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1、,满分一吩”质量抽查试卷考试时间:1。分钟)Pa" Listening (第一曲公诉,1. Listening Comprehension (听力理解)(共卅分皿力 听力)3.B. Listen and choose the best answer (根据你听到的对话和问题选出最恰当的答案)(共8分)A. Listen and choose (he right picture (根据伊听珀皿,据你听到的内容,选出相应的图曲供6分,7. A)7:00.8. A) Japan.9、A) By car.10- A) Excited.11- A) In a school library.C)

2、In a travel agency.2 A) Bring some dessert.B) 7:30.B) France.B) By train.B) Satisfied.C) 8:00.C) Italy.C) By plane.C) Frightened.B) At a gift Shop.D) 8:30.D) Canada.D) By ship.D) Surprised.C) Buy a box of chocolate.A) To say “hello" io the doctor.C) To tell the doctor she'll be late.D) At a

3、 graduation party.B)Take Michael to 加D) Give Michael a bigger dinner.B) To(cl! the doctor She 11 ask for leave.D) To ask the doctor to impair her car.B)Wydw沁.WIc prefer staying "”:(判断下列句子是nts arc true orc- Listen to the passnge and tell whether the符八的用表示)(共 6 分)否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用T表fth二vorldtoruWh

4、iskingdom.,S- % new king wasdetennined to leum 却”忙而£"岫(骆驼)casing 500 books.,6- >n the first five years the wise men returned «»'c,r 4r-)笫i页(共8次)2A) He doesrVt like the movie.C) He couldn't a fiord the movie.t start so he ordered the wise men to read (he books to him.17

5、. Btc king didn't knE 汕血皿 ppHems. he took great interest18. WlKn the king was troublesin reading 50 boog, grteing the 50 books into one book and19. The wise men succeeded in s 1pcc5cintcd it to the king.20. The itory <e,b uswisdom docsn口 come by itself and if there is no action, tliere can be

6、 no gain.D. Listen co (he pasge »nd一词“共io分)complete the fMowi叩sentence“听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填21. Aller one year and _22. The chance betweenviews, Nicholson, the kitten and the bicycle arc famous.Nicholson and the kitten hustomorrow.23. Nicholson gave up his job in Dunbar and left on a round-the-world

7、24 . ThTkittcn was named -Nala- by Nichokw, after in The Lion King.25 Nicholson now 於皿改致力于)心 travels to rescuing cats and helping them .”和,a book to be announcedPart 2 Phonetics , Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)If. Choose the tKst answer (选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)26.1 think it's lair to say that. Whi

8、ch of the following is correct for the underlined word?A)小盘Q/fos/27. Did you notice the lady who was talking happily on phone over there?A)/B)aC) anD)tlw28 Amanda is a very helpful girl and she always gives a hand tofriends.A) herB) hensC) sheD) herself29. Kobe Bryant, one of the greater basketball

9、playcre in the world, diedJanuary 26. 2020.A)alB)"QinD)装一3。rhe“。1y sounded quite familiarme. and I got a little b。2d.Aj from») forC) toD) with:皿 received a mobile phone from Auntie Liu on hisbirthday.32. MT 八C) sixtiesD) sixtieths-The 嬴5d 飙 firemen 诙 thc old Wo,un last night?A> whichR)w

10、bcn33. Thanks to 2川ors' co,(-)whoseD) whereA) young切;。.丁Qndmether feds much _ and lonely as well.34. To win the game, we *;C) ycungwtD) thc youngestA) can与 ny;"","因 and confidence and practice harder.C) sMwdD) may虹口区中考英语二模卷(2020)第2页(共8页)35.11ie old man lives happily,ilh his ihee d

11、ogs. He considers of them as part of his lamily.A) neitherB) noneC) bothD)all36. I,ony had a high fever and coughed n lot»his parents took him to hospital at once.A)lbrB) butC)orD)so37. Don't jump to n conclusion? You'd better the problem first.A) discussB) to dfecii55C) discussingD) di

12、scud38. Plea5cyour ho(cn once again befbre doing your homework.A) going overB) went overC) go overD) to go over39. My mother was washing the dishes_ 1 was play ing the piano at that time.A) sinceB) whileC) untilD) unless40. Mr. Jones expected the insurance companyhim much money for the vase.A) paidB

13、) payingC) to payD) pays41. John promises that he will give his cousin a call as soon as hein Europe.A) arrivedB) had arrivedC) will arriveD) arrives42. The volunteersa lot of help to the community a couple of weeks ago.A) ofteredB) will offerC) are o fieri ngD) had offered43. After a hcuted discuss

14、ion, they have decided where the new shopping mall.A) will be built B) will buildC) would be built D) would Wild44. Could you help me put up the poster on the wall?A) Take it easy. B) No problem. C)1 hope so.D) ThaCs d good idea.45.-Good luck.A) 1 will go to Germany with my parents thu> summer ho

15、liday.B) I won I he Hrst prize in the chemisiiy competition last week.C)! am going lo have an interview in that company this aHemoon.D) I fell off dK b沁ck and hurt my leg on my way home yestenday.,L Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be u、cd once(

16、将下则单询成大入空格,每空格限填一悯,每词只,填一次)(共8分)I A) deal wih B) aiyund C).n aboutD) anoth”E)呼inlyNo school, no playground, no museum or library just long, drawn out home (ime. That's the life mst children 46 the countr>- are leading during the coronavirus outbreak (冠状病而爆发).T。help children belter 47 this har

17、d time while letting them know some culture and history, the Pulacc Museum hiis pannered with CH IC Pres« Group to roll out / Want fa Vhh he Palace Museum a 20-volume children's encyclopedia, nlong sith 10 free videos by the same naine, to hike readersaged between 5 and 15 as well as curiou

18、s adults, on a fun.加小(沉浸式虚拟现丈的)and in-dcplh tour of the 600-year-old royal palace.Besides gaining a comprehensive undarstandtn of the Ming and Qing (1368-1901) pal- 虹口区中考英语二模卷<2020) 第3页(共8贪) hnml obiects boused in the museum. 126.249 521 man-made culturalarchitecture, reader can also - -刖or皿cwncs

19、 7arcd of going there no matter how manyPalace Muum is my _馥-p,oce' 皿1八八":" about the museum J onei I havethis 3 as i< hemoredaughter loves the C i.T 北:工nL on Dan3a a popular 一 arc helping her understnnd the Palace Museum better.- one buyer commcnica-The49B) seldom C) favonjeshoppin

20、g site in China.*Tbc book and the video are an 52_histocy behind it and its key culiural relics with59. It's reported that the new test might_ doctors to detect the disease early, (able)to CXp|ain the architecture of the Palace Mu却m. the L cy.to-undersiand way J “id Wang Xudong. directorof(hc Pa

21、lace Museum.They were developed to help children understand the Palace Museum, as wc as 111 G °n 53 in the museum and tlic most important part of traditional Chinese culture, the director added.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用拈七中所给华词的 1A 行匕苴完成下界句子,每空格限境一可

22、)(共8分)54. Tm ibnd of eating fruit. Mangoes andarc my favourite. (straxvbcrr>)55. Tony and I have mnde up our minds to finish this experiment by (wc)56. The firemen set out as soon as (hey heard (he alarm, (immediate)57. The newly-built museum is in the centre of our city, (location)58. Doing hous

23、ework teaches kids independence, care and _ . (responsible)60. Ihe supermarket near our neighbourhood sells different kinds of meat. (produce)61. Zhong Nanshan and Li Lanjuan are medical workers. They are the real heroes.(profession)V. Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,完成下列旬子.62 6

24、7小题每空格 限境一词)(共14分)Robert62. Robert has sports uvery day. (l攵为否定句)sports every day.h's aboi" twenty minule' drive from the airport to the railway station. (*j功J线部 J提问) is it from the airport to the railway station?6< Our trip to Chongming Island last summer was untbrgetiablc.(改>感叹句

25、) our trip to Chongming Island last summer was!65. The first guest to this restaurant can enjoy the meal without paying money(保持句意基本不变) 丁he Hrst guest to this restaurant can enjoy the meal66 So far scientists have done a lot of research on So far a lot of research on Mars67. Lucy was Lucy wasMars su

26、ccessfully.(改为被动语,态) done successfully by scientists.very angry. She didn't know wliai to say.(两句合并为一句)angry._ she didn't know what68. make a speech, whether, Marie wondered, at the meeting, sheto say.would (连诃成句)Pa" 3 Ijd总VL Riding comprvhcns|orik 川村山(第=的公 泮口、No trip to Sydney isSpecia

27、lties ::;:;叫'Mi. Hhin inches u.*har£*"ays, dugongs (儒 51) and tunicsDu«ot>8 I*Un<f Dugong Island hosu me dugongs and a variety of tropical fish. It is said that when early delirious sailors from Europe finally arrived in Australia waters, they mistook the animals for merntai

28、ds (美人鱼) after too long out on th匕 ocean.SHark VaUcy Face yoiir tears on U记 Shark Walk a1H walk over some of the worlds biggestaquarium sharka such as Grey Nurse Sharks. Although their sharp teeth make them look terrible, they offer no threat io humans.Discovery RockpoolNot all Ihe animals are behin

29、d glass at SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium! Come and meet one of our experts and make an amazing discovery at our rockpool. You'll be able to see and touch 牌a *;tars. shark eggs, shells and more! And yes, hand cleaner is provided. 冬黑y帆供5I第一部分读写)arc mentioned in the material?D)3.第5页(共8页)Regular 1 rading

30、 Hours:9:30am - 7:00pm (last entry 6:00pm)Christmas Day Hours: 9:30am 3pin (last entry 2pm)New Year*s Eve Hours: 9:30am 3Pm (last entry 2pm)二530嬴/"E SZ A黑m A) 12,000.B) 100.-一.*江第二模卷(202。)70 The underlined word .皿豆 W probably means -too excitedc、<O recognize what one see«,A) 5a K 13 C)E

31、OUS D),EM Clark taes yd Myca7d daughter to SIA LIFE Syd。八小心 and hc buys the tickets online, he *houkJ pay - for the entrance fee.A) $63 JB)$73.6C)S1OO72. Which statement is TRUE according tv the parage?A) There are only dugongs in Dugong Island.B) The opening hours on Christinas Day lasts 5 hours an

32、d a hnlf.C) Grey Nurse Shaiks oftcr great threat to human beings.D) All the animals are behind glass at SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium.73. What can we infer (推测)from the passage?A) The population of Grey Nurse Sharks is smaller than befbre.B) SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium is the bea tourist attraction in Ausuu

33、lia.C) It is r»o< convenient for kids to clean iheir hands after touching starfish.D) SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium is an educational place for people to learn about sea life.74. Which of (he following is NOT the writing purpose of the text?A) To ask people Q。take action to protect sea animals.B)

34、 To attract the tourists to SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium.C) To provide useful information for tourists be tore their visit.D) To introduce some exciting places in SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium.B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选邦最恰当的选项完成短文 (12分)The Lillie Prince, written by Anoine de Saint-

35、Exupery, tells the story of an unlikely friendship. The story is about a prince from another planet who meets the book's narrator (旁白者).a pilot. The Uitle Prince is one of the most 75 read stories, as well one of Uk world's most translated books. It can be read today in over 250 languages. I

36、t was voted ihe best book of the 20山 century in France, rhe siory of the book has been produced in many different forms over the year$. Ihcy 76 reccrd,radio and TV broadcasts, musicals, plays, movies and more.The book's French author wrote it in 1942 during World War II. rhis was iwo years after

37、 Germany invaded (侵略 ) Saint-Exup6ry?s home country ot France. Much of Europe had been 17 and it was a time of great sadness. The author himself* once crashed his plane in the Sahara Desert. Helaicr decided to set his famous story in the same _ 返 . Shortly after die story begins, the narrator crashe

38、d in the desert. He soon realized he only had enough water to la<4 a week. While sorking on "s plane, he saw a golden.haircd boy coming towardI he narnitor discovered tliat the child was an ahenprince. The prince explained that he became _J9 _ on his planet and decided to visit others and ma

39、ke friends. Over the next 5cvcn days, the two went on to learn some precious lessons and understand tlxr importance of friendship. Other roles in the stors* also stand for various people in today's society. Most people consider The Li心 Prince a children's book. _Q 一 由。g story lias many impor

40、tant lessons for adug too.加 writer wove (墉写)a beautiful adventure story of friendship, love and duty.一打已反小峦童延-柳米(2020) 第6页(共8点)75. A) exnetlyB) widelyC) rarelyD) properly76. A) includeB) improveC) inventD) imagine77. A) arrangedB) followedC) destroyedD) observed78. A) mountainB) buildingC) exhibitio

41、nD) location79. A) activeB)calmC) honestD) lonely80. A) In factB)/HerallC) Por exampleD) On average<:.FHI in the blanks with proper word (在加文的空格内填入玷当的词使其内容通取每空格限 填一词,首字母已给(14分Graham was one of the wisest friends of mine. Once I complained to him that I cycled two miles from my house to the town c

42、entre but r 81 there was a big hill on the way. !o my surprise, he replied that 1 should feel lucky and be glad of the e 82 exercise the hill provided.His words shocked me. So almost all of a sudden, my attitude to the hill c 83. The next time when I got close to it, instead ofcomplaining 2 usual, i

43、 told myself that this hill would help me to keepHt. And the r 84 was that I found the way up the hill was much easier than i had expected it ccst me nothing but some energy and sweat (汗).Several days later, I happened to read an article about pilot Douglas Bader. In 1931 bod) of his kgs were lost i

44、n a flying a 85 but he decided to fly again and he became an excellent pilot and the only pilot that had no legs. He said .Don't tell yourself that things arc too difficult or i 86, Make up yourmind and then try your best and then you can achieve your goal.*I think the two cases bring the same m

45、esfiage: We cannot a 87 difHculties in life, but we can choose our attitude towards them to face them or to run away from them. And some difficulties, actually, arc not as greut a» they seem to be.1>. Answer the qurtions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)Can you remember a time when somebody was kind to yo

46、u? Perhaps a person kt you go in front of them in a queue. Maybe your sister phoned you to ask how your week was going. Or perhaps a stranger or a G沁nd gave you a hand in a much deeper way. There arc a thousand ways to offer kindness. And at a time when the world seems to have so many problems, some

47、 people have started to take the issue of kindness very seriously indeed!Being kind is a win-win situation. It brings happiness to the receiver iu> well as the person who docs the aci沁n. As a simple example, lefs imagine you have a workmate who always docs a very good job. How about taking a mome

48、nt to mention this to him? Your workmate will be happy to receive some praise, and you will probably feel good about yourself tor having spread a little joy.Many organizations try to encourage people to do kind acts, wherever and whenever they can. The idea behind this is tliat il doesnM take any ma

49、jor plan to be kind. Perhaps the strongest supporters of this idea arc the Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) foundation, who work with schools and companies to leach people kindness skills, llicy operate under Hie beliefs that kindness can be taught and that it U cagi。"有感染力的).Their activities range

50、 from suggesting kind act/? to allowing their website-users to become “RAKtivists2(people who officially虹口区中考英活二模卷(202。) 第7页(共8页)region themselves as uaivisc. of kindness).旌出血”破延2诲 more imaginative way.Apart fh>tn using your own common nse. t 】c 、, i$ interpersonal kindng. Some CO show kindness.

51、Generally, ihc fall into three m an advantageous online idea about a examples 诋 W,双树监)。M clothes co chanty :心,丁小 could mean simply recycling or esmuma ttot you like. The second Is environmcnMl ,n汨 less clear: personal kindness,organizing a group event to tidy up a ocn par or bdinviting yourself to a

52、 big meal orwhich mens treating yourself kindly. such as taking a walk m parks.setting yourself a goal to complain less. By being kind toyoursc!.88. Arc here a thousand ways to ot&r kindness?89. Why is being kind a win-win situation?90. What do many orgnniziitions encourage people to do?91. What

53、 does RAK believe?92. How can a wcbsiy-u*r become RAKtivisf*?93. Please finish the last sentence u iihin 15 words.Vil. Writing (作文)(共 20 分)94. Wrice a passage of at least 60 words about the topic tfcKindncss Everywhere匚 以“善意无处不在” 为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标戏符号不占格)提示:阅读 D 篇提到了 一:种善意? interpersonal kindness; e

54、nvironmental kindness; personal kindness.请你从中选择比较有感触的一种,结合具体事例,谈谈你的相法.(注意:短文中不得出现什何其实人名、校名及其它相关信息.否则不手评分. )虹口区中考英语质量抽查试卷.参考答案Pari 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)LUsleningamprehension (听力理解)(共 30 分)X Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(共6分)L Mr. Green is teaching his son how to plant a tree i

55、n the garden. (C)2. Joe works as a waiter in the bar only at the weekend, doesn't he? (H)3: It's really pleasant for families to have a picnic in the park. (A)4. My classmate Mary is old enough to look after her younger brother. (F)5. The bus is always crowded with a lot of passengers during

56、 the rush hour. (G)6. Boys in my class like to relax themselves by having basketball competitions. (D)B. Ulen and choose Uie best ansr (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(共8分)When do you usually go to the office, Mary?w: I usually leave home at 8:00. When it rains, I have to leave half an hour earlier.Q: When do

57、es Mary leave home when it is rainy? (B)& W: Have you been to Italy or France, John?M: Neither. Tve been to Canada. It s beautiful.Q: Which country has John been to? (D)以 W: I hear you're going to drive to Xiarnen this Saturday.M: No, Fve changed my mind. I think flying will be morecomfortab

58、le.Q: How will the man go to Xiamen? (C)It is said that Tom failed the Chinese exam:,。I can't believe it! I thought for sure he would. Q: How does the girl feel on hearing ihe :、."W: Is there anything I can do tor C.中考英语二模卷听力文字和参考答案您如at last.第39页M: Yes. my son is 皿Eg from junior high scl and I want to buy h


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