1、浅论媒介对信息传递的影响(1)论文摘要在人类社会发展的不同时期,信息的传递有着不同的方式,不同的传递方式又依存于不同的栽体,由于载体的差异性,导致信息传递也有着各自的特点,从而对信息的传递效果产生一定的影响。 论文关键词信息传播;媒介;受众;社会发展 中西方的传播学学者对“传播”有着不同的霸法和解释,但是他们都认为传播是一种信息的交流,对传播者和接受者都会产生一定的影响。从拉斯威尔提出的传播行为过程五要素(谁传播?传播什么?通过什么渠道传播?向谁传播?传播的效果怎样?)中,可以看出,传播行为是传播源通过一定的媒介,向传播对象传递一定的信息,并对传播对象产生一定的影响的行为方式;它是人类文明发展
2、的必然结果,是传承社会文化、传递经验的必然途径,也是社会进步的标志。 要传递信息就应该通过一定的媒介,关于什么是“媒介”,现代大众传播学之父施拉姆从“工具论”的角度给媒介下了定义。他认为:“媒介就是插入传播过程之中,用以扩大并延伸信息传送的工具。他说,媒介就是大众传播流程的渠道和工具,它起着承载、传递信息给大众的作用。” 回顾人类社会发展的不同时期,可以发现信息的传递是有着不同的方式:在原始社会时期,类人猿是通过观察,然后简单模仿其它猿人的行为从而把一些生存技巧沿续下去,随着人类进化的进一步发展,人们需要表现自己的思想和进行交流,要表达的东西和传递的信息更复杂、更丰富。 简单的模仿和手势已经不
4、响,在这样的情况下对信息正确性的查证几乎是不可能的。 随着文字的产生和纸张的发明,以上所有的不足几乎都得到了弥补,人们可以通过文字,在纸上记录自己的思想,记载发生的事情,表达自己的态度。信息的传递变得更直接,可信度更高;记载在纸上的信息,传递的范围几乎不受地域和时间的限制。文字的诞生和规范,使信息能够被更广泛的流传和被更长期的保存。例如:通过古代的文字记录,现代人可以知道中外几千年前人们的政治情况、生产方式、生活习惯、民风、民俗等,甚至可以知道千年前某一人的生平简况。文字这一传播媒介发挥了语言所不能有的传播优势,让人类文明沿续了下来。印刷术特别是活字印刷技术的诞生和应用,进一步提高了信息传播的
5、质量、速度与效率,使信息和知识第一次得以大规模、广泛的传播,迅速提高了人类的知识水平,是催生文艺复兴和启蒙运动的重要因素之一。Industry&Finance54%Domestic Firms25%Government16%Foreign-funded Firms21%Trade agencies13%Government Officials19%Media4%Diplomats, Foreigners18%Others13%Foreign Business Offices7% Education5% Others5%(source: China Daily 2000 Bulletin)Bes
6、ides, the main audience of CCTV-4 is also Chinese viewers or foreign viewers in China (Sheng Yilai, supervisor of CCTV-4, personal communication, 2000). Also it is true with China Radio International that has started an English service, targeting Chinese listeners in Beijing. As China merges more wi
7、th the world, it would be reasonable to predict that the English media in China cater not only to foreign but to domestic audience.4. Written Style of China EnglishAlthough China has no English-speaking community, the expansion of English-language media in China justifies the necessity for the use o
8、f English even in a Chinese society. Through a content analysis of China Daily reports from 1981 to 1999 in terms of its language treatment (headline, story and choice of wording) and news selection, the writers find a kind of written style of China English has been gradually formed, which is basica
9、lly a mixture characterized by British English spelling, American straight-forward and easy-to-read style and Chinese contents. The list of China English terms is so distinctive that no other newspapers could be found with such a striking China flavor. Besides, China Daily doesnt endorse a flowery u
10、se of English. In this sense, with the Chinese content, the style of China Daily is more like translation of Chinese news with English news structures.Notes:1 The number of CRI listeners is calculated by multiplying 400 with 600,000 listeners letters, a formula obtained from Zhang Zhenhua, the forme
11、r director of CRI.2 The two-week survey is considered long enough for effective survey by ZHANG Maiwen, the chief of the 21st Century website)3 The 200 minimum level is set by Mr. Zhang Maiwen for a valid survey, personal communication on June 18, 2001)REFERENCESChina Apec website: http:/www.apec-CC
12、TV website: Chan, Y. Y. (2000) The English-language media in Hong Kong. World Englishes, 19 (3), 323-334.China Net website: English Weekly website: Huang, H. (2001). The Development History of the Media Industry in China. Shanghai: Fudan University Publishing House, 23.Jiang, W. D. email communicati
13、on: ( wandi) on June 12, 2001Ju S.Y. On the function and past experience of Chinas international communication, in News Theory Research, edited by Xinhua News Research Institute, 11.Li, X. (1997). Introduction of China Features. In Creative Reports of China Daily. Beijing: China Daily.China Medical
14、Journal website: http: /ywjj.htmGuo, C. R. (2000) Xinhua News Agency, China Media in 50 years, Beijing: Beijing Social Sciences Publishing House, 54)Guo, K. (1999) Liberalization and Conservatism as reflected in media development in China since 1978, Journal of Development Communication,
15、Malaysia, 58.Lin, S. J. Case Study of Beijing Review, unpublished manuscript.Nanfang Net website: Shenzhen Daily website: szdailySina website: Statistics on Chinas Newspapers and Journals. (2000) China Journalism Yearbook. Beijing: China Journalism Yearbook Publishing House, 567.21st Century report,
16、 China boosts English, March 29, 2001, from the Strait Times.Yang, R. (1993) On the Strategic Position of English TV Service in Chinas International Communication, unpublished manuscript.Zhang, X. (2001) Introduction of China RaIndustry&Finance54%Domestic Firms25%Government16%Foreign-funded Firms21%
17、Trade agencies13%Government Officials19%Media4%Diplomats, Foreigners18%Others13%Foreign Business Offices7% Education5% Others5%(source: China Daily 2000 Bulletin)Besides, the main audience of CCTV-4 is also Chinese viewers or foreign viewers in China (Sheng Yilai, supervisor of CCTV-4, personal comm
18、unication, 2000). Also it is true with China Radio International that has started an English service, targeting Chinese listeners in Beijing. As China merges more with the world, it would be reasonable to predict that the English media in China cater not only to foreign but to domestic audience.4. W
19、ritten Style of China EnglishAlthough China has no English-speaking community, the expansion of English-language media in China justifies the necessity for the use of English even in a Chinese society. Through a content analysis of China Daily reports from 1981 to 1999 in terms of its language treat
20、ment (headline, story and choice of wording) and news selection, the writers find a kind of written style of China English has been gradually formed, which is basically a mixture characterized by British English spelling, American straight-forward and easy-to-read style and Chinese contents. The lis
21、t of China English terms is so distinctive that no other newspapers could be found with such a striking China flavor. Besides, China Daily doesnt endorse a flowery use of English. In this sense, with the Chinese content, the style of China Daily is more like translation of Chinese news with English
22、news structures.Notes:1 The number of CRI listeners is calculated by multiplying 400 with 600,000 listeners letters, a formula obtained from Zhang Zhenhua, the former director of CRI.2 The two-week survey is considered long enough for effective survey by ZHANG Maiwen, the chief of the 21st Century w
23、ebsite)3 The 200 minimum level is set by Mr. Zhang Maiwen for a valid survey, personal communication on June 18, 2001)REFERENCESChina Apec website: http:/www.apec-CCTV website: Chan, Y. Y. (2000) The English-language media in Hong Kong. World Englishes, 19 (3), 323-334.China Net website: English Wee
24、kly website: Huang, H. (2001). The Development History of the Media Industry in China. Shanghai: Fudan University Publishing House, 23.Jiang, W. D. email communication: ( wandi) on June 12, 2001Ju S.Y. On the function and past experience of Chinas international communication, in News Theory Research, edited by Xinhua News Research Institute, 11.Li, X. (1997). Introduction of China Features. In Creative Reports of China Daily. Beijing: China Daily.China Medical Journal w
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