



1、Unit 2 My familyPart B Lets learn 教学内容:人教版第二单元My family,具体为介绍类话题,介绍自己的家人。教学目标: 知识目标: 了解认识家庭成员的英语说法:sister ,brother,grandmother(grandma),grandfather(grandpa)理解和掌握句型:This is my 能力目标:能熟练的运用句型This is my 介绍自己的家人。情感目标:All the family, help each other.教学重难点: 重点:运用句型:This is my 向别人介绍自己的家庭成员。难点:区分grandmother/

2、grandfather/ brother/ sister。教学准备:课件、照片。教学过程Step1、Warm- up and Lead-in1.GreetingT:Hello,boys and girls.Nice to meet you.Ss:-T:Yes, Im your new teacher. Im Tina. May I know your names? Whos this boy?Ss : Im_. This is_.2. Lets chant. Ss chant it together. After it ,teacher points to the picture and as

3、k :”Whos this man/woman/boy?”Leads students answer:”This is father/-.” T: “So they are a family.” Lead students to read family several times.(设计意图:通过chant复习旧知,并为导入新课做铺垫。)Lead -in :Today Mike also wants to introduce his family to us. Lets go and see.(设计意图:设置情境Mike想向我们介绍他的家人,让我们一起去看看吧。以此为切入点,导入本课新知。)S

4、tep2、Presentation1、 Present Mikes family tree. Point to the pictures and ask:”Whos this boy/-?” one by one.Lead students answer:”sister, brother,grandmother,grandfather.”2、 After students answer,teacher ask students to read the words after the tape. Then read the sentences “This is my _.”after the t

5、eacher in groups ,after that have individuals read the sentences.(设计意图:通过Mike家的family tree学习生词,一目了然,学生能轻易明白单词的意思。在教授句型This is my_句型时,教师将自己当成Mike,教授此句型,没有脱离情境,这为后来孩子们介绍自己家人时做了铺垫。)Step3、Practice I. Do you remember Mikes family?1.Listen and choose ( ) or ( ).2.Listen and put all the sentences in right

6、order. (设计意图:在此部分,我设计了两个听力练习。第一个听力练习是听录音,看图片,看图片与听力内容是否相符,相符的划 ,不相符的划 。设计这个练习的目的是看学生是否能音、图结合,复习所学新知。第二个听力练习是听音,排序。设计目的为音、形结合,两个练习层层递进,这对于三年级的课堂是很有必要的,遵循“听、说、读”的规律。)II. Pair-work.If you are XiaoXin, XiaoWanzi, XiongDa, or XiaoHuihui,can you introduce your family to your partner? You can make a dialog

7、 like this. A: Hi, Im XiaoXin. Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,too.A:Look!This is my family.B:Whos this woman?A:This is my mother.B:Whos this man?A:This is my father. -(设计意图:让学生假扮自己感兴趣的卡通人物,并介绍家人给同桌,学生非常感兴趣,通过这个活动,学生进一步熟悉了句型:This is my -.)StepIV、Production Have students take out their family pho

8、to,and introduce their family to classmates. Hi, Im_. This is my family. Look, this is my _, this is my _-, and this is my _.(设计意图:由理论到实际,由输入到输出,真正得将所学知识点和实际相结合,活用知识。)Step V: Enjoy the viedo tell students to help each other in a family. “ All the family, help each other.”(设计意图:通过视频欣赏,让孩子们学会爱自己的家人,并和

9、家人之间互相帮助,同时为后面的Lets chant做铺垫。)Step VI: Lets chant. Step VII: Revision Review all the words and the sentences.Step VIII: Homework 1. Read the words and the sentences fluently. 2. Introduce your family after class.Board Design: Unit 2 My family Hi, Im Mike. This is my familyThis is my sister.This is my brother.This is my grandmother.This is my gran


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