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1、ISO 11898-1INTERNATIONAL STANDARDFirst edition 2003-12-01Road vehicles Controller area network (CAN) Part 1:Data link layer and physical signallingVéhicules routiers Gestionnaire de réseau de communication (CAN) Partie 1: Couche liaison et signalisation physiqueReference number ISO 11898-1

2、:2003(E)© ISO 2003Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSSold to:IHS Standards Store Purchase, 348409 Not for Resale,05/17/2006 11:48:43 MDT-,-,-ISO 11898-1:2003(E)© ISO

3、2003. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the r

4、equester.ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 · CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax + 41 22 749 09 47WebPublished in SwitzerlandCopyright Initiernational Organization for Standardization© ISO 2003 Provided by IHS under license with ISONo reproduction or networking pe

5、rmitted without license from IHSSold to:IHS Standards Store Purchase, 348409 Not for Resale,05/17/2006 11:48:43 MDT-,-,-PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the t

6、ypefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer perfor the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adob

7、e Systems Incorporated.s of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in teral Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every ca as been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that

8、 a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.ISO 11898-1:2003(E)ContentsPageForewordv1234557.48.48.599.19.21010.410.510.610.710.810.910.10Scope1Conformance1Norma

9、tive references1Terms and definitions2Symbols and abbreviated terms3Basic concepts of CAN5CAN properties5Frames5Bus access method5Information routing5System flexibility5Data consistency5Remote data request6Error detection6Error signalling and recovery time6ACK6Automatic retransmission6Fault confinem

10、ent6Error-active6Error-passive6Bus-off7Layered architecture of CAN7Reference to OSI m. 7Protocol specification8Format description of services9LLC interface9Description of LLC sublayer10General10Services of LLC sublayer10Functions of LLC sublayer14Structure of LLC frames14Limited LLC frames16Interfac

11、e between LLC and MAC16Services16TTC option16Description of MAC sublayer17General17Services of MAC sublayer17Functional mof MAC sublayer architecture21Structure of MAC frames24Frame coding29Order of bit transmission30Frame validation30Medium access method30Error detection32Error signalling33-,-,-iii

12、Copyright International Org©anizIaStioOn fo2r 0St0an3dardiProvided by IHS under license with ISONo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSSold to:IHS Standards Store Purchase, 348409 Not for Resale,05/17/2006 11:48:43 MDTISO 11898-1:2003(E)10.1110.1211112.412.

13、51313.113.2Overload signalling33Bus monitoring33LLC and MAC sublayer conformance33Physical layer33General33Functional m.33Services of PL34PLS sublayer specification35PLS-PMA interface specification39Description of supervisor39Fault confinement39Bus failure management44Bibliography45-,-,-Copyright In

14、itvernational Organization for Standardization© ISO 2003 Provided by IHS under license with ISONo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSSold to:IHS Standards Store Purchase, 348409 Not for Resale,05/17/2006 11:48:43 MDTISO 11898-1:2003(E)ForewordISO (the International Org

15、anization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been establi

16、shed has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental andnon-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.ly with theInter

17、national Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publicati

18、on as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights

19、.ISO 11898-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 3,Electrical and electronic equipment.This first edition of ISO 11898-1, together with ISO 11898-2, replaces ISO 11898:1993, which has been technically revised. Whereas the replaced International Standard cove

20、red both the CAN DLL and the high- speed PL, ISO 11898-1 specifies the DLL, including LLC and MAC sublayers, as well as the PLS sublayer, while ISO 11898-2 specifies the high-speed MAU.ISO 11898 consists of the following parts, under t(CAN):eral title Road vehicles Controller area network¾Part

21、1: Data link layer and physical signalling¾Part 2: High-speed medium access unit¾Part 3: Low-speed, fault-tolerant, medium dependent interface¾Part 4: Time-triggered communicationvCopyright International Org©anizIaStioOn fo2r 0St0an3dardiProvided by IHS under license with ISONo r

22、eproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSSold to:IHS Standards Store Purchase, 348409 Not for Resale,05/17/2006 11:48:43 MDT-,-,-Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONo reproduction or networking permitted without license f

23、rom IHSSold to:IHS Standards Store Purchase, 348409 Not for Resale,05/17/2006 11:48:43 MDT-,-,-INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISO 11898-1:2003(E)Road vehicles Controller area network (CAN) Part 1:Data link layer and physical signalling1ScopeThis part of ISO 11898 specifies the data link layer (DLL) and physi

24、cal signalling of the controller area network (CAN): a serial communication protocol that supports distributed real-time control and multiplexing for usewithin road vehicles. While describing teral architecture of CAN in terms of hierarchical layersaccording to the ISO reference m for open systems i

25、nterconnection (OSI) established in ISO/IEC 7498-1, it provides the characteristics for setting up an interchange of digital information between modules implementing the CAN DLL itself specified according to ISO/IEC 8802-2 and ISO/IEC 8802-3 withed specification of the logical link control (LLC) sub

26、layer and medium access control (MAC) sublayer.2ConformanceThe conformance of the DLL shall be tested according to ISO 16845.3Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undat

27、ed references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO/IEC 7498-1, Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference M: The Basic MISO/IEC 8802-2, Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local a

28、nd metropolitan area networks Specific requirements Part 2: Logical link controlISO/IEC 8802-3, Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks Specific requirements Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection

29、 (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer specificationsISO 16845, Road vehicles Controller area network (CAN) Conformance test plan1Copyright International Org©anizIaStioOn fo2r 0St0an3dardiProvided by IHS under license with ISONo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

30、Sold to:IHS Standards Store Purchase, 348409 Not for Resale,05/17/2006 11:48:43 MDT-,-,-ISO 11898-1:2003(E)4Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.4.1bit ratenumber of bits per time during transmission, independent of bit representation4.2bi

31、t stuffingfilling using bits to provide bus state changes required for periodic resynchronization when using an NRZ bit representationNOTEWhenever the transmitting logic encounters a certain number (stuff width) of consecutive bits of equal value inthe data, it automatically stuffs a bit of compleme

32、ntary value a stuff bit into the outgoing bit stream. Receivers destuff the frame, i.e. the inverse procedure is carried out.4.3bit timetBduration of one bit4.4bustopology of a communication network, where all nodes are reached by passive links which allow transmission in both directions4.5bus compa

33、ratordevice converting physical signals used for transfer across the communication medium back into logical information or data signals4.6bus driverdevice converting information or data signals into physical signals so that these signals can be transferred across the communication medium4.7bus state

34、one of two complementary logical states: dominant or recessiveNOTEThe dominant state represents the logical 0, and the recessive state represents the logical 1. Duringsimultaneous transmission of dominant and recessive bits, the resulting bus state is dominant. When no transmission is in progress, t

35、he bus is idle. During that time it is in the recessive state.4.8contention-based arbitrationCSMA arbitration procedure where simultaneous access of multiple nodes results in a contention4.9framedata link PDU specifying the arrangement and meaning of bits or bit fields in the sequence of transfer ac

36、ross the transmission medium4.10multicastaddressing where a single frame is addressed to a group of nodes simultaneouslyNOTEBroadcast is a special case of multicast, whereby a single frame is addressed to all nodes simultaneously.-,-,-Copyright In2ternational Organization for Standardization© I

37、SO 2003 Provided by IHS under license with ISONo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSSold to:IHS Standards Store Purchase, 348409 Not for Resale,05/17/2006 11:48:43 MDTISO 11898-1:2003(E)4.11multimastersystem partitioned into several nodes where every node may temporarily co

38、ntrol the action of other nodes4.12nodeassembly, linked to a communication network, capable of communicating across the network according to a communication protocol specificationNOTEA CAN node is a node communicating across a CAN network.4.13non-return-to-zero NRZmethod of representing binary signa

39、ls, i.e. within one and the same bit time the signal level does not change, where a stream of bits having the same logical value provides no edges4.14priorityattribute to a frame controlling its ranking during arbitration, a high priority increases the probability that a frame wins the arbitration p

40、rocess4.15protocolformal set of conventions or rules for the exchange of information between nodes, including the specification of frame administration, frame transfer and PL4.16receivernode when if it is not a transmitter and the bus is not idle4.17time-triggered communicationoption where a frame c

41、an be transmitted at a specific time slot, also providing a global synchronization of clocks and allowing the disabling of the automatic retransmission of frames4.18transmitternode originating a data frame or remote frame, which stays transmitter until the bus is idle again or until thenoses arbitra

42、tion5Symbols and abbreviated termsACK BCH BRtB CAN CRC CSMA DLCDLLacknowledgementBose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem bit ratebit timecontroller area network cyclic redundancy checkcarrier sense multiple access data length codedata link layer3Copyright International Org©anizIaStioOn fo2r 0St0an3dardiProv

43、ided by IHS under license with ISONo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSSold to:IHS Standards Store Purchase, 348409 Not for Resale,05/17/2006 11:48:43 MDT-,-,-ISO 11898-1:2003(E)EOFFCEend of framefault confinement entityICIDEintegrated circuitidentifier extension flagLAN L

44、LC LMELPDUlocal area network logical link controllayer management entityLLC protocol data unitLSBLSDUleast significant bitLLC service data unitMAMACmedium accessmedium access controlMAUMDImedium access unitmedium dependent interfaceMPDUMSBMAC protocol data unitmost significant bitMSDUNRZMAC service

45、data unitnon-return-to-zeroOSIOVLDopen system interconnectionoverloadPCIPDUprotocol control informationprotocol data unitPLPLSphysical layerphysical signallingPMARECphysical medium attachmentreceive error counterRTRSDUremote transmission requestservice data unitSJWSOFsynchronization jump widthstart

46、of frameSRRTECsubstitute remote requesttransmit error counterTTCtime triggered communicationCopyright In4ternational Organization for Standardization© ISO 2003 Provided by IHS under license with ISONo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSSold to:IHS Standards Store Purch

47、ase, 348409 Not for Resale,05/17/2006 11:48:43 MDT-,-,-ISO 11898-1:2003(E)6Basic concepts of CAN6.1CAN propertiesCAN shall have the following properties:¾multi-master priority-based bus access;¾non-destructive contention-based arbitration;¾multicast frame transfer by acceptance filter

48、ing;¾remote data request;¾configuration flexibility;¾system-wide data consistency;¾error detection and error signalling;¾automatic retransmission of frames that have lost arbitration or have been destroyed by errors during transmission;¾distinction between temporary err

49、ors and permanent failures of nodes and autonomous switching-off of defective nodes.6.2FramesInformation on the bus shall be sent in fixed format frames of different but limited length. When the bus is idle, any connected node may start to transmit a new frame.6.3Bus access methodWhen the bus is idl

50、e, any node may start to transmit a frame. If two or more nodes start to transmit frames atthe same time, the bus accessshall be resolved by contention-based arbitration using the identifier.The mechanism of arbitration shall ensure that neither information nor time is lost. The transmitter with the

51、 frame of highest priority shall gain the bus access.6.4Information routingIn CAN systems a node shall not make use of any information about the system configuration (e.g. node address). Instead, receivers accept or do not accept information based upon a process called frame acceptance filtering, wh

52、ich decides whether the received information is relevant or not. There is no need for receivers to know the transmitter of the information and vice versa.6.5System flexibilityNodes may be added to the CAN network without requiring any change in the software or hardware of any node, if the added node

53、 is not the transmitter of any data frame and if the added node does not require any additional transmitted data.6.6Data consistencyWithin CAN a frame shall simultaneously be accepted either by all nodes or by none. Thus data consistency shall be a property of the system achieved by the concepts of

54、multicast and by error handling.5Copyright International Org©anizIaStioOn fo2r 0St0an3dardiProvided by IHS under license with ISONo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSSold to:IHS Standards Store Purchase, 348409 Not for Resale,05/17/2006 11:48:43 MDT-,-,-ISO 11898-1:2003(E)6.7Remote data requestBy sending a remote frame, a node requiring data ma


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