



1、Unit 1二、按要求写词(写出过去式 )say like am are tellcangiveweargogetUSA形 容词)quick(副词)三、翻译为我做新衣服 向那位国王展示新衣服 试穿这些新衣服 聪明的人和愚蠢的人 走过这个城市 非常适合我 在四点半 给我讲一个故事 讲一个句子 仔细思考 下一步是什么 ? 不得不 (必须)回家在狮子房子的前面 对。愤怒 这只狗对我不错 照顾我妹妹 变成一个王子 住在森林里 四、选择()..9.look after.The new clothestoo dirty.Helen walked through the scho

2、ol beautiful girl she is!The boy pointed him and laughed.I a card my good friends.me an interesting story.A. wasB. isJackhis new dress. A.Each student (say) one sentence.It's turn to sing.My father is ill. I have tohim. I canC. wereB. on C. in( ) 10. 五、适当形式填空Jack was. He couldn'tgo to school

3、.AA. HowB. What inC. up. atB.A.gets, fromB. get, toC. got, fromA.tellB. speakC.toldA.sayB.saysC.sayingA.she's B.her C.shet work now.A.look atB.look for CA.sickB.foolishC.funnywear1. What your mother (do) now? She (make) clothes.2. Long long ago, there (be) an old woman and a young girl.3. My par

4、ents (be) very busy last week.4. The boy was very happy, because his father (give) him a lot of money.5. My mother (walk) by the house. He picked a flower.6. My father (want) (tell) you some good news yesterday.7. My sister (can) (draw) pictures when she was 2 years ago.8. Jack (not live) here 2 yea

5、rs ago.9. Yesterday two men (visit) me, but I ( not be) at home.Unit 2、按要求写词(写出过去式 ) go see become fly bring cantake rain buyrain(形容词)cloudy名词)by(同音词)here同音词)三、翻译在十一月五日 在四月三日 一个雨天 骑自行车去公园 一场鹦鹉表演 天气变多云 放风筝高 带一些馄饨来 昨天下雨 又饿又湿 下了一整天雨 带中饭到公园来 新年几乎到了 一_ 起欢呼 发生什么了? 爬上山 野餐 看电影 四、选择() 1.I usually went to the

6、 park car.A.onB.in C. by() 2.It's time me .A. to, tohave lunch.B. for, have lunch C.have lunch.() 3. it rain yesterday? No, it was sunny. A.DidB.Does C.Was() 4. your parents in the classroom? No.A.Were B.AreC.Do() 5.The New Year is here.A.nearB.nearly() 6.We were hungry, because we _have lunch.A

7、.didB. don'tC. didn't() 7.Please hold your kite.A. intoB.ontoC. on() 8. it often windy in spring?A. DoesB. IsC. Do() 9.Last week, it often .A. rainB.rainyC. rained() 10.How'sthe weather in Suzhou in winter? A. It'scool.B.It'scloudy.C. It'scold.五、用所给词的适当形式填空for, toYesterday I

8、(go) to the zoo. There (be) many pandas from Sichuan in the zoo there.Jack (fly) the kites yesterday. But I (not play) with him.The food was bad then. So we(cannot) (eat).It became (rain) yesterday afternoon.It (not rain) here. But it ( rain) yesterday. it (rainy) today? Let me see. Oh, yes. And i&#

9、39;ts(wind) too.It (be) (sun) yesterday.There are (twelve) months in a year. The (twelve) month is December.Unit 3二、按要求写词过去式: come see visitcatch wear giveeatgetare n'isn'tafter反义词)wear同 音词)三、翻译回到学校 访问故宫博物馆 去钓鱼国庆节假期 看见许多有趣的事物 复活节假期和圣诞节假期 举行一次时装表演 对表演很激动 表演顺利吗? 首先,一开始 大雨 那太糟糕了 一条来自海里的鱼 四、选择()

10、 1.Where did you go _ the holiday?A.onB.inC.for() 2.It'stime bed .A.toB.forC.at() 3.We were so excited that party.A.withB.toC.for() 4. great fun!A.WhatB.How() 5.did you come home so early早) ? Because it rain ed.A. Where B. When C. Where()6. Everything very . A. goes, well B. go, well C. goes, go

11、od()7. Where you and where he go? A. did, was B. were, did C. were, was()8. fish is for me? The one in the fridge. A. Where B. What C. Which五、适当形式填空1. Yesterday I ( call) you. But you (be not) at home.2. Yesterday I (go)(fish) with my friends. But I (not catch) any fish.3. My aunt (live) in Shanghai

12、. I (visit) her 2 days ago.4. Jack (want) (help) you this morning. But you(be not) at home.5. What you (do) there yesterday? I (play) football and (do) myhomework with my friends.6. How (be) your holiday? Oh, I (see) a lot and ( do) a lot.7. you (catch) any fish this morning? No, I . But I (catch) a

13、 lot of shoes.8. When you (get) up this morning? I (got) up at seven.9. Why you (not do) your homework? My brother (ask) me to (do)housework with him.10. Helen often (go)(climb) with her brother. But yesterday she (not).Unit 4一、 按要求写词过去式: use read draw write make buytake fly eat ago (反义词) before (反义

14、词) behind (反义词) teachers名词所有格 )radio 复数)三、翻译用电话机给人打电话 使用手机 在任何地方找到我 在网上购物 遍及世界各地 处于度假中 Invent the aeroplane 看窗外 The lessons goes go 拼这个单词 等待答案写_ 一封电子邮件给我 四、 选择1. There a lot of newspapers on the desk.2. I usually watch news the Internet.3. She is listening to the radio the news.th4. What was it yest

15、erday? It was the 1th7 o5. Can you make a sentence “_lesson'?A. isB. wereC. wasA. inB. atC. onA.atB. toC. forOctober.A.dayB. weather C. dateA.withB. for C. to五、用所给词的适当形式填空1. You may use water (clean) the desk.2. 20 years ago she usually (make) friends at school.3. Where he (fly) kites just now? He (fly) kites at school.4. Peter (be) 10 years ago now. He can (write) words very (beautiful). But 8years ago he (cannot) (write).5. When my mo


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