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1、大学英语3第二版summaryU1 Active reading (1)In the fall of our final year, our mood changed. The relaxed atmosphere had disappeared, and the peer group pressure to work hard was strong. M ean while, at the back of every on e's mi nd was what we would do n ext afte r graduatio n. As for me, I wan ted to

2、travel, and I wan ted to be a writer. I braced myself for some resista nee to the idea from my father, who wante d me to go to law school, and follow his path through life.However, he supported what I wan ted but he made me think about it b y watching the crabs. The cage was full of crabs. One of th

3、em was trying to escape, but each time it reached the top the other crabs pulled it back. I n the end it gave up len gthy struggle to escape and started to preve nt othe r crabs from escap ing. By watchi ng crabs, my father told me not to be pul led back by others, and to get to know on eself better

4、.U1 Active reading (2)Life is short. We n ever quite know whe n we become 1) coffi n dwellers or 2) trampled ash in the rose garden of some local cemetery. Sbere ' s no point in putting our dreams 3) on the back burner until 4) the right tim e arrives. Now is the time to do what we want to do. 5

5、) Make the best of o ur short stay and 6) fill our life with the riches on offer so that when the r eaper arrives,we veichieved much in stead of 7) regrets.U2 Active reading (1)The author 'family never believed in Santa myth, as her parents coul d not afford expensive gifts. In hermother' vi

6、ew, the children have been brain washed into believ ing the silly myth. So their family celebrated Chri stmas about a week after Dec. 25 and the kids got their gifts from after-C hristmas sale.On that year, the father lost his job and they had no money for Christ mas. On Christmas Eve,the father too

7、k each of the kids out into the deser t night one by one and asked them to pick out a star as their Christmas gif t. The author claimed Venus and when the sun starts to burn out and Eart h turns cold, every one here might want to move to Venus to get warm. A nd they'll have to get permission fro

8、m your descendants first. Theather ' s imagination lead to a unique Christmas.U2 Active reading (2)Historically, childhood has un derg one eno rmous tran sformatio ns in ter ms of children responsibilities and parental expectations. Culturally, chi ldhood is socially con structed. The in terplay

9、 of history and culture leads t o differe nt un dersta nding of childhood, con seque ntly, it is advisable not t o impose ideas from one culture to understand childhood in another cultur e.U3 Active reading (1)For the sake of clarity, we 1) split up the process of liste ning to music into three hypo

10、thetical pla nes. Firstly, 2) the sen suous pla ne. It is a kind of 3) brainl ess but attractive state of mind engen dered by the mere 4) sou nd appeal of the music. Secon dly, 5) the expressive pla ne. It is whe n we b elieve each piece of music has a theme, which 6) mirrors a differe nt worl d of

11、feeli ng, such as gaiety, sad ness. Thirdly, 7) the musical pla ne. It is th e ability to experience different 8) musical elements, such as melodies, th e rhythms, the harmonies, the tone colors etc. We usually listen to music on all three pla nes.U3 Active reading (2)V-J Day in Times Square is a ph

12、otograph by a 1) prominent photogra pher that portrays an American sailor kissing a woman in a white dress on 2) Victory over Japan Day in Times Square in New York City, on Augus t 14. Since its publication, it has 3) commanded thevorld ' attention. It b rims with perceived uncon trolled 4) pass

13、i on and sexual 5) tension. Also, i t 6) ignites the imagination of people, who 7) devised story lines about w hat ever happe ned to the couple.Most important of all, it sketches for people a beautiful 8) vision of lif e after the Second World War, with a spr int towards a more 9) prosperous sta nda

14、rd of liv ing and inven tive ideal family life. Though the years pass, the photo will n ever fade and remi nd people of the 10) fond memory they have had.U4 Active reading (1)I can still remember the men who built the house. The master from the manor house found a cleari ng in the huge orchard which

15、 ran up and dow n the hills. I only see my neighbour side-on'veever seen him from the f ront. Apart from the autu mn, the groun dsma n brought a young woma n ho me. I was filled with the sound of conversation and laughter. The woman looked after the garden around me, there was a riot of colours.

16、 With time going by, they had childre n and the n grew up. But one day, I saw a postm an arrive with a bun dle of letters, the woma n cried out an d fain ted. Years later, they left without saying goodbye to me.Two middle-aged wome n spe nt several years here. I like them because they kept everythin

17、g spick and span. The last person lived with me worki ng at home assembli ng furniture. We just kept each other compa ny. He w alked very slowly using his hands to steady himself.As time passed, there are traces of every one who has lived with me. Ho wever, there are my golden memories. But in fact,

18、 I look and feel my ageU4 Active reading (2)? Homesick ness was traditi on ally experie need by America n children during the long summer vacation when they received convenient childcare which was idealized by the parents as being great'fun ” while British children experieneed homesickness at an

19、 even earlierage, whe n sons of the aristocracy were sent to board ing school at the age of seve n. Nowadays, homesick ness is usually first experie need by tee nagers who leave home and go to college.? Then, what is homesick ness? Is homesick ness just associated wit h a lack of maturity? Actually,

20、 the modern term “ homesicknessw” as coined in the 17th century to describe the feelings of Swiss merc enaries who missed their homeland while fighting elsewhere in Eur ope. In the18th and 19th cen tury, people especially wome n who mi ssed their home were eve n con sidered virtuous.? British actors

21、 in Hollywood, sportsmen on long tours abroad, sold iers serv ing in foreig n wars, bus in ess travellers and as well as the a uthor all admit how they suffer from and deal with extreme homesi ckn ess. In the rece nt years, people are more willi ng to talk about ho mesick ness and it is believed tha

22、t ack no wledg ing homesick ness ma y help avoid the risk of an xiety and depressi on. Therefore, in stead of being immature or someth ing to be ashamed of, homesick ness is both a painful longing to be back home, and an extremely com mon occurre nee.U5 Active reading (1)Whe n a young black man arri

23、ves in a crowded an dexpe nsive restaura nt ,the head waiter makes him sit in the least comfortable place, even thoug h a table has been booked for him and a Msogers ”.When Ms Rogers arrives, the waiter realizes that she is a well-known S en ator; and Ms Rogers realizes that her friend has bee n tre

24、ated badly beca use of the colour of his skin. The waiter realizes his mistake too, and tries to make up for it, but it is too late.U5 Active reading (2)The writer uses stories about doing bus in ess betwee n Swedes and Saud is to illustrate the differences between an individualist and a collectivis

25、t a pproach to bus in ess. They have differe nt con cepts of the role of pers onal relati on ships in bus in ess. The Swedes believe the bus in ess is done with a company while the Saudis think it should be done with a person they kno w and trust. The n the writer compares the characteristics of the

26、 collectivis t and those of the individualist.In most collectivist societies, the families are usually extended families while in the in dividualist societies, nu clear families are prevale nt. People con sider themselves as part of a “ wegroup or in-group in the collectivist societies. In contrast,

27、 the individualists think of themselves as“l ”heir personal identity which is distinct from other peoples ' .practical and ps ychological depe ndence relati on ship develops betwee n the pers on and the in-group in the collectivist societies. However, rarely do people depend o n a group in the i

28、ndividualist societies.U6 Active reading (1)As a young boy, the writer (1) overheard his pare nts talk ing about helpi ng his father do the milk ing early every morning. He realized that he had (2) take n his father s'love for gran ted so on Christmas morni ng he (3) ros e very early and (4) crept dow nstairs and did the milk ing all alone. When his father discovered what he had done, he (5) clutched the boy in his arm s. Now, as an older man, he decides to (6) trimmed the Christmas tree and tie his present and letter to his (7) beloved wife before she


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