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1、内装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_外装订线绝密·启用前2019-2020学年山东省济南市历下区人教PEP版六年级下册期末测试英语试卷题号一二三四五六七八总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、选择题1.Read and choose. (选出不同类的单词。)(1)AlowerBshortClongerDhotter(2)AranBfeltClaughDgot(3)AcheetahBduckCmuleDmagazine(4)AyesterdayBtomorrowClast weekendDlast night(5)Ah

2、aveBthoughtCwatchedDmade2.There _ many trees in the park before. ( )AwasBareCwere3.What did Amy do the day before yesterday? ( )She _.Ais going to take a tripBwent boatingCgoes swimming4.I played the violin _. ( )Alast MondayBon weekendsCnext week5.Tell me _ your new school. ( )AatBlikeCabout6.The g

3、rapes wont be ready _ August. ( )AnearBtillCat7.One meter is _ centimeter. ( )A10B100C10008.My mother _ me a new bike on my next birthday. ( )AbuysBwill buyCbought9.Driving is _ than _. ( )Afast; walkBfaster; walkCfaster; walking10.Sam is 160 cm tall. Ted is 10 cm shorter than him. How tall is Ted?

4、( )A150 cmB160 cmC170 cm11._ your sister _ your grandma yesterday? ( )ADoes; visitedBDid; visitCDid; visited评卷人得分二、单词拼写12.happy (比较级) _13.big (比较级) _14.have (第三人称单数) _15.smaller (反义词) _16.sit (过去式) _17.fix (过去式) _18.sun (形容词) _19.hurt (过去式) _20.thin (比较级) _21.well (比较级) _评卷人得分三、填空题22.Your feet are _

5、 (big) than _ (my).23.Sam _ (not feel) well last night.24.My mother _ _ (look young) than my aunt.25.Before, I _ (am) short, so I _ (cant) ride my bike well.26.Yesterday Amy didnt _ (go) to school. She _ (go) to the park.评卷人得分四、补全对话Sue: Hi. Eric. How was your weekend?Eric: Weekend? 27.Sue: What was

6、wrong?Eric: 28. Did you have a nice weekend?Sue: Yes, I did. It was great.Eric: 29.Sue: 30. It was wonderful.Eric: 31.Sue: Yes, I cleaned my room and listened to music.AWhat did you do?BIt was too bad.CI had a bad cold and slept.DDid you do anything else?EI watched a basketball match.评卷人得分五、句型转转32.T

7、he beach was beautiful. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the beach?33.Wu Yifan is 56 kilograms. John is 60 kilograms. (合并成一句话)John is_WuYifan.34.Sarah saw a film last weekend. (改为否定句) Sarah _ _ a film last weekend.35.Amy ate fresh food yesterday. (用every day改写句子) Amy _ fresh _ every day.36.We went to Qingdao by train.

8、 (对划线部分提问) _ did you _ to Qingdao?评卷人得分六、阅读理解Hi! Im Jenny. Last Saturday I went to Jinan to see my uncle and aunt. I went there by bus. I got to Jinan at about 10:00 in the morning. Then my cousin Tony and I took a taxi to Daming Lake. We went there quickly because my uncle is the taxi driver. We ro

9、wed (划) the boat on the lake. It was a hot day. The sun was shining in the sky. We felt hot and hungry. We sat under a big tree and had our lunch. Tony saw a fish in the lake. So we fed (喂养) the fish with bread. More and more fish swam to us and opened their mouths. We were very happy that day.37.Je

10、nnys aunt lives in Jinan. _38.Jenny went to the Daming Lake by train. _39.Jennys uncle is a taxi driver. _40.They had lunch on the lake. _41.They fed fish with bread. _Swimming is very popular in summer. People like swimming because water makes them feel cool. But swimming may not be safe. These yea

11、rs, more than ten people died (死亡) in this city when they were enjoying in the water and most of them were students. But many people are still not careful (小心的) in swimming. They often think they swim very well, so nothing can happen to them in water. Summer comes again. If you go swimming, dont for

12、get that better swimmers have died in water. They died because they were not careful, not because they were not good at swimming. So dont get into water when you are alone. If there is a “No Swimming” sign, dont get into water. If you remember all these, swimming will be safer.42.Swimming is _. ( )A

13、a very safe sportBa very scared sportCnot a very safe sport43.We _. ( )Aare not safe if we swim in a swimming poolBcan swim in any placeCshould not swim in any wrong places44.Which is right? ( )AAll people should be careful when swimming.BMost of the students died in water.COnly students died in wat

14、er.45.Even if you are good at swimming, you _ in water. ( )Awill not dieBmay dieCshouldnt be careful46.If we are careful, _. ( )Awe will be safer in waterBwe will not be safer in waterCwe cannot swim in water评卷人得分七、任务型阅读There is a park near my house. Three years ago, it was small. Now, it is very bi

15、g. There is a lake in the park. Before, the water was dirty. People didnt like it. Now, the water is clean. Many people like to go boating on the lake. Some people like to fish in the lake. I like to walk in the park. Before, there were many tall trees. Now, there are more trees, grass and flowers.

16、They are beautiful. Many children like to play in the park. There are many people doing exercise in the park in the morning. I like the park. BeforeNowThe park was / is47.48.The water in the lake was / is49.50.There were / are51.trees, grass and flowers评卷人得分八、书面表达52.去年暑假,你去了哪里玩耍呢?是和谁一起去的?怎样去的?你们一定做了

17、很多有趣的事吧!玩得开心吗?请你以Last Summer Holiday为题,写一篇小短文,介绍一下你的暑假。 (注意时态,不少于五句话。) Last Summer Holiday_参考答案1.(1)B(2)C(3)D(4)B(5)A【解析】(1)A.更低,B.矮的,C.更长,D.更热,ACD是比较级,B是原级,所以B不同,故选B。(2)A.跑,B.感觉,C.大笑,C.收到,ABD是动词过去式,C是动词原形。所以C不同,故选C。(3)A.猎豹,B.鸭子,C.骡子,D.杂志,ABC是动物,D是书,所以D不同,故选D。(4)A.昨天,B.明天,C.上个周末,D.昨天晚上,ACD表示的是过去的时间。

18、B表示的是将来的, 所以B不同,故选B。(5)A.你有,B.想,C看,D.做,BCD是动词过去式,A是动词原形,所以A不同,故选A。2.C【解析】句意:之前在公园里有很多树。句子时态为一般过去时。there be句型,trees是复数,所以是were,故选C。3.B【解析】句意:Amy前天做了什么?The day before yesterday是一般过去时。所以当句中也要用一般过去时,A是一般将来,B是一般过去时,C是一般现在时。故选B。4.A【解析】句意:我_拉小提琴。选项A上周一,选项B在周末,选项C下周。根据动词过去式played可知句子是一般过去时,时间状语last Monday符合

19、题意,故选A。5.C【解析】句意:跟我说说你的新学校。at介词,在某处。like介词,像。about介词,关于。根据句意,可知该空应填关于。C选项符合。故选C。6.B【解析】句意:葡萄要到八月份才熟。near附近的;till用于否定句中,与否定词搭配,意为直到才;at在;根据句意,故选B。7.B【解析】句意为:1米等于100厘米。centimeter厘米。故选B。8.B【解析】句意:我的妈妈在我的下一个生日给我买一个新的自行车。next表示一般将来时,所以是wil buy,故选B。9.C【解析】句意:开车比走路要快。than表示比较,所以是用比较级faster,than是介词,后接动名词wal



22、容词,其比较级是不规则变化,better,故答案为better。22.     bigger     mine【解析】句意:你的脚比我的大。根据than,可知该句为比较级结构:形容词比较级+than。big的比较级为bigger。第二个空后面没有名词,应该用my的名词性物主代词形式mine。故答案为bigger;mine。23.didn't feel【解析】句意:山姆昨晚感觉不舒服。时间状语last night(昨晚) 变为否定句借助于助动词did,did not缩写为didn't,后面加动词原形,

23、故答案为didn't feel。24.     looks     younger【解析】句意:我的妈妈比我的阿姨看起来更年轻。主语是第三人称单数,所以动词是looks,than,表示比较。所以用形容词的比较级younger。故答案为looks;younger。25.     was     couldnt【解析】句意:以前,我很矮,所以我不能很好地骑自行车。根据句中的Before,可知句子为一般过去时,主语为I,be动词为am

24、的过去式was,第一空为was;can的过去式为could,否定形式为couldnt,第二空为couldnt,故答案为was;couldnt。26.     go     went【解析】句意:昨天艾米没有去学校。她去了公园。根据Yesterday,可知句子为一般过去时。助动词否定形式didnt后面加动词原形go。第二个空应该用动词过去式went。故答案为go;went。27.B28.C29.A30.E31.D【解析】(1)下句问:怎么了?可知这句说周末不好,B太糟糕了。符合语境,故选B。(2)上句问怎么了,这句回

25、答身体状况,C我得了重感冒,睡觉了。符合语境,故选C。(3)结合选项,可知这句问做什么了,A你做什么了?符合语境,故选A。(4)根据上句可知这句回答做了什么,E我看了一场篮球比赛。符合语境,故选E。(5)下句是用yes回答的,可知这句是一般疑问句,D你还做别的什么了吗?符合语境,故选D。32.     How     was【解析】句意:海滩很漂亮。我先部分是形容词,所以问的是how,海滩怎么样?句子有be动词was,故答案为How;was。33.     heavier&#

26、160;    than【解析】句意:吴一凡56公斤。约翰60公斤。根据句意,可知约翰比吴一凡重。合成一句话,用形容词比较级+than结构。heavy重的,比较级为heavier。故答案为heavier;than。34.     didnt     see【解析】句意:Sarah上周末看了一场电影。就是的时态为一般过去时,所以助动词是did否,定是didn't。动词之后,动词要还原成原形see,故答案为didn't;see。35.   &#

27、160; eats     food【解析】句意:艾米昨天吃了新鲜的食物。everyday改写句子。句子时态为一般现在时。主语是第三人称单数,所以动词是eats,其他还不用变。故答案为eats;food。36.     How     go【解析】句意:我们坐火车去青岛。划线部分是交通工具,所以是how提问,did是助动词,所以后接动词原形go,故答案为How;go。37.T38.F39.T40.F41.T【解析】短文大意:讲述珍妮上个周六去看望济南的叔叔和婶婶的故事。(1)

28、题干句意:珍妮的婶婶住在济南。根据Last Saturday I went to Jinan to see my uncle and aunt.可知题干正确,故答案为T。(2)题干句意:珍妮乘火车去了大明湖。根据Then my cousin Tony and I took a taxi to Daming Lake.可知是乘出租车去了大明湖。故题干错误,故答案为F。(3)题干句意:珍妮的叔叔是一位出租车司机。根据We went there quickly because my uncle is the taxi driver. 可知题干正确,故答案为T。(4)题干句意:他们在湖上吃了午饭。根据

29、We sat under a big tree and had our lunch. 可知是在大树下。故题干错误,故答案为F。(5)题干句意:他们用面包喂鱼了。根据So we fed (喂养) the fish with bread. 可知题干正确,故答案为T。42.C43.C44.A45.B46.A【解析】本文讲述了游泳的安全性问题。(1)句意:游泳是一项不是很安全的运动。根据But swimming may not be safe.可知游泳也许并不安全。A选项一项非常安全的运动,B选项一项非常恐怖的运动,C选项一项不是很安全的运动。C选项符合,故选C。(2)句意:我们不应该在任何错误的地方

30、游泳。根据If there is a “No Swimming” sign, dont get into water.可知如果有“禁止游泳”标志,不要下水。A选项在游泳池游泳不安全。B选项可以在任何地方游泳。C选项不应该在错误的地方游泳。C选项符合,故选C。(3)句意:哪一项是正确的?根据They died because they were not careful, not because they were not good at swimming.可知他们死去是因为他们不小心,不是因为他们不擅长游泳。A选项所有人游泳时都应该小心。B选项大多数学生死在水里。C选项只有学生死在水里。A选项正确,故选A。(4)句意:即使你擅长游泳,你也可能会死在水里。根据If you go swimming, dont forget that better swimmers have died in water.可知如果你去游泳,别忘了更会游泳的人都死在水里了。A选项不会死,B


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