



1、北京市朝阳区2012人教版小学五年级英语下册期末测试卷一、英汉短语互译。1、在纸上 2、一节艺术课 3、放风筝 4、五个圆 5、下棋 6、look at the blackboard 7、draw a triangle 8、Happy New Year 9、make a card 10、cook rice 二、选择正确答案。( ) 1、Its English lesson. A: a B: an C: the( ) 2、Miss Li us about shapes? A: is teach B: is teacher C: is teaching( ) 3、 How many birds c

2、an you see the tree. A: in B: on C: at( ) 4、 some paper on the desk . A: Theres B: Therere C: Theyre( ) 5、 I dont know how a card. A: to make B: make C: to making( ) 6、 Are there any in the playground? A: child B: children C: childrens( )7、Mike and I looking for Wang Bing. A: am B: is C: are( )8、Wha

3、t shape is the moon? Its . A: a circle B: an circle C: a triangle( ) 9、What Mike have? He a pencil sharpener.A: do , has B: does, have C: does, has( ) 10、Let me you how to make a cake. A: to show B: show C: showing三、根据所给中文,完成句子。1、这个盒子是什么形状的?是星形的。 is the box? Its a star.2、刘涛有什么 ?他有一辆玩具车。What Liu Tao

4、? He has a toy car.3、你正在干什么?我正在洗衣服。What are you doing? Im .4、在中国的国旗上有几颗星?有五颗。 How many stars are there on the national flag of China? There .5、那些是什么?是苹果。What are those? apples.四、连词成句。1、many、can、see、how、you 、 diamonds(? ) 2、buy 、lets 、teacher、our 、a New Year card、for (.) 3、making 、plane、she 、a 、model

5、、is(.) 4、in、 the、my 、woman 、black、mother、dress 、is (.) 5、 are 、two、there、squares、in、the 、picture(.) 五、阅读理解。Where are the cake and the cat?Its an Art lesson. Mr Art is teaching his students drawing. The students are learning how to draw pictures.Mr Art: Today were going to draw a cake and a cat, OK?

6、Look at the blackboard,please. This is a cake. What shape is it, Tony?Tony: Its a circle.Mr Art: Thats right. There are some candles and some words on the cake. Do you know the words, Mike?Mike: Theyre Happy Birthday!Mr Art: Good. What can you see on the cake, Liu Tao?Liu Tao: I can see two hearts o

7、n the cake, a big one and a small one.Mr Art: Yes, you are right. Now, please look! Beside the cake theres a cat. Ill show you how to draw it. OK?Mr Art: Great! Now its your turn to draw the cat and the cake.(All the students begin to draw pictures.)Mr Art: Tony! What are you drawing?Tony: Im drawing a cake and a cat.Mr Art: But wheres the cake?Tony: The cat has eaten the cake.Mr Art: Wheres the cat?Tony: It has run away(跑了).根据短文内容,判断正误:( ) 1. Its a music lesson.( ) 2. Mr Art is teaching the students how to draw shapes.( ) 3.


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