1、Preamble 序文 Whereas BBIER wishes to impleme nt an effective dealer system world wide by utilizi ng capacities of various compa nies and Whereas Distributor agrees to market products of BBIER for the ben efit of both Parties, it is HEREBY in con sideratio n of the mutual cove nants and agreeme nts as
2、 here in after set forth agreed as follows: 鉴于比尔照明欲借其它公司的能力以实施一个有效的全球分销系统, 而同意基于双方利益销 售产品,特此签订如下协议: 1. Subject of the Agreeme nt 协议目标 1.1 BBIER hereby grants Distributor right to sell the products and services (here in after referred to as the BBIER Lighting Product” ) in _ . 1.1比尔照明授权于分销商在 _销售其产品及提
3、供服务(以下指“比尔照明产品” )。 (a) BBIER will provide a list of compa nies it is suppl ying to and will in troduce _ to all its clie nts in this regio n that _ is the distributor of BBIER in _ . Distributor will update BBIER with the progress of com muni catio n with those compa nies in the form of quarterly re
4、port of all customers and prospective customer. 比尔照明将把正在合作中的 _客户清单发给 _ ,并把 _ 转介绍给这些客户,并向这些 客户说明: _ 将作为比尔照明在 _ 的分销商.分销商将在季度报告中反馈这些客户的沟 通开发状况. (b) Dealer shall not sell, distribute or promote the sales of any products competitive with or similar to Bbier products in the above territory. 分销商不能在上述地区销售与比
5、尔产品相竞争或类似的产品 (C) For the clie nts from _ who have already imported LED power supply from BBIER, or eve n already set up their buying office in China or HK, they are free to buy from dealer or directly from BBIER. BBIER offer more competitive prices to Distributor to protect its reas on able profit.
6、对于已经在比尔购买过产品的 ,或者在香港或中国设有采购办事处的 _ 地区的客户,他们 可自由选择是从分销商购买或是直接从比尔照明购买 .比尔照明将为分销商提供更有比尔照 明将为分销商提供更有竞争力的价格保证其合理的利润 1.2 Dealer shall use its best efforts to promote sales of BBIER Lighti ng in _ . 分销商应当尽其所能推动比尔照明在市场之销售。 2. Relationship 双方关系 2.1 Dealer shall con duct its bus in ess and perform tran sact io
7、ns only in its own n ame and on its own acco unt and at its own risk. 分销商应当使用自己公司名、本公司帐号并由自己公司自担风险经营生意及履行合同 2.2 Dealer shall not assume any obligati ons in the n ame or on the acco unt of BBIER and shall not make any represe ntati ons or warra nties on behalf of BBIER uni ess expressly so authorized
8、. Distributor shall be con sidered as an in depe ndent con tractor. 除非比尔照明明确授权, 分销商不应当以比尔照明之名或帐户作出任何担保。 分销商应当被 看成一个独立的合同人。 3. Sales Activities, Sales Targets销售活动、销售目标 3.1 Distributor shall use its best efforts to promote and sell BBIER Lighting and agrees to maintain the orga ni zati on n ecessary a
9、long with adequate sales and tech ni cal support pers onnel and to engage in promotion activities in order to provide for aggressive marketing of the BBIER Lighti ng product. 分销商应当尽其所能促进及销售比尔照明产品, 并同意尽量保持充足的销售及技术支持人员, 进行促销活动,以便为产品提供积极的营销。 3.2 BBIER shall furnish Distributor free of charge with produ
10、ct lists, other sales literature and with sales aids in appropriate qua ntities in En glish, distributor can use BBIER logo on its bus in ess card with in sales activity. BBIER shall upon request of Dealer and at terms and con diti ons to be agreed upon on a case by case basis, assist Distributor in
11、 specific promotional activities. 比尔照明应当向分销商免费提供适当数量的英文产品清单、 其它产品印刷品及销售援助,分 销商可以在名片上印比尔照明的 LOGO,但仅限于从事销售活动。比尔照明应当根据分销商 的要求并在双方同意的条件下,协助分销商进行具体的促销活动 3.3 BBIER shall provide Dealer adequate technical service if and when necessary, subject to mutual prior agreeme nt. 基于双方协议,如果可能,比尔照明应向分销商提供足够的技术服务。 3.4
12、 BBIER agrees to provide reas on able sales and tech ni cal trai ning on the Light ing Product for Distributor s personnel. 比尔照明同意向分销商提供合理的产品销售及技术培训。 3.5 BBIER will tran sfer future bus in ess leads from these two coun tries to Dealer(i nternet inq uiries, direct inq uiries by e - mail, at fairs etc
13、). Dealer will provide feedback on all bus in ess leads that BBIER will have sent. 比尔照明将向分销商分享未来的一些贸易信息 (如网络询价,直接邮件询盘,展会询盘),而分 销商将这些信息的跟踪结果反馈给比尔照明 . 3.6 For annual agreeme nt sales targets shall be mutually agreed betwee n Dealer and BBIER. The target in 2016 since both sides reach the agreement sho
14、uld be reach to _ ; target for 2017 should be _ . Dealer shall use its best en deavors to reach these targets. 根据双方条款,分销商应尽力达成年度销售目标。 自本合约签定之日起第一年内销售目标最 低为 _ 万美金,第二年最低为 _ 万美金。 3.7 Both will maintain a list of Design - Wins; so that no matter purchase order is from _ Company or any Global Distributor
15、 or any OEM, BBIER will pay _ % Design - Win fee as long as the customer purchases this item or duri ng the project life. 双方将达成“设计-双赢”的客户清单,无论客户是来自 _ 或是其他国家,只要客户继续购 买或此项目未截止,比尔照明将一直向分销商支付 _ %的所得。 4. Inventory产品库存 4.1 Dealer shall maintain sufficient stock of the Lighing Product as to be able to prov
16、ide prompt deliveries to its customers and satisfy the market requireme nts. 分销商应保持足够的库存以提供及时交货给客户,满足市场要求。 5. Pricing, Terms of Payme nt. Price Changes 价格,付款条件,价格变动 5.1 Prices for the LED Light ing to be purchased by Dealer shall be as set forth with in the valid price list provided by BBIERon perio
17、dic basis. Prices shall be “ FOB Shenzhen” , and include packaging( Remark Purchase order amount more than 20.000 RMB ).Every time BBIER update its sta ndard price list with Distributor, Distributor shall update prices for direct buyers as well.The price for distributor should be at least 10% lower
18、tha n the price for direct buyers (from _ ) of BBIER 分销商购买的产品价格应在比尔提供的有效产品价格单期间内,价格为“ FOB深圳”,包括 包装(备注:订单金额不小于 20000人民币)。比尔照明向分销商更新价格时,分销商应向其 直接客户更新价格.分销商购买的产品价格应比其他 的客户直接从比尔照明购买的价格 至少低10%. 5.2 Dealer shall pay 100% in adva nee before shipme nt; all payme nts shall be made in USD, except that it is a
19、greed upon otherwise, to the bank acco unt of BBIER. The future payme nt terms shall be discussed betwee n two parties. 本合约签定之日起,双方交易应当发货前 100%付款,所有款项以美金支付到比尔照明帐户 , 除双方另有协定外。未来的支付方式,双方可协商。 6. Orders, Deliveries, Returns 订单、交货、退货 6.1 BBIER shall use reas on able efforts to adhere to delivery schedule
20、s requested by Dealer and shall inform Dealer without delay of un foresee n or un suspected circumsta nces preve nti ng such timely delivery .In case BBIER cannot adhere to the agreed delivery date, it shall without delay inform Dealer and Parties shall confirm a reas on able grace period. 应要求,比尔照明应
21、尽力达成预订的交期, 因意外或无法预见的状况导致交货延迟需及时通 知,一旦比尔照明无法达成双方约定的交期,应当立即通知分销商确定合理的宽限期。 6.2 In the event that BBIER determ ines to disc on ti nue the producti on of a LED Light ing product, BBIER shall inform Dealer hereof in writ ing three mon ths prior to the last possible delivery date due to such disc on ti nua
22、nce. Distributor may, in order to cover its rema ining dema nd, place orders un til three mon ths after receipt of such disc ontin uati on no tice at the latest. 当比尔照明停止生产一种产品时, 应以书面形式在最后的交货日期前三个月通知, 为了满足 剩余订单的需求,收到停止生产后的三个月内下达最新订单。 6.3 All orders placed by Dealer shall be ack no wledged by BBIER. D
23、elivery schedules by BBIER shall be con firmed by Dealer. 分销商下达的所有订单,应与比尔照明确认;比尔照明的所有交货计划应与分销商进行确认。 7. Title and Risk权利与风险 7.1 BBIER reta ins title to the LED Lighti ng product un til it has received from Dealer all payme nts due for such LED lighting product, provided, such retention of the title t
24、o the LED lighting product is solely for the security of the payment from the Dealer and risk of loss of the LED lighting product shall pass to Dealer upon delivery thereof to Dealer. 在收到付款之前,比尔照明拥有对该产品所有权。 保留该产品的所有权是为付款安全及产品 风险,只有在交货之后,产品所有权才转移至分销商。 8. Use of the Name and Trademark of BBIER比尔照明商标和名
25、称的使用 8.1 No reference to the trade n ame and trademark BBIER shall be made on Dealers stati on ery, sales promotion, public occasion, internet publicity, media or other written material, without the prior written approval of BBIER. This approval may be revoked by BBIER at any time. 未经比尔照明书面同意,不可在其信笺
26、、促销、公开场合、网络宣传、媒体平面资料及其书 面材料上使用比尔照明名称及商标。 8.2 Dealer shall not, duri ng the term of this Agreeme nt or after its expirati on or term in ati on, register or apply to register any trademarks or service marks which are identical to or similar with BBIER s trademarks and/or service marks. 在协议期间或期满或协议终止后,
27、 不得注册或申请与任何比尔照明相同或相似的商标或服务 标记。 8.3 Un less otherwise agreed betwee n the parties, upon term in ati on of this Agreeme nt, Dealer shall immediately cease to use in any manner whatsoever the trade n ame and trademark BBIER as well as any other trade n ames or trademarks in which BBIER has any rights.
28、本协议终止后,应立即停止以任何方式使用比尔照明名称及商标, 及比尔照明拥有任何权利 的其它任何产品商标及商标名称,双方另有约定除外。 9. Advertis ing 广告宣传 9.1 Dealer shall advertise and promote the LED Lighting Product in a manner intended to achieve optimum developme nt of the bus in ess and in accorda nee with BBIER s advertis ing directives. Distributor shall ag
29、ree any major advertis ing campaig n with BBIER. 应在一定程度上宣传及推销比尔照明产品并与比尔照明广告方向一致,以达成良好发展 ,分 销商应同意比尔照明的任何主要广告宣传活动。 9.2 Following agreement by the Parties, BBIER shall advise Dealer concerning planning, organizing and implementation of advertising for the LED Ligthing product. In addition, BBIER shall
30、supply Dealer with sufficie nt advertis ing material and other docume nts n eeded for Dealers own product ion of advertis ing material. 按双方协定,关于产品的计划、组织、实施及宣传,比尔照明应告知分销商。比尔照明应提 供宣传使用的足够的广告材料样本及其它必需的素材供分销商做宣传材料。 10. Warranty.保证 10.1 BBIER warrants that the LED Lighting product materially comply with
31、the specifications provided by BBIER, are of merchantable quality and fit for purpose, and free from defects, provided that BBIERshall not be responsible for defects arising out of parts, software, design, materials or in struct ions provided by Dealer or its customers. 比尔照明保证产品材料按照比尔照明提供的规格书生产, 并保证
32、品质可用于销售目的, 且无 缺陷。如因分销商或其客户提供的零件、软件、设计、材料或指示造成产品缺陷,比尔照明 不承担责任。 10.2 For in door (plastic case) and ope n frame LED Light ing product , the warra nty period shall be thirty - nine mon ths (in cludi ng 3 mon ths shipp ing time ) start ing on the date of delivery to Distributor. For outdoor LED Lighting
33、 product (aluminum case), the warranty period shall be sixty mon ths (in cludi ng 3 mon ths shipp ing time ) start ing on the date of delivery to Dealer. Un der special circumstances (such as low cost solution), BBIER shall notice Dealer in advanee. 室内(塑料胶壳)及裸板电源保修期限为向交货之日起 39个月(包括3个月运输期);室外电 源(金属铝壳
34、)保修期限为向交货之日起 60个月(包括3个月运输期)。如遇特殊情况(如 低成本方案),比尔照明应提前通知。 10.3 BBIER shall take releva nt resp on sibilities for the quality issue which caused by BBIER,a nd cooperate with Dealer to solve the quality issue and satisfy customers. 因比尔照明造成的品质问题, 比尔照明应承担相应的责任并积极配合处理, 尽最大努力使客 户满意。 10.4 BBIER shall take rel
35、eva nt resp on sibilities for the loss of Dealer, aris ing out of the LED Light ing product purchased from BBIER and the quality or in tellectual property right dispute judged by the arbitrati on in stituti on as appo in ted in this Agreeme nt. 比尔照明所售产品由本协议约定的仲裁机构判定, 应归责于比尔照明的品质责任或知识产权 争议,给造成的损失,由比尔
36、照明承担相应的责任。 (a) The dispute arising out of the LED Lighting product quality or intellectual property right; 产品品质问题和知识产权问题引起的纠纷; (b) It shall be resolved by the arbitrati on in stituti on appo in ted in this Agreeme nt with the China Intern ati onal Econo mic and Trade Arbitrati on Commissio n that it
37、 is in deed BBIER s resp on sibility; 必须由本协议约定的仲裁机构 (中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会) 判定确实属于比尔照明责任; (c) BBIER shall bear corresp onding resp on sibility for compe nsati on accord ing to the judgme nt of this arbitrati on in stituti on; 根据该仲裁机构的判定承担相应的赔偿责任; 11. Term and Termin ati on 协议条款及终止 11.1 协议自签署之日起牛效,有效期三年。 Thi
38、s Agreeme nt shall become effective on the date of sig nature and shall be valid for three years. BBIER shall be en titled to term in ate this Agreeme nt in adva nce without being in breach of con tract, if the Dealer has not reached _ in one year after sig ning this Agreeme nt. 协议自签署之日起生效, 有效期三年。若在
39、协议签署后一年内销售额未达到 _ ,比尔照明 可视情况提前终止本协议,不构成违约。 11.2 Either Party is en titled to termi nate this Agreeme nt by writte n no tice with immediate effect if: 如发生以下状况,任何一方有权以书面通知的形式终止本协议,并立即生效: (a) The other Party becomes in solve nt or otherwise proceeds in ban kruptcy; and 另一方破产或正在申请破产; (b) The other Party
40、has materially breached its obligations under this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) days from the receipt of a written notice of the non - breaching Party. 另一方实质上违反本协议义务并于收到守约方书面通知 30日内未实行弥补措施。 11.3 Dealer shouldn tbecome dealer of another company who has same product range
41、 as BBIER, to avoid market cn flicts. In case of Distributor does n t want to con ti nue the bus in ess of LED Lighting, or Dealer has a plan to acquisition of another LED Lighting company, the Dealer should no tice BBIER three mon ths in adva nce.Otherwise, BBIER shall termi nate this Agreeme nt wi
42、thout being in breach of con tract, and take charge of all the customers, Distributor should not cooperate with them with in eightee n( 18) mon ths. 分销商不得直接或间接与比尔照明从事相同行业的任何实体进行任何形式的合作, 比尔照明 有权要求停止此种违约行为。 如遇特殊情况(如客户出现合并, 且其中一方为LED照明企业 的),应提前告知比尔照明。否则比尔照明有权与终止合同,不构成违约,并且接手所有客 户,在18个月内不可与这些客户进行任何形式的合作
43、。 11.4 Dealer is in arrears with respect to its payme nt obligati ons (e.g. the acco unt is more tha n 30 days overdue) and fails to make payme nt withi n ten (10) days from the receipt of writte n no tice of BBIER. Distributor must pay extra 0.1% per day of the total amount payment from the deadlin
44、e. 分销商拖欠履行付款义务 (例如延期30天)或收到比尔照明书面通知后 10日内不予付款的, 逾期付款的按应付款项的日千分之一向比尔照明支付违约金。 11.5 In the eve nt either Party issues a term in ati on no tice to the other Party, BBIER reserves the right to change the payment terms for all outstanding orders in its own discretion, whether those orders were already acc
45、epted by BBIER at the time the term in ati on no tice is served or not. BBIER s right to cha nge the payme nt terms shall apply irrespective of what the Parties have agreed in clause 6.2 above. 任何一方发出合作终止通知给另一方, 比尔照明保留自行更改未完成订单付款条件权利, 不 管那些订单是否在发出合作终止通知时已经被比尔照明接受。 比尔照明更改付款条件的权利, 不受以上6.2条款的影响。 11.6 D
46、ealer shall be entitled to sell LED Ligthting product it purchased from BBIER even after the termin atio n of this Agreeme nt. After con tract term in ati on betwee n BBIER and Dealer, BBIER will pay Dealer amount of commissi on if BBIER con ti nues to cooperate with clie nts which Dealer in troduce
47、d to BBIER, commissi on rate n eed to be determ ined betwee n BBIER and Dealer. 即使本协议终止,有权出售自比尔照明采购的产品。 在与比尔照明解除合约后, 若比尔照明 继续与介绍的客户合作,需付一定比例的佣金,具体佣金比例由双方协商确定。 12. Notices 通知 All no tices which any of the Parties is required or desires to serve upon the others pursua nt to the terms of this Agreeme n
48、t shall be in writi ng and shall be delivered to the follow ing addresses: 按照协议,双方来往函件应当以书面形式递送以下地址: 13. Dispute Resoluti on 争端解决 The Parties shall, in good faith, make an effort to settle amicably any dispute or differe nee aris ing out of or result ing from this Agreeme nt, its Ann exes or an cili
49、ary agreeme nts regard ing its performanee. Any claims, differences or disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreeme nt shall be referred to and fin ally resolved by arbitrati on with the Chi na Intern ati onal Econo mic and Trade Arbitrati on Commissio n, South Chi na Bran ch. 协议双方应当真诚的, 友好的努力解决任何因此协议、 附件或有关实施的辅助协议产生的任 何争端。任何由此或与此协议有关的索赔、 分歧或争端应当最终交由中国国际经济贸易委员 会华南分会仲裁解决。 14. Applicable Law 适用法律 The contractual relations between the Parties shall be governed by the provisions of th
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- 经方治疗脑梗塞的体会
- 新版DFMEA基础知识解析与运用-培训教材
- 制氮机操作安全规程
- 衡水市出租车驾驶员从业资格区域科目考试题库(全真题库)
- 护理安全用氧培训课件
- 《三国演义》中人物性格探析研究性课题报告
- 注册电气工程师公共基础高数辅导课件
- 土方劳务分包合同中铁十一局