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1、八年级上册Unit 6 The UnexplainedLesson 17 True Stories?教材分析本课是北师大版初中英语八年级上册教材第 6单元第17课True Stories部分,话题是怪异动 物。本课是本单元的第二课,是一节阅读课,主要介绍三个有关怪异生物的信息,并恰当使用时间状 语从句,为最终进行本课的综合语言输出奠定语言基础。本课设计为两课时。第一课时侧重阅读,通过三遍阅读,利用回答问题、总结段意、填表等方式, 帮助学生获取文本信息,并对当时主人公的感情进行体会。同时在阅读中,对阅读技巧加以渗透。第二课时在复习语篇内容的基础上,提取文中含有Get +adj.句式和含有befo

2、re, after和during的句式,进而更好地运用从属连词在语境中进行时间状语从句的练习。教学内容话题:怪异动物词?匚:hairy, scary, scared, throw, toward, imaginary策略:读前预测;Skimming and scanning;阅读获取信息;第一课时First Period教学目标:在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1 .运用形容词描述怪异的生物;2 .通过阅读,获取文中三段有关怪异生物的信息;3 .运用文本信息,在小组内分享自己感兴趣的怪异生物;4 .对神秘事物保持探索的兴趣。教学过程教学活动设计意图时问Pre-readingWarm upWarm

3、up and get ready for reading1. Lead in by a storyT told a story to Ss to lead in the class.Q: Do you think the story is real or imaginary?2. Know more things about unusual creatures.T shows some pictures and then asksSs to describe using adjectives.3. Discuss in groups.Did you hear of these unusual

4、things?Do you think they are real?激发兴趣,导入本课 话题和词 汇。5While-reading1st reading1. Skimming the text and get the main idea of the story.Ss are going to skim the text and match the pictures with the stories.Story 1Picture1Story 2Picture2Story 3Picture32. PredictionQ: Are these unusual things real?通过快 速阅读

5、、 匹酉己图 片,培疗 学生快 速获取 大意的 能力。2,2ndreadingWhat unusual things are mentioned?Get the Ss to read the second time and try to find what unusual things are mentioned in stories.Story 1 : A strange man.Story 2: A strange creature in the water.Story3: A huge creature in the sea.通过找 出故事 中提到 的不寻 常的事 物,培亦 学生概 括的

6、能 力。3,Who fbund lhe unusual things?Wherv where were they found?How /where were they found?What did they look like?Story 1 A strange manRead the story 1 and fill in the blanks.Add more questions:What did Pang do after he saw the Mrange man?How was the big iikiji?3rd readingdeep understan dingRead the

7、 Story 2Who foutid the unusual things?When.where were they found?How/ where were they found?What did they look like?Story 2 A strange creatureRead the story 3 and fill in the blanks.Who found the umHual things?Whenwere they found?How/ where u ere they found?What did they look like?Story 3 A huge sna

8、keAdd more questions:通过细节闱读,帮助学生理清作者在介绍二个故事时的脉络、角度C同1时通过追问的方式:雀,助学生更好地理解故事信息。20hat did tlicy besides hu胫u Fiak,What did th,snake d。John saw4th reading- after thetapeRead with the tape.Ss are going to read with the tape.跟读训 练。2TaskI.Share one story you like in your group.T asks Ss to share a story in

9、 their group.2. DiscussionDo you think these unusual thingsare real? Why or why not?Go to page 121 to find more information.通过学 生自己 讲述喜 欢的故 事,内化 课本内 容。3. Tell a story in the group and ask them Is it true?4. Language points. He was something unusual. He took out his camera.take off起飞;脱下;动身;匆匆离开take o

10、n承担;呈现;同较量;雇佣take over接受;接管;借用take down记下;拆卸;记下来;take place发生;进行;举行;产生 a bit/ a little5.Summarize what they learnt.鼓励学 生在小 组内讲 故事,运用语百O通过知 识点小 结,帮助 学生区 分易混 词汇。12Post-reading结所学,再现本课重点。Homework:11 Read the passage after the tape.z. Do Workbook P114 C.Complete Andy合 report to UnexplainedMagazine about

11、 his trip to Scotland.Unit 6The UnexplainedLesson 17True Stories? (2)教学目标:在本节课学习结束时,学生能够:1、在情境中正确运用带有get的形容词进行问答练习;2、总结出after, before, during三个副词的用法,并能在小组中谈论含有这三个词的真实 或假设的事物。3、对神秘事物保持探索的兴趣。教学流程:教学活动设计意图时间VocabularyStep 1Read the first story, and pay attention to the sentence “He got scared”Then ask

12、:Why did Peng Genshenget scared?通过引导学 生读第一个 故事,让他们 感知get的 用法。Step 2Get the students to find one more example in the stories. “Cne evening, it wasgetting dark.”get+ adjective鼓励学生在 故事中再发 现一个含有 get的句子, 然后自己总 结结构。20minsStep 3Look at the Sentence Builder. Say out more examples.Eg: get wet, get sick, get

13、nervous, get excited, get angry, get serious, get rich, get cold, get hot通过补充词 汇,进一步感 知get用法。Step 4InterviewInterview your partner, and then do a report in groups and class.1. When do you get nervous?2. When do you get scared?3. When do you get angry?4. What time does it get dark in your town?5. Whe

14、n does it get cold in your town?g. When does it get hot in your town?Then do a report in class.My friend xxx gets nervous when hemeets new people. He gets.通过采访和 汇报的形式, 培养学生在 情景中运用 get+adj.Step 5Read the underlined sentencesin the stories. Then complete the sentences withafter, beforeor during.通过让学生

15、读三个故事 中含有after,before, during 的句子,理解 这三个词的 用法。6minsStep 6Summarize the usages of after, before and during. Then do some exercises.总结三个词 的用法,并通 过练习,辅助 学生掌握其 用法。SpeakingStep 7Complete the sentences with real or imaginary things.1. After our maths class, I2. Before the holiday, my mum 3. Before the weekend, I4. During the lesson, my teacher5. After lunch, my classmate and I学生通过完 成关于假设 和真实事物 的描述,运用 before, af


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