1、1. What is poetry? A literary form marked with stanzasWritten in lines Rich imagery Great artistic appeal Beautiful harmony in form and sound Compressed content l以节分段以节分段l以行行文以行行文l内涵丰富内涵丰富l意境悠远意境悠远l声形和谐声形和谐l诗艺彰显诗艺彰显 A Grain of Sand by William Blake lTo see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in
2、 a wild flower,lHold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour.l一花观天地一花观天地 l一沙看世界一沙看世界 l一掌握无限一掌握无限 l一瞬生永恒一瞬生永恒lBeauty in the form of poetrylBeauty in the poetic imagerylBeauty in the poetic soundlDefinition of poetrylApproaches in poetic analysis (harmony between form and sound, stu
3、dy in allusions & figures of speech)Star If you are A love compassionate, You will walk with us this year, We face a glacial distance, who are hereHuddldAt your feet 星啊,星啊,如果你那如果你那爱中满含怜悯,爱中满含怜悯,来年就和我们同行。来年就和我们同行。我们面对冰河距离,如今我们面对冰河距离,如今拥挤拥挤在你脚底在你脚底starIf you areA love compassionate,You will walk w
4、ith us this year,We face a glacial distance, who are hereHuddldAt your feet1. l(a 孤(一孤(一 2. le 片片3. af 树树4. fa 叶叶5. ll 落落6. s) 地地7. one 了)了)8. l 零零9. iness 零零la leaf falls(一片树叶落地了)一句话和(一片树叶落地了)一句话和loneliness(孤独)一个词。(孤独)一个词。l排列效果排列效果:首先,第一行中的字母:首先,第一行中的字母l,其,其形状又是数字形状又是数字1,而字母,而字母a也是也是“一一”的的意思;第五行的意思
6、续下落;第七行诗第六两行中,树叶继续下落;第七行诗是相对较长的一个单词是相对较长的一个单词one,我们可以看,我们可以看到树叶被风吹得瞬间横在空中;在第八到树叶被风吹得瞬间横在空中;在第八行诗中,树叶再一次垂直下落;最后一行诗中,树叶再一次垂直下落;最后一行诗又是较长的一行,表明树叶最终落行诗又是较长的一行,表明树叶最终落到了地上,平躺在那里。到了地上,平躺在那里。秋意绵绵 .呆呆 .秀秀 才才 .吃吃 长长 斋斋 .胡胡 须须 满满 腮腮 .经经 书书 揭揭 不不 开开 .纸纸 笔笔 自自 己己 安安 排排 .明明 年年 不不 请请 我我 自自 来来 A Foolish scholar Fa
7、sted so long Whiskers covered his cheeks Neglecting to study the classics He left pen and paper asideHell come without being invited next yearl 宝塔诗的诗歌形式美,对后世宝塔诗的诗歌形式美,对后世新诗的发展影响极大。如现代文学新诗的发展影响极大。如现代文学史记载,像胡适、郭沫若、徐志摩、史记载,像胡适、郭沫若、徐志摩、冰心等著名诗人都曾经在创作新诗冰心等著名诗人都曾经在创作新诗时采用过像宝塔、阶梯等诗行排列时采用过像宝塔、阶梯等诗行排列的形式,显得新颖
8、别致。的形式,显得新颖别致。l 闻一多先生曾提出关于诗歌的闻一多先生曾提出关于诗歌的“三美三美”理论,即音乐美、绘画美理论,即音乐美、绘画美和建筑美,其中,和建筑美,其中,“音乐美音乐美”强调强调诗的律动,诗的律动,“绘画美绘画美”强调诗的意强调诗的意境,境,“建筑美建筑美”强调诗的形式。这强调诗的形式。这是值得推广和遵循的。就拿宝塔诗是值得推广和遵循的。就拿宝塔诗来说,它在不同时期,不同年代,来说,它在不同时期,不同年代,不同场合的确发挥了无比的艺术魅不同场合的确发挥了无比的艺术魅力。力。.呆呆 .秀秀 才才 .吃吃 长长 斋斋 .胡胡 须须 满满 腮腮 .经经 书书 揭揭 不不 开开 .纸
9、纸 笔笔 自自 己己 安安 排排 .明明 年年 不不 请请 我我 自自 来来 l这首是单宝塔诗,起句一个字,末句七个字,像尖尖的宝塔。l它每句都押ai韵,读起来琅琅上口。其内容是写一个不修边幅的呆秀才,构思非常精巧。 lForm: the same as the Chinese translationpagoda-shapedlContent: loyal, expressivelStylistic: the Chinese has end rhyme, but the English translation has alliteration.l 开开 山满山满 桃山杏桃山杏 山好景山山好景山
10、 来山客看山来山客看山 里山僧山客山里山僧山客山山中山路转山崖山中山路转山崖lPS:这是一条“S”形的上山路!l山中山路转山崖山中山路转山崖l山客山僧山里来山客山僧山里来l山客看山山景好山客看山山景好l山桃山杏满山开山桃山杏满山开lAn image is a verbal picture of an object, action, abstract idea, or sensation.lSpring is green, alSummer is bright, blAutumn is gold , clWinter is white. blWhose woods these are I thi
11、nk I know.lHis house is in the village, though;lHe will not see me stopping herelTo watch his woods fill up with snow.lMy little horse must think it queerlTo stop without a farmhouse nearlBetween the woods and frozen lakelThe darkest evening of the year.lHe gives his harness bells a shakelTo ask if
12、there is some mistake.lThe only other sounds the sweeplOf easy wind and downy flake.lThe woods are lovely, dark and deep,lBut I have promises to keep,lAnd miles to go before I sleep,lAnd miles to go before I sleep.lWhose woods these are I think I know.lHis house is in the village, though;lHe will no
13、t see me stopping herelTo watch his woods fill up with snow.lMy little horse must think it queerlTo stop without a farmhouse nearlBetween the woods and frozen lakelThe darkest evening of the year.l凭窗眺望,凭窗眺望,l一树春天!一树春天!l枯藤老树昏鸦,枯藤老树昏鸦,l小桥流水人家,小桥流水人家,l古道西风瘦马。古道西风瘦马。l夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。 lWho has see
14、n wind?l Neither I nor you:lBut when the leaves hang tremblingl The wind is passing thro.lWho has seen wind?l Neither I nor you:lBut when the trees bow down their headsl The wind is passing by. - Christina Rossetti(1830-1894)lUnder a spreading chestnut treel The village smithy stands;lThe smith, a m
15、ighty man is he,l With large and sinewy hands;lAnd the muscles of his brawny armsl Are strong as iron bands - H.W. Longfellow(1807-1882)lI have been here before,l But when or how I cannot tell:lI Know the grass beyond the door, l The sighing sound, the lights around the shore.llYou have been mine be
16、fore,l How long ago I may not know:lBut just when at that swallows soarl Your neck turned so,lSome veil did fall, - I knew it all of yore.llHas this been thus before?l And shall not thus times eddying flightlStill with our lives our love restore l In deaths despite,lAnd day and night yield one delig
17、ht once more? lPoetry Poetry lis is lthe record the record lof the best of the best land and lhappiest moments happiest moments lof the happiest of the happiest land and lbest minds.best minds. -John Keatsl( (济慈语济慈语) )诗歌是最快乐的、诗歌是最快乐的、l最高尚的心灵在最美好、最高尚的心灵在最美好、l最幸福的时刻的记录。最幸福的时刻的记录。 lPoetry is a literary
18、 genre that communicates experience in the most condensed form.lPoetry is a multidimensional language: an intellectual dimension, an emotional d, a sensuous d, and an imaginative d. These dimensions work together to pass experience to the reader. Poetry tries to say the most in the fewest possible w
19、ords.lPoetry begins in delight, and ends in wisdom. Robert FrostlHe who draws noble delights from the sentiments of poetry is a true poet, though he has never written a line in all his life. George SandlAside from the basic demand that poetry says something, poetry is characterized by the following
20、elements:l1) a musical effect created by rhythm and sound;l2) a precise and fresh imagery;l3) multiple levels of interpretations suggested by the connotations of the words and by allusions.l-simile:l-metaphor:l-metonymy :l-hyperbole: l-repetition:l-antithesis:l-personification:l-transferred epithet:
21、ltransferred epithet(移位修饰移位修饰|转移修饰转移修饰)lmetonymy (转喻转喻|借代借代|换喻换喻)l 这是修辞学的一种重要的修辞手法。它将描写甲这是修辞学的一种重要的修辞手法。它将描写甲事物性状的词语移来描写乙事物的性状。事物性状的词语移来描写乙事物的性状。 l移位修饰法就是将仅可用于修饰某种东西的移位修饰法就是将仅可用于修饰某种东西的词汇词汇移植修饰到另类东西上的一种语言使用手法,即将甲移植修饰到另类东西上的一种语言使用手法,即将甲事物的修饰成分转移到乙事物上,使风马牛不相及的事物的修饰成分转移到乙事物上,使风马牛不相及的成分凑在一起,反而使得语言简练凝缩,形
22、象生动。成分凑在一起,反而使得语言简练凝缩,形象生动。l比如我们经常使用的比如我们经常使用的“Happy New Year!”, “year”是不是不会会“happy”的,如果非要生硬地说的,如果非要生硬地说“You feel happy in the new year.”,反倒累赘了。其它如,反倒累赘了。其它如“a sleepless night”,“the smiling spring”,“hurrying autumn”,等等,都是常见的例子。由于这种修辞手法的独特性等等,都是常见的例子。由于这种修辞手法的独特性和形象生动性,其在英语诗歌中的使用颇为广泛。和形象生动性,其在英语诗歌中的使
23、用颇为广泛。 lOften I think of the beautiful townThat is seated by the sea;Often in thought go up and downThe pleasant streets of that dear old town,And my youth comes back to me.And a verse of a Lapland songIs haunting my memory still:“A boys will is the winds will,And the thoughts of youth are long, lon
24、g thoughts.”lI can see the shadowy lines of its trees,And catch, in sudden gleams,The sheen of the far-surrounding seas,And islands that were the HesperidesOf all my boyish dreams.And the burden of that old song,It murmurs and whispers still:A boys will is the winds will,And the thoughts of youth ar
25、e long, long thoughts. l“少年的愿望是风的愿望,少年的愿望是风的愿望, 青春的遐想悠长、悠长。青春的遐想悠长、悠长。” lHesperides:希神金苹果园, 守护金苹果树的仙女 As virtuous men pass mildly away, And whisper to their souls to go, Whilst some of their sad friends do say, The breath goes now, and some say, no: So let us melt, and make no noise, 5 No tear-flood
26、s, nor sigh-tempests move, Twere profanation of our joys To tell the laity our love. Our two souls therefore, which are one, Though I must go, endure not yet A breach, but an expansion, Like gold to airy thinness beat. If they be two, they are two so As stiff twin compasses are two, Thy soul, the fi
27、xed foot, makes no show To move, but both, if th other do. And though it in the centre sit, Yet when the other far doth roam, It leans, and hearkens after it, And grows erect, as that comes home. Such wilt thou be to me, who must Like th other foot, obliquely run;Thy firmness makes my circle just, A
28、nd makes me end where I begun. Danti: Divine Comedy神曲Milton: Paradise Lost 失乐园 3) didactic poem(说理诗) humorous poem(幽默诗) burlesque(滑稽诗) parody(模仿诗) 2) Narrative Poems(叙事诗)(叙事诗) 1) Lyrical Poems(抒情诗)(抒情诗)4. Kinds of PoetryA. In terms of content :ode (颂诗) elegy(悼念诗)idyll(田园诗) love poem(爱情诗)songs(韵文) ba
29、llads(民谣)Epics (史诗) ( heroic poems), Dramatic Poems (戏剧诗:usu. in dialogue ; in blank verse), Metrical tale (故事诗),ballads(民谣) Kinds of PoetryB. In terms of metre:1) Metrical Poems(格律诗)(格律诗)Regular Rhyme; Regular Rhythm; Definite Number of LinesFree Verse(自由诗):(自由诗):不受格律、音韵的约束不讲求形式上的整齐或有规则,不寻求语言上的平衡、华
30、美或高雅,以充分地、尽情地表达思想为主要目的。Irregular Rhyme and Rhythm; Irregular Number of LinesBlank Verse(无韵诗):(无韵诗):不押韵,但有音步和格 律的限制;传统的无韵诗的节奏是抑扬格五音步,各节长短不一,因而有“诗段”这个说法。Without Rhyme ; With RhythmlRegular Rhyme; Regular Rhythm; Definite Number of LineslIrregular Rhyme and Rhythm; Irregular Number of LineslWithout Rhy
31、me; With Rhythml中国古诗有节奏。其节奏主要是通过汉字特有的声调中国古诗有节奏。其节奏主要是通过汉字特有的声调表现出来的。传统汉语中的声调有四:平、上、去、表现出来的。传统汉语中的声调有四:平、上、去、入。平声称入。平声称“平声平声”,上、去、入三声统称仄声。平,上、去、入三声统称仄声。平声与仄声结合起来反复出现,就是中国诗歌的节奏。声与仄声结合起来反复出现,就是中国诗歌的节奏。如一首五言绝句,其最常见的节奏是:如一首五言绝句,其最常见的节奏是: 仄仄平平仄,平平仄仄平。仄仄平平仄,平平仄仄平。 平平平仄仄,仄仄仄平平。平平平仄仄,仄仄仄平平。 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。白日依山尽
32、,黄河入海流。 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。(王之涣欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。(王之涣登鹳雀楼登鹳雀楼)此诗即是这样的节奏。其中此诗即是这样的节奏。其中“欲欲”字是仄声,与格式字是仄声,与格式不合。但根据格律要求,诗行中的第一字可平可仄。不合。但根据格律要求,诗行中的第一字可平可仄。 l英文诗歌也有节奏。英文诗歌也有节奏。英文没有平声、仄声之分,但有重读轻英文没有平声、仄声之分,但有重读轻读音节之分,读音节之分,其节奏是通过重读音节与轻读音节表现出来的。其节奏是通过重读音节与轻读音节表现出来的。一个重读音节与一个或两个轻读音节按一定的模式搭配起来,一个重读音节与一个或两个轻读音节按一定的模式搭配起来
33、,有规律地反复出现就是英文诗歌的节奏有规律地反复出现就是英文诗歌的节奏。 l我们知道凡是有两个以上音节的英文单词,都有重读音节与我们知道凡是有两个以上音节的英文单词,都有重读音节与轻读音节之分,在一句话中,根据语法、语调、语意的要求,轻读音节之分,在一句话中,根据语法、语调、语意的要求,有些词要重读,有些要轻读。如有些词要重读,有些要轻读。如he went to town to buy a book. Im glad to hear the news. l英文中有重读和轻读之分,重读的音节和轻读的音节,按一英文中有重读和轻读之分,重读的音节和轻读的音节,按一定模式配合起来,反复再现,组成诗句,
34、听起来起伏跌宕,定模式配合起来,反复再现,组成诗句,听起来起伏跌宕,抑扬顿挫,就形成了诗歌的节奏。多音节单词有重音和次重抑扬顿挫,就形成了诗歌的节奏。多音节单词有重音和次重音,音,次重音根据节奏既可视为重读,也可视为轻读。次重音根据节奏既可视为重读,也可视为轻读。读下面读下面这两句诗:这两句诗: Alone she cuts and binds the grain, And sings a melancholy strain. 3. Rhythm (节奏) Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are!The sun is n
35、ot abed when IAt night u pon my pil low lie4. Metre(格律)1) Iambus(抑扬格)Iambic Foot(抑扬音步)( Iambic Tetrametre or 4 - foot Iambus)(四步抑扬格)(四步抑扬格)( Anapaestic Tetrametre or 4 - foot Anapaest)(四步抑抑扬格)(四步抑抑扬格)4. Metre(格律) 1) Iambus(抑扬格)Anapaestic Foot(抑抑扬音步)The stream will not flow, and the hill will not ris
36、e, And the co lours have all passed away from her eyes!2) Anapaest(抑抑扬格)4. Metre(格律) 1) Iambus(抑扬格) 2) Anapaest(抑抑扬格)Trochaic Foot(扬抑音步)Shake your chains to earth like dew , Which in sleep had fallen on you - You are many - they are few .(Trochaic Tetrametre or 4 - foot Trochee)(四步扬抑格)(四步扬抑格)3) Troc
37、hee(扬抑格)Dactylic Foot(扬抑抑音步)a) Take her up tenderly , Lift her with care; b) This is a galloping measure a hop and a trot and a gallop ( Dactylic Hexametre or 6 - foot Dactyl )(六步扬抑抑格)(六步扬抑抑格)4. Metre(格律) 1) Iambus(抑扬格) 2) Anapaest(抑抑扬格) 3) Trochee(扬抑格)4) Dactyl(扬抑抑格)( Dactylic Bi-metre ) (两步扬抑抑格)(两
38、步扬抑抑格)4. Metre(格律)1) Iambus(抑扬格)2) Anapaest(抑抑扬格)3) Trochee(扬抑格)4) Dactyl(扬抑抑格)6) Spondee(扬扬格)7) Pyrric(抑抑格)5) Amphibrach(mfibrk抑扬抑格)For the dear God who loveth us (扬扬格)(抑抑格)(抑扬抑格)5. Foot(音步)Mono-metre (一音步)Bi-metre (二音步)Tri-metre (三音步)Tetrametre (四音步)Pentametre (五音步)Hexametre (六音步)Heptametre (七音步)O
39、ctametre (八音步)6. Sound Patterns(音韵)(音韵)C V C C V C C V C C V C C V C C V C C V C C V C C V C C V C Alliteration (头韵)Assonance (准韵)Para-rhyme(侧韵)Reverse-rhyme(逆韵) Full rhyme(完全韵)take timetake latetake liketake tooktake taletake lakeC V C C V C C V C C V C C V C C V C C V C C V C Consonance (谐韵)C V C
40、C V C C V C C V C C V C C V C l 押韵(rhyme)是指一个音节的读音在以后音节读音中的重复(同行押韵同行押韵),或是一个单词的最后一个音节或几个音节的读音在以后音节相应位置的读音重复(跨行押韵跨行押韵)。l从押韵的位置看,押韵主要有头韵(alliteration)、尾韵(end rhyme)和中间韵或腹韵(internal rhyme)。l尾韵又分全韵(perfect/full rhyme)和非全韵(imperfect/half rhyme)两种。全韵要求押韵的辅全韵要求押韵的辅音和元音都相同,非全韵又包括只是元音相同音和元音都相同,非全韵又包括只是元音相同但辅
41、音不押韵的元韵(但辅音不押韵的元韵(assonance)和只押辅音)和只押辅音不押元音的和韵不押元音的和韵(consonance)。7. Alliteration:phantom fathom ; psychology simplea) To give emphasis:might and main ;(尽全力;主力) fit as a fiddle (非常健康)b) To connect ideas:Please pick up the pretty pink pills for pale people.c) To connect actions:The fighter fled into
42、the field, and, foremost fighting , fell.8. Rhyme:Home foam ; chair thereInternal rhyme(行内韵行内韵:一行内有符合押韵规一行内有符合押韵规则的两个或多个词;增加诗的音乐性,也可使得则的两个或多个词;增加诗的音乐性,也可使得几个词在意思上联系起来。几个词在意思上联系起来。)I am the daughter of the Earth and Water. (Shelley)We plough and sow-were so very, very low. (Ernest Jones)Ah, distinctl
43、y I remember it as in the bleak December. ( Poe ) If all be true that I do think.There are five reasons we should drink :c) Feminine Rhyme(阴韵: 重读音节后还有轻读音节的词押韵。 (弱韵,押韵的双音节词的第二音节为非重音,如 motion;或押韵的三音节词的第二、三音节为非重音,如 happily) 亦称作 female rhyme)(1) What is fame? An empty bubble. Gold? A transient, shining
44、trouble.(2) Rise like lions after slumber, In unvvanquishable number.(3) Oh! ye immortal Gods! what is theogony? (神谱,记述神的史诗) Oh! thou, too, mortal man! what is philanthropy?b) Masculine Rhyme(阳韵:单音节词和重读在后的双音节或更多音节的词押韵。 (单韵,只最后一个音节押韵,如complain,disdain)l男韵所押的韵音局限于诗行中男韵所押的韵音局限于诗行中重读的末尾音节重读的末尾音节上,称男上,称男
45、韵,也叫单韵,听起来强劲有力。如:韵,也叫单韵,听起来强劲有力。如: late, fate; hill, fill; enjoy, destroy. l押韵押韵押在两个音节上,后一音节押在两个音节上,后一音节非重读音节非重读音节,称女韵也,称女韵也叫双韵,听起来或轻快,或幽婉。如:叫双韵,听起来或轻快,或幽婉。如: lighting, fighting; motion, ocean; wining, beginning. 看下面一节诗:看下面一节诗: I am coming, little maiden, With the pleasant sunshine laden; With the h
46、oney for the bee, With the blossom for the tree. 前两行押女韵,后两行押男韵。前两行押女韵,后两行押男韵。d) Monosyllabic Rhyme(单音节韵):Hour tour ; now know ; dear bear ; save have e) Bisyllabic Rhyme (双音节韵) :f) Trisyllabic Rhyme (三音节韵) :g) Eye rhyme(眼韵):I / fly ; fool / rule ; write / fight ; again / remain /sustainborrow / sorr
47、ow ; daughter /water ; conversation /compensationRoman / no man ; know it / show it beautiful / dutiful ; think of it / drink of it9. Rhyme Scheme:1) aabb(连续韵):Work while you work, and play while you play, aFor that is the way to be happy and gay. a All that you do, do with your might, bThings done
48、by halves are never done right. b2) abab(交叉韵):How do you like to go up in a swing. a Up in the air so blue? bOh, I do think it the pleasantest thing a Ever a child can do! b3) abba(首尾韵):I hold it true , whateer befall ; aI feel it when I sorrow most ; bTis better to have loved and lost bThan never t
49、o have loved at all. a4) abcb(二四韵):Spring is green, aSummer is bright, bAutumn is gold , cWinter is white. b A stanza is a group of lines ( of any number of lines, most frequently of four lines ) bound together by an end rhyme. 10. Stanza:11. Sonnet:1) Italian Sonnet(意大利体十四行诗)2) Spenserian Sonnet(斯宾
50、塞体十四诗)3) Shakespearian Sonnet(莎士比亚体十四行诗)1) Italian Sonnet(Francesco Petrach)The poetry of earth is never dead : aWhen all the birds are faint with the hot sun, bAnd hide in cooling trees, a voice will run bFrom hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead; aThat is the Grasshoppers - he takes the lead aIn
51、 summer luxury, - he has never done bWith his delights; for when tired out with fun bHe rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed. aThe poetry of earth is ceasing never : cOn a lone winter evening, when the frost dHas wrought a silence, from the stove there shrills e The Crickets song, in warmth incr
52、easing ever, cAnd seems to one in drowsiness half lost, dThe Grasshoppers among some grassy hills. ean octave + a sestet2) Spenserian Sonnet(Edmund Spenser )3 quatrains + a coupletFor loe my love doth in her selfe containe bAll this worlds riches that may farre be found. cIf saphyres, loe her eyes b
53、e saphyres plaine: bIf rubies, loe her lips be rubies sound; cIf pearls, her teeth be pearls both pure and round; cIf yvorie, her forehead yvory weene; dIf gold, her locks are finest gold on ground; c If silver, her fair hands are silver sheene. dBut that which fairest is, but few behold: eHer mind, adorned with vertues manifold. eYe trade full merchants, that with weary toyle aDo seeke nost pretious things to make your gain, bAnd both the Indians of their treasures spoile, aFor
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