I was lonely. I hated the (5) of the apartment. But

16、 one evening the silence(6) . I heard something crying outside. I opened the door to find (7) little cat on the steps. He was thin and poor. He looked the way I felt I brought him inside and gave him a can of fish. He ate it and almost immediately fell into sound sleep.The next morning, I checked wi

17、th neighbors and learned that the cat had been given up by his owner (8) had moved out last year. So the little cat was there all alone, just like (9) As I walked back to the apartment, I tried to figure out what to do with him .(10) care of the cat was the very last thing I wanted to do. But every

18、time i opened the door he (11) towards me. It was clear that he had (12) else to go. I started calling him.Willis, in memory of my father.From then on, things grew easier. With Willis, time seemed to pass much (13) . When the time finally came for me to return home, I had to decide what to do with willis. There was absolutely no way i would leave without him.It (14) five years since my father died. Over the years, several people have commented on (15) nice I was to save the cat. But I know that we helped each other. I may hav


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