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1、内装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_外装订线绝密·启用前2019-2020学年山东省临沂市沂水县人教PEP版五年级下册期末测试英语试卷题号一二三四五六总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、选择题1.找出下列单词中划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(1)AmotherBthreeCthatDthere(2)AyoungBsingCthingDtrunk(3)AgrapeBbrownCgrowDgreen(4)AbreadBteachCeachDseason(5)AwhenBwhatCwhoDwhich2.Hi, Amy

2、. Is that blue shirt _? ( )No, my shirt is yellow.AyourByoursChis3.When is Father's Day? ( )It's on the third _ in June.AFridayBWednesdayCSunday4.Youre so cool! Can you teach me? ( ) _!AGood ideaBGood jobCSure5.Tell me when Children's Day comes. ( )It's _ June 1st.AatBinCon6._ do you

3、 eat dinner? ( )I usually eat dinner _ eight o' clock.AWhere; atBWhen; inCWhen; at7.Are they playing football in the park? ( )_AYes, they are.BNo, they don't.CYes, they can.8._ English book is that? ( )It's Zhang Ming's.AWhenBWhatCWhose9.It's _ o'clock now. He's _ like a

4、rabbit. ( )Athree; eatBthird; eatingCthree; eating10.Can we walk on the bridge? ( )OK. _ATake turns.BKeep to the right.CTalk quietly.11.谚语“半瓶水响叮当。”用英语这样表达:( )ALet sleeping dogs lie.BThe early bird catches the worm.CIt's the empty can that makes the most noise.评卷人得分二、连词成句12.this the trip is year

5、when (?)_13.a often winter snowman make in I (.)_14.What the is little doing monkey (?)_15.do what on you weekend do the (?)_16.birthday is 11th March my on (.)_评卷人得分三、匹配题A. No, it's walking near the tree.B. I often play ping-pong.C. They're Sarah's.D. It's on April third.E. Take tur

6、ns.17.Whose rabbits are these? _18.We are playing a game. _19.What do you do on Sundays? _20.When is Grandpa's birthday? _21.Is the pink bird flying? _评卷人得分四、填空题22.These books are _ (我们的). That book is _ (她的).23.We often _ a _ class (上舞蹈课) with my friends.24.Is your mother's birthday on _ _

7、(十一月三日)?Yes, it is. That's my uncle's birthday, too.25.What are those children doing?They are _ water (正在喝水) under the tree now.26.Why do you like _ (秋天) best?Because I can _ _ (摘苹果) and paint beautiful pictures.评卷人得分五、阅读理解There are four seasons in a year. I can do different (不同的) things in

8、different seasons. In spring, it's warm and sunny. I always fly kites with my friend John. Sometimes I watch TV at home. Summer is sunny and hot. I can go swimming. I like ice cream, but I can't eat it every day. Autumn is a beautiful season. Because there are many fruits and vegetables. The

9、 farmers are very busy all day. In winter, it's cold and snowy. When it snows, the world becomes white. We can play in the snow and make a snowman.27.It's sunny and warm in spring. _28.I always fly kites with my father in spring. _29.I like summer because I can eat ice cream every day. _30.T

10、he farmers are busy in autumn. _31.We can play in the snow in winter. _Today is May 21st. Mike goes to school at seven a.m. He sees a new restaurant near his school. There is a card on its door. "Is your birthday today? Free (免费的) dinner for you and your friends!" Mike wants to have a free

11、 dinner. But his birthday is on July 20th. Then he goes to the classroom and asks his friends, “Is your birthday today, Amy?” “No, my birthday is on March 11th.” "Is your birthday today, John?” “No, my birthday is on May 24th.” “Is your birthday today, Oliver?” Oliver is happy and says, “Yes! Y

12、ou remember (记得) my birthday!" Mike is happy, too. Mike says, “lets have a big birthday dinner after school.”32.Mike goes to school at _. ( )A7:00 a.m.B8: 00 a.m.C7:30 a.m.33.There is a new _ near Mike's school. ( )AshopBrestaurantCschool34.Mike's birthday is on _. ( )AMarch 11thBMay 21

13、stCJuly 20th35._ birthday is on May 24th. ( )AMary'sBJohn'sCOliver's36.Does Mike remember Oliver's birthday? ( )_AYes, he does.BNo, he doesn't.CYes, he is.评卷人得分六、书面表达37.现在是星期六中午10点,仔细观察图片,看看图中的人物和动物们正在干什么,快来写一写吧。(不少于5句话,必须包含以下5个要点!)1. Lily 2. The boys 3. Jack 4. The pandas 5. The

14、 lion_参考答案1.(1)B(2)D(3)B(4)A(5)C【解析】(1)该题选项ACD划线部分发音均为/ð/;选项B划线部分发音为/;所以B不同,故选B。(2)该题选项ABC划线部分发音均为/;选项D划线部分发音为/k/;所以D不同,故选D。(3)该题选项ACD划线部分发音均为/gr/;选项B划线部分发音为/br/;所以B不同,故选B。(4)该题选项BCD划线部分发音均为/i:/;选项A划线部分发音为/e/;所以A不同,故选A。(5)该题选项ABD划线部分发音均为/w/;选项C划线部分发音为/h/;所以C不同,故选C。2.B【解析】句意:嗨,艾米。那条蓝色裙子是_?不,我的裙子

15、是黄色的。横线后面没有名词,该空应填名词性物主代词。根据句意,可知该空含义为你的,名词性物主代词为yours。故选B。3.C【解析】句意:父亲节是什么时候?在六月的第三个_。根据常识,可知父亲节在六月的第三个星期日。A星期五,B星期三,C星期日。C选项符合,故选C。4.C【解析】该对话含义为“你太酷了!可以教我吗?_!” A. Good idea好主意!B. Good job做的好!C. Sure当然!C符合题意,故选C。5.C【解析】句意:告诉我儿童节什么时候到。在六月一日。本题考查时间介词的用法,at用于某一时刻,in用于年、月、季节,on用于具体某一天。根据句意可知此处是指具体的一天,所

16、以用on。故选C。6.C【解析】句意:你_吃晚餐?我通常_8点吃晚餐。根据答语,可知问句问时间,用when提问。在几点,用at+时刻表示。故选C。7.A【解析】句意:他们正在公园里踢足球吗?_本题考查系动词引导的一般疑问句的回答,由句意可知主语是they,系动词是are。所以其肯定回答为:Yes, they are.,否定回答为:No, they aren't.。A选项符合句意及语法;B选项是助动词do引导的一般疑问句的否定回答;C选项是情态动词can引导的一般疑问句的肯定回答。故选A。8.C【解析】句意:那是谁的英语书?是张明的。A选项什么时候,对时间进行提问;B选项什么,对物品进行


18、知C选项符合题意,故选C。12.When is the trip this year?【解析】this这、这个,the trip旅行,is系动词,year年,when什么时候,根据所给的问号可知是一个疑问句。根据所给词义可以连成句子:今年的旅行是什么时候?故答案为When is the trip this year?13.I often make a snowman in winter.#In winter I often make a snowman.【解析】make a snowman堆雪人,often经常,I我,winter冬天,in在,根据所给的句号可知句子是一个陈述句。根据所给词义可

19、以连成句子:我经常在冬天堆雪人。故答案为I often make a snowman in winter.14.What is the little monkey doing?【解析】What什么,is是,little小的,doing动词现在分词,monkey猴子,根据所给的问号,可知句子是一个疑问句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:那个小猴子在干什么?故答案为What is the little monkey doing?15.What do you do on the weekend?【解析】略16.My birthday is on March 11th.【解析】birthday生日,is是,

20、on March 11th在3月11日,my我的。根据句号,可知该句为陈述句。根据词义可连成句子:我的生日在3月11日。故答案为My birthday is on March 11th.17.C18.E19.B20.D21.A【解析】(1)句意:这些兔子是谁的?答语应说兔子的主人。C选项它们是莎拉的,符合语境,故选C。(2)句意:我们在玩游戏。E选项轮流玩,符合语境,故选E。(3)句意:你星期天做什么?答语应说做的事情。B选项我经常打乒乓球,符合语境。故选B。(4)句意:祖父/外祖父的生日是什么时候?答语应说日期,D选项在四月三日,符合语境。故选D。(5)句意:粉红色的鸟在飞吗?一般疑问句用y

21、es或no回答。A选项不,它在树附近散步。符合语境,故选A。22.     ours     hers【解析】句意:这些书是我们的。那本书是她的。横线后没有名词,应该用名词性物主代词。我们的,用名词性物主代词ours表示。她的,用名词性物主代词hers表示。故答案为ours,hers。23.     take#have     dancing【解析】句意:我们经常和朋友们一起上舞蹈课。上舞蹈课用动词短语take/have a danci

22、ng class表示,dancing是动名词。根据often可知句子为一般现在时态,主语We是第三人称复数,take用动词原形。故答案为take/have;dancing。24.     November     3rd【解析】句意:你妈妈的生日在十一月三日吗?是的,它是。那也是我叔叔的生日。根据释义可知该空应填写日期。日期用月份+序数词表示,序数词一般用简写。November十一月,3rd三日。故答案为November;3rd。25.drinking【解析】句意:那些孩子们在做什么?他们现在正在树下喝水。根据问句

23、,可知句子为现在进行时态,be doing结构。喝水用动词drink表示,drink的现在分词为drinking。故答案为drinking。26.     autumn#fall     pick     apples【解析】句意:为什么你最喜欢秋天?因为我可以摘苹果画漂亮的画。根据所给单词释义可知第一个空应填autumn/fall秋天,作为名词秋天时通常为不可数名词;第二个和第三个空为动词短语pick apples,can后接动词原形所以用pick,此处苹果为种类不是单指一

24、个苹果,所以要用复数apples。故答案为autumn/fall;pick;apples。27.T28.F29.F30.T31.T【解析】本文讲述了一年四季以及在不同季节的活动。(1)句意:春天晴朗而温暖。根据In spring, it's warm and sunny.可知春天晴朗而温暖。故答案为T。(2)句意:春天我经常跟我的爸爸一起放风筝。根据I always fly kites with my friend John.可知我经常跟我的朋友约翰一起放风筝。故答案为F。(3)句意:我喜欢夏天,因为我可以每天吃冰激凌。根据I like ice cream, but I can'

25、;t eat it every day.可知我喜欢吃冰激凌,但我不能每天都吃。故答案为F。(4)句意:秋天农民们很忙碌。根据Autumn is a beautiful season. Because there are many fruits and vegetables.The farmers are very busy all day.可知秋天是美丽的季节,因为有很多果蔬,农民们整天都很忙。故答案为T。(5)句意:冬天我可以在雪地里玩。根据We can play in the snow and make a snowman.可知我们可以在雪地里玩,可以堆雪人。故答案为T。32.A33.B34.C35.B36.B【解析】本文讲述了迈克想要得到免费晚餐的故事。(1)句意:迈克_去上学。根据Mike goes to school at seven a.m.可知迈克7点去上学。故选A。(2)句意:迈克的学校附近有一个新的_。根据He sees a new restaurant near his school.可知他看到学校附近有一个新饭店。A商店,B饭店,C学校。B选项符合,故选B。(


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