



1、电针丰隆穴对高脂血症大鼠一氧化氮和内皮素的影响作者:周利, 张红星, 刘灵光, 万文俊【摘要】 探讨电针(electro-acupuncture, EA)丰隆穴对高脂血症(hyperlipidemia, HLP)大鼠血脂、一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)及内皮素(endothelin, ET)含量的影响。方法:将80只Wistar大鼠随机分为4组:正常对照组(饲喂基础饲料)、模型组(饲喂高脂饲料)、电针治疗组(饲喂高脂饲料+电针丰隆治疗)、普伐他汀治疗组(饲喂高脂饲料+普伐他汀钠灌胃)。各组20只。30 d后称取各组大鼠体质量,以改良大鼠心脏穿刺采血方法采血,检测血脂、NO以及ET

2、含量。 结果:与正常对照组比较,模型组大鼠体质量、总胆固醇(total cholesterol, TC)、甘油三酯(triacylglycerol, TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(low density lipoprotein-cholesterol, LDL-C)和ET水平显著升高(P0.05,P0.01);高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(high density lipoprotein-cholesterol, HDL-C)、NO水平显著降低(P0.05)。与模型组比较,普伐他汀治疗组、电针治疗组大鼠体质量、TC、TG、LDL-C水平明显降低(P0.01),NO水平显著升高。普伐他汀治疗组HDL-C水平

3、显著升高,而电针治疗组升高不明显,两组之间差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。普伐他汀治疗组ET水平降低(P0.05),电针治疗组ET水平降低不明显(P0.05)。结论:电针治疗和西药治疗均对HLP大鼠血脂具有良性调节作用,且能在一定程度上纠正高脂状态下NO和ET水平的失衡。西药对HLP大鼠HDL-C有较好的良性调节作用,而电针对HLP大鼠HDL-C的调节作用有限。 【关键词】 高脂血症; 电针疗法; 丰隆; 一氧化氮; 内皮素 Objective: To investigate the effect of electro-acupuncture (EA) at Fenglong (GV 16)

4、on body weight, blood lipids, nitric oxide (NO) and endothelin (ET) in rats with hyperlipidemia (HLP). Methods: Eighty Wistar rats were randomly divided into normal control group (fed normal diet), untreated group (fed a high-fat diet), EA-treated group (fed a high-fat diet plus EA therapy) and prav

5、astatin-treated group (fed a high-fat diet plus pravastatin tablet). There were 20 rats in each group. The body weight and the blood content of total cholesterol (TC), triacylglycerol (TG), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C), NO the and ET of th

6、e rats in different groups were measured before experiment and after 30-day treatment. A modified method of cardiac puncture for blood sampling was used for blood collection. Results: Compared with the normal control group, the body weight and the levels of TC, TG, LDL-C and ET in the untreated grou

7、p were significantly elevated (P0.01, P0.05), while the levels of HDL-C and NO were obviously decreased (P0.05). The body weight and the levels of TC, TG, LDL-C demonstrated significant reduction in pravastatin-treated group and EA-treated group as compared with the untreated group (P0.01), and the

8、NO content in pravastatin-treated group and EA-treated group was higher than that in the untreated group (P0.01). Compared with the untreated group, HDL-C level was elevated significantly in pravastatin-treated group, while HDL-C level in EA-treated group was not changed significantly, and there was

9、 significant difference in the HDL-C level between pravastatin-treated group and EA-treated group (P0.01). The level of ET was decreased obviously in pravastatin-treated group (P0.05), while the level of ET in EA-treated group was not changed significantly (P0.05). Conclusions: Both EA therapy and p

10、ravastatin have efficient regulation of body weight and the content of TC, TG, LDL-C and NO in HLP rats. To some extent, they are able to regulate the imbalance between ET and NO content under the condition of HLP. Western medicine such as pravastatin can regulate the HDL-C level in HLP rats, while

11、the effect of EA therapy on regulation of the HDL-C level is limited. Keywords: hyperlipidemia; electro-acupuncture; Fenglong; nitric oxide; endothelin 高脂血症(hyperlipidemia, HLP)是指血液中一种或多种脂质含量超过正常高限的疾病。中医学对于“HLP”的认识源于内经的“膏脂学说”,认为其属于血脉中的病变,为血中之痰浊,由血脉不畅、气滞血瘀和痰阻脉络等经络气血的运行失常所致。现代医学认为HLP能够引起内皮细胞损伤及血管收缩、舒张

12、功能异常,是导致动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis, AS)发生的决定因素1。HLP与致AS相关因素一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)、内皮素(endothelin, ET)之间存在密切关系。本课题在前期大样本、多中心临床研究的基础上2,进一步观察电针丰隆穴对HLP大鼠血脂的调节作用,从而为其临床疗效提供实验依据。 1 材料与方法 1.1 材料 1.1.1 动物 160180 g SPF级健康成年雄性Wistar大鼠80只,由湖北省实验动物研究中心提供,实验动物质量合格证号:SYXK(鄂)2003-0014。 1.1.2 药品与试剂 普伐他汀钠片,中美上海施贵宝制药有限公司

13、,批准文号为(95)卫药准字J-19;胆固醇,上海试一化学试剂有限公司,批号为040803;猪胆盐,成都科龙化工试剂厂,批号为050511;基础饲料和蛋黄粉由湖北省实验动物研究中心提供;猪油(自制);ET试剂盒,北京科美东雅生物技术有限公司,批号为20061125;NO试剂盒,南京建成生物工程研究所第一分所。 1.1.3 仪器 LH202H型韩氏穴位神经刺激仪(北京华卫产业开发公司);Jouan B4i型高速离心机(法国Jouan Industries S.A.S.公司);Olympus AU2700型全自动生化分析仪(日本Olympus公司);DFM-96型多管放射免疫计数器(合肥众成机电技术公司);20冰箱(海尔冰箱BCD-259K/A)。 1.2 动物及分组 将80只Wistar大鼠随机分为4组:正常对照组(饲喂普通饲料),模型组(饲喂高脂饲料),电针治疗组(饲喂高脂


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