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1、人教新目标英语七年级上册Unit 2 This is my sister.Section A(1a-2c)【学习目标】一、Key words: sister; mother; father; parent; brother; family; grandparent; those; these; have; they;二、Main sentences: 1.That ' s my family. 2. Those are my parents.3. Theseare my brothers. 4. Who ' s she?三、Introduce family members in

2、 English.【预习内容】根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. My (姐姐)is thirteen years old. 2. This is my(妈妈)。3. I that your (爸爸)?4. My (父亲或母亲)is my mother or my father.5. Tom is his(哥哥).6. What are(这些)?7. (那些)are her key?8. My (祖父母)are very old.9. I (有)a sister.10. That ' s my(家庭).按要求完成下列各题。that is(缩略形式) thoseM数形式) this(复数形

3、式)her(人称代词) these«寸应词) that(复数形式)sister。(寸应词) is(复数形式) mother。寸应词)一.合作探究:Those are my parents.These are my brothers.1)和 以及 和 都是指示代词。2)是this的复数形式;these和this是指时间和空间离说话人较 的人或物; 例如: is my sister(this). are my parents(this).3)是that的复数形式;those和that是指时间和空间离说话人较 的人或物; That is my brother.&成复数句)4)the

4、se和those修饰名词 形式,后面的be动词要用。在回答主语是these或those的一般疑问句或特殊疑问句时,通常用 来代替回答。如:-Are these your parents?-(肯定回答) (否定回答)【课堂作业】单选:()1. My is a teacher.A. parentsB. grandparents C. parent D. father ' s()2. This is my good.A. friendsB. friendC. sistersD. brothers()3. My are all teachers.A. friendB. sisterC. gra

5、ndparents D. mother()4. -Are your friends in your class?-Yes,are.A. these B. my friendsC. thoseD. they()5. Is Guo Peng your sister? No.A. she is B. she isn ' tC. it isD. it isn ' t()6. Mum,my friends, Dale and Helen.A. this is B. they are C. he and sheD. these are()7. - Are these Jeff and Ja

6、ck? -.A. Yes, they aren B. Nto, these aren ' t C. No, they aren'Dt Yes, these are()8. -your sister? - This is my sister.A. What ' sB. Who s C. Is thatD. Is she()9. My father ' s brother is my.A. uncle B. aunt C. cousin D. grandfather()10. This is Mr. Black and my English teacher.A. t

7、his isB. she isC. he isD. it isn ' t()11.are in the same class.A. Helen and I B. I and HelenC. I, you and she D. These()12. This is my mother, and I ' m her.A. teacherB. daughter C. parentsD. mother按括号内的要求变换下列句子的形式1. These are my friends .(改为单数形式) my.2. Is Tom your brother?(作否定回答) , he.3. Th

8、ese are my brothers.改为一般疑问句并且作否定回答) your brothers? , .4. The pencil is black and white.(对画线部分提问) the pencil.5. Those are English books .(改为单数形式)an English.6. Jack is my friend.(变成否定句)7. That is a pen in English.«寸戈U线部分提问)8. Her father and her mother are teachers.(成同义句)Section A(2d-3c)【学习目标】一、Ke

9、y words: have; who; day; well; bye; 指示代词的巩固和复习二、Main sentences: 1. Who' s she? 2. Well, have a good day.3. Who ' re they? 4. Thanks. You, too.三、含be动词的一般现在时。二,认真预习朗读2d的对话,填空。Sally: Good, Jane.Jane: Good morning, Sally.Sally: Oh, Jane,is my Kate. Kate, this my friend Jane.Kate: Nice to you, Ja

10、ne.Jane: Nice to meet you, . those your parents?Kate: Yes, .Jane: And he?Sally: He ' s is my, Paul.Jane: Oh, I see. Well,a good!Sally/ Jane: Thanks., too. Bye!自主朗读Grammar Focus,并将以下句子中空白处补充完整This my friend Jane. my grandfather.Thesemy brother.Thosemy parents.she?She' s my sister.Whos he?my b

11、rother.Whore they?my grandparents.That,s= who,re= who,s=who,re=三.知识点讲解1. Who s she?翻译:。who 意为用来询问。由、等这些特殊疑问词来 提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。(轻松小练)用适当的疑问词填空:1) -is that girl?-She' s Mary.2) He is my favohte singer Jay Zhou.阿戈2线音B分提问)is he?2. -Well, have a good day. -Thanks. You, too.1) Have a good day!意为,表示祝愿。回答常用

12、。其他表示“玩的愉快”的语句还有2) You, too. too用在肯定句的句尾表示“也” 太大 很老3)根据汉语意思完成句子。-旅途愉快,Andy !-谢谢。-trip, Andy!【课堂作业】一、用特殊疑问词填空。1、A:is the boy in blue?2、A:is the book?3、A: is the desk?4、A: is it today?5、A:is your brother?二、按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。1. These are my friends.改为单数句)2. That is my sister.改为复数句)too也可以修饰形容词表示“太,很”,如太多B:

13、 He' s Mike.B: It' s under the chair.B: It' s blue.B: It' s Sunday.B: He' s 15 years old._ my my3. He ' my brother. (M划线部分提问) he?4. Is Mary your friend?(作否定回答),5. Have a good day!得出答语).6. These are my grandparents.改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)-your grandparents? -Yes, 7. Is this your fathe

14、r? (变成肯定句)my father.8. 今天是周日。我过得很愉快。It,s Sunday todayjSection B(1a 1d)【学习目标】一、Key words: son; daughter; cousin; mom; dad; aunt; uncle; grandpa; grandmafamily tree;二、重要句型:含有be动词的单数句变复数句三、可数名词单数变复数的规则。【自主探究】一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. Tony is the(儿子)of the family. 2. Lucy is his (女儿).3. My (表弟)is my aunt '

15、 s son.4. Mr. Green is her(舅舅).5. That ' s my(爷爷).6. Please say thanks to my(妈妈).7. My father ' s mother is my.8. My parents ' daughter is my9. Jim and Lily are my uncle ' s children. They are my .10. I am a boy. I ' m my parents '.二、用 am, is are填空。1. What those?2. that your

16、uncle?-They are pictures.3. IBetty.4. Mary 【合作探究】my aunt.5. Gina and Paulyou Bob?my cousins.一、含有be动词的单数句变复数句,需注意以下几点:1 .指示代词this或that分别变为 或。2 .am 或is要变为 。3.不定冠词 a或 an要4 .可数名词单数要变为。5 .提示:如果主语是人称代词时,他们也必须变为复数形式Iyou she/he/it6 .将下列的单数句变为复数句。1) That book is new.2) I am a boy.3) She is a girl.4) How is h

17、e?5) Is the dictionary on the desk?二、可数名词单数变复数的规则:1 .一般情况下,直接力口 s: picture- sister- parent-2 .以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,y变i再力口 es: family- dictionary-以元音字母加y结尾的名词,直接加s: day- boy-3 .以 s; x.; ch; sh结尾的名词力口 es: bus- box-watch- brush-4 .以f或fe结尾的名词:f或fe变v加es wife (妻子)- knife (小刀)-wolf (狼)-thief (小偷)-shelf (书架)-self (

18、自己)-half (半)- leaf (树叶)-“小口决:妻子持刀去宰狼,吓得小偷发了慌,躲在架下保己命,半片树叶遮日光。”:力口 s 的有:giraffe- roof(屋顶)-特殊变化: scarf(围 巾)-或5 .以o结尾的名词:有生命的名词结尾加es(1人英雄爱吃西红柿和土豆):Negro- hero- tomato- potato-无生命的名词结尾加 s: photo- piano- radio-特殊变化:zero-或6 .不规则变化:男人、女人 a变e: man- woman-鹅、足、齿 oo 变 ee: goose-foot-tooth-老鼠、虱子 ouse变 ice: mous

19、e- louse-儿童要加人:child-单复数同形(中国人的鹿,日本人的鲜):Chinese-deer-Japanese- fish- sheep-7 .用所给的单词的复数的正确形式式空:1>There are so many(wolf) in the forest.2>There are three(chair) in the classroom.3> These(tomato) are red. 4>(hero) are great.5>My aunt has two(baby) 6>There are some(deer) eating the gr

20、ass.7> My father likes to eat(potato). 8>(Chinese)like to eat noodles.9>I have many(toy) in my bedroom.10>I help my mother wash(dish) in the kitchen.11>I have two(pencil-box). 12>There are some(bus) in the street.13>Peter has eight(foot).14>Linda has three(tooth).15>There

21、are some(child) in the garden.16>Michael likes the(mouse). 17>There are some(goose) in the river.18>My uncle and father are(man).19>Tom and King are(boy). 20>Linda has three(tooth).Section B(2a- 3b)一、翻译1 .两张漂亮的我的全家福2 .在第一张照片里3 .在下一张照片里4 .这两个女孩 5.我的堂妹【合作探究】Learn the passage 2a.一、Here a

22、re two nice photos of my family.1 .这是一个倒装句。当 (这儿), (那儿)放在句首时,后面的句 子往往要倒装,该句的真正主语是 。提示:该句型中的谓语动词用单数还是复数是由后面的主语的单复数来决定的。例如:这是我的电话号码。这是他的一些苹果。2 .photo意为, 也有此意。但两者略有不同, 不仅指照片,也 可指“画;画像;图画” ,一股指“拍摄的照片”或“日常摄影作品”。构成词组:(1)拍照;照相 =3 . two nice photos of my family是用of来表示名词的所有格,表示“ .的”。在英语中表示无生命名词的所有格,一般可以用of短语

23、表示所属关系。例如:一张中国地图 桌腿2. In the next picture are my brothers, Bob and Eric.next意为“”如:下周 下月【课堂作业】一、单选:()1. Is that a photo his family?A. toB. ofC. forD. with()2. -What' s the name Jenny' s dog? -Coco.A. in B. toC. ofD. for()3. Look! Here your pencils and erasers.A. isB. amC. areD. be()4. Those a

24、re her.A. a photo B. photoesC. the photoes D. photos()5. This is my sister and my parents.A. these ' s B. this is C. that is D. these are二、按要求完成句子(30分)1. That is his sister .侵复数句)his.2. These are my friends.变单数句) my.3. They are English dictionaries .(变单数旬)is English.4. This pencil case is new.变复

25、数句)are new.5. My pen is blue.(划线部分提问)is pen?6. This is my pencil sharpener .变一般疑问句) pencil sharpener?7. Are these your keys?(作否定回答)8. These are cases in English.就划线部分提问) in English?9. Is that a green ball?(作肯定回答)10. my , not , are , books , those .(连词成句) my books.新目标七年级英语上册Unit2 This is my sister.测试

26、题一一、单项选择(15分)()1.is my aunt, Mary.A. TheseB. ThisC. lookD. I()2.my cousins.A. These are B. This areC. These isD. This is()3. His mother ' sis his grandmother.A. grandfather B. grandmotherC. grandparentsD. mother()4. Isyour brother?A. the boyB. a boyC. the girlD. a girl()5. -Is Jeffbrother? -Yes,

27、 he is.A. meB. youC. yourD. yours()6. Here ismy family.A. a photo ofB. photo ofC. a photo atD. photo at()7. Thanksthe present.A. inB. atC. forD. to()8. Herea set of keys and heremy books.A. are; isB. is; isC. is; areD. are; are()9. This is Mary and that is Kate.my.A. She ' s, friend B. They '

28、; re, friends C. They ' re, friendD. She ' s, friends()10. What isthe lost and found box?A. atB. inC. ofD. for()11.- Is Jack your brother?-. His father is my uncle.A. He is notB. Yes, he isC. No, he isn ' t.D. Yeah()12.- Are those Jim and Mike?-A. Yes, he isB. No, they aren' C. Yes,

29、those areD. No, they are()13. Here is myphoto.A. familyB. familiesC. families 'D. house()14. My father and motherin the picture.A. isB. amC. areD. be()15. These are her.A. fatherB. motherC. parentsD. parent10、完形填空 (10分)Look at this picture. It' s dpictyraunt ' s family. This is Mary Smit

30、h. She is my aunt. She ' s mymother '宣.And she s ty grandfa ther ' 1s. 19 husband(丈夫)is John Smith. Nick is their 20 and Emma is their daughter. Nick and Emma 21 brother and sister. They22eTtiey call my mother 23 and my fatheruncle. I call John Smith 祖,too. It ' s a happy() 25 family

31、.()16. A. inB.atC. of()17. A. brotherB.sisterC. mother()18. A. daughterB.friendC. son()19. A. HisB.HerC. My()20. A. sonB.girlC. cousin()21. A. isB.areC. am()22. A. cousinsB.brothersC. friends()23. A. auntB.motherC. grandmother()24. A. grandfatherB.,brotherC. uncle()25. A. aunt ' sB.brother'

32、sC. grandfather'、阅读理解(30分)This is a photo of Mr.AGreen ' arfiily. The man with glasses(眼镜)is Mr. Green, the father. The woman isthe mother. They have a son and a daughter. The son is behind(在 后面)Mr. Gr een. His name is Tom. He ' s 13. Kate is Tom ' s sister. She is 11. Tom and Kate a

33、re in the same school, but they inredifferent(不同的)grades.Tom is in Grade Three and Kate's in Grade One. They are good students.)26. Mr. and Mrs. Green haveA. a son and a daughterC. three children(孩子) )27. The woman isB. Tom and KateD. a family of five mother.s sisterA. Kate ' sB. Tom ' s

34、C. Kate ' s and Tom'D. Kate and Tom)28.Tom and Kate are in the sameA. class)29. Green is theA. man ' sB. grade name.B. woman 'C. schoolC. boy ' sD. yearD. family)30. Tom and Kate are.A. good children B. good studentsC. in different schoolsBD. in the same gradesonMy name is Jack.

35、I' m English. I havg Oabiily. My wife (妻子)is Allen. She is a teacher. We have aand a daughter. Tom is my son. Linda is my daughter. They are students in NO.2Middle School. Myfather ' s name is Jeff. My mother mother ' s sister. She is a doctor.'s name is Grace. Bill is my father'

36、htebrNanrySumys his daug()31. Jeff is his A. brother)32. Allen is Linda A. sister)33.Tom' s sister is A. Allen)34.?B. father 'sB. mother.B. Sueare students.A. Jack and AllenB. Tom and GraceC. sonC. cousinC. LindaC. Bill and NancyD. cousinD. grandmaD. NancyD. Tom and Linda()35. Who is a teach

37、er?s motherD. Jack s sonA. Jack ' s mother B. Jack ' s daughteiC. Tom and LindaCHello, everyone, I ' m Xing Fei. I ' m from China. My family namel iSvXiiigBei Jing. My family is very large. In my family, my grandfather father is the oldest one. He is now ninety-nine years old. Mygran

38、dfather is eighty years old. And my grandma is eighty-two yeas old. They have four children, my uncle, my father, and my two aunts. I' m their grandson. My parents have two children, my sister and me. And I havefour cousins. Now, I ' m a student in Noddle school. And my sister is only five y

39、ears old. My parents are both teachers. They love my family very much. So they work hard. We go to the park every morning. Mymother says that it can help us keep healthy.()36. How many cousins does Xing Fei have?A. fiveB. four)37. How old is his grandmother?A.80B.82)38. Xing Fei ' s parents are.A. teachersB.teacher)39. Is Xing Fei a boy or a girl?A. Yes, she does B. No, he doesn)40. Xing Fei has uncle auntsA. one; twoB.two; oneC. tenC. 99C. studentst C. A boyC. three; oneD. noD. 5D. studentD. A girlD. one; three四、词汇(20分)(一)根据句意,所给单词首字母提示填空(10分)41. -Is Lucy your d? -Yes, she i


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