



1、8A Unit 8 语法专项练习教师版用所给动词的适当形式填空。1 ? 一 Why didn't you say anything? Sorry, I was replying(reply) to my boss's message.2. When I got home yesterday afternoon, it was raiiimg(raiii) hard.3. Why did the policeman stop your car? I was making(make) a call at tliat moment. What a bad day!4. I was r

2、eadmg(read)a notel last night when I heard knocks at the door.5. Every student in our class was at die meeting except you. Why?一 Sorry 、sir. Ms Whng was explaming(explain) a Maths problem to me.6. Fm sorry that I didn't answer your phone. I was listemng(listen) to music and didn't hear die r

3、ing.7. Mr Green was watclnng(watch) TV at this time last night.8. While he was valking(valk) 、a bike rider rail mto him.9. When I got home, my pet dog was lymg(lie) on the floor, dead.10. Were the Blacks ratching(watch) video tapes bitween 7:00 and 9:00 last night? Yes, they were.二、 用 when, while, a

4、s 填空。1 ? Lily fell asleep when/while, as she was watching TV2. I was cooking a meal when you rang me.3. I like playing the piano while my friend Lily likes playing the violm.4. I will play football with you when I have free time.5. He should aloud as he rail along.单项选择。1. Sorry, Fm late. ICwith a fr

5、iend and I completely forgot the time.A.talkB am talki ngC.was talkuigD.will talk2. Whe n did the classroom hate a power cut?This momuig, while weBa physics less on.A.have hadB.were hat ingC are hav ingD.will have3. Man ager, all the maclmiesAjust now!What? Call die eiigmeer at on ce.A broke dow nB.

6、tur ned dow nC.broke outD.tur ned out4. Linda was busy whe n I went to see her yesterday. Shefor an exam.A.will studyB.was study ingC lias studiedD is study ing5. You wit nessed an accide nt in front of your school yesterday, did n't you?I no ticed a black car knock over an oldYes, that's tr

7、ue. I was sta ndmg at the school gateAman.A. whe n四、句型转换。B. whileC. afterD.befbre1 ? I was preparing for the party when he came.改为一般疑问句 WAre you preparmg for die party whe n he came?2. My parents were discussing the coming holiday at this time yesterday.对戈U线咅 5 分提问What were your pare nts doing at tl

8、iis time yesterday?3. While we were cleaning the classroom, a dog suddenly rail in.对戈U线咅分提问What happe nedwhile you were clea ning the classroom?4. I did n't hear the sound b ecause I was dancing to the music.对戈 U线局部提问Why did n't you hear the sound?5. I was playi ng basketball at school yesterday after noon.对戈 U线局部提 问WTiere were you playmg basketball yesterday after noon?五、根据汉语完成句子。1. 昨天晚上麦克来的时候我正在写作业。I was doing my homework when Mike came last mglit.2. 安正在看电视时,她父亲回来了。While Ann was watch ing her father retii nied home.3. 我敲门的时候你正在干什么?What were you domg whe n I kno cked at the doo


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