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1、精品文档Unit 4 (Reading)基础知识一、词语填空(共io小题)用方框中的单词或短语完成下列句子。cut down in many ways take inconvenient With the help of In factFor example fought against imagine saving1 .人们以前砍伐了很多树木。People a lot of trees in the past.2 .昨天消防队员与火灾做了斗争。The firemen a fire yesterday.3 .植物从空气中吸收二氧化碳。Plants carbon dioxide from the

2、 air.4 .医生们正在拯救那个孩子。The doctors are the boy.5 .事实上,我不喜欢足球。, I don 't like football.6 .我们的朋友在很多方面帮助我们。Our friends help us.7 .在老师的帮助下,我成功地完成了工作。the teacher, I was successful in finishing the work.8 .树木使我们的生活更方便。Trees make our lives more.9 .我收集东西,例如硬币和报纸。I collect things, coins and newspapers.10 .我

3、想象不出他长什么样。I can 't what he looks like.二、单项填空(共10小题)()1. I the classroom, everybody is studying hard.A. look atB. look forC. look upD. look around()2.tourists come to visit China every year.A. Six millionsB. Six millions ofC. Millions ofD. Six million of()3. Trees keep the air.A. cleanB. cleanedC

4、. cleaningD. to clean()4. Desks are made wood, and wine is made grapes.A. of; ofB. from; fromC. from; ofD. of; from()5. We must the Earth.A. stop to polluteB. stop pollutingC. stop to pollutionD. stop pollution()6.Why do you love travelling? Because I learn more from it.A. a fewB. littleC. manyD. a

5、lot()7. What can we get the forests and land?A. toB. from C. upD. on()8. Trees oxygen for us to.A. produce; breatheB. produce; breathC. makes; breatheD. makes; breath()9. Trees are home birds and insects.A. forB. of C. toD. as()10. Do you often help your mother the housework?A. doing B. does C. doD.

6、 in doing三、同义句改写(共5小题)1. Forests provide animals with homes and food.Forests homes and food animals.2. What 's your sister 's name?What's the your sister?3. Trees fight against air pollution.Trees against air pollution.4. Fish can 't live if there 's no water.Fish can 't live

7、.5. Where are the beautiful birds from?Where do the beautiful birds?四、完形填空(共5小题)Rebecca wants to know 1 about trees and how they help 2 . She 3 Dr Jones about trees. 4 do trees help us? They help us 5 .()1.A.manyB. someC. moreD. much()2.A.weB. usC. ourD. ourselves()3.A.interviewB. interviewsC. inter

8、viewedD. is interviewing()4.A.What B. HowC. WhereD. Why()5.A.in many waysB. on the wayC. by the wayD. in the way五、短文填空(共15小题)A)阅读短文,然后从方框中选出适当的单词填入文中空白处。should leaves daily can'tfurniture if oil of importantIn fact, we get a lot more from trees. Weget fruit and (1) from them. Tea2欢迎下载精品文档also co

9、mes from the (2)of trees. Look around this room. A lot of the(3) is made of wood. Trees are really (4) in our (5) lives.I (6)imagine a world without trees. But we cut down millions (7)trees every year. We (8)stop doing this (9)we dont want a worldwithout trees.B) 阅读短文 , 然后用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。A: Trees ke

10、ep the air cool and (10) (clean). They take in harmful(11)(gas) from the air and produce oxygen for us (12)(breathe).They re major fighters against air (13)(pollute).B: I know trees also make our lives (14)(convenient). Many of the thingsin our daily (15)(life) come from trees. For example, paper an

11、d pencils.A: You are right, Rebecca.六、 阅读理解 ( 共 5 小题 )Dear friend,Trees are our friends. They help us in many ways. They cool our cities and cleanour air. They also give out oxygen for us to breathe. Trees help reduce noise pollution and make cities beautiful.Trees provide a lot of things for people

12、. They provide us with food. They also provide materials ( 材料 ) for houses, furniture and paper products. Trees keep the Earth from becoming too hot for us to live on. Trees also keep soil from being washed away.We need soil to plant food.In the last 200 years, people have destroyed (摧毁) more than h

13、alf of all the trees on the Earth. We need to plant more trees!Trees for Life is making a difference. We plant trees and take care of them. Thatis to help protect the environment. We plan to plant 100 million trees in the next10 years. We need more people to help us.Please join us.Trees for Life.( )

14、 1. What is the article above?A. An ad.B. A story.C. A letter.D. A science report.( ) 2. Trees help us in many ways except .A. they cool our cities and clean our air.B. they provide us with all the food.C. they provide materials for houses, furniture and paper products.D. they keep soil form being w

15、ashed away.( ) 3. What happened in the last 200 years?A. People destroyed more than half of all the trees on the Earth.B. People planted more trees.C. People destroyed all the trees on the Earth.D. People planned to plant 100 million trees.( ) 4. What will happen if there are more trees in the world

16、?A. We will have less land to plant food.B. More soil will be washed away.C. There will be no noise pollution.D. The Earth will not become too hot for us to live on.E. 5. Why should we plant trees and take care of them?A. Because they help protect the environment.B. Because they provide us with food

17、.C. Because they are our friends. D. All of the above.答案Unit 4 (Reading)一、 1. cut down 2. fought against 3. take in 4. saving 5. In fact 6. in many ways 7. With the help of 8. convenient 9. For example 10. imagine二、1一5 DCADB 610 DBACC三、 1. provide; for 2. name of 3. are fighters 4. without water 5.

18、come from四、1 5 CBDBA五、 1. oil 2. leaves 3. furniture 4.important 5. daily 6. can' t 7. of 8.should 9. if 10. clean 11. gases 12. to breathe 13. pollution 14. moreconvenient 15. lives六、1 5 CBADDUnit 4 (Listening Culture corner)基础知识一、词语填空(共io小题)用方框中的单词或短语完成下列句子。dug types of square kilometres disea

19、ses thousands of carrying South America destroying good for spreads 1.森林沿着河流伸展。The forest along the river.2 .我喜欢这些种类的书籍。I love these books.3 .工人们正在搬运一个大箱子。Workers are a large container.4 .南美的亚马孙雨林是世界最大的雨林。The Amazon rainforest in is the largest rainforest in the world.5 .人们正在砍伐树木破坏这个地区。People are th

20、is area by cutting down trees.6 .亚马孙热带雨林是数以千计的动物、鸟类和昆虫的家园。The Amazon rainforest is home to animals, birds and insects.7 .它覆盖五百五十万平方公里的亚马孙盆地。It covers five and a half million of the Amazon Basin.4欢迎下载精品文档8欢迎下载 。8. 多喝水对你的健康有益处。Drinking a lot of water is your health.9. 他昨天挖了几个树坑。He some holes for trees

21、 yesterday.10. 我们把它们用在中药中来治疗疾病。We use them in Chinese medicine to fight against二、 单项填空 ( 共 10 小题 ) ( ) 1. Where s your father? He flowers in the garden.A. waterB. wateredC. watersD. is watering( ) 2. Be quiet, please. Your sister in the room.A. readingC. are reading( ) 3. DonA. snowC. snowyB. is rea

22、dingD. readt go now. It heavily outside.B. snowsD. is snowing( ) 4. Mr Green is reading newspapers while Mrs Greenthe housework.A. is doingC. didB. doesD. will do( ) 5. Now I what you mean.A. am understandingB. understandingC. understandD. understood( ) 6. Tom, come and help me put up the picture on

23、 the wall.IA. comeB. will comeC. comingD. am coming( ) 7. Grandma . It so delicious.A. cooks; smellsB. is cooking; is smellingC. is cooking; smellsD. cooks; is smelling( ) 8. Look! There are a lot of boys in the park.A. to runB. are runningC. runD. running( ) 9. He is a kind and patient man. He othe

24、rs.A. is always helpingB. always helpC. is always helpD. always helpful( ) 10. you something to say?A. Are; haveB. Do; haveC. Are; havingD. Will; have时态填空 ( 共 10 小题 )1. What you (eat), Tom?2. Hi, Alex. We (have) fun at the beach.3. Mike (not play) computer games now.4. Joyce (sweep) the floor?5. Wha

25、t everyone (do) at the moment?6. I (have) some tennis balls.7. Wei Hang (need) a new pair of glasses now.8. He s a nice person. I (like) him very much.9. Look! Daisy (shop) with her mother.10. I (think) about what to wear to Janes birthday party.4、 句子改写 ( 共 5 小题 )1. They are waiting for the bus now.

26、 (就划线部分提问 )are they now?2. Tom is shopping in the supermarket. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) Tom in the supermarket?3. The cake tastes nice. ( 就划线部分提问 )the cake taste?4. I have to stay at home because its raining. ( 同义句改写)I have to stay at home the rain.5. I went to bed after I finished my homework. ( 同义句改写 )I go to

27、bed I finished my homework.5、 完成对话 ( 共 5 小题 )根据对话内容, 从对话后面的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( 有一项为多余选项) 。A: Look! So many people wear masks ( 口罩 ) today.B: (1)A: (2)B: Stop factories and cars from producing harmful gases.A: (3)B: Plant more trees in the streets and go to school by bus or on foot.A: (4)B: I think t

28、hat all above are the most important.A: (5)We all should protect the environment.A. Which ways are the most important?B. I agree.C. What can we do to stop air pollution?D. Yes, there is a lot of air pollution.E. I don t think so.F. Anything else?6、 短文填空 ( 共 10 小题 )阅读短文 , 然后用括号中所给动词的正确时态完成下面的短文。Hi! I

29、 m Happy Goat. Look! Gentle Goat (1) (work) hard on the farm. But LazyGoat isn t working. He (2)(lie) under a tree.Gentle Goat (3)(take)notes at the moment. What (4) Pretty Goat (do)? She (5) (put)on her new dress now. Listen! Fit Goat (6) (sing) a song. Grey Wolf and RedWolf are bad. But we (7)(kno

30、w) them very well. Grey Wolf (8) (want)to catch us. But he (9) (look) stupid. OK, I (10) (go) to wake up LazyGoat. See you.7、 阅读理解 ( 共 5 小题 )Did you know that some plants eat insects and small animals? These plants can t get enough food from the ground, so they need to eat something else.This plant

31、smells very sweet and its leaves are red. Many insects love bright colours like red. Whenthey see the red leaves on this plant, they fly down for supper! But the leaves have lots of long hair on them. If an insect touches the hair, the two sides of the leaf shut( 合上 ) together at once. It takes less

32、 than half a second ( 秒 )! The poor insect is now inside the leaf and cant get out. It becomes food for theplant. The plant eats it slowly. It takes the plant about 12 to 15 days to finish its meal.( ) 1. Why do some plants eat insects and small animals? A. Because they are very sweet.B. Because they are in bright colour.C. Because they have long hair.D. Because they don


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