



1、原文地址:逻辑分析与口译笔记 作者:cableI Theory and skills逻辑分析的目的:透彻地理解原语讲话的内容,对信息的点(具体的信息内容)、线(各点 之间的联系)和面(即整体概念)进行全面的把握,以便于记忆和表达。信息经过分析加工,便能在记忆中留下更深的印象。版权文档,请勿用做商业用途点(具体的信息内容)线(各点之间的联系)面(即整体概念)逻辑分析练习:纵向分析和横向分析练习。1纵向分析的训练方法:(1) 逻辑分层训练:在听完一篇讲话后首先用一句话概括出讲话的中心内容,这是逻辑的最上层;围绕这一中心问题讲话人谈了哪几个方面的内容,这是第二层关系;每个方面又具体谈了些什么,这是逻

2、辑的下一个层次。例如:第一课的练习1.1介绍了三种错误的饭后习惯,这三种习惯分别是:饭后立即吃水果、喝茶 和散步;针对每一种错误习惯,分析了其原因,提出了正确的做法;在原因里又提到几种原因,分别是 。就这样将信息一层一层地剖析下去,形成一个清晰的逻辑线路图,然后按照逻辑线路对原语讲话进行复述,复述时不必拘泥于原语的顺序和结构。版权文档,请勿用做商业用途2、横向分析的练习:找出信息之间的逻辑关系。一般的信息结构都遵从一定的逻辑关系模 式,如:概括(generalization) : to sum up, in summary, in conclusion, in brief, in short,

3、 on the whole ; 版 权文档,请勿用做商业用途丿顺序(seque ncing):first, sec ond, furthermore, before, precedi ng, duri ng, whe n, fin ally, mean while;版权文档,请勿用做商业用途分类 (classificati on ): fall into various forms, in differe nt forms; categorized into four kin ds;版权文档,请勿用做商业用途因果(cause-effect) : so, since, because, as a

4、 result, consequently, lead to版权文档,请勿用做商业用 途对比对照(compare & con trast) : on the other hand, on the con trary, otherwise, in stead, still, yet, whereas, differently版权文档,请勿用做商业用途按照时间、空间、步骤、重要性的顺序排列( seque ncin g)歹卩举(sample listing ) : for example, such as, listed as follows;版权文档,请勿用做商业用途提出问题-解决问题(p

5、roblem-solution )逻辑分析要求在听取信息时不是被动地接收,而是在全神贯注地收听的同时,结合自己对口译情境和讲话人背景的了解,进行合理的分析和预测,这样才能更好地跟上讲话人的思路, 缓解 听”的压力,使口译理解更轻松更准确。版权文档,请勿用做商业用途II Skills practiceTeach ing suggesti ons: Tell the stude nts to form a mind picture or logic tree while liste ning, trying to associate main points with the corresp ond

6、ing sub-po in ts, and the n do the retell ing to check the effectiveness of their logic analysis.版权文档,请勿用做商业用途Instruction: retell the passage, paying attention to the logic 版权文档,请勿用做商业用途2.1 Why are girls not as good at math and science?Girls don't do as well at maths and science as boys.( gls 介

7、bys mth +sns)版权文档,请勿用做商业 用途There are several reas ons for this. (svl rns)(1) The first and most important reason is ( 1 , MIR)版权文档,请勿用做商业用途that they aren't encouraged to play with toys (gls notw pl版权文档by请勿用做商业用途that build up interest in math and scienee problems( bdup 兴,mth + sns )版权文档,请勿用做商业用途a

8、nd that build skills for problem solvi ng or un dersta nding how things work. (bd skills pblm slv n or undstdn how things wk)版权文档,请勿用做商业用途Girls are encouragedto play with toys (glsw to ply with toys)that help foster Ianguage and human relations skills. (foster L + HRS)版权文档,请勿用做商业用途As a result,they c

9、an grow up not knowing how an engine works or how to build a model fromdirect ions. ( /, grow up nt knowing how an engine wks or h to bd a mdl from drens) 版权文档,请勿用做商业用途(2) Second, studies have shown that teachers don't expect girls to be good at math 版权文档,请 勿用做商业用途(2nd, tchers x gls be gd at mth

10、)Even female math and scie nee teachers pay more atte nti on to boys in class and call on boys more ofte n. Because teachers don't expect girls to excel, they don't try very hard, and soon girls are far behi nd boys in these studies.版权文档,请勿用做商业用途(evn, F mth + sns Ts PMA to bys in klas, / Ts

11、x expt gls to excel,sn gls r far bhd bys in mth + sns)版权文档,请勿用做商业用途(3) Finally, girls don't have many role models to look up to ( 崇拜的角色榜样 )版权文档,请勿用做 商业用途(F, gls dnt hv many Rs to Lk up to)Not very many math and scie nee teachers are wome n, especially in the later grades. When the media picture

12、mathematicia ns and scie ntists, they usually picture men. As a result, girls aren't in spired to choose these fields as careers版 权文档,请勿用做商业用途(not many mts +sns Ts r wome n, esp, in Later grades. Wn media pcture S X J + K X J, they usu. pcture men.二,gls r not in spired to choose these flds as ca

13、reers )版权文档,请勿用做商业用途(4) In summary, several factors work together at home, in schools, and in society at large to send a subtle message (微妙的信号)to girls. Girls almost always get the message版权文档,请勿用做商业用途As a result, few girls excel at maths and science.(in sum, svl fktors wk tgze in the H, Sguls, in S

14、cty to msg to gls, gls gt the msg, /, few gls exsl at mth +sns)版权文档,请勿用做商业用途Topic SGirls don't do as well at maths and science as boys.M. ReasonsNot to play with toys that help build up interest in Maths and ScienceTs not expect gls to be good at M and S.Gls dnt have many role models to L K P to

15、.ConclusionAs a result, few girls excel at maths and science.DetailsGls a to P with Toys that help foster H R skillsEvn F M & S Ts PMA to bys, dnt expt gls to excel, gls lag far bhd bys in M + SNot many women M + S, media focus on Man M + S , gls not inspired to choose these as their careers笔记:(

16、gls 介 bys mth +sns)(svl rns)版权文档,请勿用做商业用途st(1 , MIR)(gls not 3 ply with toys)(bdup 兴,mth + sns )(bd skills pblm slv n or un dstd n how thi ngs wk)(gls 3 to ply with toys)(foster L + HR 技)(, grow up nt knowing how an engine wks or h to bd a mdl from drc ns) 版权文档,请勿用做商业用途版权文档,请勿用做商业用途(2nd, tchers x expt,gls be gd at mth)(evn, F mth + sns Ts PMA to bys in klas,/ Ts x expt gls to excel,soon gls r far bhd bys in mths +sns)版权文档,请勿用做商业用途版权文档,请勿用做 商业用途(F, gls dnt hv many R models to Lk up to)(not many mts +sns Ts r wome n, esp, in Later grades. Wn


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