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1、Introductions and greetingsnamescountries and nationalitiesDictation 一(个)一(个) 实际上实际上 是是 漂亮的漂亮的 大的大的 生日生日 鞠躬鞠躬 哥,弟哥,弟 自助餐厅;食堂自助餐厅;食堂 a actually am/are beautiful big birthday bow brother cafeteria4 4. .怎样怎样拼写它?拼写它?How do you spell it? Excuse me, can you repeat that?Whats the answer to this question? H

2、ow do you say this in English?5.5.不好意思,能重复一下吗?不好意思,能重复一下吗?6.6.这个用英语怎么说?这个用英语怎么说?7.7.这个问题的答案是什么?这个问题的答案是什么?Can you speak slowly?How do you pronounce this word?What does that mean?3.3.那是什么意思?那是什么意思? 1.1.你能说慢点吗?你能说慢点吗?2.2.这个单词怎样发音?这个单词怎样发音?Close your book. Listen and answer the questions:1. Where is Be

3、th from?2. Where is David from?Beth is from Brazil.David is from Mexico.3. What is Mexico like?Its really beautiful.南京环亚西文现代英语Where are you from?David:Beth:David:Beth:David:Beth:David:Beth:David:Beth:David:Beth:David:Beth:David:Hello, Im David Garza. Im a new club member.Hi. My name is Elizabeth Sil

4、va, but please call me Beth.OK. Where are you from, Beth?Brazil. How about you?Im from Mexico.Oh, I love Mexico! Its really beautiful.Thanks. So is Brazil!Oh, good. Sun Hee is here.Whos Sun Hee?Shes my classmate. Were in the same math class.Wheres she from?South Korea. Lets go and say hello. Sorry,

5、whats your last name again? Garcia?Actually, its Garza.How do you spell that?G-A-R-Z-A.Im a new club member.Sun Hee is over there.My name is Elizabeth Silva.Where are you from?CONVERSATIONA: B: Im from Brazil.Where are you from?How about you?A: Where is she from?B: South Korea.So is Brazil!A: B: I c

6、ome from Brazil.Where do you come from?A: Where does she come from?B: She comes from South Korea.A easy way to ask the same question.Brazil is also like this!ACTIVITYWhats your name? Where are you from?Ask your partner the questions in the table below, then write down the answers.Now, tell the class

7、 your partners answers like:His/Her name is XXX.He/She is/comes from XXX. I am , but my friends call mee.g. Her name is Nicole Mary Kidman, but her friends always call her Nikki.e.g. 1. Whats the weather like today? 2. Whatre the Chinese dishes like? 3. What was the meeting like yesterday? 4. What w

8、ere the TV series like?e.g. 1. My sister likes watermelon very much. I like watermelon, too. So do I. 2. Linda can play the piano very well. Leo can play the piano very well, too. So can Leo. 3. Tom goes to school by bus. Tina goes to school by bus, too. So does Tina.Were in the same _ class.汉语汉语(普通

9、话)(普通话)Chinese (Mandarin)韩语韩语Korean西班牙语西班牙语Spanish葡萄牙语葡萄牙语Portuguese/ptuiz/Whats your last name again?抱歉,你的中文名字是什么来着?抱歉,你的中文名字是什么来着?Sorry, whats your Chinese name again?西班牙语西班牙语 葡萄牙语葡萄牙语日语日语 韩语韩语First name(名名)Last/family/sur name(姓姓)How do you spell that?这个单词怎么发音这个单词怎么发音?How do you pronounce this wo

10、rd?那个用英语怎么说?那个用英语怎么说?How do you say that in English?Checking informationSPEAKINGListen again. Match the questions with the responses.1. Im sorry. Whats your name again?2. What do people call you?3. How do you spell your last name?b. Its Elizabeth Silva.c. Everyone calls me Beth.a. S-I-L-V-AIntroduce

11、 yourself with your full name.Use the expression above.Make a list of names for your group.A: Hi! Im Yuriko Noguchi.B: Im sorry. Whats your last name again? .Close your book. Listen and answer the questions:1. What is Sun Hees last name?2. What is Seoul like?Its Park.Its really nice. Its big and ver

12、y exciting.Whats Seoul like?Beth:Sun Hee:David:Sun Hee:David:Sun Hee:Sun Hee, this is David Garza. Hes a new club member from Mexico.Nice to meet you, David. Im Sun Hee Park.Hi. So, youre from South Korea?Thats right. Im from Seoul.Thats cool. Whats Seoul like?Its really nice. Its big and very excit

13、ing.Nice to meet you, David.It was nice meeting you.It was a pleasure meeting you, too.介绍介绍某人某人Kamp, I would like to introduce my boss to you.Id like you to meet someone. Kamp, this is Bob, my boss.你见过史密斯先生吗?你见过史密斯先生吗?Have you met Mr. Smith?No, I havent. 我以前从来没有见过他。我以前从来没有见过他。Ive never met him befor

14、e. 我们我们之前之前是不是是不是在在哪儿哪儿见过面见过面? ?Havent we met somewhere before? 我想我以前在我想我以前在哪儿哪儿见过你。见过你。I think I met you somewhere before. 你看上去很你看上去很面熟面熟。You look familiar.你们你们认识认识吗?吗?Do you know each other?你们俩人你们俩人见过见过? ?Have you two met? 我我想不起来想不起来他叫什么名字了。他叫什么名字了。 I cant remember his name. I cant recall his name

15、. 您贵姓您贵姓? ? Whats your name?May I have your name, please?用来询问对方的身份用来询问对方的身份May I ask who you are?只用于打电话只用于打电话Whos calling, please?你叫什么来着你叫什么来着? ? Whats your name again? Lets listen to the rest of the conversation and answer questions in part B.David is from Mexico City. Its very interesting and big.

16、IHe sheitweyoutheyamisareBe subjectI am = ImHe is = hes She is = shes It is = itsWe are = wereYou are =youreThey are = theyreI HeSheItWeYouThey - my- his- her- its- our- your- their be为连系动词为连系动词,通常翻译成,通常翻译成“是是”句型句型为为“主主(S)系系(V)表表(P)”结构结构 be的形式:的形式:现在时态现在时态am, is, are过去时态过去时态 was, were be的用法:的用法:am 只

17、只在在I后后面面单数单数用用is/was复数复数用用are/were1. I am not from Sichuan. 2. They are not in the same class. 3. Linda is not good at French. 4. Computers are not so common in some place.主格主格宾格宾格形容词性形容词性物主代词物主代词主格主格宾格宾格形容词性形容词性物主代词物主代词第一人称第一人称Imemyweusour第二人称第二人称youyouyouryouyouyour第三人称第三人称hehimhistheythemtheirshe

18、herherititits我的书你的钢笔他的/她的电脑它的食物我们的城市他们的国家our cityits foodmy booksyour pentheir countryhis/her computerComplete these sentences. Then tell a partner about yourself on page 3.Wh-questions with beGRAMMARWhats your name?Wheres your friend?Whos Sun Hee?What are your classmates like?Where are you and Luis

19、a from?How are your classes?My names Beth.Hes in class.Shes my classmate.Theyre very nice.Were from Brazil.Theyre really interesting. what where who when why how whom whose whichComplete these sentences. Then practice with a partner.Look at page 4, these are some ways people greet each other.Greetin

20、gs all over the worldshake handsa bowa kiss on the checka huga pat on the backa handshake:the United States,Canada,Perua bow:South Korea,Japan, Indonesiaa kiss on the check:Brazil, France,Venezuelaa hug: the United States, Denmark,Egypta pat on the back: Greece, Russia,Mexico 1. 日本人见面多以鞠躬为礼。日本人见面多以鞠

21、躬为礼。 比较熟悉的人见面互相鞠躬以二三秒钟比较熟悉的人见面互相鞠躬以二三秒钟 为宜;为宜; 如果遇见好友,弯腰的时间要稍微长如果遇见好友,弯腰的时间要稍微长 些;些; 在遇到长辈的时候要等长辈抬头以后才在遇到长辈的时候要等长辈抬头以后才 可抬头,有时甚至要鞠躬很多次。可抬头,有时甚至要鞠躬很多次。 2. 澳大利亚人很讲究礼貌,在公共场合澳大利亚人很讲究礼貌,在公共场合从来不大声喧哗。在银行、邮局、从来不大声喧哗。在银行、邮局、 公共汽车站等公共场所,都是耐心公共汽车站等公共场所,都是耐心 等待,秩序井然。握手是一种相互等待,秩序井然。握手是一种相互 打招呼的方式,拥抱亲吻的情况罕打招呼的方式

22、,拥抱亲吻的情况罕 见。见。 3.非洲通行的打招呼方式非洲通行的打招呼方式-举起右手,举起右手, 手掌向著对方,目的是表示手掌向著对方,目的是表示“我的手我的手 并没有握石头。并没有握石头。”它是在表示:它是在表示:“没没 有武器。有武器。”是友好是友好的象征。的象征。 4.泰国人以(双手合十),男性将双泰国人以(双手合十),男性将双 手放置於脸部前方,女性则置於胸手放置於脸部前方,女性则置於胸 前,是对彼此及长辈打招呼的方式。前,是对彼此及长辈打招呼的方式。 5.印尼人碰到朋友或熟人的传统礼节印尼人碰到朋友或熟人的传统礼节 是用右手按住胸口互相问好,对一是用右手按住胸口互相问好,对一 般人则

23、以握手问好。般人则以握手问好。 How is it going?CONVERSATIONHow is it going?How are you?How are you doing?How is everything going?Whats up?Fine.Pretty good.Great.Everything is going well.Not much.1. semester : term2. on ones way to be going to 3. cafeteria: a restaurant where you serve yourself and pay in cash 4. c

24、anteen: a restaurant attached to a factory, school, etc, providing meals for large numbers of people 1. Are Davids classes interesting this semester?2. Are David and Beth in the same chemistry class?3. Is Sun Hee on her way to class?4. Is Sun Hee free?Yes.No.No.Yes.Hows it going?Sun Hee:David:Sun He

25、e:David:Sun Hee:David: Sun Hee:David:Hey, David. Hows it going?Fine, thanks. How are you?Pretty good. So, are your classmates interesting this semester?Yes, they are. I really love chemistry.Chemistry? Are you and Beth in the same class?No, we arent. my class is in the morning. Her class is in the a

26、fternoon.Listen. Im on my way to the cafeteria now. are you free?Sure. Lets go.English英语英语Art艺术艺术Chinese中文中文Music音乐音乐Math数学数学P.E.体育体育Physics物理物理Politics政治政治History历史历史Chemistry化学化学Geography地理地理Biology生物生物1. I am on the way to school.2. Where are the Greens? Theyre on the way home. 3. What would you

27、want me to buy? Im on the way to the post office. 4. Jim found a lost dog on his way home.Im on my way to the cafeteria now.厕所厕所便利店便利店网吧网吧图书馆图书馆宿舍宿舍bathroomconvenience storeinternet caflibrarydormitoryIm on my way to the cafeteria now.电影院电影院篮球场篮球场小卖部小卖部停车场停车场地铁站地铁站movie theatrebasketball courtcantee

28、nparking lotsubway stationYes/No questions and short answers with beGRAMMARBe + Subject(主语主语) + othersA: Are you free?B: Yes, I am. / No, Im not.一般疑问句一般疑问句Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner.1. Are you from the United States?2. Is your teacher from Canada?3. Is your English cl

29、ass in the morning?4. Are you and your best friend the same age?A: Hey, How ?B: Fine, thanks. How?A: PrettySo are your classes interesting this ?B: Yes, they are. I really loveA: ? Are you and in the same class?B: No, we arent. My class Her class A: Listen, Im . Are you free?B: Sure. PracticeHello a

30、nd good-byeWORD POWERHelloHelloGood-byeGood-byeHey.Bye.Good morning.Good night.Hi.Good-bye.How are you?Have a good day.Hows it going?See you later.Hello.See you tomorrow.Have a good day.Hi. How are you?See you tomorrow.Good morning.Thank you. You too.Pretty good, thanks.OK. See you.Good morning.Matc

31、h the greetings with the best response.ACTIVITYFirst nameLast nameWhere from?JoeVeraMin Hothe United StatesMillerElenaMexicoKimSouth KoreaUse a title with a last name to address someone formally.Use a first name or nickname without a title to address someone informally.TitlesSingle MarriedMales:Mr.Females:Ms.MissMrs.How to address people: Names and Titles:Reading Whats in a name?READINGRead the article.Then finish Part A and B.A Write M for male names and F for female names.1._ Joseph2._ James3._ Catherine4._ Elizabeth5. _ Robert6. _ Susan7. _ William8. _ JenniferMMMM


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