1、带班队长岗位责任制Tool pusher Post Responsibility一 岗位责任制: (Post Responsibility)1. 负责接受钻井监督的指令及要求,组织安排班组的生产工作。(to be responsible for receiving instructions for field drilling supervisor & organize the rig crew as perthe instructions )2. 负责对钻具、井下工具、租赁工具、套管以及特殊作业工具等的检查、丈量、管理工作,保证正常使 用。(to be responsible for
2、 the inspection, measurements &records of the drill string, down-holetools,rental tools, casing & the special down-hole tools, etc, to ensure the tool function properly)3. 负责对班组人员进行技术培训和考核,不断提高职工技术素质(to be responsible for crew on-job training & examination, to ensure the crew are making
3、good progress on job site)4. 负责监督、检查各岗位按时齐全、准确填写各项资料报表。(To be responsible for supervising & checking each postrepo'rtss t o be filled timely 、 correctly andcompletely )5 关键作业和复杂作业必须按监督指令现场亲自指挥,坚持值班制度。(In key operations and complicated operations, must conduct the operations personally on sit
4、e according to drilling supervisorins'trusctions, insist on the on-dutysystem)6 有权对工作不负责、发生事故、违章违纪、工作不服从分配者,进行批评教育和必要的处理。(Be authorized to criticism and instruct the rig crews who are irresponsible for works , causing accidents ,disobey the regulations & disciplines, defy the job ' sd is
5、tribute, stop work if deemed dangerous.)二 巡回检查项点 (Circular inspection Routs):井控系统、钻台、泥浆净化系统、泥浆泵、机房、油罐区、场地区、材料房、值班房。(Well control system ,rig floor ,drilling fluid cleaning system , mud pumps , engine house ,fuel tanks areas, rig sites ,materials house , dog-house)安全工程师岗位责任制HSE Engineer Post Responsi
6、bility一 岗位责任制: (Post Responsibility)1 负责在班前、班后会中,提出工作中的安全注意事项。在特殊作业区,设置警示牌。(Be responsible for bring forward on safety items during operations before and after the shift. In special operation areas set the warning sign boards )2 负责主持每周安全会,总结前一周的安全工作,分析出现的问题,提供解决的方法及预防措施,监督安 全工作的实施,计划下周的安全工作,并做好记录。(B
7、e responsible for organizing weekly safety meeting, summing up past weeks safety 'work, analyzingthe encountered problems, offering resolve method and precautionary steps , supervising safety workimplement, planning next weeks safety work and recording)3 负责每月的员工安全培训,主持每月安全委员会会议,报告阶段安全工作,讨论报告中的问题
8、及采用的 解决方法,并负责 ARAMCO要求的每周和每季度的安全记录报告。(Be responsible for organizing staffs HSE training, organizing monthly Safety Committee meeting ,reporting phase safety work, talking about the questions and setting ways adopted in the reports )4 负责安全设施(包括起吊索具)及井控装备的管理。即井场电话系统、灭火器、消防泵、消防水龙带、 呼吸器、逃生装置、防坠落器、 H2S 报
9、警器、淋浴器、洗眼台、安全带、井场各种安全标识牌、封井器、 旋塞、回压阀、安全阀、点火装置、闸板芯子、万能胶芯、试压工具、封井器专用扳手、液控房、液控 管排、 封井器气控台、 节流压井管汇、 泥气分离器等。 (Be responsible for managing the safety equipment including hoist rigging and well control equipment . As well site intercommunicate system, fire extinguishers, fire fight pumps , fire fight hose
10、, breathing apparatus , escape unite ,fall protection unit , H2S alarming ,shower and eye wash unit, life belt, all kinds of safety sign boards , BOP , up and down Kelly cock, back pressure valve ,safety valve, portfire, ram cores ,annular element , pressure test tools , special tools for BOP , hydr
11、aulic control unit, hydraulic control pipes , air control console , choke &kill manifold , M/G separator ect.)5 负责对外籍雇员的安全及其他外方人员的接待和管理。(Be responsible for recepting and managing to foreign employees and other foreigners ' safet)y6 负责对办公室事务的管理,包括对公司日常事务的联系。(Be responsible for office manageme
12、nt , includingcompany daily affairs contacting )7 组织 H2S 演习、防喷演习、消防演习,并根据要求做好记录。 (Organizing H 2S drill ,BOP drill, fire fighting drill and recording as required)8 负责填写动火作业许可证,准备日常消防设施,监督人员严格按动火要求进行作业,确保动火安全。(Be responsible for filling in the hot work permitting sheet, preparing for daily fire fight
13、 facilities , monitoring crew members to operate hot work according to the request, ensuringsafety )9 负责进行任何事故的调查,并向 ARAMCO做报告。有权命令任何一个已被警告过但又违反安全规则的人离 开井场。(Be responsible for investigating any accidents,and making report to ARAMCO .Be authorized toorder anyone who has been warned and broken the saf
14、ety regulations once again to leave the well site )10 根据适当的程序,监督和管理环保。(According to the appropriate procedures to monitor and manage environment protection )11 负责查看井队人员的健康,确保每个人都处于良好的工作状态中。(Be responsible for rig crews health inspection ,ensure that each one will be in good working states)二 巡回检查路线:
15、Circular Inspection Routs循环罐区、机房及油罐区、泥浆泵区、钻台区(死活绳固定器、起升系统、绞车、防碰天车)井架、值 班房、井控系统(防喷器、节流压井管汇、远控台、司控台、试压台) 、消防系统、防 H2S 各种设备、 井场。(Mud tanks, engine house and fuel tanks, mud pumps , rig floor areas(deadline anchor, hoistingsystem, drawworks, crown-o-match), derrick, dog house, well control system(BOPs, k
16、ill &choke manifold, remote control console, driller 'cosn sole , pressure test console), fire fight system, personal protective equipments, well site)司钻岗位责任制Driller Post Responsibility一 岗位责任制: (Post Responsibility)1 负责组织全班人员完成监督的作业指令和其他工作。(Be responsible for organizing the rig crew to perfo
17、rming drilling supervisor 'ins structors and other work)2 组织全班人员严格执行各项安全生产制度和设备安全操作规程,杜绝违章作业,确保安全生产。(Organizing the rig crew to strictly perform all safety working system and equipment' s safety operatingprocedures, preventing peccancy operate ,ensure safety work)3 组织全班人员按制度对设备、 仪表、 工具进行检查、
18、维护、 保养, 确保运转使用正常。 (Organizing the rig crew to check ,maintenance and lubricate the equipments、instruments 、tools, ensure efficient running )4 负责钻井绞车的操作,组织完成钻井施工和其它作业。(Be responsible for operating the drawworks, organizing and performing all drilling operations and another work)5 负责司钻房、封井器气控制台、死绳固定器的
19、检查和保养工作,了解掌握井控系统各阀门开关状况、并 能熟练操作。(In charge of checking and maintaining to the driller house、 air control console 、dead line anchor, knowabout all the well control system' s valves states and can operamtea sterly )6 掌握井下情况、钻具结构及井下工具性能、泥浆参数。在井下复杂情况预兆时,立即报告当班带班队长 和监督,并组织全班按作业指令进行处理。(Be responsible
20、for mastering down-hole conditions、BHA and down-hole tools performance、 mudparameters. When the complicated hole signs appear, report to the on-duty tool-pusher and drilling supervisor immediately, and organize the rig crew to treat with it according to the instructions)7 负责填写 IADC 报表、司钻交接记录、钻具记录及其它
21、要求的资料。检查钻井设备的运转和保养记录,确 保原始资料的齐、全、准。(Be responsible for filling in IADC report、 driller ' s connieocnt record sheet 、 drill pipe record and otherdatum required . Checking equipment ' sr unning and maintaining record, ensure the complete and correct of initial datum )8 负责组织召开班前会安排工作和班后会总结完成作业指
22、令情况,对好的要表扬,差的要批评。 (Be responsible for organizing pre-shift work arrangement meeting and after shift meeting to summarize the completeness to the instructions , praising to well done and commenting tobad done)9 对班组人员进行安全及技术培训。(Performing HSE and technical training to the shifts)二 交接班制: Hand Over and
23、Take Over System1 交接清各作业指令实施情况及遗留问题。(Handing over and taking over completely about the accomplish to the instructions and existing problems)2 交接清井下情况(井下异常) 、钻具结构、井深方入和注意事项等。(Handing over and taking over the hole conditions 、 BHA 、hole depth 、kelly in and other things)3 交接清本班生产、安全情况、提示下班工作注意事项等。(Hand
24、ing over and taking over the shifts work and safety、 remind things to be pay attention to in nextshift)4 交接清钻井设备的运转、维修、井控及泥浆循环系统的情况。(Handing over and taking over completely all drillingequipments running and maintains、well control &mud circulating system )5 接班人员提前半小时进行巡回检查,交班人员对检查发现的问题要尽快整改,不能把问
25、题延至下一班。(The crew members who will take over the work should carry out the Circular inspection Routs aheadhalf an hour, the crew members who will hand over the work should complete the problems checkedout, should not leave it to next shift)6 接班前开好班前会,交班后开好班后总结会。(Before take over , organizing the pre-
26、shift meeting ,after hand over, organizing the summarize meeting )三 巡回检查项点: Circular Inspection Routs值班房(各种资料、手电筒、 )、钻台上(大绳及大绳固定、各钻井参数仪及传感器、钻机及刹车系统、 司钻操作台、井控主控台、节控箱、钻台下(井控系统、井口固定、井架底座) 、循环系统(钻井液、泥浆 泵、固控设备) 、场地(钻具、井场标准化) 。Dog house(All kinds of datum, flashlight),Rig floor(drilling line and it' s
27、 f、astanlle dsrsilling instrumentsand sensors 、rig and brake system 、driller console 、well control console 、choke control box 、),Under the rig floor (BOP system 、well head fastness 、substructure ),Circulating system(drilling mud、mud pump 、solid control equipments ),Rigsite(drill pipes, site standard
28、ization )副司钻岗位责任制Assistant Driller Post Responsibility一 岗位责任制: Post Responsibility1 负责泥浆泵、灌注泵及地面、钻台各高低压泥浆阀门组的正确操作和维修保养。(Be responsible for correct operation and maintenance to the mud pump、 charging pump 、 all high&lower pressure mud valves on rig floor )2 协助司钻组织全班人员完成各项指令,司钻不在时代替其岗位。(Assist dri
29、ller to carry out the drilling operation in a safe and efficient manner, Act on drillerwhen he is off work)3 钻井过程中,应经常注意泵压变化并协助泥浆工观察泥浆罐液面高度变化,若发现异常应立即通知司钻 及泥浆工,查明原因,进行处理。(During drilling operation ,should pay attention to the pump pressure' s variety and assistant mud man toobserve the mud pit l
30、evel, if abnormal signs appear ,report to the driller and mud man immediately .Find out causations and take suitable steps to handle)4 负责地面及钻台管汇、泥浆泵、工具配件、高低压管线、阀门组的清洁卫生和防腐工作。(Take charge of clean and anti-corrosion of all the manifolds on the ground and rig floor, mud pump, tools, hi-pressure &l
31、ow-pressure pipes, valve unions )5 负责泥浆泵、封井器远控台、液控管排、封井器主体的运转、检查、保养更换配件及异常情况的资料填 写。(Be responsible for taking charge of mud pump 、remote control console of BOP 、hydraulic control pipes 、 BOP stacks s running 、 check 、maintenance 、 change spare parts and fill in datum on the abnormalthings)6 协助泥浆工配制泥
32、浆。(Assist mud man to mix drilling mud)二 交接班制: (Take over and hand over system )1 交接清泥浆泵、灌注泵、冷却水泵及远控台的运转、保养润滑情况。各易损件的使用、更换情况、压力 表、保险凡尔、空气包的工作情况。(Take over and hand over completely running and maintenance of the mud pump、 charging pump 、cooling pump and remote control console , take over and hand over
33、 the using & replacing of the easy wear parts 、pressure gauge 、 relief valve &pulsation dampeners2 交接清泥浆泵、钻台等高低压泥浆管汇闸门的开关情况。(Hand over and take over status of all hi-pressure &low-pressure valves on mud pump &drillfloor)3 交接清泵房各种配件、工具及卫生情况。(Hand over and take over all pump spare part
34、s ,tools and cleans)4 交接清本班辅助工作及工作质量的完成情况。(Take over and hand over completeness of accessorial work and the quality )5 对接班班组检查提出的问题,应尽快整改,不把问题拖延至下一班。(The crew members who will hand over the work should complete the problems checked out by takeovercrews as soon as possible, should not leave it to nex
35、t shift)三 巡回检查项点: Circular Inspection Routs泥浆泵、灌注泵、 地面及钻台高低压管汇阀门及地面管线、 循环系统压力表、 封井器远控台、 液控管排、 封井器主体、工具及配件。(Mud pump, charging pump, hi-pressure and low-pressure valves manifold, pressure gauges, remote control console , hydraulic pipes, BOP s, tools and fittings )机械工长岗位责任制Machinist Post Responsibili
36、ty一 岗位责任制: (Post Responsibility)1 负责机械设备:绞车、泥浆泵、盘刹及其动力源、液压大钳(包括套管钳)及其动力源、液压猫头、气 葫芦、载人气动绞车、封井器吊装系统、井架起升液压系统、司钻房内部分仪器仪表、电焊机、气瓶、机 械修理房的正常运转和维修工作,检查各岗位对设备维修保养和使用情况,保证设备台台完好。(Take charge of mechanical equipments : drawworks, mud pump, disk brake and its power, hydraulic tone(including casing tone) and it
37、s power source , hydraulic cathead , air-hoist, manride air-hoist,BOPhoist system, mast's hydraulic raising system, part of instruments inthe driller house ,electric weldingmachine , gas cylinders. In charge of repairing and keeping the mechanical repair house in good conditions, check each post
38、 about their using and maintaining to equipments , ensure each equipment in good conditions)2 负责组织设备的零件、部件更换和修理,同时做好修旧利废和小改小革工作。(Take charge of organizing spare parts's repair and replacement , meanwhile to take steps to repairused parts and use wastrel for saving money )3 负责检查所管理设备运转记录,并按规定及时上交
39、。(In charge of checking equipment ' s running record, and hand in these reports in time)4 负责指导各岗位人员合理操作各种设备及正确使用各种工具。(Be responsible for conducting each person to operate all equipments reasonably and use all kinds of tools correctly )5 负责各种维修工具的检修保养工作。(Take charge of repairing and maintain all
40、repair tools)二 交接班制: (Hand over and take over system)1 各种设备运转记录及运转情况必须交接清楚。(Clearly hand over and take over all equipments's running record and rusntnaitnugs )2 各种维修工具、手工具及完好状况,必须交接清楚。(Clearly hand over and take over all repair tools and hand tools)3 各种在用设备及停用设备的完好情况,必须交接清楚。(Clearly hand over an
41、d take over all lively equipments and paused equipments status)4 各种设备的易损部件备用情况必须交接清楚。(Clearly hand over and take over store of all equipments' s wear parts)5 完钻前设备的检修或大修计划必须交接清楚。(Clearly hand over and take over the overhaul plans for the equipments before well completation )三 巡回检查项点: Circular in
42、spection Routs井场、钻台、车工房、材料房、机泵房、电气焊设备。(Rig site, rig floor, mechanical room, store house, engine house ,pump house , electric、 gas 、weldingequipments )外钳工岗位责任制Assistant floorman Post Responsibility一 岗位责任制: (Post Responsibility System)1 负责钻台手工具、井口工具(卡瓦、吊卡、安全卡瓦、提升短节)外钳、尾绳及钳尾传感器,钢丝测斜 绞车、左液压猫头、液压大钳及其动力源
43、、钻台淋浴器、洗眼台、右偏房、刮泥器、钻杆盒的清洁排放、 防腐、检查、维护、保养工作。To be responsible for checking 、 maintaining 、 lubricating 、 cleaning and tiding rig floor hand-tools well head tools(clips 、 elevators 、 safety clips 、lifting subs),break tone, left hydraulic cathead, hydraulic tone and it 's power source, rig floor sh
44、ower, eye washer, right dog house, mud scraper and pipe box.2 与内钳工一起负责起下钻检查钻具。To be responsible for checking drill pipes with main floorman together while tripling.3 负责方钻杆上下旋塞的开关工作。Be responsible for opening and closing the up-kelly & down-kelly cocks4 负责钻台及底座设备的清洁防腐工作。Be responsible for cleanin
45、g rig floor and base5 与内钳工配合工作,完成司钻安排的其他工作。Corporate with main floorman to complete the work arranged by driller.二 交接班制:Take over and hand over system1 交接清钻台手工具,钻井工具。Clearly hand over and take over the handtools and drilling tools.2 交接清所管辖设备的维护保养、清洁、防腐、运转情况及存在问题。Clearly hand over and take over the m
46、aintenance、 cleanness 、anti-corrosion, running of equipmentsdominated by himself and the subsistent problems.3 对接班人检查提出的问题要及时整改。To complete the problems checked out by take over shift timely.三 巡回检查项点: Circular Inspection key Items钻台下、钻台上、钻井工具、手工具及水泵。Rig floor and under the rig floor, drilling tools
47、, hand tools , water pumps内钳工岗位责任制Main Floorman Post Responsibility一 岗位责任制: Post Responsibility System1 负责在起下钻、接单根、下套管等井口作业时,操作吊卡、卡瓦、内钳、旋扣器、防喷盒、气动绞车等 工具设备,配合司钻完成各项钻井作业。To be responsible for operating the elevator 、slip 、make-up tone 、spanner 、mud box 、air hoist ect. tools during trips 、 connect join
48、ts 、 running casing. Assist driller to carry out the drilling operation.2 配合带班队长管好钻具,检查钻具下井次序,起下钻负责检查钻具。Assist toolpusher to manage drillpipes ,check the running sequence of drill pipes and check drillstringsduring tripping in/out operation3 负责绞车、电磁刹车、强冷水罐、盘刹及其动力源、内钳、右液压猫头、左偏房的维护、保养、卫生。To be respons
49、ible for maintenance、lubricating 、cleaning to drawworks 、Eddy Current Brake 、coolingwater tank 、 disck brake 、 make up tone 、 right hydraulic cathead 、 left dog house .4 负责钻台及底座的设备卫生防腐工作。Be responsible for cleaning and anti-corrosion ofthe rig floor and substructure5 负责填写本岗位的设备运转、检查、保养、更换配件情况记录及异常情况
50、的记录。Be responsible for recording the running 、 checking 、 maintaining 、 spare parts replacing of equipments dominated by himself, and recording the abnormal things.6 协助井架工工作,井架工不在时,代替其岗位,完成司钻安排的其他辅助工作。Assist derrick man to work, act as derrick man ' s behalf when he is off work ,to complete the
51、accessorial work arranged by driller .二 交接班制: Hand over and take over System1 交接清设备运转、保养情况。Clearly hand over and take over equipments running and maintenance2 交接清本岗位工作情况,存在问题及下步工作注意事项。Clearly hand over and take over oneselves post work, ,existing problems and pay attention to things of next step3 对接
52、班人检查提出的问题要及时进行整改。To complete the problems checked out by take over shifttimely.三 巡回检查项点: Circular Inspection Routs钻机、电磁刹车、盘刹动力源、液压猫头、强冷水罐、内钳、左偏房Rig, Eddy Current Brake, Disc break &power source, hydraulic cathead, cooling water tank, make up tone, left dog house场地工岗位责任制Roustabout Post Responsibi
53、lity一 岗位责任制: Post responsibility system1 负责场地上所有甲乙方工具、管材及配件的管理及调用。To be responsible for managing all the tools、 pipes & spare parts on the site come from Operator andContractor.2 负责到井套管、油管及附件的检查,及时卸套管护丝、洗扣、通经等。Be responsible for checking all casing、 tubing & accessories on the site, removing
54、 the thread protect,cleaning thread, drifting casing.3 负责对钻具水眼、丝扣的检查及管理。Be responsible for checking and managing drillpipe thread and bore4 配合带班队长对套管、油管和钻具进行丈量编号。Assist toolpush to measure and serial number the drillpipe、 casing and tubing.5 负责对各种管具护丝、常用吊带及工具的管理和使用。To be responsible for managing &am
55、p;using all pipe thread protect、 common using gallus6 负责井控工具和井控小配件的管理。Be responsible for managing well control tools and fittings7 负责场地工具爬犁、配件爬犁、钻机底座工具箱、跑道工具箱的管理使用。To be in charge of managing and using the site tool sledge、 spare part sledge 、 cat-walk toolbox.8 负责振动筛、节流管汇、气动隔膜泵、泥气分离器的操作使用。To be in
56、charge of operating and usingthe shale shakes 、choke manifold 、 air operated septumpump 、 M/G separator.9 负责完井拆设备和搬家安装过程中钻机底座和井架连接销、安全锁销的回收和保管。To be in charge of getting & keeping the substructure pins、 derrick pins and lock pins together.二 质量负责制: Quality Responsibility System1 对场地各种物品摆放有序,做到整齐美
57、观。To be responsible for getting all articles in order on the site .2 提前将下步作业所用工具、钻具准备好,不耽误生产。Prepare the tools and drill pipes to be used in next step , avoid delaying work3 套管、油管、随到随时进行卸护丝、通经、洗扣、附件安装等作业。Remove the thread protect , clean thread, drift, make up fittings of casing and tubing while cas
58、ing tubing are loaded down to rig site4 甩下的钻具、工具等及时放回爬犁,摆放整齐。To be responsible for getting drill pipe、 tools back into the sledge and getting it in order.三 交接班制: Take over and hand over System1 交接清场地上将用工具管具及配件的规格数量。Clearly hand over and take over the specification & quantity of tools、 pipes &fittings to be used.2 交接清井控工具及小配件。Clearly hand over and take over well control tools and small fittings3 交接清注意事项及存在的问题。Clearly hand over and take over matters to be pay attention and exiting prob
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