



1、八年级下册教案设计Unit 8 Our ClothesTopic 2 We can design our own uniforms.Section B. Material analysis本节课建议教师用 1 课时上完。主要活动为 Section B 的 1a 和 2 。本节课的新课内容由谈论不同场合的着装常识展开,引导学生继续学习由疑问词引导的宾语从句和"It ' s + adj. + that ”以及"It ' s + adj. + (for sb. ) to do sth.”的用法。着装艺术是学生非常感兴趣和关心的话题,教师应在课前精心设计本节活动内容

2、,准备一些相关的知识链接,让学生充分意识到穿着得体的重要性。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims :1. 继续学习由疑问词引导的宾语从句。2. 继续学习句型 It ' s + adj. + that 和 It ' s + adj. + (for sb. ) to do sth.。3. 学习不同场合的着装常识及穿着建议的用语。4. 朗读句子时体会升调与降调语气感情上的不同。Skill aims :1. 能听懂接近正常语速、涉及着装艺术的语段,获取主要信息。2. 能就着装艺术的话题进行简单的交谈。3. 能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意。4. 能根据对话简

3、单地写出关于着装艺术的短文。Emotional aims :1. 充分意识到穿着得体的重要性。2. 能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points :1. 继续学习由疑问词引导的宾语从句。2. 继续学习句型 It ' s + adj. + that 和 It ' s + a dj. + (for sb. ) to do sth.。3. 学习不同场合的着装常识及穿着建议的用语。Difficult points :1. 能根据对话简单地写出关于在不同的场合怎样正确着装的短文。2

4、. 朗读句子时体会升调与降调语气感情上的不同。. Learning strategies1 .朗读时用降调表示命令的语气,用升调表示更有礼貌的请求。2 .体会句子中运用特定的句式进行某一内容的强调。3 .注意借助音像资料丰富自己的学习。V . Teaching aidsComputer multimedia projector; the videos about the activities in different occasions: having a meeting, having a party, doing sports, having a class and so on; the

5、picture of attendants; The teacher should wear a suit for the class.VI. Teaching proceduresStepInteractionpatternStudent activityTeacher activity1. The whole1.Focustheir1. Greet students andclass work.attentionmake them ready for2.Groupon the teacher.learning.work.2. Students play the2. The teacher

6、letsgame “Pardon?” tostudents play the gamereview the usage of“Pardon?” to review the3. The wholeobject clauses.usage of object clauses.class work.Let them play the gamein groups of three. They4. The whole3. Students show themay change their rolesclass work.pictures of schoolone another.uniforms des

7、igned byA:(speak out a5. The wholethemselves.wh-question)class work.4. Students read theB: Can you tell mewhatpassage about theA asks?importance of someC: She / He asks uniforms which they3. Theteacher lets studentsfinishedbeforeshow the pictures ofclass.schooluniforms5. Students watch thedesignedby

8、videosandthemselves. They canunderstandthatadd the colors, thethey should dressmaterials,and evencorrectly.thereasonsofdesigning.Introduction4. The teacher lets8 8 minutes )studentsread thepassage about theimportance of someuniforms which theyfinished before class.5. The teacher evaluatestheirwork a

9、nd leads to newlesson by playing thevideosabout theactivitiesondifferentoccasions:1.Group1. Students look at1. The teacher letswork.Picture 1 of 1a andstudentslookatdiscuss what the manPicture 1 of 1a and lets2. The wholeshould wear on thisthem discuss what theclass work.kind of occasion.manshould w

10、ear on this2. Students watch andkind of occasion.checktheir2. The teacher plays the3. Group workdiscussion.Learnfirst flash of 1a and+ the wholethe new words.letsthe studentsclass work.watch and check their.3. Students discussdiscussion. Let themtheknow about the meaningother pictures andof gatekeep

11、er by4. Individualthen watch andshowing gate + keeperwork.check in the samegatekeeper Teach the5. The wholeway. Learn andword suit by pointingclass work.graspthenewat the teacher ' swords.clothes.3. The teacher letsstudentslearn4. Students watch thedifferent dressings onflash and find outtheothe

12、rthreePresentatthe opinions of theoccasions in the sameiontwo girls.way. Teach the new(105. Students check thewords after watchinginutes)answers.and checking. Teachattendant by show thepictures of attendantson the screen. Teachtake off by putting ona hat and then takingit off. Teach knee bypointing

13、at the knee ofhimself or herself.Explain the meanings ofenter.4. The teacher plays theflashofthe1. The whole1. Students read the1. The teacher plays theclass workconversation afterrecording2. The wholetherecordingsentence by sentence.class worksentenceby2. The teacher plays the3. Individualsentence.

14、recordingwithoutwork2. Students try tostopping.4. The wholefollow3. The teacher asksclass work.the speed, payingstudents to read the5. Individualattention to thesentences in 1b and nunciationT (True) or F (False).6. Individualand intonation.4. The teacher asks twowork3. Students read the

15、students to tell the7. The wholesentences in 1b andanswers.class work.mark5. The teacher lets8. IndividualT (True) or Fstudentsread thework(False).passage in 1c. Let them4. Students check theunderstand the meaningof9. The wholeanswers.this passage, and tryclass work.5. Students read thecompleting th

16、e passage.10.Pairpassage in 1c to6. The teacher askswork.understandthestudents to read themeaning of thisconversation of 1a andpassage, and trylets them check theConsolidaticompletingtheblanks they have filled.onpassage.7. The teacher asks two(106. Students read thestudents to tell theminutes)conver

17、sation of 1aanswers.and then check the8. The teacher letsblanks they havestudents read 1a and findfilled.out the sentences about7. Students check theobject clauses withanswers.wh-questions and the8. Students read 1a andsentencesgivingfindoutthesuggestions.sentences9. The teacher asks twoaboutobjects

18、tudents to tell theclausesanswers. Write them onwith wh-questionsthe blackboard. Stress1. Individual1. Students read 1a and1. The teacher letswork.find out the sentencesstudents read2. The wholeof It ' s + adj. +1a and find out theclass work.(for sb. ) to do sth.sentences of It ' s +2. Stude

19、nts check theadj. + (for sb. ) to do3. Individualanswer and change thesth.work.sentence to It ' s +2. The teacher asks two4. Individualadj. + that students to tell thework.answers:It ' s3. Students observe theimportant to wear5.Fourpictures of 2 andsuitable clothes onstudents 'read the g

20、ivenevery occasion. Guidework.words, the phrasesstudents to change it toand the example.It' s + adj. + that6. The whole4.Studentsmake(It ' s important thatclass work.sentences with thewe wear suitable7. Individualstructures.clotheson everywork.occasion.)8. The whole5. Students write down3. T

21、he teacher letsclass work.the sentences on thestudentsblackboard.observe the pictures of 26. Students check theand read the givensentences on thewords, the phrases andblackboard.the example.7. Students read the4. The teacher askssentences of 3 bystudents tothemselves first.make sentences with theThe

22、n listen and checkstructures It ' s + adj.their intonation.+ (for sb. ) to do sth.8. Students listen toand It ' s + adj. +Practicethethat ,using the given(10recording and try towords and phrasesminutes)imitate.accordingtothepictures.5. The teacher asks fourstudents from differentgroups to wr

23、ite downthesentenceson theProductio n (7 minutes)1. Group work.2. The whole class work.3. The whole class work.4. Individual work1. Students discuss in groups about how to dress correctlyondifferentoccasions. And then complete the table.2. Students write a passageaccording to the result ofthediscuss

24、ion.Read itto the whole class.3. Students summarize Section B with the teacher .4. Students finish after class.1. The teacher asks the studentsto discuss in groups abouthow to dress correctly ondifferentoccasions.Teacherhad better help them setcertainsituations,such asgoing to a formal party,going t

25、o the movies or goingouttodo someexercise.Help them design a table and ask them to finish the tableafterdiscussing.Activiti esWhatto weargo to a partygo to themoviesdoexercise2. Theteacher asks students towritea passageaccording to the result of the discussion above.Then report it to theTeachingReflectio nTeacher may let students prepare some clothes before class if possible, they wi


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