



1、七年级英语下册选词填空练习题经典一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1 .从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语填空。too much a little enough too many not many(1) The dish was very salty, because he put salt in it.(2) After school, Sue felt hungry. But she ate just food.(3) Little Tom ate eggs today and he didnt feel well.(4) There is not milk for my bab

2、y. Youd better buy some.(5) There are swimmers in the pool. Its a little cold today.【答案】(1) too much(2) a little(3) too many(4) enough not many【解析】【分析】too much太多,修饰可数名词复数;a little 一点,修饰是不可数名词;enough足够白too many太多,修饰可数名词复数;not many不太多,修饰可数名词复数(1)句意:这饭菜是非常咸的,因为他放了太多盐。salt是不可数名词,句意是太多盐,所以用 too much ,故填

3、too much。(2)句意:放学后,Sue感觉饿,但是她刚刚吃了一点食物。根据句意可知是吃了一点食物,但是还是饿,food是不可数名词,所以用 a little修饰,故填a little。(3)句意:小 Tom今天吃了太多鸡蛋,他感觉不舒服。根据句意可知吃太多鸡蛋,所以感觉不舒服,eggs是可数名词复数,所以用 too many ,故填too many。(4)句意:对于我的孩子来说没有足够的牛奶,你最好买一些。根据第二句可知最好买一些牛奶,所以牛奶不够,故填 enough。(5)句意:游泳池里没有太多游泳者。今天有点冷。根据第二句可知天冷,所以没有太多游泳者,swimmers是可数名词复数,

4、所以用 many ,没有太多用 not many ,故填notmany o【点评】考查选词填空,考查词汇在句中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然后 再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短语及语境。2 .选词填空have, but, waitress, with, what, write, actress, weekendsJodie doesnt like her job. She is a. She to work in the evening. She has towork on. She is always busy. She doesnt want to work in a restau

5、rant. Its boring.She wants to be an. She likes to sing and dance. She likes to work otheryoung people. She wants to be in the pop play. She wants to be known by many people.now she can only work in the restaurant. She is very unhappy everyday.can she do? Can you help her?a letter to her soon.【答案】 wa

6、itress; has to; weekends; actress; with; But; What; Write【解析】【分析】文章大意:Jodie是一名服务员。但是她不喜欢她的工作,她的梦想是演 员,因此她每天不高兴。(1)句意:她是一名服务员。根据文中原句 She doesnt want to work in a restaurant. 她不 想在饭馆工作。可知她是一个服务员, waitress,故答案为 waitress。(2)句意:她不得不晚上工作。根据后句可知这句是不得不: have to,主语是单数,故答 案为has。(3)句意:她不得不在周末工作。根据后句She is alwa

7、ys busy. She doesnt want to work in arestaurant.她不想在饭馆工作。可知在饭馆工作周末不得不上班,周末: on weekends,故答 案为 weekends o(4)句意:她想当一名演员。根据文中原句 She wants to be in the pop play.她想要演流行 剧。可知她想当演员, actress,故答案为actress。(5)句意:她想和其他年轻人一起工作。 work with sb.和某人一起工作,故答案为with。(6)句意:但是现在她只能在饭馆工作。前段讲的是梦想。这句是现实,明显的是两句是 转折关系。but:但是,放在

8、句首首字母大写,故答案为But。(7)句意:她现在每天不开心。她能做什么?do是及物动词,常和 what搭配,故答案为What。(8)句意:很快给她写封信吧。write to sb.给某人写信。根据句意可知是祈使句,放在句首首字母大写,故答案为Write。【点评】此题考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力,能根据上下文、逻辑推理、固定短语和句式 等判断出所缺单词,注意根据语境的需要词形的变化。3 .选词填空both, make, they, work, successful, pieceVienna, on the River Danube, is the capital of Austria. Lots

9、 of musicians went there to study and.Johann Strauss the elder wrote and played music for traditional dances. His dance music him famous. Johann Strauss the younger was also. He wrote more than 150 waltzes. The Blue Danube waltz is one of. Mozart was another famous musician. He could play the piano

10、and the violin before he was six. He wrote hundreds of wonderfulof music in his life.【答案】 work; made; successful; them ; both ; pieces【解析】【分析】文章大意:介绍了维也纳的两名著名的音乐家施特劳斯以及莫扎特。both两者都;make让,制造; they 他们;work工作;successful成功白piece,首, 条。(1)句意:许多音乐家去那里学习和工作。work,工作,动词,因前面有不定式符合to,其后跟动词原形,故填 work。(2)句意:他的舞曲使他

11、出名。固定短语,make sb+形容词,让某人保持某种状态;由前文语句 Johann Strauss the elder wrote and played music for traditional dances. 提示可知,此 句要用一般过去时,故填made。(3)句意:年轻 的约翰 施特劳斯也很成功。successfully,成功的,固定短语be successful,成功,故填 successful。(4)句意:蓝色多瑙河华尔兹就是其中之一。one of+名词复数形式,其中之一;they,他们,在of后面要用宾格,故填them。(5)句意:他六岁以前就能弹钢琴和小提琴。固定短语,both

12、and;两者都,故填both。(6)句意:他一生中创作了数百首美妙的音乐作品。piece,首,可数名词,由题干中的hundreds of提示可知,piece要用复数形式,故填 pieces。【点评】此题考查单词在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形, 同时熟记固定短语与基本句型。4 .根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子并填写在下边的横线上,注意部分单 词在填入前需进行词形转换,每个单词只能用一次,每空只能写一词。young shop for they lateAt the weekend, many people in the UK do some sports o

13、n Saturday morning, andmaybe they go in the afternoon. On Sunday they get up. They usually seefriends and have lunch with family on that day. In the afternoon they sometimes go fora walk. But on Sunday evening, its time homework.【答案】young; shopping ; late; their; for【解析】【分析】短文大意:周末英国年轻人周六早上运动,下午购物,星

14、期天去看朋友,下午散步,晚上完成作业。young年轻的shop商店for给they他们late晚的(1)句意:周末,英国很多年轻人在星期六早上运动。根据文章最后说了its time forhomwork ,可知应该是年轻人,空缺填入young。(2)句意:周末,英国很多年轻人在星期六早上运动,并且他们在下午去购物。短语goshopping ,去购物,可知空格处选用shopping ,故答案为shoppingo(3)句意:星期天他们期待很晚。根据短语get up late ,较晚起床,可知空缺填入 late ,故答案为late。(4)句意:那天他们一般看望朋友并且和他们的家人吃午饭。根据空缺秀水

15、family ,可知应该用形容词性物主代词,填入 their,故答案为their。(5)句意:但是在星期天晚上,他们要完成作业。根据句型,its time for sth ,是时候做某事,可知空缺填入介词for,故答案为for。【点评】本题考查了单词在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定搭配和基本句型。5 .用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空。way pay for something price advantage(1) I look into the dark room, but I can see(2) Different products have di

16、fferent.(3) We have an. We are much more friendly.(4) There are many new to do some shopping. Check your things before them.【答案】(1) nothing(2) prices(3) advantage(4) ways paying for【解析】【分析】 way方法; pay for支付;something某事; price价格; advantage优势(1)句意:我往黑暗的房间里看,但我什么也没看到。根据前半句是向黑暗的房间里看,所以后半句是什么也没看到,somethi

17、ng的否定形式是 nothing ,故填nothing o(2)句意:不同的产品有不同的价格。价格, price ,在different之后的可数名词有复数 形式,故填prices。(3)句意:我们有一个优势。我们更加友好。根据不定冠词 an可知是以元音开头的名 词, 故填 advantage。(4)句意:有很多新的方式可以去买东西。方式、方法, way,是可数名词,many修饰 可数名词复数,故填 ways。(5)句意:在付钱之前,检查一下你的东西。支付, pay for, before是介词,在介词后面 用动名词形式,故填 paying for。【点评】考查选词填空,考查单词在一定语境中运

18、用,根据句意选出合适的单词,确保句意通顺,注意词形在一定语境中的变化。6 .选词填空sheep mouse keep visit camp(1) The is from the United States. He is talking to our teacher.(2) There are a lot of in the old mans house.(3) Did you go last weekend, Emma?(4) I can see many on Uncle Wangs farm. Its so cold. Lets make a fire us warm.【答案】(1) vi

19、sitor(5) mice(6) camping(7) sheep to keep【解析】【分析】所给词意的意思:sheep绵羊;mouse老鼠;keep保持;visit参观;camp野营(1)句意:这个游客来自美国。他正在和我们的老师谈话。根据is from the UnitedStates可知这是游客,定冠词the后跟名词,visit参观,visitor游客,根据主谓一致,可知名词用单数,故答案为:visitor 0(2)句意:在这个老人家有很多老鼠。mouse老鼠,名词单数,a lot of很多,后面跟名词复数,mouse的复数mice,故答案为:mice。(3)句意:艾玛,你上周野营了

20、吗?go camping去野营,固定搭配,故答案为:camping。(4)句意:我 王叔叔的农场看到很多绵羊。根据常识农场有马牛羊等,many很多,后面跟名词复数,sheep绵羊,单复数同形,故答案为:sheep。(5)句意:天气很冷。让我们生火取暖吧。keep warm保持暖和,此处是动词不定式作目的状语,故答案为:to keep。【点评】此题考查选词填空。先弄清题意,然后分析每个句子,确定句子所缺的词,然后 从所给的选项中选出合适的词,并用其正确形式填空。7 .选词填空museum, take, relax, sun, visit, be, delicious, real, play, s

21、pendThe beach is a good place for a vacation. I my last summer vacation with my friendsthere. The weather was hot and . We went swimming in the sea (海洋) and beach volleyball on the beach. When we tired, we lay (躺) on the beach and . I many photos of the beach. Some of them are very beautiful.There i

22、s a near the beach. I spent one day it. I saw many old things about the sea in it. There are also some shops near the beach. We could buy all kinds of food inthe shops. We had great fun on the beach. And we want to spend our next vacationthere, too.【答案】 spent; sunny; played; were; relaxed; took; mus

23、eum ; visiting ; delicious; really 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是去年暑假我和朋友们去海滩度假的情况。我们在海里游泳,在沙滩上打沙滩排球。当我们累的时候,我们躺着沙滩上放松。我们照了 很多照。我们在海滩的商店里买好吃的东西。我们玩得很高兴。(1)句意:去年暑假我和朋友们在那里度假。根据上文The beach is a good place for avacation.海滩是一个度假的好地方。可知我们去那里是去度假。spend度过,根据 lastsummer可知句子时态是一般过去时,故答案为:spent。(2)句意:天气很热阳光充足。我们知道阳光好了天

24、气才能热。sun太阳,sunny阳光充足的,故答案为:sunny。(3)句意:我们去海洋游泳,在沙滩上打沙滩排球。根据上文 We went swimming in thesea (海洋)我们在海洋里游泳,可知此处指的是在海滩上打排球的活动。play玩,playbeach volleyball打沙滩排球,句子时态是一般过去时,故答案为:played。(4)句意:当我们累了,我们躺着沙滩上放松。根据句子结构和tired,可知此处缺少系动词be,构成系表结构。句子时态是一般过去时,根据主语we,可知be用were,故答案 为:were。(5)句意:当我们累了,我们躺着沙滩上放松。我们累了肯定要休息放

25、松,relax放松,句子时态是一般过去时,故答案为:relaxed。(6)句意:我们照了很多海滩的像。take photos照相,固定短语,句子时态是一般过去时,故答案为:took。(7)句意:在海滩附近有一个博物馆。根据下文I saw many old things about the sea in it.在里面有很多关于海洋的古老的东西。可知这是一个博物馆。museum博物馆,故答案为;museum。(8)句意:我花了一天时间参观它。根据上文There is a musem near the beach.在海滩附近有一个博物馆。可知我们去参观博物馆。visit参观,spend some t

26、ime doing sth,故答案为:visiting。(9)句意:我们可以在商店里买到各种各样的美味的食物。修饰食物的词就是指这是食物味道的词,delicious美味的,故答案为: delicious。(10)句意:我们真的在海滩上玩得很高兴。根据句子结构可知此处缺少副词修饰动词,real真的,形容词really真的,副词,故答案为:really。【点评】此题考查短文填空。通读全文掌握大意,运用所学的词汇和语法知识,根据上下 文的关系和正确的英语语感,将答案初步确定。将短文重新再读一遍,并要多方位地检查 所选的答案,看看将所选答案填入后,文章是否连贯。我们最后将全文再读一遍,最后确 定答案。

27、8 .选词填空。when , visit, what, sing, whoA: Hey, Jenny! Did you have fun last weekend?B: Yeah! On Saturday I my cousin Rose.A: Did you meet Jack at Roses home?B: No, I didnt .A: did you meet?B: I met John .A: did you do then?B: We went to a club and practiced .A: Sounds interesting .B: Well, did you do

28、your homework?A: On Sunday.【答案】visited; Who; What; singing; When【解析】【分析】(1)根据上文 Did you have fun last weekend?意思是 你上周末玩得开心吗?“可以推断下文的答句意思是 是的,上周六我去看望了我的表妹Rose,时间状语表示过去时,故填visited。(2)根据下文的答语I met John.可以推断应该是问你遇见谁了? ,故填 Who。(3)根据下文的答语 We went to a club and practiced可以推断上文的意思是然后你们干了什么? ,故填What。(4) prac

29、tice doing是固定搭配,意为 练习做某事”,选项中只剩下一个动词sing,故填singing。句意是:我们去了一个俱乐部练习唱歌。(5)根据下文的答语On Sunday.可以推断上文的问句意思是你什么时候做家庭作业的? ,故填When。【点评】选词填空一直是英语考试中的难点,得分率比较低。解答此类题型的方法一般就 是根据句子上下文推断出词义,结合所给单词判断出所缺单词,然后根据该单词在句子中 的句子成分,所起作用,进行适当词形变化。9.选用所给的单词填空。surprise flew jump into started forest(1) The monkeys always up and down in the tree.(2) She got a when she heard the news.(3) The snake moved slowly the river.(4) The man got unhappy and to shout. There was a tiger in the long time ago.(6) They went to the park and kites last Saturday.【答案】(1) jump(2) surprise(3) into(4) started forest(6) flew【解析】【分析】(1


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