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1、Book 4 Unit 6 Various Workplaces 学案(学生版)编写人:游进第一课时词汇预习学习目标 学习掌握本单元词汇学法指导借助词典磁带等相关工具掌握词汇的发音,大声朗读记忆根据英语写出词性及汉语含义Unit 6Readi ngWords for Product ionanchorcrawlstresspark ingpark ing lotdocume ntpaperworkcoworkerlifestyleprovestaffin terrupti onin terruptadditi onimproveme ntimprovewageWords for Recog n

2、iti ontelecommut ingtime-savi ngflexibilityproductivityproductivePhrases and Expressi onsin stead ofspe nd forpay fora pile ofin additi onGrammar and Writ ingresumede ntistoccupati ontiresomefringebraidcarpe ntershopkeeperbarberFurther Readi ngWords and Product ionsig ni fica ntlymaterialtech niques

3、atellitechalle ngingchalle ngeexploretermi nallytermi nalproceduresmogwisdompolluti onpolluteradioactivepracticalnu clearapplicati onapplica ntWords for Recog niti onwell-bei ngthreate ningexpect ingtran sportati oncrisisefficie ntpress ingPhrases and Expressi onsfirst of alladd. to at oncefly acros

4、spay the price forgive atte nti on to根据词性及汉语含义写出英语Unit 6Readi ngWords for Producti on新闻主播爬行,蠕动,徐徐前行重压,压力停车停车场公文,档案文书工作同事,工友生活方式证明,证实职员,工作人员中断,打断打断,妨碍增加,添加物改进,进步改进工资Words for Recog niti on电讯家庭远程办公省时的弹性,适应性生产力多产的,生产的Phrases and Expressi ons代替,而不是花(时间)在偿还,赔偿一堆另外,而且Grammar and Writ ing简历牙科医生职业烦人的刘海儿发辫木匠

5、店主理发师Further Readi ngWords and Product ion有意义地,重大地物质的,肉体的技术,技巧卫星,人造卫星富有挑战性的,考验能力的挑战探究,探险终端地,末端地终端的,末端的程序,手续烟雾智慧污染,弄脏,污染物污染,弄脏放射性的实际的,实践的,实用的原子核的,核心的申请,应用申请人,求职人Words for Recog niti on幸福,安康,舒适胁迫的,危险的预期,期望运输,运送决定性时刻,危机生效的,有效率的紧迫的Phrases and Expressi ons首先,最开始把加到立即,马上飞越,飞过为付出代价专心第二课时(Getting Ready &

6、; Pre-reading)学习目标:1检查Unit6的单词(单词接力赛)。2通过Getting Ready的学习,积累与工作有关的词汇。3练习说理性科普文的阅读技巧,进行Reading的整体阅读训练。4 完成 P79 Comprehending 第 1,2,3,4 题Step 1 Pleasure in the job puts perfect ion in the work.乐在工作才有完美表现Step 2 Fin ish gett in g-ready on P77.Step 3Lan guage points1. In cities all over the United States

7、, workers spend several hours a day in cars crawling along in traffic to get to offices many miles from home. 在美国所有的城市, 为感到离家数英里之外的 办公室,上班族每天都要在路上花费几个小时艰难的行驶。crawl v. & n. many miles from home 为名词短语作后置定语修饰offices。2. They experienee stress, waste time, and pay a lot for gas, car repair, and parki

8、ng.他们的承受压力、浪费时间,同时还得为油耗、维修和停车花上一大笔钱。experie neevt.经历,体验世界在最近二十年中经历了巨大变化。The world great changes in the last two decades.n. a)经历;阅历他写了一部关于自己战时经历的书He wrote a book about in the war.b)经验;体验;感受她可能欠缺经验,但学得很快。She may, but learns quickly.3. She stays at home in her pajamas with a pile of docume nts, talk in

9、g with man gers over the pho neand faxi ng in paperwork.她可以披着睡衣呆在自己家里,闲散着拿着一摞文件,通过电话和经理们沟通,并用传真机接收书面文件。(1) pajamas n. with a pile of documents 为介词短语作方式壮语他醒着躺在床上,眼睛睁得大大的。He lay awake on the bed, (3) talk ing with mangers over the phone and faxing in paperwork现在分词短语作状语,也是表伴随状态她静静的坐在那儿听老师讲课。She sat the

10、re quietly,(4) over the phone "通过电话”。也可以是 on the phone。 有人打电话找你。with复合结构练习练习1:请选择最佳答案1) With nothingto burn , the fire became weak and fin ally died out.A.I eavi ngB.leftC.l leave2) The girl sat there quite silent and still with her eyeson the wall.A.fix be fix b

11、e fixed3) I live in the house with its doorto the south.(这里 with 结构作定语)A.faci ngB.facesC.facedD.bei ng faced4) They pretended to be working hard all night with their lights.A.bur nB.burntC.burni burn练习2:用with复合结构完成下列句子1) (有很多工作要做),I could n't go to see the doctor.2) She sat (低着头)。3) The d

12、ay was bright.(微风吹拂)4) ,(心存梦想)he went to Hollywood.练习3:把下列句子中的划线部分改写成with复合结构。1) Because our lessons were over, we went to play football.2) The children came running towards us and held some flowers in their hands.3) My mother is ill ,so I won't be able to go on holiday.4) An exam will be held t

13、omorrow , so I could n't go to the cin ema toni ght.答案及分析答案(练习1): B. B. A. C.(练习2):1) With a lot of work to do2)with her head be nt3)with a fresh breeze blowing4)With a dream in heart答案(练习3):1) With our lessons over , we went to play football.2) The childre n came running towards us with the flo

14、wers in their han ds.3) With my mother being will , I won't be able to go on holiday.4) With the exam to be held tomorrow , I could n't go to the cinema tonight第三课时reading II学习目标文章经典句研读,掌握重要词汇及语法点知识点1. Nancy is a telecommuter, some one who works some or all of the time at home.南茜其实就是一位不折不扣的电

15、讯家庭办公人士,也就是说,他的家和办公室合二为一,她可以在家里处理一部分或者所有的公务。tele-表远程"的前缀teleph one n.电话 v. televisi on n. telecom (=telecom muni cati on) telescope n. telecommunication n. telegram n. commute n.& v.通勤,乘车上下班commuter studenttelecommuter = tele + commuter telecommuting n. 2. What makes it possible is tech nol

16、ogy.使得这一切成为可能的是科技(1) it这里指前面一句话所提到的情况,possible作it的宾语补足语。(2)what makes it possible 是主语从句。主语从句在句中充当主语。可以引导主语从句的关联词有:连接词that,whether;连接代词 what, which , whose;连接畐U词 when, where, why, how; 复合代词 whatever, whoever 等。他肯定会成功。 is certain.还不知道她是否去那里。 is not known.他说的话不真实。 is not true.谁打破了窗户还没有查出来。 has not bee

17、n found out.【练习】1. makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer.A. That B. What C. Who D. Which2. Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tellclose you may be to victory.A. howB. that C. which D. where3 . one of you breaks the window will have to pay fo

18、r it.A . Whoever B . Whatever C . Whichever D . Wherever4 . It's good to knowthe dogs will be well cared for while we're away.A . what B . whose C . which D . that5 . It rema ins to be see nthe n ewly formed committee's policy can be put into practice.A . that B . which C . what D . whet

19、her6 . I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my pare nts.A . That B . Which C . Whether D . What7 . Police have foundappears to be the lost ancient statue.A . which B . where C . how D . what8 . The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total beliefyou are better t

20、ha nanyone else on the sports field.A . how B . that C . which D . whether9 . From space, the earth looks blue.This isabout seve nty one perce nt of its surface iscovered by water.A . whyB . how C . because D . whether10 . you said at the meet ing describes a bright future for the compa ny.A . When

21、B . How C . What D . That 答案:BACDDDDBCC3. Personal computers, networking, videoconferencing, fax machines, email, and all kinds of phone lines provide the fast and timesavi ng com muni cati on required for telecommuti ng.台式电 脑、互联网、视频会议系统、传真机、电子邮件以及多路电话线,这些科技的进步都为电讯 家庭办公人士提供了快捷、高效的沟通渠道。(1) videoconfe

22、rencing = video + conferencing( 会议 )timesaving = time + saving (节省) adj. (2) required for telecommuting 过去分词短语作定语,相当于定语从句that are required fortelecommuting,修饰 the fast and timesaving communication ,required for telecommuting 与 被修饰的the fast and timesaving communication 之间是动宾关系,故用的是过去分词,表被动。4. The exp

23、erie nces of many compa nies prove that telecommut ing can in crease workplaceflexibility and add to productivity.许多公司的经验表明,电讯家庭办公可以让工作地点更加灵活,从而提高办公效率。(1) prove可作为及物代词或不及物动词,表示“ ”。add to增加,起增添作用他的话进一步证明她是无辜的。His remarks the proof that she is innocent.5. At Georgia Power Compa ny, for example, a pilo

24、t telecommut ing project was so successful that the compa ny decided to in crease the nu mber of telecommuters by 300%.以乔治亚电力公司为例,该公司的电讯家庭办公试点项目就非常成功,所以公司决定把 利用电讯设备在家上班人员的数量扩大三倍。(1) pilot n. adj. by表“(数量、程度等)以之差”。他高出我一头。He is taller than me in crease to表示增长到人口已从120万增长到了 180万。The populati on has in c

25、reased 1.2 millio n 1.8 millio crease by 表示增长了 通货膨胀率增长了2%.The rate of in flati on 第四课时reading III学习目标文章经典句研读,掌握重要词汇及语法点知识点1. By mixing work with family, telecommuting often leads to more work hours and morein terruptio ns with family life.电讯家庭办公模糊了办公与家庭的界限,从而滞延了工作时间并侵扰了家庭生活。(1) by表“(方法、手段、方式等)凭

26、借、靠、通过” 。他以教书为生。He earns his livi ng你这样讲是什么意思?What do you mean ?2. After three mon ths the workers reported that being away from the office was not at all productive to their work. 3个月后员工们反映,离开办公室对他们的工作反而起了消极负面的 作用。(1) that being away from the office was not at all productive to their work是宾语从句,作rep

27、orted的宾语。being away from the office 是动名词短语作主语。(2) at all在这里用于否定句中,构成“notat all”这一结构,意思是“丝毫不,一点都 不,根本不”。我一点都不喜欢它。 at all用于疑问句、条件从句及肯定句中,意思是“究竟;从任何方面考虑;在任何情况下”。你究竟看见他没有? 3. Telecommuting also makes many workers feel Ionely and out of touch, leading to less productivity.除此以外,独自在家办公也使许多员工感到寂寞,觉得与世隔绝,因而导

28、致办 事效率下滑。(1)leading to less productivity 是现在分词短语作结果状语。他父亲去世了,什么也没给他留下。 His father died, (2) lead to在这里是"引起,导致,造成”的意思,相当于cause。Too much work and too little rest ofte n leads to ill ness. 那可能会引发一场内战。 (3) make作使役动词,表示"使做某事,使成为”,常有如下用法: make + sb. do sth.表示"使做某事”,但被动语态中要用be made to do sth

29、.。他让我们工作了整整一夜。主动语态 被动语态 make sb./sth. +名词/名词词组,表示"使成为/当”。我们让他当我们的班长。 make sb./sth. +形容词,表示"使怎样”。这消息是她高兴。 make sb./sth. +过去分词,表示"使被知道、懂得、听清等”。你最好让你的计划为人所知。 make it +形容词+ that从句,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是 that从句。 我已经说得很明白,我们将把失去的时间补回来。I have that we 'l make up for the lost time. make it +形容词+不定

30、式,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式。好天气使我们外出成为可能。The fine weather 4. In additi on, tech no logical improveme nts, such as high speed modems, are both importa nt andnecessary.此外,技术的改进,如高速的调制解调器也至关重要。(1) such as high speed modems 这里做插入语。 in addition意思是"此外(还)”玛丽阿姨给我们的野餐准备了三明治,还有一包饼干。Aunt Mary gave us san dwiches

31、forpicnic and a bag of cookies 第五课时 Verb-ing Form1. 动名词由动词+ ing构成,否定形式为not doing,具有动词和名词的性质,在句中起名词作用,可作主语、宾语、表语和定语。1)作主语。如:Seeing is believ ing.Lay ing eggs is the ant quee n-timejobullIt is no use arguing with him.注意:动名词和不定式都可以作主语,动名词作主语表示一般或抽象的多次性行为,不定式作主语往往表示具体的或一次性的动作。如:Play ing with fire is dan

32、 gerous.(泛指玩火)To play with fire will be dan gerous.(指一具体动作)但在It is no use/good, not any use/good, useless等后常用动名词间或用不定式。2)作表语。如:Her job is teaching.3)作宾语。如:He is fond of playing football.I like swimming. admit, appreciate, avoid , consider, delay, dislike , enjoy, escape, excuse, face, feel, like, fi

33、nish, forgive, give up, imagine, include, keep, mention, mind, miss, practise, put off, resist, risk , suggest, can ' t help情不自禁),can ' t stand无法忍受)等动词成词组后 可以用动名词作宾语,但不能用不定式。 forget, go on, mean, regret, remember, stop, try等动词或词组可带动名词或不定式作 宾语,但意义上有区别。Let ' s go on studying Lesson 6(. 让我们

34、继续学第六课。说明前面已学了一部分。)Let ' s go on to study Lesson 6.(让我们接着学第六课。说明前面已学了第五课。)I remember doing the exercise. (我记得做过练习。 )I must remember to do it. (我必须记着做这事。 )I tried not to go there. (我设法不去那里。 )I tried doing it again. (我试着又做了一次。 )Stop speaking. (不要讲话。 )He stopped to talk. (他停下来讲话。 )I mean to come ea

35、rly today. (我打算今天早些来。 )Missing the train means waiting for another hour. (误了这趟火车意味着再等一个小时。 ) 在 allow ,advise,forbid ,permit 等动词后直接跟动名词形式作宾语,如果后面有名词或 代词作宾语,其后用动词不定式作宾语补足语。如:We don ' t allow smoking here.We don ' t allow students to smoke. 动词 need,require,want 作“需要”解,其后必须用动名词的主动形式或不定式的被动形式 作宾语

36、表示事情需要做,这时,动名词的主动式表示被动意义。 be worth 后必须用动名词的 主动形式来表示被动意义。如:The window needs/requires/wants cleaning/to be cleaned.Her method is worth trying. 在短语 devote to, look forward to ,stick to ,to be used to,object to ,thank you for , excuse me for,be(kept) busy ,have difficulty/trouble/problem(in) ,have a goo

37、d/wonderful/hard time(in) ,there ' s no use/g/onfeel/seem like/get down to 等后的动词也必须用动名词形式,例如:I look forward to hearing from you soon. 在 love,hate,prefer,like 等动词后用动名词或不定式无多大区别。有时用动名词作宾语 时,指一般情况,而跟不定式作宾语时指某一具体行为。 start, begin, continue在书面语中多后接动名词,在口语中多后接不定式。但 start 和 begin 在下列情况下一般跟不定式作宾语: 当主语是物而

38、不是人时; 当 start 或 begin 以-ing形式出现时,当后面作宾语的动词表示感情、思想或意念时。如:It started to snow. He is beginning to cook dinner. I began to understand what he meant. 在 should(would) like/love 等后须用不定式。4)作定语,例如:He has a reading room.2动名词的复合结构动名词的复合结构由物主代词或人称代词宾格、 名词所有格或普通格加动名词构成。 在句子 开头必须用名词所有格或物主代词。 如果动名词的复合结构作宾语, 其逻辑主语是

39、无生命的 名词时,用普通格。如:s winning.?He insists on the plan being carried out.His coming made me very happy. Mary ' s crying annoyed him. She didn ' t mind his crying. Is there any hope of Xiao Wang 3动名词的时态和语态 动名词的时态分一般式和完成式两种, 如果动名词的动作没有明确地表示出时间是与谓语词 所表示的动作同时发生或在谓语动词所表示的动作以前发生,用动名词的一般式。如: We are inte

40、rested in playing chess.His coming will be of great help to us. 如果动名词的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,通常用动名词的完成时态。如: I ' m sorry for not having kept my promise.在某些动词或词组后, 常用动名词的一般形式, 尽管其动作是在谓语所表示的动作之前发生 的。如: Excuse me for coming late. 主语是动名词所表示的动作的对象时,动名词用被动语态。被动语态由“being + 过去分词 ”或having been +过去分词"构成。后一

41、种一般很少使用,以免使句子显得累赘。如:He likes being helped.He was afraid of being left at home.I don ' t remember having ever been given a chance to do it.第六课时 语法练习一、说出下列动名词短语在句中的作用1 Would you mind carrying this suitcases for us?2 It has been so nice meeting you.3 The main difficulty was finding enough raw mater

42、ial.4 The real problem is knowing what to write.5 It was annoying not being able to remember the new words.6 Working in the open air has given you a good color.7 The girls are all fond of dancing.8 It made him ill drinking so much whisky.9 Your job will be looking after the cows.二. 选择题12013?重庆卷 The

43、engine just won't start.Something seems wrong with it.A to goB to have goneC goingD having gone22013?湖南卷 You cannot accept an opinion to you unless it is based on facts.A. offering aBto offerC having offeredD offered32013?陕西卷 Let those in need that we will go all out to help them.Ato understandB

44、 understandCunderstandingDunderstood4 2013 ?北京 卷 Volunteering gives you a chance lives, including your own.A. changeB changingCchangedD to change5 2013 ?北京 卷 When we saw the road with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.A. blockB to blockC blockingD blocked6 2013 ?福建卷 Anyone, once positive

45、 for H7N9 flu virus, will receive free medicaltreatment from our government.A. to be testedB being testedC testedD to test7 2013 ?湖南卷 The sun began to rise in the sky, the mountain in golden light.A. bathedB bathingCto have bathedD having bathed8 2013 ?湖南卷 warm at night, I would fill the woodstove,

46、then set my alarm clockfor midnight so I could refill it.A. StayingB StayedCTo stayD Stay9 2013 ?江苏卷 Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and to ruins, thecity took on a new look.A reducingB reducedC being reducedD having reduced10. 2013?新课标全国卷n I got to the office earlier that day, the

47、 7:30 train fromPaddington.A . caughtB . to have caught C. to catch D. having caught11. The guide asked us again if we had ever been to the templethe Ming Dynasty.A. dated back to B. that date back to C. date back to D. dating back to12. Early this year cruel snowstorms hit southern China, great tra

48、nsportationproblems in some areas.A . causedB . causing C. to causeD. having caused13. Measures must be taken to prevent pollutionhappily.A . from we live B. for us to live C. us living D. from our living14. Apple has given in to intense pressure from Chinese state media about its customer servicepr

49、actices, to consumers in its second-largest market.A. apologizingB . apologize C. having apologizedD. to apologize15. to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film.A. Having been asked B. To ask C. Having askedD . To be asked16. The horsethe distance in six daysthe train's 28 hours.A

50、. ran; comparing withB . covered; compared withC. occupied; compared withD . covered; comparing with17. Jenny was bending over a desk, her tongue sticking out slightly , in the pain ofcomposition.A. having absorbed B . absorbed C. being absorbedD. absorbing18. I will be surprised if you can get Calv

51、in, who is very busy ,these tickets for you.A. buyB. buying C. buysD . to buy19. Life is a journeywith hardships, joys and special moments.A. filledB. to fillC. fillingD . having filled20. A hearty laugh relieves physical tension ,your muscles relaxed for over half an hour.A . to leaveB. leftC. leav

52、ingD. leave21. wealthy people with the business tax instead of the individual income tax weakensgovernment efforts the wealth gap.A. Taxing; closingB. Taxing; to closeC. Tax; to closeD. Having taxed ; closing22. Little Tom went to the stadium in a hurry , onlythe game had been put off.A. being in fo

53、rmedB. in formed C. to be in formedD. to inform23. English teachers are supposedtheir students a test in class,even after class,better teach ing give ; ;to give ;to ;ensuring24. The traffic adm ini strati on in dicates that airli ne passe ngers

54、are only allowed to carry theirluggageless tha n 5 kilograms with them.A. weighedB. bei ng weighed C. weighi ngD. to weigh25. He is a foreig ner and he is n ot accustomedlike that while he is in China.A. treati ngB. to be treated C. to being treatedD. to treat26. copies of Mo Yan's works will be

55、 on sale after his talk at the Press Conferen ce.A. Sig ningB. Sig n C. SignedD. To sig n27. all his courage, he in vited the lady to get off the train with him.A. Being gatheredB. Gathered C. To gather D.Gatheri ng28. The instant Nate woke up the next morning , he saw a note on the bedside tablebyhis wife “ Breakfast is ready. Have a n ice day. ”A. left ; said B. leaving ;sayin


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