



1、7B Unit 1 Welcome to the unit一、根据中文提示写出单词。1The king and queen usually live in the 宫( 殿 ).2. I hope tha t my (梦想) can come true.3. The (首都 ) of Russia is Moscow.4. We will meet many friends from different parts of the 国( 家 ).5. Which is your (最喜爱的 ) sport? I think basketball.6. This is an 美( 国的 ) boy

2、 in my class. His name is Tom.7. The Greens often have dinner in a 餐( 馆 ) at weekend.8. Which is the (最大的 ) ? The sun, the moon or the earth?9. He gets up too late. He is so 懒(惰 ).10. Beijing is one of the most modern 城( 市 ) in China.二、将合适的答句和问句搭配。( ) 1. What's the capital of the UK?( ) 2. Would

3、 you like to live in your own bedroom?( ) 3. How much is your bunk beds?( ) 4. Would you please ask him to call me back?( ) 5. On Thursday, the eleventh, we'll visit the Palace Museum.( ) 6. Can I take a massage?( ) 7. How many rooms are there in your house?( ) 8. What's your favorite restau

4、rant?( ) 9. Hello. May I speak to Simon, please? ( )10. Where do you usually put the sofa?A. OK, I will.B. That sounds great.C. In the sitting roomD. Yes, thank you.E. London.F. Who's calling?G. 550yuanH. The biggest one.I. Yes,I 'd like to.J. There are four;.7B Unit 1 Reading(1)一、根据句意和中文提示完

5、成句子。1. We live in a small (木质的 ) house.2. China is a great county. The people are very 友_(好的 ) .3. She often climbs a 梯( 子) to get into her house.4. Mr and Mrs Liu live in the (中心) of Nanjing.5. I think this park is very beautiful and (安静的 ).6. Look! There are many people playing on the 海( 滩 ).7. Th

6、ere is a bridge '、' 上面)the river.8. He often (分享) his things with others.9. Tom is only (孩子) . He is very lovely.10. Miss Gao lives next to me. She is my 邻( 居).二、根据课文内容用适当的词填空。Stephen lives in a large in Long Beach, California, the USA. It has rooms. His favourite place is . He can play , re

7、ad and with his t h e re . They love sitting on the floor and look out at the and the .Madee lives in a small in Thailand. She lives with her in a house. The house is a river. She climbs a to get into her house. There are her , her , her three and her livingin the house. She is the child in her fami

8、ly.Neil lives in a house in a town near London. His family and he oftensit in the while his mother . In the evenings,they watch TV in the . His dog sleeps in the .Anna lives in a on a street. It is on the floor. After dinner, they like to andin thesitting room. She a bedroom with her sister. They of

9、ten music in their bedroom. Their neighbours are and they are h e re .7B Unit 1 Reading(2)一、翻译下列词组。1. 和我的朋友聊天2. 住在一间木屋里3. 进入我家4. 做晚饭5. 和分享6. 在的中心7. 住在一条繁忙街道上的公寓里8. 爬梯子9. 我家的第二个孩子10. 往外眺望11. 拥有我自己的房间12. 在起居室里二、将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 西蒙想要了解全世界的人们的居住习惯。Simon to learn homes the world.2. 阳台是斯蒂芬最喜欢的地方。他可以在那儿做游戏,看漫

10、画书或和朋友聊天。 is Stephen's place. He can , comic books or chat friends there.3. 别在上课时向外看。看着黑板。 look in class. the blackboard.4. 树上又很多苹果。他经常爬树去摘苹果。There are apples the trees. He often trees pick them.5. 我骑我自己的自行车上学。I go to school my bike.6. 我喜欢住在饭店隔壁。I like to live a restaurant.7. 安娜和她弟弟同住一个卧室。Anna a

11、 bedroom her brother.8. Lily 住在北京市中心。Lily the of Beijing.7B Unit 1 Vocabulary、根据中文提示完成下列句子。1. This is a木希啲)house.2. Please put these books on the书(架).3. It is very(安静)here. Let'have a rest.4. -Which floor do you live on?-On the十二)floor.5. Our teacher is very友好)to us.6. Can you煮)meals at home?7.

12、Who can爬)a tree like a cat?8. They live in a small(城镇)near the beach.9. Look! Neil is(躺)on his chair.10. We种植)fruit in the southeast of Chi na.11. He likes having淋浴)eveery morning.12. There are some台 灯)in my room.13. There are some books behi nd 手椅).Whose books are they?二、选择合适的单词完成下列句子。ladder, cupbo

13、ard, cushion (靠垫),sink, wardrobe (衣柜),lamp, top, fridge, bathroom, sofa, bookcase, kitchen, garden, bedroom1. The chair is too hard. Give me a, please.2. The shelf is too high. You must use theto get the book.3. Where'smy yellow blouse, Mum?It' in the.4. Please wash the bowls in theand put t

14、hem into the.5. You're so dirty. Please take a shower in the.6. It 'dark here. Turn on theon the table .7. You should keep the ice cream in the.8. The buildi ng is very tall. You can see the whole tow n on thefloor.9. We should buy a newin our big sitti ng room.10. Theis very expe nsive, but

15、 we can put many books in it.11. People sleep in the.12. His father grows flowers and vegetables in the.13. My mother cooks food in the.7B Unit 1Grammar一、选择合适的介词完成下列句子。from, in front of, in to, on, n ext to, at, betwee n, n ear, opposite, at, to, in, from, with, on, un derI. There is a big treemy ho

16、use.2 . Do you like to sitKitty?3. -Where do you put the prin ter?T put itmy desk.4. There is a bookshelfthe wardrobe and my desk.5. I ofte n go to the park because it ismy home.6. The window isthe door. Itsvery big.7. Hello. May I speak to Sim on, please? m calli ngSha nghai.8. They arrived herethe

17、 same time.9. The flats in Beijing are really differentthe ones in Shanghai.10. my parents will take methe Summer Palace on Saturday.II. Does he share a roomhis cousin?12. We sitthe floor cushi ons and look outthe beach and sea.13.1 climb a ladder to getmy house.14. Please put your shoesyour bed.15.

18、 Sim on dressed upwhite trousers.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My teachers are all(frie nd) to us.2. Look! Who(lie) in bed.3. There are many books on these(shelf)4. We use(pri nt) to print thin gs.5. There are two(thousa nd) stude nts in our school.6. Jim lives on the(three) floor.7. There are(twelve) mon ths in

19、 a year.8. The(nine) month is September.9. This ruler isn't min e. It's(she).10. Daniel is in the(live) room now.7B Unit 1 Grammar(2)、写出下列词的序数词或基数词形式1. one2. two3. three4. four5. five7. nine6. eight8. twelve9. twen ty-one11.twe ntieth10.forty12. fifty-fifth13. thirty-sixth14. nin ety-ninth15

20、,nin tee nth16. forty-sec ond17. fiftieth18. thirtee nth19. eighty-eighth20. one hun dredth二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. He到达)at school at 7,20 every morning.2. the music听起来)beautiful.3. There are百万)of people from all over the world take part inthis project.4. After the long plane旅行),you should have a good rest.5

21、. Don't担心) him. He will be fine.6. Five minus(减)five is(零).7. I won 'do that. That's a bad主 意).8. Look at the room. It'svery clean and(整吉).9. 最后),they won the game.10. My birthday is on the(29号)of July.11. The USA is the第 二)largest cou ntry in the world.12. Millie is a文静的)girl.13. sh

22、e确实)wants to go shopping.14. Anna get 98 poi nts in the exam. She comes the 四)。15. Can I have some粉笔),please?7B Unit 1 Integrated skills一、句型转换。1. The capital of France is Paris!就划线部分提问)2. The window is opposite the door.(就划线部分提问)3. Mr. Wu asked Sim on and me to help him.(就划线部分提问)4. The biggest resta

23、ura nt is large and moder n.就戈 U线部分提问)5. He ofte n talks with his frie nds on Sun day.(改为同义句)6. I will send the letter to him tomorrow.(改为同义句)7. Your idea and my idea are different.(改为同义句)8. It looks great.(就划线部分提问)9. She has her own bedroom.(改否定句)10. Thanks for showing me the photos of your house.(

24、改为同义句)二、将下列句子翻译成英语。1. T尔什么时候到北京?一明天早上。When will youBeiji ng?I ' ll.2. 我迫不及待地要看看你房子的录象。Itheyour house.3. 你还要其他的东西吗?一不,谢谢。do you want? No,.4. 黄老师今天看上去很累。Mr Huangtoday.5. 澳大利亚的气候和这儿的大不相同。The weatherAustralia is reallyhere.7B Unit 1 Main task一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Tommy likes (watch) TV in the evening.2.

25、What your parents (do)? The'yre cooking.3. Maddee (live) in a wooden house in Thailand.4. We all know the moon (go) around the earth.5. I (see) a wonderful film last evening.6. Tom came ( two) in the maths exam.7. The flat is different from ( I ).8. Mis Li is our teacher. She's ( friend ) to

26、 us.9. Who's your favourite ( swim).10 Please keep ( quietly). The baby is sleeping.二、词组翻译。1不同国家的房子2电话号码3我的理想家园4至少5在一楼6同时7冲淋浴850 米长9和我待在一起 10一个带有阳台的房间 11迫不及待的做某事 12听起来很不错13与不同14成千上万的15别担心16长途飞行17送某物给某人18.拍摄的录象7B Unit 1 Checkout、用适当的介词填空。in front of, in the front of,betwee nand,out, opposite, un

27、der,n ext to,over, on, in, beh ind1. The ball isthe door, so you cansee it.2. There is a matchour schooltheir school.3. There are many clothesmy wardrobe.4. Turn on the lampthe desk.5. Are your shoesthe bed? Yes.6. Sim on livesto me. We are n eighbours.7. The toilet isthe supermarket. You can go acr

28、oss the street and find it easily.8. Nanji ng Chan gjia ng Bridge is the first bridgethe Chan gjia ng River.9. Don 'lookin class. You should liste n to the teachers carefully.10. There is a blackboardthe classroom. The teacher is givi ng us anEn glish less onthe blackboard.二、将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 在二楼没有其

29、他房间了。2. 还有一个长达50米的游泳池。3. 那就意味着许多人可以同时淋浴或洗澡。4. 威尔逊比温迪住得高两层。5. 你好,我是玛丽,请问你是谁?一我是萨利。(电话用语)6. 我的家在三楼。我家至少有120平方米。7. 红灯意味着你必须停下来。8. 我们学校有一个100米长的篮球场。9. 他有一件带8个口袋的衣服。10. 边听音乐边做家庭作业是不好的Test paper for Unit 1一、选择填空。( ) 1. Sorry, Miss Green is . Can I for you?A. out, leave a messageB out, take a massageC. in,

30、 take a massageD. in, leave a massage( ) 2. He is so excited to see so many presents. He c'atnwait A. open themB. to open itC. to open themD. open it( ) 3. Which flat do you with your parents ?A. live withB. live inC. live in withD. live with in( ) 4. How do you read the number15,858?A. fifteen

31、thousand, eight hundred and fifty-eight.B. fifteen thousand, eight hundred and fifty eight.C. fifteen thousand and eight hundred and fifty-eight.D. fifteen thousand and eight hundred fifty-eight.( ) 5. knows the answer the question.A. Who else, of B. Whose else, ofC. Who else, toD. Whose else, to( )

32、 6. There are days in a week. The day is Saturday.A. seven, seventh B. seven, sevenC. seventh, sevenD. seventh, seventh( ) 7. The music sounds and you sing , too.A. well, wellB. good, good C. well, goodD. good, well( ) 8. They arrived Shanghai the evening of New Yea'sr Day.A. in, inB. on, onC. o

33、n, inD. in, on( ) 9. There are students in our school.A. two thousands B. two thousands ofC. two thousand D. thousand of( ) 10. is your teache'rs telephone?A. What B. How many C. How muchD. What's( )11. It 's10 o'clock. Andy is still out now!Don't . He told me that he would come

34、back at 10:30.A. think B. worry C. guess D. care( )12. Mum, do you see my pencil? I can't find it now.I see it. It's your textbook.A. belowB. downC. upD. in( )13. This book is surely interesting. Could you it with me?A. giveB. shareC. tellD. show( )14. How many trees did you plan yesterday?

35、We didn't count, but it is ten.A. more than B. more C. most D. at ( )15. A tall building is being built on Taoze Road. Do you know? I know it. It has 10 floors.A. most B. at least C. least D. will 二、完形填空。Paris has a beautiful name, the city of _1_. Do you know _2_ it means? Many beautiful buildi

36、ngs are lighted at _3_. The streets are very _4_. When you _5_ in Paris, you must not turn _6_ your headlights even after dark.Paris is full of life all day and all night. But this is not the _7_ reason for its beautiful name. For hundreds of years, Paris has been the center of science and art. _8_

37、scientists have come to _9_ here. For this reason also, people _10_ it the City of Lights.() 1. A. flowersB. carsC. lightsD.rivers() 2. A. whatB. howC. whereD.when() 3. A. noonB. nightC. dayD.evening() 4. A. blackB. darkC. noisyD.bright() 5. A. walkB. goC. driveD.live() 6. A. offB. downC. outD.on()

38、7. A. onlyB. otherC. anyD.another() 8. A. NoB. FewC. ManyD.A few() 9. A. studyB. driveC. playD.have dinner() 10. A. makeB. callC. buildD.find、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The (twelve) month of a year is December.2. Stephen (lie) in the sofa and watching TV.3. Would you like(share) the cake with your sister?4. His

39、(print) is beside his computer, but it can(print) nothing.5. One of my hobbies is(grow) trees.6. The people in China are all(friend) and(help)7. My granny has an old(wood) box.8. Liste n! Who(sin g).9. They can 'wait(visit) you.10. He asked you(wait) for him.四、句型转换。1. I'd like some tea.(改为一般疑问句)2. I live in the center of Moscow.(改为否定句)3. He sleeps in the garden.对划线部分提问)4. There are_25 rooms in my dream house对戈U线部分提问)5. Andy put Millie ' chair in front of her door.对划线部分提问)6. Neil lives in a small house in a town near London.(对戈卩线部分提问)7.


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