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1、哈尔滨第十七中学哈尔滨第十七中学刘刘 梅梅EEC Grade EightUnit 3Never give up一一 教材分析教材分析二学情分析二学情分析三三 教学目标教学目标四四 重点难点分析重点难点分析五五 教学方法教学方法六六 教学辅助手段教学辅助手段七七 教学设计教学设计八教学反思八教学反思一、教材分析:一、教材分析:教材内容的分析:教材内容的分析:说课的单元是选自初中英语说课的单元是选自初中英语EEC教材八年级上的第三单元。话题内容主要围绕励志人物王教材八年级上的第三单元。话题内容主要围绕励志人物王焕生而展开焕生而展开,主人公幼时残疾导致不能行走,无法完成学业,但却以他从不放弃的精神,

2、坚持主人公幼时残疾导致不能行走,无法完成学业,但却以他从不放弃的精神,坚持不懈地努力,从而取得了成功。通过对本课的学习,使学生理清文章脉络,掌握记叙文的写作不懈地努力,从而取得了成功。通过对本课的学习,使学生理清文章脉络,掌握记叙文的写作方法,引发学生对从不放弃精神的思考。本课在阅读积累的基础上,起到了指导书面表达的作方法,引发学生对从不放弃精神的思考。本课在阅读积累的基础上,起到了指导书面表达的作用。用。教材的地位和作用教材的地位和作用 本课为本单元第二课听说课,它是第一课听说课的扩展和延伸,加强了语句的运用。同时本课为本单元第二课听说课,它是第一课听说课的扩展和延伸,加强了语句的运用。同时


4、阅读写作课,为了扫清阅读障碍,我首先将生词在第一课词汇课中进行了讲解,第二课进行了重点语法课的教学,第三课是听说课,我将阅读与写一课词汇课中进行了讲解,第二课进行了重点语法课的教学,第三课是听说课,我将阅读与写作课安排在第四课进行,这样阅读时,不用讲解知识点和语法,利于学生从整体上了解文章。作课安排在第四课进行,这样阅读时,不用讲解知识点和语法,利于学生从整体上了解文章。便于学生积累阅读材料,分析写作方法,更加有利于培养学生寻找阅读信息的能力,为更好的便于学生积累阅读材料,分析写作方法,更加有利于培养学生寻找阅读信息的能力,为更好的语言输出做准备。语言输出做准备。一一 教材分析教材分析 本课的

5、人物贴近学生实际生活,以写人叙事为主,内容本课的人物贴近学生实际生活,以写人叙事为主,内容浅显易懂。学生经过了两年的英语学习,积累了一定的英浅显易懂。学生经过了两年的英语学习,积累了一定的英语阅读技巧,因此在词汇和阅读等方面困难较小。但由于语阅读技巧,因此在词汇和阅读等方面困难较小。但由于部分学生语言积累较为缺乏,没有形成英语式的语言思维,部分学生语言积累较为缺乏,没有形成英语式的语言思维,综合运用能力不强,因而在写作方面难度较大。综合运用能力不强,因而在写作方面难度较大。 八年级的学生抽象思维能力已经形成,个性也已基本形八年级的学生抽象思维能力已经形成,个性也已基本形成。他们的社会化程度较以

6、往有所加深。环境对他们仍然成。他们的社会化程度较以往有所加深。环境对他们仍然有很大的影响。自制力、自觉性、独立分析问题的能力有有很大的影响。自制力、自觉性、独立分析问题的能力有所提高,但注意力仍易分散。如果他们对一件事物产生极所提高,但注意力仍易分散。如果他们对一件事物产生极大的兴趣,他们就会排除主观和客观的消极因素,全身心大的兴趣,他们就会排除主观和客观的消极因素,全身心地投入到知识的学习中去。地投入到知识的学习中去。二二 学情分析学情分析三三 教学目标教学目标语言技能目标:语言技能目标:学习策略目标:学习策略目标:文化意识和情感目标:文化意识和情感目标:通过阅读,学生对主人公敬佩的同时通过

7、阅读,学生对主人公敬佩的同时,也有想要做一个和他一样的为了自也有想要做一个和他一样的为了自己的梦想永不放弃的人。己的梦想永不放弃的人。通过本节课的学习,大部分学生能熟练朗读课文,能掌握记叙文的六通过本节课的学习,大部分学生能熟练朗读课文,能掌握记叙文的六要素并能仿照课文结构,写出相关话题的记叙文。要素并能仿照课文结构,写出相关话题的记叙文。在理解文章内容的前提下,学会根据文章标题和相关信息获取信息的策在理解文章内容的前提下,学会根据文章标题和相关信息获取信息的策略;略;80%的学生能运用运用的学生能运用运用skimming和和scanning,捕捉,捕捉the main idea,发现,发现

8、the key points; 进而能就文章内容进行问答,正确率应不进而能就文章内容进行问答,正确率应不低于低于75%。四四 重点难点分析重点难点分析教学重点:教学重点:1.理解课文含义和文章结构的分析。2.阅读方法及语言知识的积累,记叙文 写作方法的构建。教学难点:教学难点:语言的流畅输出,书面表达。五五 教学方法教学方法1.1.任务型教学和探究式教学相结合。任务型教学和探究式教学相结合。在教学中采用了情景教学法,小组活动教学法和培养提问的方法。在本在教学中采用了情景教学法,小组活动教学法和培养提问的方法。在本课中教师向学生提出富有启发性的问题,制造悬念,创设问题情境。例如,课中教师向学生提

9、出富有启发性的问题,制造悬念,创设问题情境。例如,在在lead-in环节,教师设问环节,教师设问What do you think of this athlete?让同学们自让同学们自由发挥,并让同学们彼此之间相互纠正错误,真正发挥了学生的主体作用,由发挥,并让同学们彼此之间相互纠正错误,真正发挥了学生的主体作用,也激发了学生的学习兴趣。也激发了学生的学习兴趣。2.探究与小组合作相结合。探究与小组合作相结合。新课程要求在教学过程中培养学生的各种能力。实现学习方式的改变,新课程要求在教学过程中培养学生的各种能力。实现学习方式的改变,倡导探究学习、研究性学习是新课程理念下教学改革的一个重要特征。引

10、倡导探究学习、研究性学习是新课程理念下教学改革的一个重要特征。引导学生自主、合作、探究是提升学生能力的有效手段,同时也为学生间交导学生自主、合作、探究是提升学生能力的有效手段,同时也为学生间交流和互补提供了平台流和互补提供了平台.教学中的教学中的scanning环节中采取探究与小组合作相结合环节中采取探究与小组合作相结合的方式让学生一问一答完成任务。的方式让学生一问一答完成任务。六六 教学辅助手段教学辅助手段录音机、电脑多媒体录音机、电脑多媒体七七 教学设计教学设计请观看视频请观看视频 What do you think of him?设计意图设计意图引出书中的主人公王焕生,引出书中的主人公王

11、焕生,引出新课。引出新课。 What is the character like? succeedkeep up withquiteducationabilityhandicap e a q k knowledge from learninga problem with body or mindhave the same abilitya thing a person can dostoppeddo the thing he or she wants to do s hWang Huansheng设计意图设计意图迅速了解文章主人公的迅速了解文章主人公的同时为阅读扫清词汇障同时为阅读扫清词汇障碍

12、,掌握生词从而导入碍,掌握生词从而导入新课。激发学生探究兴趣。新课。激发学生探究兴趣。What happened to Wang Huansheng?When he was 7 years old he became ill.ScanningAnswer the question设计意图设计意图帮助学生通过略读文章,帮助学生通过略读文章,概括文章大意。概括文章大意。Wanghuanshenggot good gradessucceededmiddle schoolonline schoolhard to studytoo expensivefree classesbecame good atc

13、ant walkgoing to schoolis difficultskimmingFill in the form with words in the text.7 years oldhandicapnever give upget private teacherusing the computerWhatHowWhereWhenWhoWhyQAWho is Wang huansheng ?_did he go to study?Online school_did he become ill?7 years oldWhy did he succeed?Never give upHow di

14、d he spend in online school?Using a computerWhat happened to him when he was seven years old?handicapWang huashengWhereWhenFill in the blanksCharacterPlaceTimeCauseCourse ResultEvent设计意图设计意图引导学生根据文章完整表格信息引导学生根据文章完整表格信息所体现出的记叙文六要素,所体现出的记叙文六要素,让学生判断本文文体让学生判断本文文体记叙文记叙文the style of the passage:+=+Narrat

15、ionRead and matchParagraph 1. A. Through it become harder for him to study, he didnt quitParagraph2. B. He took lessons online and learned different computer skillsParagraph 3. C. When he was seven years old he became ill and lost the ability to walk Paragraph 4 D.Thanks to his never- give- up attit

16、ude, he succeeded 设计意图设计意图通过对文章段落的分析,理清通过对文章段落的分析,理清文章脉络。在进一步理解文章的文章脉络。在进一步理解文章的同时让学生掌握按时间顺序同时让学生掌握按时间顺序记叙事情描写人物的记叙手法记叙事情描写人物的记叙手法 Wang Huansheng is a young man with a handicap. He uses a wheelchair because he cant walk. When he was seven years old, he became ill. He lost the ability to walk. At fir

17、st, he tried to go to school like everyone else. But it was hard for him to travel to and from school. Then, when he started middle school, it became harder and harder for him to keep up with his classmates. But he didnt quit studying for his classes. He was not going to give up. People thought that

18、 he should get a private teacher. But a private teacher was too expensive. Wang Huanshengs mother looked at a newspaper one day and saw information about online schools. The family bought a computer, and Wang Huansheng began to take classes online. The Beijing Online School let him study for free. T

19、he school also helped him with his classes. He learned different computer skills, like how to use e-mail and the Internet. He became very good at using the computer. Wang Huansheng worked hard. His mother was happy because he got good grades in his subjects. He could not have finished school without

20、 the online school. Thanks to computers, he could not have finished school without the online school. Thanks to computers, he got a good education. Thanks to his “never-give-up” attitude, he succeeded. Never Give Up!EndingBeginningTitleBodyNever Give Up! Wang Huansheng is a young man with a handicap

21、. He uses a wheelchair because he cant walk. When he was seven years old, he became ill. He lost the ability to walk. At first, he tried to go to school like everyone else. But it was hard for him to travel to and from school. Then, when he started middle school, it became harder and harder for him

22、to keep up with his classmates. But he didnt quit studying for his classes. He was not going to give up. People thought that he should get a private teacher. But a private teacher was too expensive. Wang Huanshengs mother looked at a newspaper one day and saw information about online schools. The fa

23、mily bought a computer, and Wang Huansheng began to take classes online. The Beijing Online School let him study for free. The school also helped him with his classes. He learned different computer skills, like how to use e-mail and the Internet. He became very good at using the computer. Wang Huans

24、heng worked hard. His mother was happy because he got good grades in his subjects. He could not have finished school without the online school. Thanks to computers, he could not have finished school without the online school. Thanks to computers, he got a good education. Thanks to his “never-give-up

25、” attitude, he succeeded. Never Give Up!EndingBeginningTitleBody Wang Huansheng is a young man with a handicap. He uses a wheelchair because he cant walk. When he was seven years old, he became ill. He lost the ability to walk. At first, he tried to go to school like everyone else. But it was hard f

26、or him to travel to and from school.When he was seven years old, 人物描写:姓名,年龄,身份,状况人物描写:姓名,年龄,身份,状况 Wang Huansheng is a young man with a handicap. He uses a wheelchair because he cant walk. When he was seven years old, he became ill. He lost the ability to walk. At first, he tried to go to school like

27、 everyone else. But it was hard for him to travel to and from school. Then, when he started middle school, it became harder and harder for him to keep up with his classmates. But he didnt quit studying for his classes. He was not going to give up. People thought that he should get a private teacher.

28、 But a private teacher was too expensive. Wang Huanshengs mother looked at a newspaper one day and saw information about online schools. The family bought a computer, and Wang Huansheng began to take classes online. The Beijing Online School let him study for free. The school also helped him with hi

29、s classes. He learned different computer skills, like how to use e-mail and the Internet. He became very good at using the computer. Wang Huansheng worked hard. His mother was happy because he got good grades in his subjects. He could not have finished school without the online school. Thanks to com

30、puters, he could not have finished school without the online school. Thanks to computers, he got a good education. Thanks to his “never-give-up” attitude, he succeeded. Never Give Up!EndingBeginningTitleBody Then, when he started middle school, it became harder and harder for him to keep up with his

31、 classmates. But he didnt quit studying for his classes. He was not going to give up. People thought that he should get a private teacher. But a private teacher was too expensive. Wang Huanshengs mother looked at a newspaper one day and saw information about online schools. The family bought a compu

32、ter, and Wang Huansheng began to take classes online. The Beijing Online School let him study for free. The school also helped him with his classes. He learned different computer skills, like how to use e-mail and the Internet. He became very good at using the computer.人物描写:行动,爱好人物描写:行动,爱好 Wang Huan

33、sheng is a young man with a handicap. He uses a wheelchair because he cant walk. When he was seven years old, he became ill. He lost the ability to walk. At first, he tried to go to school like everyone else. But it was hard for him to travel to and from school. Then, when he started middle school,

34、it became harder and harder for him to keep up with his classmates. But he didnt quit studying for his classes. He was not going to give up. People thought that he should get a private teacher. But a private teacher was too expensive. Wang Huanshengs mother looked at a newspaper one day and saw info

35、rmation about online schools. The family bought a computer, and Wang Huansheng began to take classes online. The Beijing Online School let him study for free. The school also helped him with his classes. He learned different computer skills, like how to use e-mail and the Internet. He became very go

36、od at using the computer. Wang Huansheng worked hard. His mother was happy because he got good grades in his subjects. He could not have finished school without the online school. Thanks to computers, he could not have finished school without the online school. Thanks to computers, he got a good edu

37、cation. Thanks to his “never-give-up” attitude, he succeeded. Never Give Up!EndingBeginningTitleBody Wang Huansheng worked hard. His mother was happy because he got good grades in his subjects. He could not have finished school without the online school. Thanks to computers, he could not have finish

38、ed school without the online school. Thanks to computers, he got a good education. Thanks to his “never-give-up” attitude, he succeeded. 人物描写:品质人物描写:品质Guide Writing人物描写:姓名,年龄,身份,状况人物描写:姓名,年龄,身份,状况人物描写:行动,爱好人物描写:行动,爱好人物描写:品质人物描写:品质Wang Huansheng worked hard.Thanks to his “never-give-up” attitude, he

39、succeeded.He was not going to give up.Wang Huansheng began to take classes online.He learned different computer skillsHe became very good at using the computer.Wang Huansheng is a young man with a handicap.When he was seven years old, he became ill.He lost the ability to walk.设计意图设计意图引导学生如何介绍人物。引导学生

40、如何介绍人物。为英语写作做准备为英语写作做准备Filling the blanks A boy _ Wang Huansheng is a handicaped student.At the of sevenhe became ill, and lost the ability to walkWhen he started middle schoolHe was not to going to quit .One day 2 .His mother saw information let him study for free.When he study at online schoolHe c

41、an the computer.In the endHe succeedednamedagestudyingwhichuse 设计设计意图意图通过寻读的方式深入通过寻读的方式深入理解文章,同时进行中理解文章,同时进行中 考阅读表达题型考阅读表达题型链接链接 At the age of sevenWhen he started middle schoolOne dayWhen he study at online school?In the end 设计设计意图意图让学生掌握文章脉络是让学生掌握文章脉络是按时间顺序叙事的按时间顺序叙事的 Time让我们根据时间线索,参照关键词描写邓亚萍这样一个永

42、不放弃的人Writing practice Yong womanFirstShort Successful Olympic Never stop training Championship Table tennis Disappointed设计意图设计意图这一环节的设计目的是通过有效的这一环节的设计目的是通过有效的写作训练来达到对本课所学知识写作训练来达到对本课所学知识的自然应用,提高学生的综合运用的自然应用,提高学生的综合运用语言能力。语言能力。 Summary 设计意图设计意图总结形成知识模块为继续总结形成知识模块为继续学习打下基础。学习打下基础。We learned:1 The key to the success2 How to write narrationHomeworkA: If you are good, you can recite the text, and finish the competition.B: If you are better, you can write something about a person who ha


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