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1、爱再来一次If Only我真的会想你,你知道吗?I'm really gonna miss you, you know that?珊,就一两个星期而已Sam, it's just a couple of weeks.那就好像永远那么久,对吧?Which is gonna seem like an eternity, right?比永远还多一些An eternity, and then some.舒服多了,你这该死的英国人That's better, you bloody Englishman.再说一遍 说什么?Say it again. Say what?我喜欢听你用英

2、语讲脏话 说“该死的”I love hearing you say English swear words. Say "bloody."“该死的”Bloody.说“畜生”“畜生”Now say "bugger."你这畜生,该死的畜生Bugger. You bugger. You bloody bugger.就是这个字That's the one.哦,惨了 哦,你这花言巧语的小子Oh, crap! You smooth talker, you.我得着装,浏灠一下我的笔记 排练我的讲词I have to get dressed, run throug

3、h my notes, rehearse my presentation.发神经,竟不理你的半裸女友 给我两秒钟Have a nervous breakdown, ignore your half-naked girlfriend.Give me two seconds. Sam!待在那儿 别动你那可爱的英国小屁屁Just stay right there, and don't move your cute British butt.别跟我说有礼物 是有礼物Don't tell me. There's a gift. There's a gift.总是有礼物 令

4、我觉得非常愧疚There's always a gift. Makes me feel very guilty.一般都会这么想的Well, that is the general idea.我也有准备礼物,晚点再送你 因为是个惊喜I have a present, too. I'll give it to you later because it's a surprise.好极了,我喜欢惊喜Great. I love surprises.哇哦Wow.太棒了 我知道It's perfect. I know.在波多贝罗路的名牌店里买♥&

5、hearts;的 才卖♥♥十英磅而已Vintage Portobello Road. It was only ?10.还附送这个And it does come with this.衬里不错,丝质的Nice lining. Silk.怎么?What?我得去准备一下了 你知道这次会议有多重要I have to get ready. Look, you know how important this meeting is.如果顺利的话 你知道代表着什么If it goes well, then you know what that could mean.

6、伊恩.Ian.珊Sam.求你发发慈悲吧Please. Have mercy.我之前在想说 等你交易结束并说服他们之后.You know, that's what I was thinking.That after the meeting, after you close the deal and knock them dead.刚刚好可以暂时放松一下 然后.it would be a perfect time to sit back, relax, and.然后怎样? 去俄亥俄州And? And go to Ohio.我真的很希望你陪我去 参加我妈的婚礼,认识认识大家I really

7、want you to go to my mom's wedding with me.You could meet everyone.你不去吗?You're not coming.我很想放下手边事情 但你晓得我工作一直很忙碌I tried to free things up, but you know.You know how hectic work's been.真的很抱歉I'm really sorry.没关系That's okay.听着,去印第安那州的事 让你失望我真的很抱歉Look, I really am sorry to let you do

8、wn about Indiana.是俄亥俄州Ohio.算我畜生,再次抱歉Bugger! I'm sorry. Again.我只要在下次婚礼见你妈就行了Look, I'm just gonna have to meet your mom at the next wedding.什么婚礼?What wedding?我们明年的婚礼Ours. Next year.我? 嫁给你?Me? Marry you?一个连橡树州和印第安那州 都搞不清楚的人? 得了吧A guy who confuses the Buckeye state with the Hoosier state?I don&#

9、39;t think so.我要去冲个澡了 请便I'm gonna take a shower now. Be my guest.珊?Sam.我没事,准备吃早餐了吗? 祝你胃口大开I am the coolest. Ready for breakfast? Bon appétit.嘿,我不管会议有多重要 你要吃才行Hey, I don't care how big this meeting is. You are going to eat.抱歉,没时间了I'm sorry. There's no time.喔,我真是笨手笨脚的God. I'm

10、such a klutz.给我看看Show me.好点没? 好很多了Better? Much.很好Good.有一天,存取一个人的遗传构造 将和开立信用支票一样容易One day, accessing one's genetic makeup will be as easy as running a credit check.那种知识给我们力量 改变我们的命运"That knowledge gives us the power to alter our destiny."改变命运? 你信那档子事?Alter destiny? You believe that?对,我当

11、然信 告诉你,接下来五十年.Yeah, of course I do. I'm telling you, in the next 50 years.人依旧会死的People are still gonna die.洗过车后依旧会下雨 石头依旧会转动It's still gonna rain right a after you've washed your car.And the Stones will still be touring.那种事不是你能主宰的 你唯一能主宰的是你自己的选择You know, that stuff's out of your cont

12、rol.The only things you can control are your own choices.好吧Okay那算是不同的观点Well, that would be the other point of view.但我没空争辩命运之说 我只是在练习我的演讲But I really don't have time to debate destiny. I'm just practicing my speech.对不起Oh. Excuse me.以防等会没空说,今晚一块用餐 密传餐厅,七点钟In case we don't talk later, dinne

13、r tonight, Tantra, 7:00.今晚七点? 你在开玩笑,对吧?Tonight, 7:00? You're kidding, right?开玩笑? 我不觉得啊Kidding? Not that I'm aware of.我的演奏会My concert.我准备了三年的演奏会 想起来了没?The one I've been preparing for for three years. Ring a bell?对,你的毕业演奏会 我没忘,是在.Yeah, your graduation concert. I didn't forget that. Tha

14、t's.今晚七点Tonight, 7:00.我真是猪头I'm an arse.真抱歉,珊 不敢相信我竟然忘了I'm so sorry, Sam. Really. I can't believe I did that.祝你开会好运 你应该用不着,你会很棒的Good luck. In your meeting. Not that you need it.You're gonna be great.对不起I'm sorry.一定是在开我玩笑You've gotta be kidding me!不会吧,那个死笨蛋Oh, no! The stupi

15、d jerk!别迟到了,这事我自行处理就好 今晚演奏会上见了You know, don'tbe late. I'll take care of this.I'll see you tonight at the concert.演奏会? 什么演奏会?Concert? What concert?我开玩笑的啦 因为结果我忘了这档子事,而且.I was kidding. Kidding, you see? Because it turns out that I forgot the thing and.哦,这一定是我不断听说的 英国式幽默感This must be that B

16、ritish sense of humor I keep hearing so much about.好的,晚上见了Okay.Well, I'll see you tonight.各位,我们AGS不只是 位于生物科技最前线."Gentlemen, we at AGS are not only at the forefront of."不是最前线,是先锋!Not "the forefront," "the vanguard"!该死!Bollocks!发生了什么事?What happened?我早上弄破了I cracked it

17、this morning.但表停在十一点But it says 11:00.指针一定是移位了Well, the hands must have moved.至少一天会正确个两次At least it'll be right twice a day.帮我一个忙Do me a favor.打电♥话♥到密传餐厅 把我的预订席位延到九点Call Tantra, push my reservation to 9:00.派个人去夏菲尼高商店 我需要送份礼物给珊曼莎.and have someone dash over to Harvey Nicks. I

18、 need a present for Samantha.珊曼莎的毕业演奏会For Samantha's graduation concert.你怎会记得那事呢?How did you remember that?不清楚,可能是因为她告诉过我I'm not sure.Could be because she told me she sent you an invitation.她寄了张邀请卡放在你桌上 我们把这日子排进你的掌上秘书.which is on your desk, we programmed the date into your Palm we bought an

19、ad in the program.好的,懂了懂了,谢谢Okay. Got it. Got it. Thanks. Thank you.无论如何,我答应要给她一份惊喜Anyway, I promised her a surprise送件毛衣如何? 羊毛的?So how about a sweater? Something cashmere.红色的! 她喜爱红色Red. Red's her favorite color.她已经有一件了She's already got one.红色羊毛衫 她上次来这儿就穿那件A red cashmere sweater. She was wear

20、ing it last time she was here.不断地说她有多喜爱She went on and on about how much she loved it.真的? 我那时人在哪?Really? Where was I?就在她旁边Right next to her."你根本不懂.""我的内心感受""抱着我,宝贝"抱歉害你大老远来这儿接我Sorry to make you pick me up all the way over here.不知道我怎会受的了你Don't know why I put up with

21、you.快接,快接. 发型好可爱!Pick up, pick up, pick up. Cute hair.可恶,是语♥音♥信箱Shit. Voicemail.嘿 嘿 我刚发现你的蓝色资料夹 装有你所有笔记的那一份Hi. Hi. I just found your blue folder. The one with all the notes in it.我现在正要赶去饭店I'm on my way to the hotel right now.走Go抱歉,抱歉Sorry. Sorry.各位先生女士Ladies, gentlemen.今日我们

22、有机会来帮助人类Today, we are given and opportunity to help mankind.抱歉,先生 有事吗?Excuse me. Sir? Yes?可否请你帮我将这资料夹 拿进会议室?Hi. Could you please take this folder into the conference room for me?我的.温汉先生正等着要My. Mr. Wyndham's expecting it.对不起,小姐 那样子违反饭店政策I'm sorry, miss, but that's against hotel policy.但他可

23、能会丢了工作But he could lose his job.真是悲惨Oh, it's tragic.不过呢,不是我的问题But alas, not my problem.老天,你们这些人 讲话卑鄙的还这么斯文God. Even when you guys are nasty, it sounds polite.现在,用你们的投资.Now, in terms of your investments.糟糕,公事包打开了 我得进去才行Shit. Briefcase open. I have to go in.everything we've discussed so far.恕我

24、打扰了,温汉先生Excuse me for interrupting, Mr. Wyndham.这是要给你的,我刚以为你可能需要.跟你手上拿的那份一样的资料夹This is for you.I just thought that you might need the exact same folder you already have.我明白了I see.好的,嗯.Okay. Well.假警报,真是非常抱歉False alarm. Terribly sorry. I just thought.我只是以为.我只想确定你. 确定他需要的东西都齐全了Well, I just wanted to ma

25、ke sure you.He had everything he needed.因为他花了很多心血Because he worked so hard on it.我意思是,他真的很热真.I mean, really dedicated.这事理该一帆风顺And he deserves for this to all go.perfectly.不像这样子 这是我的错,是我Not like this. This is my fault.Me.无论如何,真的很高兴认识各位So, anyway, really nice to meet all of you.你说的对,他们表情真的是很严肃You were

26、 right. They really are a serious-looking bunch.是指好的方面In a good way.总而言之呢.So, in conclusion.伊恩不错,把钱给他 再见了Ian's good. Give him the money. See you later.可以继续了吗?So, move on, shall we?我忘了我的皮包I forgot my purse.他已经有资料夹了 这份拿走He already had the folder.Take this folder.我不想再见到它I never want to see it again

27、.我觉得情形顺利 是吗?But I think that went well. Did it?是的,眼神锋利、局促不安 伊恩冷竣地瞪我Yeah. Yeah, the glaring, the awkwardness.the cold stare from Ian.就跟我预期的一样Just what I was hoping for.我想我太多嘴了,你?不会I think I talk too much. You? Never.来吧,我们去工作了Come on. Let's go to work.那儿有个家伙 喜欢你快乐冲动的个性There's a guy there who y

28、ou know loves your delightfully impulsive nature.我不行,我拉的很差I can't do it. I'm bad.过来Come here.你拉的不差,知道为什么吗?You are not bad. Do you know why?因为要是你拉的很差 就表示我是个差劲的老师.Because if you were bad, then that would mean that I was a bad teacher.事实上我是个绝佳的老师,对吧?and, in fact, I am a fabulous teacher, right?

29、因此呢,你不可能很差Hence you couldn't possibly be bad.你说中了You've got a point.快点,大家一块拉Come on. Let's all play together.准备好了吗? 一、二、三.You ready? One, two, three.那你钓到钱了没?Did you land the money then?他们逃不出我的手掌心I had them. I had them in the palm of my hand.不敢相信珊曼莎竟然使出那招.I can't believe Samantha pull

30、ed that stunt right after she.她整个上午都在生我莫名的气She spent all morning being peeved at me for "not being in the moment".女孩子全是那样子All birds are like that.尤其是美国人 她们是从哪学来的?Especially the Yanks. Where do they come up with them?欧普拉Oprah.哦,对Oh, right.起来一下,各位You're up, guys.小姐抱歉,我情不自禁 注意到你在这里工作Excus

31、e me, Miss. I couldn't help but notice that you work here.我刚在想说 不知道你几点.下班?I was just wondering what time you.knock off.闪一旁去吧你Oh, just piss off, will you?可恶,对不起了Oh, shit. Sorry, mate.不要紧,反正我该走了That's all right, mate. Sorry. I should be heading off anyway.珊曼莎,好了,再见了各位Samantha. Right. Well, see

32、 you later, boys.拜拜,罗密欧Bye-bye, Romeo.我认为她喜欢你 绝对喜欢你I think she liked you. Definitely liked you, mate.我只是需要一个 客观的人来告诉我.I just need an objective person to tell me.东边墙上应该挂超现实主义裸画.if the surrealist nude should go on the East wall.还是该摆些雕塑or whether I should put the multiple phallus sculptures there.阳光照射的

33、时候会相当迷人They look pretty amazing when the sun hits them.一定没错Well, I bet they do.那是伊恩吗?Is that Ian?他在做什么?What's he doing?旅行社TRAVEL AGENTS惊喜The surprise.麻烦到克利夫顿音乐厅Clifton Hall, please.那是音乐学校,是不是?That's the music school, isn't it?对,今晚有场演奏会Yeah. There's a concert there tonight.你的女友是音乐家You

34、r girlfriend's a musician.没错That's right.你们感情生活出了问题And you're having problems with your love life.你究竟如何知道的呢?How in the world did you know that?做我这行的是仅次于吧台酒保 能了解别人心里问题的人People in my profession are second only to barmen.in knowing about the problems of the heart.是什么问题呢?So what's the tr

35、ouble?我不想谈I don't wanna talk about it.好主意,问题可能会自行化解That's a good idea. The thing'll probably just fix itself.我似乎无法令她快乐Well, I can't seem to make her happy.怎会爱一个人这么深 却不知道如何.How can you love someone so much and not know how.如何去爱她?How to love them?这么说你真的爱她啰?So you do love her?是的,我非常爱她Ye

36、s. Very much.那点才是最重要的Yeah, well, that's all that matters.她明天要离开两周She's going away tomorrow for two weeks她希望我陪她去And she wants me to go with her.万一她不回来了怎么办?What if she never came back?那算哪门子的问题?What sort of a question is that?拜讬,想像一下 你在机场挥手道别,她搭上了飞机.Well, go on. Picture it.You wave goodbye at t

37、he airport.She gets on an airplane.从此再也见不到她了You never see her again.你能接受那样吗?Could you live with that?不能No.不,我不能No, I couldn't.那你晓得该怎么做Well, you know what to do.感激她,感激你所拥有的Appreciate her and what you have.爱她就是了Just love her.还要两个街区才到啊It's not for another two blocks.你不能空着手露面You can't show u

38、p empty-handed.如果伊恩买♥♥了机票陪我去的话You know, if Ian bought a ticket, if he is coming home with me.那就真的太好了 我是说,也许他要跟我去It's really sweet.Maybe he's coming around.希望是如此,你理该得的I hope so. You deserve it.如果伊恩还不懂 那他就只是一坨屎罢了And if Ian doesn't know that, he's nothing but a dip

39、shit.你总是明确地知道怎么说You always know exactly what to say.现在记住,你卓越非凡Now, remember, you are the bee's knees.那是好事 祝你今晚演奏顺利It's a good thing.Have a great time tonight.谢谢,拜Thank you. Bye.接下来,梅文娜华特丝要演唱.Next, Melvina Walters will sing.古诺谱写的“茱丽叶之华尔滋”Juliet's Waltz by Gounod.嗨,谢谢Hey. Hi.Thanks.准备走了吗?Y

40、ou ready?是的,再见了Yeah. I'll see you later.好好享受这美好之旅You two have a great trip.嘿,奥立佛,你来了,嗨!Hey, Oliver.You made it! Hi!开玩笑,他绝对不会错过的Are you kidding? He wouldn't have missed it for the world.她是最棒的She was the best one.我喜欢安德鲁斯小姐,大家都是I love Miss Andrews. Everyone does.如果我再大个几岁.If I was just a few yea

41、rs older.你呀!You little.这是送你的 谢谢This is for you. Oh. Well, thank you.伊恩,这是不是最可爱的卡片呢?Ian, is this not just the cutest card?对,我们该走了Yeah. We should go.我.没关系Well, I.That's okay.我们也必须走了We need to go, too.真是场灾难It was a disaster.邓巴没意见,庄恩很生气 而我完蛋了Dunbar passed, Trahern is pissed, and I'm screwed.老天,伊

42、恩,我真是抱歉.算了God, Ian, I'm so sorry. Forget it.那么,还有什么事呢?So what else is going on?洛蒂明天开展览会Lottie has an exhibit tomorrow.在一流的画廊“锌”Some big-shot gallery, The Zinc.我去那里帮忙.And I went down there this afternoon to help her.听起来满有趣的Sounds like fun.想跳舞吗?Wanna dance?你几时看过我跳舞?When have you ever seen me dance

43、?你今天下午开完会去哪里了? 我打你手♥机♥几百万次了So where'd you go this afternoon after your meeting? I called your cell, like, a zillion times.我关机了,不想接任何人电♥话♥I turned it off. Didn't wanna hear from anyone.偷得浮生半日闲 在城里逛一逛,想点事情I spent the rest of the day walking around th

44、e city, thinking.想什么?About?我们的事,以及我们是否有结果About us, and whether we were gonna make it.不,我不是那个意思,你不了解No, I didn't mean that. You don't understand.我得承认我们早上不是很好 而且会议.You have to admit our morning was not the greatest, and the meeting was.我彷徨不知所措 然后我碰到了一个计程车司机Well. And then I met this cab driver,

45、 and we talked.I was wondering what to do.计程车司机,你跟.A cab driver? You talked.有点奇怪,不过感觉不错,真的I know. It sounds weird, but it was good. Really. He made me realize.他使我明了到纵使你我之间有问题 我们也分享了许多东西that even though you and I have problems, we share a lot, too.我们彼此情投意合,我应该心存感激We enjoy each other, and I should app

46、reciate that.撇开一切和这么惨的今天不说Because underneath everything and despite this awful day.我崇拜你I adore you.我猜我说的话是,我.I guess what I'm saying is, I.我想定居此地I wanna soldier on.我真的想I really do.好吗?Okay?不No不什么?No, what?我不想定居此地I don't wanna "soldier on".伊恩,若我此刻想留在伦敦 只会是为了你Ian, if I were to stay in

47、 London now, it would only be for you.为了我们,我愿意立即那么做.For us.And I would do that in a heartbeat只要我觉得我们真的很特别If I thought that we were really special.是没错 真的吗?We are. Really?你从不告诉我你的感受 或谈谈你自己You never tell me how you feel or talk about yourself.你不想见我的家人 忘了我的毕业演奏会You don't wanna meet my family. You fo

48、rgot my graduation.我们碰见我最喜爱的学生 你却表现得好像他有传染病似的We ran into my favorite student.and you act as if he has something contagious.伊恩,我知道你志向远大.Ian, I know you have the best intentions.但我觉得我对你来说 只是排在第二优先顺位but I just feel like I'm a very high second priority for you.真是令人伤心That hurts.最糟糕的部份是: 我开始习惯了And the

49、 worst part is, I'm starting to get used to it.我不懂I don't understand.我知道你不懂I know.我就是受不了这点It's what kills me.如果有过那么一天,伊恩.If there had been just one day, Ian.就一天,我们之间毫无问题阻隔.One day when nothing else mattered but us.我崇拜你! 我不想被崇拜I adore you. I don't wanna be adored.我希望被爱I wanna be loved

50、.你要去哪里?Where are you going?在洛蒂家过夜 一直到明天去机场.Spend the night at Lottie's, to the airport tomorrow, and then.我无法再这样下去了I can't do this anymore.我今天看到你去旅行社I saw you at the travel agency today.你要去哪?Where are you going?约翰尼斯堡,出差Johannesburg. Business.珊曼莎,珊曼莎等等,拜讬Samantha.Samantha, wait. Please. Will

51、you, please?你不能这样对我 你不能离开我You can't do this to me. You can't leave me.你是说我再也见不到你了吗?What are you saying? Are you saying that I'll never see you again?你要不要上车?Are you coming or not?上或下,我的朋友,由你选择In or out, my friend? It's your choice.珊曼莎!Samantha! Samantha! Samantha!不,珊曼莎!No, Samantha!宝贝

52、,宝贝,拜讬不要!Baby! Baby, please, no!宝贝,宝贝,拜讬.No! Samantha! Baby!救命,救命啊,救命!Help me! Help me! Help me!真是遗憾I'm so sorry.我想陪她去.I wanted to be with her.我真的想I really did.怎会发生这种事? 她怎能离我而去?How can this have happened?How could she be gone?我得到了一份教小孩子音乐的兼♥职♥那里有个名叫洛蒂的真正一流美术老师 各方面好得教人趋之若狂遇见

53、一位很棒的家伙,他的名字叫伊恩Met a great guy. His name is Ian.吻功一流、笑容迷死人 静待发展如何吧.”Great kisser. Killer smile, let's see what happens.“我一直在练我与伊恩之歌♥ 我想在离去前送给他I've been working on this song about me & Ian.I want to give it to him before I go away但我怕吓到他,所以改买♥♥件大衣给他But I

54、9;m afraid it'll scare him so I bought him a jacket instead.听说男女之间总有一方爱的比较多They say there's always someone in a relationship who loves more.天啊,但愿那不是我”Oh God I wish it wasn't me.爱将表达一切敢看一个字,我就杀了你Read one word and I'll kill you.我刚才开玩笑的啦!I was just kidding!你.你.你在这里!You're.You're

55、.You're here!对对,你吓死我了Yes. Yes. And you're scaring me.我.我.I. I.我.你.I.You?我.你.I.You?好的,我要靠近你Okay, I'm gonna approach you.现在我要抱你And now I'm gonna hug you.没事的,一切没事了It's okay. Everything's gonna be okay.我真的会想你I'm really gonna miss you, you know that?我也是,我真的会想你,珊 希望你晓得那点Me, too

56、. I really will miss you, Sam. I hope you know that.你相不相信我很重要I do. It's important that you believe me.我相信你I believe you.也恨你让我经历了这么多的痛苦And I would hate, hate for you to have to go through so much pain.不想思念我的话 何不陪我去俄亥俄?So instead of missing me, why don't you come with me to Ohio?珊曼莎.Samantha.你

57、肯定是不去了You're definitely not coming.我不能I can't.你当然不行,工作嘛 我知道,开会最大.Of course you can't. Work, I know. Big meeting.我.我开了会议.而你.My meeting.I had a meeting, and you.伊恩,镇静点,镇静!You.Okay, Ian, calm down. Calm down.听着,你今天准备的万无一失 你会表现很棒的Look, you're very prepared for today, and you're gonna be great.别走,你要做什么?Don't go anywhe


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