1、科幻小说欣赏教学设计Senior English for China Students Book 2BUnit 12 Fact and fantasy-Reading 教学设计学科:英语 年级:高二下课题:Unit 12 Reading-Jules Verne: the father of science fiction一. 教学指导思想与理论依据高中英语新课程标准要求教师在课堂教学中指导学生形成有效的学习策略,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,在此基础上着重提高学生用英语获取信息,处理信息,分析问题和解决问题的能力。本节课的设计意图是以高中英语新课程标准提出的要求做为指导思想,运用语篇分析的理论指
2、导阅读教学。语篇教学法(Text approach), 实际上就是从语篇分析(discourse analysis) 入手,把语篇作为一个整体考虑,要求学习者从文章结构及内容入手,最大量地获取和掌握文章所传递的信息。语篇教学法是中学英语整体阅读教学的重要方法之一。有关研究显示,英语学习者对英语阅读材料中语篇结构的认识和理解能力与他们的快速阅读水平和获取信息的能力成正比关系。对语篇结构的认识和理解能力越强,其阅读速度就越快,获取信息的量就越大。二. 教学背景分析1. 教材分析本篇文章以“儒勒·凡尔纳-科幻小说之父”为题,主要介绍了科幻小说作家儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Vern
3、e)与他的代表作海底两万里和地心游记 第一段是儒勒·凡尔纳的简介:包括他的出生、兴趣爱好、经历和生平成就。第二、三、四、五段简要介绍了海底两万里这本书,重点在对潜水艇和海底世界的描述上。尽管在当时已经有了潜水艇,但是那时的潜水艇是木制的,而凡尔纳小说中的潜水艇是铁制的,还具有huge glass windows、precious furniture和iron plates等。这样的潜水艇在当时是不存在的,当时的人们只能在儒勒·凡尔纳的书中见到这些。这也正是科幻小说的魅力所在。第六段则介绍了地心游记这本书,两个人受一封密码信的启发,进行了一次穿越地心的探险旅行。他们从冰岛的一
4、个火山口下降,一路上克服了缺水、迷路、风暴等各种困难,终于在一次火山喷发中从火山回到地面。通过阅读儒勒·凡尔纳的简介及他的两部科幻小说,理解“儒勒·凡尔纳-科幻小说之父”的真正含义。本单元阅读的要求是:在理解的基础上,重点训练学生阅读记叙文(narrative writing)和提取关键信息的能力。在本单元词汇方面,通过阅读学生可以理解lay the foundation、hunter、companions、submarine、overboard等单词和词组的意义。2. 学习者分析如果学生要很好地理解并掌握本课内容,必须具有一定的科学知识、英语基础知识和英语阅读能力,以达到
5、熟悉掌握本课内容的目的。学生已经在高二上册第一单元Scientists at work就接触到类似的人物记叙文,具备通过阅读提取人物相关信息的能力。而在阅读记叙文方面,学生也有一定阅读方法的储备,例如高二上册第十单元Under the volcano这篇文章的阅读方法会给学生一些启示。在内容方面,高二上册第六单元Life in the future中,也曾接触和想象过科技领域未来可能出现的新事物。可以说学生在高二第二学期,已经具备一定的科学知识与想象能力,因而学生可以理解这篇文章。三. 教学目标1. 知识与技能:1) 初步了解科幻小说之父-儒勒·凡尔纳以及他的两部科幻小说的内容。2)
6、 进一步了解学习并掌握记叙文的阅读重点和阅读方法。3) 根据文章标题预测文章内容的能力。4) 提高略读和跳读以及识别关键信息的能力。2. 过程与方法: 从学生的兴趣出发,设计可操作性强的阅读任务,让学生通过自主阅读和小组协作阅读,并对其进行讨论和交流;在完成阅读任务的过程中培养他们扫读、跳读、抓主旨等阅读能力,总结阅读方法,进一步形成有效的阅读策略。同时促进其情感动机发展,拓展其学习空间,并能用英语解决实际问题。3. 情感态度1) 培养学生阅读科幻小说的兴趣。2) 帮助学生树立正确的科学观。3) 激发学生的想象力。四. 教学过程和资源设计(一)教学流程图开始pre-task:共享图片;引出问题
7、while-task:明确文章结构;分别从整体和细节上把握文章网络课件 While-task1快速阅读 - 抓主旨,了解文章结构 独立阅读+讨论+教师指导 任务单 While-task2:scanning抓细节 独立阅读教师指导通过阅读,找出凡尔纳的信息 总结方法任务单+课件 While-task3: 完成任务 小组协同完成任务+指导 课件 Post-task:反馈 学生总结教师指导 理解标题的真正含义 布置作业结束(二) 教学过程教学步骤设计意图I. Lead-in Show a picture to the Ss and ask them the following questions.Q
8、1: What is it? (a book/a film/a poster)Q2: What kind of book is it? (science fiction)Q3: Who was the writer?(If the Ss do not know, ask them to open the books on page 11. Ask the question, “Can you tell me who wrote it?)II. Pre-readingTitle-predictingHelp the Ss predict the content of the text accor
9、ding to the title.Q1: What is the title? Read it togetherQ2: Who is the father of science fiction according to the title?( Jules Verne)Q3: What does “father” mean? (之父)Q3: Look at the title, what do you think the text mainly talk about? (Jules Verne and his science fictions) (Now lets read the text,
10、 and see if you are right. I give you 1 minute to go over the text as quickly as you can. And answer the following question:) III. While-readingStep1. Read the text for the main idea.Give the Ss 1 minute to go over the text and answer the following questions.Q1: What does the text mainly talk about?
11、Q2: What are the names of the two science fiction books? Just now you told the text was about Jules Verne and his fictions, right? Ok, now lets read paragraph 1 and get some information of Jules Verne. And number the information you find out. For example, look at the first sentence, who can read it
12、for us? What does the sentence tell us? -His birth. Yes so you can put one here. What other information can you find in the first paragraph? Number them.Step2: Read paragraph 1 for some information of Jules Verne.1. Ask the Ss to read paragraph 1 and answer the following question.Q: What information
13、 about Jules Verne can you get from the first paragraph? (Number the information youll find).(1 minute)2. Ask the Ss to share their answers. And collect them.1. Then check the answers by ppt to help the Ss sum up the information mentioned in the text. (birth、interest、experience and achievement) the
14、teacher can let the Ss read the sentence if they have difficulty in saying the words.4. Help the Ss understand the meaning of the title by analyzing his achievements. 1) By taking the scientific developments of his day one step further, Jules Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction.2) He
15、 also suggested how inventions could be used in the future to allow man to do things that were considered impossible in his own time.What can you know from his two achievements? Lets look at his first achievement.Q1: Whom is the the first sentence about?Q2: What did he do according to the first sent
16、ence? Jules VerneHe laid the foundation the “father” of science fictionWhat is his the other achievement? What did he also do?Do you know what is science fiction from his achievements? If you do not know, it doesnt matter, fill in the blanks first, and then you may know what science fiction is.1) ta
17、ke the scientific development of his day one step further2) suggest how inventions could be used in the future to allow man to do things that were considered impossible in his own timeQ3: What is science fiction according to the two sentences? s2. Ask the Ss to read the key words. Make sure they und
18、erstand.Do you understand what is science fiction? Yes, it is about things impossible in his own time and may be possible in the future. Ok, now lets see what we have learnt in the first paragraph.3. Summarize the first paragraph.What do the rest paragraphs tell us?What is the name of his first scie
19、nce fiction?Who wrote it? When did he write it?(1870)Step3: Read paragraph 2-5 to know something about the book 20,000 Leagues Under the sea.1. Help the Ss get to know the general story of the book. Q1: Which paragraphs talk about the first science fiction?Q2: When did he write this book? (1870)2. H
20、elp the Ss know more detailed information of the story.1) Read paragraph 2 and answer the following questions. Underline the answersRead the three questions. Do you understand? Ok now read paragraph 2 and find out the answers. Underline the answers.Discuss with your partner.Q1: How many characters?
21、Who are they? (Dr Aronnax, his servant, a whale hunter, Captain Nemo)Q2: What are the relationship of the three people except Nemo? (They are companions. )Q3: What happen to them?( Number the answers in your textbooks.)Ships are disappearing set out to find the monster Find it be thrown overboard su
22、rvive On the surface of a “monster” (The teacher can ask: Is it a real monster?)SubmarineWhich paragraph talk about the submarine? 2)Read paragraph3 and help the Ss know something about the “submarine”.Q1: What is a submarine? Show the definition to the Ss by ppt. Then show a picture of a modern sub
23、marine.Q2: What is the name of submarine in the book? (Nautilus)Q3: What kind of ship is Nautilus? (an extraordinary ship)Q4: What is Nautilus like? ·Precious furniture ·Huge glass windows·Thick glass windows·Electricity used for light, heating, power·SeafoodShow a picture o
24、f a submarine of Jules Vernes time. Ask the Ss to compare the pictures with the description (1870) in the book and ask the following questions:Q5: Are they the same? What are the difference?Give the Ss 1 minute to find out the difference with their partners.Q6: Is Nautilus a real submarine? Is it im
25、possible at that time?So it is a science fiction, right?Ask the students the following questions to lead in paragraph4.Q1: Who is the owner of the submarine? Q2: Who are on the submarine?Q3: What does Nemo do to the three companions?(He does not kill them and makes them his permanent guests)which pa
26、ragraph tell us what they together do underwater?3) Read paragraph 4 and get to know their underwater experience. Discuss with your partner.Q1: What do they together do under the sea? ·dressed in ·walk around Q2: What do they see? ·a magic world lighted by the lamps of the ship.(When
27、did Edison invent the first lamp? 1876)·colorful rocks ·fishes ·seashells ·plantsCan you describe it based on the key words?4) Read paragraph 5 and know more about Nemo.Q1: What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?Q2: What does Nemo do? Q3: What kind of person is he?·keep sb.
28、 as prisoners ·destroy ships cruel·cries about the lost lives gentle and weak3. Summary of 20,000 Leagues under the sea.Q: Which paragraphs talk about the 20,000 leagues under the sea?Describe the story in 60 words.Show some key words by ppt.Step4: Read paragraph 6 and know something about
29、 the book Journey to the Centre of the Earth.1. Help the Ss know the story by asking them questions.Q1: Who are the main characters in this story?Two men.Q2: What do they decide to do and why do they do so? Underline them.(go on this adventure and travel to Iceland, because they want to find the sec
30、ret road to the center of the earth.)Q3: What do they do?through a chimney in a dead volcano a narrow passage pass through layers of coal and marble drink water from a boiling underground river reach a huge lake or underground ocean go through forests of mushrooms and plants build a raft to cross th
31、e sea be attacked by ancient sea creatures be drawn into a fast steam be shot out of a volcano 2. Help the Ss appreciate this science fiction.Q1:When did he write this story?(1864)Q2:What tense did he use? Do you know why? Q3:Is this novel a real story or a science fiction story?(Find examples in pa
32、ragraph 6.)IV. Post-reading Help the students to learn the great achievements Jules made in the field of science fiction.Q1:What do you think of Jules Verne after reading the text?Q2:Do you think he is really the “father” of science fiction? Give an example to explain it. Here is a website for you i
33、f you have interest :通过一张图片,导入本课话题。 给学生留下悬念,激发学生对文章的兴趣,带着问题去阅读。理解文章大意,培养学生从整体上把握文章的意识.使学生对凡尔纳有初步了解。了解儒勒·凡尔纳的成就,从而深刻理解标题中father 及science fiction的含义。提高学生从上下文理解句子的意识。使学生知道文中介绍本书的段落和本书的写作时间。从人物入手,从而引出他们做的事情和submarine.获取关于submarine的信息。通过 比较,使学生对科幻小说的特点深入理解。承上启下使学生对海底的经历加以理解.对海底经历进行复述。找出Captain Nemo 所做的事情及他的性格特点。再次从整体上把握故事。帮助学生理解读懂第二篇科幻小说。再一次从科幻小说角度来欣赏这篇小说。进一步激发学生对科幻小说的兴趣。旨在帮助学生在充分理解文章的基础上,更加
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