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1、Chapter 6 Insurance for transportation运输保险运输保险lIn international trade, the most commonly involved insurance is the cargo transport insurance that covers particular risks on the goods during their transportation.lIt is arrangement in which an application is made to an insurer for insurance, specifyin

2、g the risks to be covered and the amount to be insured. The insurer issues an insurance document, usually the insurance policy, if he agrees to provide such coverage and if the applicant pays the insurance premium at the required rate for the risks to be covered. l货物运输保险是指被保险人(买方或卖方)对一批或若干批货物向保险人(保险

3、公司)按一定金额投保一定险别,并交纳保险费,保险人承保后,如果所承保货物在运输过程中发生约定范围内的损失,保险人应按它所出立的保险单的规定给予被保险人经济上的补偿6.1 Risks to be coveredlRisks involved in transportationlDuring ocean transportation, loss of or damage to the goods may be caused by perils of the sea, which usually include the natural calamities such as earthquake, t

4、sunami, bad weather, volcanic eruption, etc., and fortuitous accidents of the conveyance such as sinking, striking a rock, colliding with other ship, etc. 6.1 承保的风险承保的风险运输所涉及的风险运输所涉及的风险 海洋运输中,货物可能因海上风险造成损失。海上风海洋运输中,货物可能因海上风险造成损失。海上风险(险(perils of the seaperils of the sea)通常包括如地震、海啸、)通常包括如地震、海啸、恶劣天气、火

5、山爆发之类的自然灾害(恶劣天气、火山爆发之类的自然灾害(natural natural calamitiescalamities) , 以及如沉船、触礁、和其他船只碰以及如沉船、触礁、和其他船只碰撞之类的运载工具遭受的意外事故(撞之类的运载工具遭受的意外事故( fortuitous fortuitous accidentsaccidents )。lThe loss or damage may also be caused by extraneous risks. These include the so-called “general” extraneous risks such as mis

6、sing items of cargo (referred to as “shortage” of cargo), rain damage, sweating and heating damage, etc., and the so-called “special” extraneous risks such as war, labour strikes, etc. l损失也可能由外来风险(extraneous risks)造成, 包含了诸如某些货物散失(被称为货物“短量”)、雨淋、受潮受热之类损失的一般外来风险,以及诸如战争、罢工之类的特殊外来风险。损失损失 损失是指被保险货物在海上运输过程

7、中,由于海上风险和损失是指被保险货物在海上运输过程中,由于海上风险和外来风险所造成的损失或是灭失。由海上风险引起的损失外来风险所造成的损失或是灭失。由海上风险引起的损失也叫海上损失。根据各国保险业的习惯,凡与海上运输相也叫海上损失。根据各国保险业的习惯,凡与海上运输相连接的陆上或是内河运输中所发生的损失也属海上损失。连接的陆上或是内河运输中所发生的损失也属海上损失。 Loss or damage can be classified as either total Loss or damage can be classified as either total loss or partial l

8、oss. loss or partial loss. 按照损失程度的不同,海上损失可分为全部损失(按照损失程度的不同,海上损失可分为全部损失(total total lossloss)和部分损失()和部分损失(partial losspartial loss)。)。lLosseslTotal loss can be further classified into Actual total loss and Contructive total loss. 全部损失(total loss) 是指被保险货物遭受全部损失,按损失情况不同,它又可分为实际全损和推定全损两种。lActual total l

9、oss means that the insured subject matter is totally and irretrievably lost or non-existence of the insured subject matter in value. lIf the goods are irreparably damaged or lost, e.g. sunk with the carrying vessel,lIf the goods become useless, e.g. tea soaked in seawater,lIf the goods are no longer

10、 in the possession of the insured e.g. the carrying vessel is captured by pirates海上损失 实际全损实际全损(Actual total loss )指被保险货物完全丢失或完全变质,或货物实际上已不可能归还给被保险人。 如果货物遭受无可挽救的损失,如随载货船只沉没如果货物失去效用,如茶叶被海水浸泡如果货物不再为被保险人所拥有,如载货船只被海盗俘获lIf an actual total loss appears to be unavoidable and, if the costs that would be incu

11、rred in recovering or reconditioning the cargo, together with the forwarding cost to the destination, will exceed the value of the goods on arrival, such a loss can be construed as being a constructive total loss. 海上损失 推定全损推定全损(Constructive total loss )指保险事故发生后实际全损已不可避免,或为避免实际全损所需支付的费用和继续将货物运抵目的地的费用

12、之和已超过了保险价值。lPartial losslAs its name implies, a partial loss means that only part of the goods being transported are lost or damaged. There are two types of partial loss. One is termed the particular average and the other is referred to as the general average. 部分损失是指被保险货物的损失没有达到全部损失的程度,按损失的性质不同,部分损失

13、又可分为共同海损和单独海损。lThe particular average is the loss or damage related only to and borne by the owner of the goods suffering the loss or damage单独海损(particular average , P.A.)是由于承保范围内的风险所直接导致的船舶或货物的部分损失,该损失仅由各受损者单独负担。lThe general average is a loss or damage resulting from a voluntary sacrifice or expend

14、iture of the goods for the safety of the vessel and its cargo. The compensation for the loss or damage under the general average should be shared by all parties concerned, including the ship owner, the owners of the cargo and the receiver of the freight to be collected, in proportion to their intere

15、sts saved.l 共同海损(general average , G.A.) 是指在同一海上航程中,船舶、货物和其他财产遭受共同危险,为了共同安全,有意地合理采取措施所造成的特殊牺牲、支付的特殊费用。它是船方采取救难措施引起的。共同海损下损失的赔偿应该由所有各方(包括船东、货主和到付运费的收取方)按他们获救利益的比率来分摊 构成共同海损的构成共同海损的条件条件1.危及船、货的共同安全;2.有意识、合理的措施;3.牺牲具有特殊性,支出的费用是额外的;4.牺牲和费用的支出最终必须是有效的。egIf a ship catches fire and some packages belonging

16、to the same shipper were damaged by water during the fire-extinguishing, that damage should fall into the scope of the general average since it is the sacrifice made to save the vessel and the other goods. 案例l一批货物在海上运输启航后不久,货舱起火,蔓延机舱。船长决定灌水灭火,火被扑灭,但主机受损,船无法航行,雇用一艘拖船将船拖回起运港,检修后重新航行。事后调查出的损失是:1.1000箱货

17、物烧毁;2.600箱货由于灌水受损;3.主机和部分甲板烧坏;4.拖船费用;5.额外增加的燃料和船长、船员工资。上述损失中哪几项属于单独海损,哪几项属于共同海损?理由。分析l1、3都是由于承保范围的风险直接导致货、船受损,所以它们属于单独海损。2是为船货的共同安全,解除或减轻风险,船方人为的,有意识地采取救助后造成的损失,属于共同海损;此外共同海损还包括为了确保船货共同安全而支出的特殊费用,所以4、5也属共同海损。Expenses lInternational cargo transportation insurance not only insures the losses caused by

18、 risks but also the losses of expenses. l海上保险不仅承保风险带来的损失,也承保海上费用。l海上费用是指保险人即保险公司承保的费用,对于以下这种费用,保险人也给予赔偿。 lThe “sue and labour expenses” are those paid for those operations taken by the insured or employess to alleviate or avoid loss or damage when the insured goods encounters the risks stipulated in

19、 the insurance contract. l施救费用(sue and labour expenses)l被保险人及其代理人为抢救货物,防止损失继续扩大所支付的费用。由保险人支付。lThe salvage charges are those paid for a successful salvage operation made by a third party other than the insured and the insurer when the insured goods encounters the risks stipulated in the insurance con

20、tract. For the salvage charges, the principle of “no cure, no pay” is adopted.l救助费用(salvage charge)l 第三人采取措施,获救成功,应支付给第三人的报酬、救助费用等。由保险人支付。对于救助费用,采用的是“无效果,无报酬”的原则海运货物保险承保范围全图海运货物保险承保范围全图承保范围风险损失费用海上风险外来风险自然灾害意外事故一般外来风险特殊外来风险全部损失部分损失实际全损推定全损共同海损单独海损施救费用救助费用lAs per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses dated 1 Ja

21、nuary 1981, the principal risks provided under the China Insurance Clauses (CIC) for ocean transportation are Free from Particular Average(FPA), With Particular Average(WA) and All Risks.Risks covered under the China Insurance Clauses我国海洋运输货物保险条款我国海洋运输货物保险条款基本险平安险FPA水渍险WA or WPA一切险All risks全损部分损失平安险

22、部分损失水渍险全部损失部分损失l中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日修订海洋运输货物保险条款规定1.基本险别 中国人民保险公司现行的规定的基本险别包括平安险(free from particular average , FPA)、水渍险(with particular average,WPA)和一切险(all risks)等三种。(1 1)平安险的英文原意是指单独海损不负责赔偿,它的责任范围包括:)平安险的英文原意是指单独海损不负责赔偿,它的责任范围包括:在运输过程中,由于自然灾害和运输工具发生意外事故,造成被保险货物在运输过程中,由于自然灾害和运输工具发生意外事故,造成被保险货物的实际全损或推



25、同海损所引起的牺牲、发生共同海损所引起的牺牲、分摊费和救助费用;分摊费和救助费用;运输契约订有运输契约订有“船舶互撞条款船舶互撞条款”,按该款规定应由,按该款规定应由货方偿还船方的损失。平安险是承保责任范围最小、所缴保险费最少的一货方偿还船方的损失。平安险是承保责任范围最小、所缴保险费最少的一种基本险别。种基本险别。(2)水渍险的责任范围除包括上列“平安险”的各项责任外,还负责被保险货物由于恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、地震、洪水等自然灾害所造成的部分损失。(3)一切险的责任范围除包括平安险和水渍险的所有责任外,还包括在运输过程中因一般外来原因所造成的被保险货物的全部损失或部分损失。2.附加险别 附加

26、险别包括一般附加险(general additional coverage)和特殊附加险(special additional coverage)两类。一般附加险是指由于外来原因所引起的一般风险所造成的各种损失的险别,它包括偷窃提货不着险(T.P.N.D.)、淡水雨淋险(F.W.R.A.)、短量险(risk of shortage)、碰撞破碎险(risk of clash & breakage)等11种。特殊附加险是指由于上述一般附加险以外的外来原因引起的特殊风险而造成的损失的险别,它包括战争险(war risk)、罢工险(strike risk)、交货不到险(failure to d

27、eliver risk)和其他险别。1)一般附加险)一般附加险(general additional risk)一般附加险不能作为一个单独的险种投保,而只能在投保一般附加险不能作为一个单独的险种投保,而只能在投保平安险或水渍险的基础上,根据货物的特性和需要加保一平安险或水渍险的基础上,根据货物的特性和需要加保一种或若干种一般附加险。种或若干种一般附加险。偷窃提货不着险(Theft Pilferage and Non-delivery,简称T.P.N.D),指被保险货物被偷窃,或在目的地不能如约提交全部或整件货物。淡水雨淋险(Fresh Water Rain Damage,简称F.W.R.D),

28、指货物由于遭受雨淋或淡水浸泡而发生的损失。短量险(risk of shortage),指被保险货物发生的数量短少。混杂、沾污险(Risk of Intermixture & Contamination),指被保险货物因混杂其他物质而发生的损失。串味险(Risk of Odor),指被保险货物因受置放于同一船舱的其他有异味的货物的气味的影响而变质。碰撞险(Risk of Clash),指被保险货物因遭受其他物体的碰撞,或与船舱壁碰撞而致的损失。破碎险(Risk of Breakage),指被保险货物因装卸方法不当、运输工具颠簸等原因而发生破碎。锈损险(Risk of Rusting),指

29、被保险货物在承保期限内生锈。渗透险(Risk of Leakage),指流质或半流质的液体货物及需要用液体浸泡的货物因容器渗漏而发生的损失。受潮受热险(Damage Caused by Heating & Sweating),指被保险货物因遭受过多的水汽或因气温增高而受潮、受热,从而变质、损坏。钩损险(Hook Damage),指被保险货物在装卸时被吊钩、手钩等钩子损坏。2). 特殊附加险l战争险不能作为一个单独的项目投保,而只能投保上述三种基本险别之一的基础上加保。l战争险的保险责任起讫不采取“仓至仓”条款,而是从货物装上海轮开始至货物运抵目的满仓卸离海轮为止,即只负责水面风险。l已投保了战争险后再加保罢工险时,不再另行收费。附加险一般附加险特殊附加险如战争险、罢工险等,共9种如TPND等,共11种,包含在一切险中 中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日修订海洋运输货物保险条款规定特别附加险一般险之外的,与国家管理,政策措施有关Risk covered under the Institute Cargo Clauses协会货物条款中主要险别的承保责任范围协会货物条款中主要险别的承保


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